25 March, 2011

Kentucky: Racial Slurs Now Illegal?

Posted by Socrates in free speech, Obama, racism accusations, Socrates, universities at 11:58 am | Permanent Link

Why are police investigating signs at a public university? If the signs were anti-White, do you think the police would be investigating them?


  • 15 Responses to “Kentucky: Racial Slurs Now Illegal?”

    1. Jürgen Says:

      Excellent point, Alex.

      That’s exactly what someone SHOULD do:
      Deliberately place an anti-White sign NEXT
      to an anti-nigger sign and let everyone see
      which one the jew media bitches and moans

    2. M. Kraus Says:

      I can tell you from personal experience that anti-White messages, prominently displayed in public places, are quietly removed by whatever “authority” is in place, and never spoken about in any media. Let me repeat: I tell you that from personal experience.

      If anyone reading this doubts me, try it yourself. Try it carefully. Let me repeat: Try it carefully. It’s a fascinating social experiment, albeit one with a predictable result.

    3. Tim McGreen Says:

      After the White Revolution all our colleges and universities will have to be fumigated. Cultural Communists, man-hating feminists, creepy liberals, queer troublemakers, stupid girls majoring in bullshit, race-mixers and “perpetual students” who are in their 50s, have grey ponytails, wear tie-dye Phish t-shirts, cargo shorts and sandals will all be made examples of by subjecting them to public floggings and executions. Only serious young White people wishing to become doctors or engineers shall be permitted to attend institutions of higher learning. Everyone else will have to grow the hell up and get a job.

    4. Bigduke6 Says:

      a lot of these anti- black signs have been found to be put up by black rabble rousers. Just like that army barracks with swasticas spraypainted on the doors was found during investigation to be the work of blacks stiring up publicity.

    5. Bigduke6 Says:

      Tim McGreen, another great post.

    6. Bigduke6 Says:

      It was just like the rash of black church burnings years ago. The joo media was giddy about the supposed white groups burning black churches. After investigation by law enforcement, fire dept. and insurance investigators it was found most of the churches were torched by blacks for insurance. It was found most outdated church buildings were torched to make way for new building. But the jeu media hardley reported the truth on this.

    7. Howdy Doody Says:

      Any one who has spent a year or more on any state campus with any awarness can only be sickened by what you see and hear!

      Those punks are brain washed before they get there in Too many cases.

      I am sure the exception is that the Science departments have few phucktards, but likely dung miners get there too.

      Good on Kentucky, the strip Mind State No longer.

      http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-8wtJe_TXQ Enjoy!

      Pop corn sutton R.I.P.

    8. Billy Bob Says:

      If we keep getting dumber and fatter, out of shape and losing our hygiene, can we really catch up with them if they’re electing presidents and gaining CEOs? I went to a meeting at Harvard and they were all talking down to us whites because we were fat and ugly, while they were all tight, sophisticated, and tech savvy. They all hit the town while we sat back and talked about our guns. What do we think guys??

    9. Sean Gruber Says:

      On a local university’s general bulletin boards sprinkled ’round campus some Christinsaners tacked up some gentle “meet and eat” flyers for their church group. Not the Westboro Baptist Church – just a namby-pamby typical churchy sheet about love and fellowship and free snacks and such. (Very common here in the South.) Well, the next day the campus kikes of the Hillel had power-stapled flyers directly over these church flyers – and the jew flyers bore only five words, three of them in large, bold letters:

      [name of university] Hillel

      That was all. Just “watch your step.” Meaning, you Christian dogs had better not get comfortable on OUR campus, or else!

      Nobody took down the jew flyers. Too cowed, or too wearily indifferent?

      I myself ripped down and tore up as many as I could.

      Jews are such pleasant people, aren’t they?

    10. Howdy Doody Says:

      Sean Gruber Says:

      26 March, 2011 at 11:30 am

      On a local university’s general bulletin boards sprinkled ’round campus some Christinsaners tacked up some gentle “meet and eat” flyers for their church group. Not the Westboro Baptist Church – just a namby-pamby typical churchy sheet about love and fellowship and free snacks and such. (Very common here in the South.) Well, the next day the campus kikes of the Hillel had power-stapled flyers directly over these church flyers – and the jew flyers bore only five words, three of them in large, bold letters:

      [name of university] Hillel

      That was all. Just “watch your step.” Meaning, you Christian dogs had better not get comfortable on OUR campus, or else!

      Nobody took down the jew flyers. Too cowed, or too wearily indifferent?

      I myself ripped down and tore up as many as I could.

      Jews are such pleasant people, aren’t they?

      3 0


      I would guess that most of the NKVD monitors/trolls on White websites are NOT White straight males.

      We now know they give LIE detectors test to NKVD agents as to if they have joined/posted on a White forum on off duty time,, per thread post I read.

      Since 2001 the year of mass murder and insurance fraud they become openely hostile and arrogant to US, as any one who is awake can plainly see.

      NOW Hilly is openly asking for Billions for our MEDIA to put out better lies World Wide it was on a RT joootube

      Before the internet came in to its own around 1998 a jooish couple lived in a small area for a short time, and so when I still had a TV CNN put a story on about this couple with tears etc. Ther car was spray painted with hate symbols etc. and they said their apartment was smeared with feces and spary paint on the door areas and door.

      Will it ended up they were filmed by a security camera and had done the deed themselves and they owed months of back rent, and so the local DA said he would charge them, and I only heard that by local news as CNN never Uttered one more word.

      Here is the interesting part.

      I got to speak to the retiring editor of the local news paper years after this incident happened in a very small town. The editor told it was not the small townhouse apartment complex that filmed and the owner had no cameras. So I said well who did film them spray painting and damaging their own car in the middle of AM nitht ?

      The editor told me the NKVD was filming them on a stake out, and they turned the film in on the perp’s.

      I would never have know except for a chance meeting with retiring editor of a town where I did not live near.

    11. Howdy Doody Says:

      Forgot to say the part of the survilance filming that was actually done by a NKVD group was kept secret from the public, as I only found out because of by chance personal meeting and then remembering to talk about it to the retiring editor.

    12. Tim McGreen Says:

      Howdy, it’s called the FSB now, not the NKVD.

    13. Howdy Doody Says:

      NKVD is the correct title for the evil of all the Alphabet gang’s.

      Find out what NKVD literally translates to which gang today ?

      It no coincidence.

      One good thing about Putin he literally open the NKVD/KGB/USSR files on who every USSR agent was in every Western Nation.

      How do you like that ?

      Our regime media never like to speak of this, as we know.

    14. Coup d'Etate Says:

      “If the signs were anti-White, do you think the police would be investigating them?”

      No, absolutely not, and it’s because we have civil rights attorneys such as Morris Dees in addition to other jewish groups who have expounded the idea of condemnation exploited against the jewish tribe since WWII by Germans. As a result, any condemnation or labels spouted from any Whites is therefore taboo and is subject to lawsuits. Whites who are discriminated against or treated with hostility by any non-Whites is okay according to jew maggot Morris Dees and his thugs.

      The jewish revenge against all Whites is evident on many levels.

    15. Tim McGreen Says:

      The jewish revenge against all Whites is evident on many levels.

      Revenge??? For what?? The Jews have grown bloated and wealthy at the White Man’s expense, like the friggin’ tapeworms, vampires and ticks that they are.