30 March, 2011

Harold Covington’s Northwest Quartet

Posted by Socrates in book selections, books, Socrates, white nationalism, White Nationalists, White philosophy at 12:21 pm | Permanent Link

by Edmund Connelly.


“I bring up this caveat because whenever I’ve mentioned the name of the author in question, acquaintances whose opinions I respect highly have become unusually agitated in denouncing this man. My point, then, is that it is possible that an individual could be thoroughly objectionable in person yet still merit attention as someone who could materially help our race.”


  • 21 Responses to “Harold Covington’s Northwest Quartet”

    1. Antagonistes Says:

      Well, I don’t know what this guy Covington did to piss off so many, but I have had my eye on buying “The Hill of the Ravens” for quite some time.

      I think I will.

    2. CW-2 Says:

      If Covington’s writing skills are as good as the passages presented we should give his books a chance, if only to cheer ourselves. Anyway, we need to drink deep from the fighting cup of our warrior ancestors.

    3. Tim McGreen Says:

      Chubbington is no warrior, neither of the pen nor of the sword. I would strongly encourage you to look elsewhere for your heroes and leaders.

    4. Antagonistes Says:

      Tim, why? Could you explain, please?

    5. Jim Says:

      White Nationalists should think twice before taking Covington’s advice and moving en masse to the Northwest. The jews would like nothing better than to have thousands of race counscious Aryans assembled in one geographical area. It would be better for them than the Great Marianas Turkey Shoot of WW2. At some future date, when ZOG is sufficiently weakened either by financial collapse, natural disaster, or an unraveling of the system because of internal contradictions, an Aryan Republic in the Pacific Northwest may prove to be a viable option. Now, however, with the ‘Kwa at the peak of its evil power, any move to establish a White enclave anywhere on the territory of ZOG would be SUICIDAL!!!!!

    6. Bret Ludwig Says:

      Harold is nuts, bit his novels are a good read, and they get people thinking.

      People need to think about the practical side of survival-and PREVAILMENT-in the Kwa as it is and is likely to become in the future.

      Do you know about the basics like food storage, guns, making your own power, that kind of thing? Moreover, do you know how to deal with cops and feds? Do you know what NOT to do because it screams “survivalist” or “nut job”?

      Thinking about this is of the essence. DOING something based on intelligent thinking even more so.

      I would like to see more WN fiction written with these ideas in mind,as it’s all a lot of people will read. Hence the success of the Turner Diaries.

    7. Jim Says:

      The difference between Dr. Pierce and Harold Covington is that Dr. Pierce NEVER intended the Turner Diaries to be taken literally. Unfortunately, in the early nineteen eighties, a band of brave and dedicated White Warriors attempted to act prematurely upon the plan that Dr. Pierce outlined in his novel. The result was the lifetime incarceration of these brave White men and the setting back of the White Movement for at least twenty years. I have not read Covington’s novels. They may be good as fiction, and convey some valuable messages, but let us always remember that to act prematurely against a VASTLY superior Force (in terms of arms and influence) would be wasting resources we cannot afford to waste. OUR DAY WILL COME. LET US THINK AND ACT WISELY.

    8. CW-2 Says:

      To restate the famous quote, ‘planning and preparation prevents piss-poor performances’. Unless we have a good logistics and communication network totally under our control bravery won’t count for much. When our supplies are safe and secure we can think about denying resources to the enemy. There are many imponderables but I see the conflict occurring mainly in urban areas. Small towns and rural areas should be able to defend themselves and will provide our people with safe havens and resources.

    9. Tim McGreen Says:

      CW-2, ZOG is out in force in the countryside, in places like Idaho and North Dakota, because they know that’s where the White survivalists are. It might therefore be a better plan for White rebels to hide out in the cities, among a huge, diverse and highly transitory population.

    10. Antagonistes Says:

      What did Harold Covington do to you, Tim?

      How has he hurt you?

      Perhaps we could explore your angry feelings?

    11. Bowser Says:

      In Super Mario Bros, Bowser represents the Neanderthals and reptiles who have de-elevated the white race (the white princess or Noble Aryan) the lava represents the blood that has been brought down to a lower level.

      It is not a pro communist game, but an anti communist game. Everytime Mario beats a level, he takes down the “Red” flag. He can get “fire power” but the str power- or soul power, makes him invinsible.

      In Nintendo everytime you beat you were given a code you could apply at the beginning of the game, so you would not have to start over. Sort of like genetic codes- or human evolution. Jews are hump backed things stuck there with the Bowser.

      If Mario is merged in the sea of bad blood he will be liquadated and his genetic solution or formula dis-solved in it forever (why jews encourage anal sex – the ass-it in the butt dis-solves solutions in the head) should he beat the Bowser and free the princess he can rest and all the rest of his worries will be bad dreams (Like Mario 2)

      The Princess can represent a world. As can girls. Aryan men perhaps are of great souls who have saved other worlds in former lifetimes, and now have been sent to secure this planet. When you save a world it feeds your soul, just as planets feed the best “suns.” and the souls of women saved feed the best sons (that is genetic codes passed onto them).

      Cain or jew is the bad son or badstar, and he got the worst girls to chose from. That is why jews look like a cross between a neanderthal and a demon. Cain was a demon and his wife was a “neanderthal.”

    12. Bowser Says:

      Jews lack the soul power of whites, and must feed off of them.

      They are the “badstars” who lack the brilliance of whites, and wish to possess all the white stars in Hollywood. That is why there is such a sharp contrast between white and jewish art, between white constructions and jewish buildings.

      Jews wish to possess all the “white stars” in Hollywood and turn them toward the devil. They spill blood in their ceremonies for this as well, as they believe blood is the river of the soul. They spill it for Lucifer to feed. If you can no longer be the Bearer of the Light, you may as well be the possesser. These weak “badstars” would have been the perfect canidates to help in this likely inter-galactical diabolical conspiracy to take over other world’s by possessing as much soul power as possible. So that their “space ship” or Dragon can break back into the main gate.

      It is lucky that these ugly trolls and toad looking things cannot properly assimilate it, which is why they require white genetics (soul people) food.

    13. New America Says:

      In response to Antagonistes:
      You might want to start with “A Distant Thunder.” I use it to help teach reading to high school graduates. They learn to read, and gain insight to useful ideas, which we discuss at length.

      Covington arouses the animosity of lesser thinkers, who have failed to realize that more than FIFTY YEARS of trying it by Their Rules have led to a “Movement” in name only, that provides entertainment, for our opposition, than effectiveness, for ourselves, and our Posterity.

      The best metaphor for Covington’s opponents is Charlie Brown, trying hapless, week after week, to kick the football Lucy holds, Lucy always ALWAYS pulls away, and openly mocks him for being stupid enough to trust her.

      Keep trying to kick that football, Charlie Brown! Land flat on your fat, bald, half-witted, uninformed, cheap-ass sweater wearing self playing Lucy’s Game by Lucy’s Rules.

      The rest of us will focus on becoming the Living Foundaton of a New Nation, a White Homeland founded explciitly on ONE organizing principle:

      “What is best for the White Race?”

      Funny, that is the one issue the conservatives racial organizaers, save Rockwell and Covington, never bothered to address.

      Wonder why?

      So do I.

      Live your life so YOUR Posterity will be proud of you.

      Focus Northwest.

    14. New America Says:

      In reply to CW-2:

      Good points, as we MUST restore the Primal Masculine to preeminance in our Culture. That the Adversary has undermined Masculinity at all poijts is to be expected, going so far to to do so in the womb. A potential Warrior-Priest Elite, grounded in Masculine Christianity, remains their greatest fear.

      I suspect if Rockwell was alive, as well as leading an above-ground political organization, he would foster the Primal Masculine in our young men, forming Fight Clubs throughout the country, and fostering young men (and the women who support them) into following the excellent advice of VNN/F’s “Hugh,” in his “A World View” thread.

      Think we can follow his example?

      So do I.

      Focus Northwest.

    15. New America Says:

      In reply to Jim:

      You wrote:

      White Nationalists should think twice before taking Covington’s advice and moving en masse to the Northwest. The jews would like nothing better than to have thousands of race conscious Aryans assembled in one geographical area. It would be better for them than the Great Marianas Turkey Shoot of WW2.

      In reply:
      First, we have to help foster the creation and development of hundreds of “race conscious Aryans.”

      They will provide the example for thousands, and they, for thousands upon thousands more.

      When they recover the sense of transcendent purpose and masculine drive their ancestors had, they will fins an entire Homeland waiting for them to claim it, make it theirs, and transform it for THEIR Posterity.

      In the meantime, damn, but the status quo certainly is doing a great job controlling Afghanistan and Iraq, aren’t they?

      We can make a new nation, just as the original English colonists did, in an “All-American, apple pie, strictly legal sort of way.”

      You wrote:

      At some future date, when ZOG is sufficiently weakened either by financial collapse, natural disaster, or an unraveling of the system because of internal contradictions, an Aryan Republic in the Pacific Northwest may prove to be a viable option. Now, however, with the ‘Kwa at the peak of its evil power, any move to establish a White enclave anywhere on the territory of ZOG would be SUICIDAL!!!!!

      In reply:
      Building a White enclave in your Mind would be an excellent place to start.

      Extending that enclave, by your better example, would help form the Living Foundation of the New Nation.

      Extending that enclave to include your immediate Family, and then those of your extended Family, would go even further to forming the Living Foundation of the New Nation, a Northwest Republic.

      You wrote:

      The difference between Dr. Pierce and Harold Covington is that Dr. Pierce NEVER intended the Turner Diaries to be taken literally.

      In reply:
      The differences between Rockwell and Pierce are too many to mention, and the difference between Rockwell and Pierce is amplified by the difference between Pierce and Covington.

      The difference, among others, is between Pierce’s White Zion, and Covington’s Northwest Republic. This topic has already been addressed on this blog.

      The single greatest point of difference remains political effectiveness:

      Rockwell, starting from the bottom up, wanted to form a new political party to represent the White Race. The end, of course, would be a national voice, and national power.

      Covington, starting from the top down, wants to form a new nation, which would be the logical extension of Rockwell’s Dream.

      Pierce avoided all attempts at political organization, and, for the life of me, I do not know why. There was no shortage of support for this, and he had immensely talented people close to hand to help him in this.

      You wrote:

      Unfortunately, in the early nineteen eighties, a band of brave and dedicated White Warriors attempted to act prematurely upon the plan that Dr. Pierce outlined in his novel. The result was the lifetime incarceration of these brave White men and the setting back of the White Movement for at least twenty years.

      In reply:
      No, a group of “brave and dedicated White Warriors” ACTED unwisely upon the plan Dr. Pierce defined in Hunter.

      The result was more than the “incarceration” of good men; it included the tragic death of two of the best hopes we had, Robert Mathews, who had tremendous potential to become a U.S. Senator, and David Eden Lane, who favored the development of an ethnocentric economic and cultural system, leading to the conscious development of communities in the furtherance of that system, which in time could become the Living Foundation of the Northwest Republic.

      And, the “White Movement” never really got started, did it?

      With men like Mathews and Lane alive and working intelligently toward that goal, the “Movement” would be effective, and not just the sad and pathetic entertainment it has become.

      You wrote:

      I have not read Covington’s novels. They may be good as fiction, and convey some valuable messages, but let us always remember that to act prematurely against a VASTLY superior Force (in terms of arms and influence) would be wasting resources we cannot afford to waste.

      In reply:
      Read Covington, and read him deeply.

      The use of force in his novels is purely fictional, and purely defensive. He specifically has advocated against the use of force against the greatest concentration of military and intelligence power in the history of the world.

      This seems to be missing from “Hunter.”

      Best to follow the advice of VNN/F’s “Hugh,” in his “A World View” thread.

      You wrote:


      In reply:
      Again, follow the excellent advice of VNN/F’s “Hugh,” in his “A World View” thread.

      We can accomplish much more than most might dream, and we can do it all in an “All-American, apple-pie, strictly legal, sort of way.”

      Focus Northwest.

    16. New America Says:

      In reply to Tim McGreen:

      You wrote:

      CW-2, ZOG is out in force in the countryside, in places like Idaho and North Dakota, because they know that’s where the White survivalists are. It might therefore be a better plan for White rebels to hide out in the cities, among a huge, diverse and highly transitory population.

      In reply:
      White “rebels?”

      How about White LEADERS, and where will the White LEADERS come from?

      “…hide out in the cities?”

      Which one?

      South Central Los Angeles, or South Side Chicago?

      Disunited in focus and purpose, we are easily divided, and conquered.

      United in focus and purpose, we conquered continents then, and can conquer the Stars, in time.

      We must first conquer ourselves, and overcome the demoralization that has ruled our Minds for too damn long.

      We must become the Men our Ancestors were, but tougher, smarter, more focused, and more disciplined.

      We must begin to form the Warrior-Priest Caste within ourselves, and in our Families, and our Communities.

      Grow UP, Children.

      Focus Northwest.

    17. Thom McQueen Says:

      New America, I think you are really that Farmhand Oreilly guy.

    18. New America Says:

      In reply to Thom McQueen:

      As a Child you are many things; as an Adult, to a remarkable degree, you are what you do.

      Rockwell held up a Freudian Mirror the majority – the overwhelming majority of the Males of HIS Race and HIS Time simply refused to look at, for fear that he might be right, however remotely, on one thing – one thing that mattered.

      If Rockwell was right in THAT, he just might be right in a lot more than that.

      The Wallace Presidential Campaign scared the System; coming from nowhere, unprofessionally managed, and grossly unfunded, it pulled real numbers. These would be people who, if Wallace had paved the way, would have found Rockwell – who by then would be wearing the Brooks Brothers business suit as his new uniform – acceptable.

      This might, in time, have led to a true revolution, as people could look behind the scenes, and seen the Puppetmasters, seen the common thread of community and purpose that united all of the leadership o both parties.

      A Rockwell run in 1972 might have paved the way for a Robert Mathews run in 1992, certainly for Senator, and perhaps, President.

      For those who might object to this, compare the dynamic, personable, charming Robert Mathews with Ross Perot. Perot’s money, and more than twenty years of developing a political skillset, would have made a Mathews campaign a defining national moment.

      To use the counterfactuals to remind one and all of what is possible, and what we could lay the foundation to make probable, given time, skills, and practice, using the ideas defined by VNN/F’s “Hugh.”

      I think – I have written this elsewhere here – the problem with David Lane is that he went looking for White Nationalism, as he thought he heard Pierce define it, without realizing he could BE one of the Founders of a new, dynamic, realistic, White Nationalism. Thus, the tragedy of his death is all the more ironic.

      He did not realize he would HAVE to be one of the Founders, as no one else wanted the job.

      I have drawn the most important linkage between Rockwell and Covington, which is a focus on political effectiveness.

      Lane, and Mathews, went looking for a fantasy, a fantasy supplied to them by Others.

      They went through one Looking Glass, but never took the Red Pill.

      Again, I mention the point “Hugh” implicitly makes, repeatedly:

      Suppose we were in political power tomorrow. What would we DO, and HOW would we do it?

      Covington summed it up best; we would be like the dog that caught the car. “Now what?”

      What was missing from White Nationalism between Rockwell and Covington was the very foundation of political effectiveness; not fantasies about one man capping interracial couples, and other such nonsense.

      What was needed was the ability to answer the First Question of Practical Politics:

      “Why should I support you?”

      We’ve never really answered that question, and I have my suspicions about why that has been.

      We’ve been great for providing tonight’s entertainment (the Pierce/Strom ADV’s), and worthless at providing political solutions to political problems.

      I can’t help but wonder why this has been all but an official policy of those who claim to speak for White Nationalism.

      I read Covington’s “A Distant Thunder,” and it hit me.

      At BEST, collectively, politically, we’ve been Charlie Brown, from the comic strip; at worst, we’ve been Homer Simpson. Both are fat, bald, poorly dressed clowns and buffoons, who are clueless; both play Games defined by Others, under Rules defined by Others, under the Words and Phrases defined by Others, and both never really wonder why they are running the Red Queen’s Race – IF they are aware that they are in a Race at all.

      In short, they are eternal Children, always baffled by the world of the Adult.

      Charlie Brown could never run for political office, and Homer Simpson could never answer the First Question of Politics.

      Rockwell could, and Covington can.

      That returns us to Lane and Mathews, who heard one Message, and acted on it, as it was Suggested to them to do.

      They never took control, and died tragic deaths.

      Again, no political maturity among the “Leadership” of White Nationalism.

      I use to wonder why, but I wonder no more.

      We will have to learn quickly, and the place to start is Covington’s Northwest novels, and the ideas provided by VNN/F’s “Hugh.”

      First, there was NEVER a White Nationalist “Movement.”

      Why is that?

      Because – read closely:

      “The Foundation of a Movement is a CAUSE.”

      Short Essay Question One:

      Define the Cause behind White Nationalism.

      Shortest Answer:

      Fourteen Words.

      Short Essay Question Two:

      Define the Goal of White Nationalism, and answer the First Question of Politics with it.

      Shortest Answer:

      End the genocide of White Children, and create a Racial Homeland where none may make afraid.

      Rockwell and Covington has these down cold.

      No one else had the intellectual honesty and moral courage to stop playing Charlie Brown, and providing the night’s entertainment, for those who laughed at us, who laughed at Dr. Revilo Oliver’s attempts to Awaken the conservatives, who laughed at obese “Nazis” wearing ununiform uniforms, and doing a better job building business for Temple Sinai than making political headway for our Children, our Posterity, our Race.

      Linder said there is no intelligent opposition to White Nationalism.

      He’s right.

      There is also no substantive, intelligent, politically effective support for White Nationalism.

      This is the issue addressed in part by Rockwell, in part by VNN’F’s “Hugh,” and pretty much in its totality by Harold Covington, and the Northwest Republic as an Analytical Model.

      So, let me paraphrase Alex Linder:

      There is no intelligent opposition to the Northwest Republic.

      With a Cause, you can have a Movement.

      The Cause, writ small: Fourteen Words.

      The Cause, writ large: Ending the genocide of White Children (Bob Whitaker’s Mantra).

      The Cause, writ larger: The Northwest Republic, a Racial Homeland for the White Race.

      Think of the world your Children, your Grandchildren, your Posterity will live in.

      Now, what would a much better world look like?

      There is no intelligent opposition to a Northwest Republic as a White Racial Homeland.


      Its foundation can be defined in two words:

      Focus Northwest

      Start where you are; it’s a very good place to start.

      Start now.

    19. New America Says:

      Thom, thanks for helping me to clear up my thinking.

      I have asked, in the past, for Covington’s critics to develop a counterfactual history of the future, say, the next twenty to fifty years. I did so, starting with an address by Senator Robert Mathews, and the William Luther Pierce Memorial Chapel at the Sandpoint Military Academy.

      No one has ever replied.

      I think they are afraid.

      I don’t want this to be reduced to personal, ad hominem attacks, particularly as I have not mentioned any person personally.

      I would ask any of Covingtons critics to:

      (1) define “White Nationalism”;

      (2) define a competent political theme for White Nationalism;

      (3) define how White Nationalism has become pretty much the laughingstock of American political discourse, and how the past White National leadership (using THAT term loosely) let that happen

      (4) write a short letter to their hypothetical grandchildren/great-grandchildren/Posterity dated for them to open fifty years from now. In this letter, describe how things are, how things became, and what you did to make their world a brighter, better place. Is yours a letter of pride, or apology? Describe what they see outside their bedroom windows when they wake up in the morning, and contrast that with what they would be seeing and hearing if you had done nothing, sat on your hands, and hoped SOMEONE would, magically, MAKE THINGS BETTER. Extend this to include the rest of their day. Are they running from vicious Third World gang assaults, or are they running to a meeting with their friends in what the Boy/Girl Scouts SHOULD be?

      No one has ever undertaken to write a counterfactual, even of a few sentences, to my counterfactual.

      No one.


      Know why that is?

      There is no intelligent opposition to a Northwest Republic.

      Covington’s critics are simply not Adult enough to deal with this.

      Think of this tonight, those of you who are reading this, and have (or want to have) Children, and Grandchildren.

      What kind of world do you want them to live in, and what are you DOING to make that happen? What are you DOING to succeed where everyone between Rockwell and Covington failed?

      Focus Northwest.

    20. New America Says:

      I find it fascinating that Rawles – former intel officer, smart guy, known leader type – agrees with Harold Covington’s consclusions about WHAT TO DO, for different reasons.

      James Rawles agrees:


      Rawles lays out all of the foundational mechanics of why, and how, to take The Gap; I might add, if not for your sake, then the sake of YOUR Children, YOUR Grandchildren, and YOUR Posterity.

      Again, Mr. McQueen, if you’re still reading this, note that no one has accepted my Challenge in the above posts.


      There is no intelligent opposition to the Norhwest Republic.

      Focus Northwest

    21. Richard Says:

      Waiting for a leader? That leader will arise only when the Folk are ready for leadership. And when will that time come? Only when the Folk become so desperately aggrieved that the provocations to action outweigh the occupation government’s opiates of pacification. And that time may be sooner than you think.