It’s Great Being A Jew…
Posted by Socrates in Holocaust, holocaust racket, holocaust survivors, Holocaustianity, Jewish arrogance, Jewish chosenness, Jewish greed, jewish hate & hypocrisy, Jews-as-godlike, Jews-as-parasites, judaism, Socrates at 1:30 pm | 
…because gentiles will pay your way – as it should be![1].
[1] under Halachic law (i.e., Jewish religious law), gentiles are “like animals”
6 September, 2011 at 2:51 pm
Mark Rappaport: I always read your posts, but you are too kind to your enemies. Express more of your need for revenge, it would give you the distinct sound of an angry Jew. I believe that whites and blacks should be forced to sleep together, their offspring will be a nice muddy brown. But I also believe that Jews should only breed among themselves, Jews are needed to manage the shops and service a world filled with long lines of black customers.
6 September, 2011 at 2:58 pm
Another terriffic effort. Thanks.
Kikes like to believe that they are the “chosen people” and that “G-d” gave them Kikestan… … Judaism is based on ancient bullshit and it’s time to give it up and move on
6 September, 2011 at 4:21 pm
I survived the Holocaust only because I lived in America, but there was no reason for Germany not to send me reparations. After filling out hundreds of applications and spending thousands in court costs my requests were denied. My appeal was heard in front of an international court and they agreed that if Hitler won the war I would have been gassed. They also declared me to be a Holocaust survivor, but the court was anti-Semitic and refused to award me a dime.
6 September, 2011 at 4:33 pm
Jew comedians… ya gotta love ’em. LMFAO!!
6 September, 2011 at 5:20 pm
“gentiles are “like animals”
I can’t wait for the very soon to arrive opportunity to do my part to prove that this statement is 100 percent truthful.
Gotta go now. Season 5 of Dexter on DVD awaits me. Now, there is a show that White Nationalists need to have a pen and paper handy when they watch it, in order to take copious notes and to borrow a few ideas on what we can do when our ‘animal’ switch is fully engaged.
Itz Coming, oh yea. And, its going to be like the White Race took the most effective laxative ever invented – and all that mud that the jews have pounded up our asses is going to be returned back to the sewers from whence it was born.
6 September, 2011 at 9:36 pm
Did you notice how the article stated there are currently 127,000 Suhvivuhs living in the US? But according to the official Holohoax story only 250,000 Jews made it out of Europe alive after WWII! Just 250,000! So half of all Suhvivuhs are here in the US and still breathing 66 years later? If there were only 250,000 Suhvivuhs then just about all of ’em would be dead by now, would they not? And where did all those millions of Zionist settlers come from who invaded Palestine after WWII? They came mostly from Russia and Europe, that’s where.
Oh, sorry, I forgot…we’re just stupid goy cattle who are incapable of thinking and are too afraid of the Jews to question anything. Bullshit.
6 September, 2011 at 10:38 pm
Well, another post filtered out. Sometimes it’s just not worth the effort.
6 September, 2011 at 10:40 pm
torrence Says:
September 6th, 2011 at 10:35 pm
Comrades – Morris is playing with you. I hope you all are aware of that. Can’t you see how he is pulling your strings to get you to jump around like monkeys? He is so off the wall with his remarks – all designed to stoke your heat and anger – that there is a real comical element I experience as his words work through my mind. Quite honestly, there is that initial shock I feel at first reading, but I can’t help but finishing with a smile and a chuckle. Go back and read their above posts and see if you don’t agree. They’re hitting all the hot buttons on issues they know we are sensitive about and then sit back for the entertainment of reading our replies.
Consider RULE #1: Don’t feel the need to reply OR to thumb their post. You will not convince them of anything and they are robbing you of your time and energy from things more worth while. We CAN do better.
I’ve adopted them as board mascots and don’t think they should be removed. The only reason for removal would be if VNN keyboard-warriors allow their attempts to disrupt and mislead to succeed, owing to our indiscipline and stupidity. And believe me, sad to say, indiscipline and stupidity is a daily pop up here on VNN.
But I will say, as I have acknowledged before, that there are words of wisdom and worthy advice that they share at times. Marc’s observation of there being no shortage of expressions of hate here is probably correct. The Bible proverb of ‘Love what is good, hate what is bad.’ can’t be faulted. I know much of what we hate, but what exactly is it we love?
Here’s a NATIONAL SOCIALIST PRINCIPLE I’ll share with you. It’s Commandment #3 taken from the ‘Nazi-Sozi’, written by Joseph Goebbels, published in 1931, and modified by me for the occasion:
6 September, 2011 at 10:42 pm
Comrades – Morris is playing with you. I hope you all are aware of that. Can’t you see how he is pulling your strings to get you to jump around like monkeys? He is so off the wall with his remarks – all designed to stoke your heat and anger – that there is a real comical element I experience as his words work through my mind. Quite honestly, there is that initial shock I feel at first reading, but I can’t help but finishing with a smile and a chuckle. Go back and read their above posts and see if you don’t agree. They’re hitting all the hot buttons on issues they know we are sensitive about and then sit back for the entertainment of reading our replies.
Consider RULE #1: Don’t feel the need to reply OR to thumb their post. You will not convince them of anything and they are robbing you of your time and energy from things more worth while. We CAN do better.
I’ve adopted them as board mascots and don’t think they should be removed. The only reason for removal would be if VNN keyboard-warriors allow their attempts to disrupt and mislead to succeed, owing to our indiscipline and stupidity. And believe me, sad to say, indiscipline and stupidity is a daily pop up here on VNN.
But I will say, as I have acknowledged before, that there are words of wisdom and worthy advice that they share at times. Marc’s observation of there being no shortage of expressions of hate here is probably correct. The Bible proverb of ‘Love what is good, hate what is bad.’ can’t be faulted. I know much of what we hate, but what exactly is it we love?
Here’s a NATIONAL SOCIALIST PRINCIPLE I’ll share with you. It’s Commandment #3 taken from the ‘Nazi-Sozi’, written by Joseph Goebbels, published in 1931, and modified by me for the occasion:
6 September, 2011 at 10:42 pm
Comrades – Morris is playing with you. I hope you all are aware of that. Can’t you see how he is pulling your strings to get you to jump around like monkeys? He is so off the wall with his remarks – all designed to stoke your heat and anger – that there is a real comical element I experience as his words work through my mind. Quite honestly, there is that initial shock I feel at first reading, but I can’t help but finishing with a smile and a chuckle. Go back and read their above posts and see if you don’t agree. They’re hitting all the hot buttons on issues they know we are sensitive about and then sit back for the entertainment of reading our replies.
Consider RULE #1: Don’t feel the need to reply OR to thumb their post. You will not convince them of anything and they are robbing you of your time and energy from things more worth while. We CAN do better.
6 September, 2011 at 10:50 pm
I’ve sort of adopted Marc and Morris as board mascots and don’t think they should be removed. The only reason for removal would be if VNN keyboard-warriors allow their attempts to disrupt and mislead to succeed, owing to our indiscipline and stupidity. And believe me, sad to say, indiscipline and stupidity is a daily pop up here on VNN.
But I will say, as I’ve acknowledged before, that there are words of wisdom and worthy advice that they share at times. Marc’s observation of there being no shortage of expressions of hate here is probably correct. The Bible proverb of ‘Love what is good, hate what is bad.’ can’t be faulted. I know much of what it is we hate, but what exactly is it we love?
6 September, 2011 at 11:04 pm
Marc says there’s too much hate here. Anyone care to chime in on what there is to love?
I’ll quote Commandment #3 for National Socialists:
“Every National Comrade, even the lowliest, is part of the Community of Folk; love him as you love yourself.”
–from a tract written by Joseph Goebbels in 1931.
6 September, 2011 at 11:06 pm
Marc says there’s too much hate here. Anyone care to chime in on what there is to love?
“Every National Comrade, even the lowliest, is part of the Community of Folk; love him as you love yourself.”
–from a tract written by Joseph Goebbels in 1931.
7 September, 2011 at 12:04 am
morris wise Says:
6 September, 2011 at 2:51 pm
Morris, made me LOL !
7 September, 2011 at 12:08 am
“Every National Comrade, even the lowliest, is part of the Community of Folk; love him as you love yourself.”
–from a tract written by Joseph Goebbels in 1931.
7 September, 2011 at 12:41 am
Horrence, a friendly advice: You should stop posting here. As you found out often enough, nobody at VNN is listening to you, even Socrates’ spam filter is fed up, sick of your contributions.
And don’t worry about our attitude towards Morris Dumb and Crapapott. It makes me (and most others) always SMILE reading their desparate shit-stirring attempts. It’s a pleasure to see the dissapproval ratings they are harvesting!
7 September, 2011 at 2:53 am
Isn’t it typical of a Jew like Rappaport to be criticizing others for what he and his tribe are guilty of? “But we have to show them how much better it is to love and to forgive”. One can easily detect all of the Talmudic hate, venom and hypocrisy in that Kike’s messages.
7 September, 2011 at 4:50 am
Alex Linder, or whomever runs this site, should remove the kikes from this board. No one wants to hear them. They have nothing to add. One only need turn on the TV to hear the ugly Jew expressing his psychosis and really, his comically masked mortal terror in knowing that he is long over due to be exterminated along with all his relatives and with every trace of his foul history.
Were Jews confidant and in control, the last thing they would do is obsessively whistle past the graveyard on this forum.
If anyone can reveal the identities and locations of these Jews, it would be very helpful. These specimens would be fun to torture and, yes, since they aren’t human, to kill after eliciting their confessions.
7 September, 2011 at 5:49 am
Jews, don’t waste your time trying to appeal to our better natures, we don’t have any, we’re only animals. Have you forgotten what your rabbi told you? Better start reading your Talmud.
7 September, 2011 at 7:29 am
like cockroaches, jews are one of natures phenomena that seems nothing short of black flag can kill off, BTW have you ever seen a big circle K on any pesticides? Or mouthwash?
7 September, 2011 at 8:47 am
Mr. Miller appears to me to be crossing the line of acceptable discourse, and exposing VNN for potential harassment, if not outright legal action, by our virulently anti-white controlled Federal Government.
Legitimate white nationalists ought to be smart enough and savvy enough to not use language that produces raging woodies among the scores of Big Sister’s KGB thugs who are already itching for some excuse to shut down valuable pro-white websites and forums.
7 September, 2011 at 9:11 am
Luke, your concerns are noted but if the pigs were to go after Miller for expressing his opinion in the comments section of a website they would also have to arrest countless others who express un-PC opinions on YouTube and who knows how many thousands and thousands of other websites. I suppose if a specific threat was made against a specific Federal judge or politician that might be different. But to be fearful of expressing an opinion online only gives the government undeserved…….
(sounds of front door being kicked in, shouting, heavy boots stomping through the house and stun grenades exploding)
Hey, get that gun out of my face! Do you have a warrant? No, I do not consent to this search! A domestic terrorist? You’re the terrorists! Hey! I didn’t put those disgusting photos in my computer! You’re setting me up! Halp! HALP!!!!!!
7 September, 2011 at 9:43 am
Israel has never experienced a full brain drain, that is what happens when foreign scouts explore a nation for untapped talent. The most clever Jews would then be exported to places where their full potential can be realized. Out of a population of seven million there are an estimated one million high performers. International corporations need talent, that is why the doors of Israel must be opened wide. Orthodox Jews should remain, they are needed to fight off a billion Arabs that want to cut their benefits and burn their Talmud’s.
7 September, 2011 at 10:24 am
The Jews or Jew-imposters Morris and Marc are mastering VNN to their purposes. They are succeeding in maintaining their relevancy, steering the agenda when they can, and as Luke notes, inciting some to dangerous posts thereby jeopardizing this board. Arminius, who I don’t recall having posted in a while, is drawn out by those two. The Marc and Morris Show offers him great entertainment value and he finds vicarious pleasure seeing how we can ‘crush the Jew’ online by upping our disapproval ratings. Amazing how whenever a Jew has something to say, we need to listen.
As I posted above, the Marc and Morris Show offers modest value if they are handled right. “The only reason for removal would be if VNN keyboard-warriors allow their attempts to disrupt and mislead to succeed, owing to our indiscipline and stupidity.”
Their baboonery is working its charm. But with monkeys, that may not be so hard.
7 September, 2011 at 10:50 am
Torrence, you say that we should ignore those two guys Marc and Morris, yet you have written several posts which have dealt exclusively with them! So which is it? Should they be ignored, or should they be scrutinized at length? I say the White Struggle can always use a little comic relief, especially from the Jews, so they ought to be allowed to stay.
7 September, 2011 at 10:58 am
Let’s not be like those Jews and liberals, who are always trying to censor dissenting or politically incorrect points of view. OK, so we have two Jewish clowns in the house who make us laugh. What’s the problem?
7 September, 2011 at 11:43 am
Tim – Good Morning
I’ll comment on Marc or Morris when I feel they post on a matter really pertinent to our Folk Community. If they bring up a topic that is materially relevant to us, then I’ll take the ball and run with it – NOT HOWEVER – in the direction they started the topic in, but in what I feel is helpful to us. One of those two recently commented how VNN expresses a lot of unconstructive hate and endless derision of others, which is something I feel is accurate. So, I took that observation and turned it into something positive for our community by sharing the Goebbels quote. I think that was relevant and I hope it caused a few to reflect on the issue involved. What I don’t see as fruitful is engaging in a discussion directly with them trying to convince them differently on things they hold dear, such as with their daily expressions on the greatness and importance of Jewish people and Israel. But even here, Tim, I see some value on commenting on this disposition of theirs to our benefit.
Many Jews do feel a moral imperative in expressing themselves AS JEWS. They feel this is needed for the betterment of the world. I discussed this matter of the ‘Jewish moral imperative’ in a longer post which didn’t go through and which I failed to copy before submitting. A mistake, I know, and I don’t want to reconstruct the whole thing, but I do need to clarify this idea somewhat. At least one reader responded bent out of shape over it due to the absence of my explanation of what I meant with that. To get to the short of it, my idea is, if there is a Jewish imperative, why then not an Aryan imperative? What is the basis of the Jewish imperative? What is the force behind it? How has it sustained this community for millenia? On what basis can we call for an Aryan imperative? This is tied in somewhat with the religious basis for human existence which I wish to return to shortly.
THINGS CAN BE LEARNED from the Jews, but they are things we must search and learn for ourselves, not being content to sit merely as Gentile students in a world classroom of Jewish instructors.
I would love to write all day on these matters, but today is not a good day for me.
7 September, 2011 at 12:06 pm
News: U.S. Slides, Singapore Rises in Competitiveness Survey
“Western European countries dominated survey’s top 10 economies.”
—’Despite’ 2000 years of Christianity, European man still leads the way. This may be a shock to VNN’s battalion of anti-Christians.
And, the US continues its slide.
7 September, 2011 at 1:26 pm
No problema, Tim. A pair of Moses’ Noses in the house is always good for a laugh.
7 September, 2011 at 1:38 pm
So the west Europeans still dominate the global economy? How would our tea-bagging blight-wingers explain that? You know, the brainless kwanservative blowhards who are always warning us about the evils of socialism? All those western Euro countries are socialist, my Capitalist/”Free Market” foes. Yet they have an excellent mass-transit system (we sure as hell don’t), an excellent national health-care system (we sure as hell don’t) and an excellent public education system (we sure as hell don’t). The only two problems that I can see with those Europeans are their tolerance for subhuman invaders and their Holohoax thought-crime laws.
After the Revolution, there will be only one political party, because only one will be necessary…The White American Socialist Party, or the WASPs. (Not to be confused with White Anglo-Saxon Protestants. Christianity and all other Semitic/Levantine religions will be phased out under the New White Order.)
7 September, 2011 at 1:56 pm
Torrence,what you call the “Jewish imperative” the Jews themselves call Tiqun Olam which means literally “repairing the world”.They see it as their task to bring justice into the world.At least that is the theory.In reality it all too often means subversive activities, ultimately leading to the overthrow of the existing order and the establishment of the Jews themselves as the dominant parasitic class.
As for a name for an equivalent for Whites for what you prefer to call an “Aryan imperative” ,we might consider two terms,both from Europe’s colonial past:1)Mission civilisatrice, 2) the White man’s burden,the first from the French,the second from Rudyard Kipling.Of course just as with the Jews,this idea of “bringing civilization to the world” has led to many hypocritical acts,often meaning just robbery of resources.Still it is an indisputable fact that nearly all civilizations on earth have been developed by whites,directly or indirectly.With indirectly I mean not only that civilizations developed by whites have been adopted by non-whites but also civilizations that have been developed by mixed-whites such as in the Middle East and India.Take away the original “white” element and you end with only a few civilizations developed entirely by non-whites:those of China,Meso-America and Andean America.The majority of civilizations on earth are thus the creation of whites and this leads us to the conclusion that the creation of civilization is the major historical “assignment” of whites.What term shall we use for that?The “white man’s burden” sounds too “racist” and colonialistic to be acceptable in our time.Remains the french term; “mission civilisatrice”,but this too has a colonialist undertone.My proposal is,since the stress should lie on the creation rather than the spreading of civilization, to use the term CREATIVE MISSION.This creativity includes both civilizational elements such as science,technology,political and socio-economical systems,as well the more cultural ones such as art,philosophy ,language and religion.In all these field the white man has been and I think should continue to be creative .That is his mision,the CREATIVE MISSION.What do you think?
7 September, 2011 at 1:57 pm
Torrence,what you call the “Jewish imperative” the Jews themselves call Tiqun Olam which means literally “repairing the world”.They see it as their task to bring justice into the world.At least that is the theory.In reality it all too often means subversive activities, ultimately leading to the overthrow of the existing order and the establishment of the Jews themselves as the dominant parasitic class.
As for a name for an equivalent for Whites for what you prefer to call an “Aryan imperative” ,we might consider two terms,both from Europe’s colonial past:1)Mission civilisatrice, 2) the White man’s burden,the first from the French,the second from Rudyard Kipling.Of course just as with the Jews,this idea of “bringing civilization to the world” has led to many hypocritical acts,often meaning just robbery of resources.Still it is an indisputable fact that nearly all civilizations on earth have been developed by whites,directly or indirectly.With indirectly I mean not only that civilizations developed by whites have been adopted by non-whites but also civilizations that have been developed by mixed-whites such as in the Middle East and India.Take away the original “white” element and you end with only a few civilizations developed entirely by non-whites:those of China,Meso-America and Andean America.The majority of civilizations on earth are thus the creation of whites and this leads us to the conclusion that the creation of civilization is the major historical “assignment” of whites.What term shall we use for that?The “white man’s burden” sounds too “racist” and colonialistic to be acceptable in our time.Remains the french term; “mission civilisatrice”,but this too has a colonialist undertone.My proposal is,since the stress should lie on the creation rather than the spreading of civilization, to use the term CREATIVE MISSION.This creativity includes both civilizational elements such as science,technology,political and socio-economical systems,as well the more cultural ones such as art,philosophy ,language and religion.In all these field the white man has been and I think should continue to be creative .That is his mision,the CREATIVE MISSION.What do you think?
7 September, 2011 at 2:04 pm
This forum is being gentrified by shift Jews in the boiler room at the SPLC.
Luke, you are an fucking idiot. You need to take the Jewish cock out of your mouth.
The only thing that is shutting down this site is the growing passivity of its contributors.
Hey Luke, why don’t you go get a Job with the FBI. I am sure that you can help them define the 1st amendment.
If you idiots look closely, you will see that Morris is the first to post on nearly every thread. Note also, how his style changes between several voices.
You stupid motherfuckers are being monitored 24/7 by an organization.
A Linder needs to do some house cleaning. This shouldn’t be another site for Jewish laffs.
Jeff Sheop will put you in a gas oven.
7 September, 2011 at 2:24 pm
Wise, rappaport, silversteingoldbaumowitz, whatever . ‘”A nose by any other name smells just as foul”. lol
9 September, 2011 at 10:25 am
Miller Says:
7 September, 2011 at 2:04 pm
This forum is being gentrified by shift Jews in the boiler room at the SPLC.
Luke, you are an fucking idiot. You need to take the Jewish cock out of your mouth.
The only thing that is shutting down this site is the growing passivity of its contributors.
Hey Luke, why don’t you go get a Job with the FBI. I am sure that you can help them define the 1st amendment.
If you idiots look closely, you will see that Morris is the first to post on nearly every thread. Note also, how his style changes between several voices.
You stupid motherfuckers are being monitored 24/7 by an organization.
(((A Linder needs to do some house cleaning. This shouldn’t be another site for Jewish laffs.F}}}
Jeff Sheop will put you in a gas oven.
4 4
He calls US whinner’s etc., it has taken years to git rid of some fleas on VNN.
9 September, 2011 at 4:41 pm
Don’t forget this guy:
“Consider: if only folks took more seriously simple thing like INDUCTIVE LOGIC, esp. as it’s applied to investigations, like criminal investigations. And consider further, it wasn’t so long ago that Sherlock Holmes was such a popular character in the popular fiction of the day–even made into a movie series, among many, many other detective thrillers.
For how do investigations proceed, in the inductive manner, “induction” meaning generalization fm observations of particulars? And remember Sherlock’s advice: “once u’ve eliminated the impossible, the remainder, no matter HOW unlikely, is necessary solution/answer.”
Thus the 9-11 suspects are considered, after one considers the crime and the facts thereof. Musselmen COULDN’T have done it–impossible, inconceivable–these are LEAST likely. But who now are MOST LIKELY suspects?–and it’s these now who must PROVE they didn’t do it, providing “alibis.”
Thus not only do the Israelis, MOSSAD, and Jews utterly fail to prove they didn’t do it, BUT they actually confirm they did it, being most heavily involved, as they attempt to intimidating people by means of resorting to and invoking moralism-Pharisaism, telling people they cannot suspect Jews as that would be “anti-semitic” (“immoral”).
CONCLUSION: Inductive logic–it’s simple little thing, truly–just as the facts themselves are “stubborn.” But poor gentile people have lost sight and meaning of such logic–how?–why?–because they’ve been persuaded MORALITY and moralism trumps truth, logic, reason, and reality, and now only what’s “good” and “moral” is what’s true. Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian”
9 September, 2011 at 4:57 pm
Wait, is that Apollonian disguising himself as Shabbos Shabazz? I think so, because Shabbos capitalizes his online moniker, does he not?
Apollonian, he say:”If u’re not Christian u’re not white.”
But, me say: “If u’re Christian u’re not right (as in not right in the head)”.
Honest erections and death to Club Med.