17 March, 2011

A ‘New Right’ Website

Posted by Socrates in 'New Right', Socrates, white nationalism, White Nationalists, White philosophy, White thought, William Pierce at 4:14 pm | Permanent Link

A few interesting things can be found here. New Right ideology is a little more “progressive” than the standard William Pierce-type ideology. Pierce was a hard-liner and that, I’m sure most of you would agree, is exactly what is needed in the WN movement. Why should we accept queers, for example, in the movement? The New Right also tends to be rather intellectual, which can be an Achille’s Heel, e.g., you can over-analyze everything and get yourself bogged down in minutiae, things which won’t matter in the long run. Granted, there have been several movements over the years which called themselves “New Right,” so it can be sort of confusing. On the plus side, New Right ideology tends to be forward-thinking and optimistic (as opposed to backwards-thinking and pessimistic. Yes, Pierce’s Cosmotheism could also be called “forward-thinking,” but in a different sense).

[Website]. More [Here].

  • 27 Responses to “A ‘New Right’ Website”

    1. Jürgen Says:


      Hard line is the ONLY way for Whites to be.
      I agree 100% with Alex Linder.

      When your race, way of life and values are under seige,
      it is no time to philosophize away your time – you need

    2. Adam Kepler Says:

      It doesn’t have to be either/or. Is a New Right party even “in the movement” – that is, drawing its support from WN websites? A conservative party outside the GOP can still do a lot of good, as long as it is anti-immigration and doesn’t buy into the Wars for Israel.

      Look at Europe. Immigration parties in parliaments there don’t mention race, as their support would crumble then and the amateurs among their members (always a majority) would leave. Yet Europe is better with these parties than without them. To the common man they show that you can do something, even if it’s little, to fight the establishment. They have no hope of changing immigration policy in parliament, but they give people a little more courage. Which can help in other ways. They are also a gateway drug to harder nationalism, when young teenagers go online to talk to like-minded, emboldened by a rising anti-immigration party.

      Aren’t communist parties in the West better off when there are Social Democratic parties? There are many who would never vote for communists but who will vote for Social Democrats. And the Social Democrats spread the general message of the Left, which is anti-nationalist, anti-men, pro-race-mixing. It benefits the communists too.

      If America had a strong anti-immigration party today, would White Nationalism be worse off? No, it would be much better off. The basic message is this: we are a group worth preserving, we have good traits, we have our own identity and we defend it. If an anti-immigration party makes more people think like that, then the step to hardcore WNism is smaller than you think for a lot of people who would otherwise never have approached WNism.

      In the end, of course, only hard-line White Nationalism that names the Jew will save the West. But if that is the ONLY voice heard today against immigration, then it will never get off the ground. Take a page from the Left and learn how it’s done.

      There is of course a difference between anti-immigration parties that don’t MENTION race and Jews, and hi-jacked anti-immigration parties that CURSE racism and worship Jews and corrupt it all into being in favor of Israel. Welcoming immigration “as long as it’s not Islamic terrorists.” Some nationalist parties in Europe have fallen to this, others have not. It depends on how determined the original leaders are to defend their party from being hijacked.

    3. Greg Johnson Says:

      I think you are confusing Greg Johnson with William Johnson, who is the chairman of the American Third Position.

      Pierce was big on progressivism. New Rightists tend to believe in a cyclical version of history, in which things begin well and then steadily decline.

    4. Sean Gruber Says:

      New Right, Third Position, Constitutionalists, etc. etc.


      Morons, weaklings, oldsters, hedgers, don’t-move-too-quick’ers. Compromisers.

      These sorts have been “the alternative”…for the past 50+ years.

      We have been told “Don’t Move Too Quickly” for half a century. When does something happen?

      What have these old hedgers accomplished, except to deflect white power in harmless ways?

      Insanity is doing the same thing over and over, while expecting a different result.

      We’ve tried dressing up in Nazi outfits and screaming mindlessly. We’ve tried being soft-spoken “constitutionalists” and being mindlessly careful. We’ve tried those losing ways for decades. And still, every Johnny-come-lately advocates one of these approaches, as if they have never been tried before. “This time it will work! This time, we will wear the right tie! We will appeal to the name of Thomas Jefferson!!” Been there, done that.

    5. Sean Gruber Says:

      Does the “right” want to win?

      No. It wants to repeat the experience of losing. Being a loser is addictive. An endless loop of fail gives perverse satisfaction to would-be martyrs.

      Being a martyr, after all, is so much easier than winning and taking on the consequent responsibilities.

    6. Klassikality Says:

      I like the site, and Greg Johnson seems to be a very intelligent person. However, it does seem quite “intellectual” nothing wrong with that, but as Socrates said, there is that potential for being overly analytical and obsessing over little details. Not to mention alienating people who are not of a similar mindset with the complexities of things like “metapolitics.”

      I did like the interview with Johnson, where he described the WN Movement as being “disorganized, kook infested, poorly funded, poorly led” I cant disagree with him. The problem is that I don’t see this “New Right” as being a significant source of answers and solutions.

      Sure, there will be a lot interesting and intellectually stimulating articles that public-school alumni like myself will congratulate themselves on for reading start to finish in one sitting. But ultimately, I think not much will come of this New Right. It might be a haven/heaven for the philosophizing, high culture set, but what will it produce?

      I am all for forward, progessive, optimistic thinking. But when I hear “New Right” it kinda makes me shudder and think of rehashed ideas that didn’t work before.

    7. Nom de Guerre Says:

      You can’t learn anything from your failures. Point blank that means you need a bunch of people that aren’t childish like the majority of people, don’t have an axe to grind or want to play fuehrer. What I mean is that your cameraderie isn’t a sort of back scratching, fanny patting, brown nosing infantilism. It has to be something close to combat equivalent to fencing, with good conduct.. It means to be objective, observative, detailing everything relevent, ignoring peevish puerile chicken lil end of the world fantasys like Christinsanity does.

    8. Tim McGreen Says:

      Look, we can read Kant, Schopenahuer and Heidegger all we want after we win a WEISSE HEIMAT for ourselves, god dammit. PHIL 302, The Origins of Modern Philosophy, is hereby cancelled until after the Revolution.

      Please get your priorities straight, New Righties.

    9. CW-2 Says:

      Yes, unless we get our act together there will be very few people living able to read Heidegger et. al., assuming of course that big jew hasn’t burnt those books Fahrenheit-451 style.

    10. Greg Johnson Says:

      Sure Tim, show me the way. But if your way is nothing but vulgar ranting on the internet, well then I prefer to stick to my highbrow ranting. What we put out determined who will come in. WNs are going to be a small movement for the foreseeable future, and I prefer that we be a small, smart, sophisticated movement than a small, crude, dumb one.

    11. Greg Johnson Says:

      Err, that should have said “determines.”

    12. Justin Huber Says:

      I get on the Counter Currents web site quite a bit. Greg Johnson is their best writer. Some of the articles though tend to be overly intellectual though.

    13. dylan Says:

      Intelligence and brute force are the only way to beat the enemies. We have the rights to defend ourselves from coons and kikes as well.

    14. Joe Neunzig Says:

      Yeah right … putting ‘New’ before ‘Right’ doesn’t make it new (and doesn’t make it right).

    15. Sean Gruber Says:

      What is their position on the jew question?

      That will say it all.

    16. Socrates Says:

      Greg Johnson Says: I think you are confusing Greg Johnson with William Johnson, who is the chairman of the American Third Position.

      Yes, I did indeed confuse the two Johnsons. Sorry. I deleted the last sentence in the post.

    17. CW-2 Says:

      It appears that the ‘New Right’ wishes to attract the sort of people whom the organisers would hope to meet in the Dean’s study during a wine and cheese tasting evening. Nothing wrong in that, but it getting pretty late in the day for expending too much time and effort in genteel activities.
      While we may get a buzz discussing the finer points of Kant and Nietzsche, in the real world brown and black babies are being popped out and those kids are being raised in a more elemental philosophy, namely, take from whitey, hate whitey, kill whitey.
      That is the reality, and the only philosophy we need is the confidence to face the inevitable onslaught and the determination to do what is necessary.

    18. New America Says:

      Can we, for the moment, realize that we are so far behind that anything beats nothing, and we have a continuum of “anythings” to choose from.

      Most of us simply refuse to choose, at all, which leaves nothing but the unbroken chain of victories the status quo has enjoyed. whether the One Party calls itself “Democratic” over here, or “Republican: over there.

      Their foundation is the same unlimited power – and their practices are the same – divide, conquer, rule.

      While they do squabble among one another, one the essentials they are in total harmony.

      They do what we must do, solely as a matter of technique.

      Sean Gurber made an excellent point in this thread, and I would like to discuss it, as it displays a common understanding, and misunderstanding, all of us have held for far too long.

      Sean Gruber wrote:

      “…We’ve tried dressing up in Nazi outfits and screaming mindlessly. We’ve tried being soft-spoken “constitutionalists” and being mindlessly careful. We’ve tried those losing ways for decades. And still, every Johnny-come-lately advocates one of these approaches, as if they have never been tried before. “This time it will work! This time, we will wear the right tie! We will appeal to the name of Thomas Jefferson!!” Been there, done that.”

      So, we know what DOESN’T work, all too well.

      “Dressing up like Nazis” is an idea that Rockwell was going to abandon, as it had done its purpose in terms of political theater.

      “Constitutionalism” is simply another Wordist fraud that keeps us safely sidelined, as people mindlessly repeat phrases they never really understood. I’ve talked to many of these simple damn fools, and they do not understand the Constitution is simply a corporate charter – nothing more, and nothing less.

      They do this out of fear, and have demonstrated a track record of failure that makes Charlie Brown, still TRYING to kich that damn football, look like Donald Trump.

      All in their life is failing, because they have accepted the Enemy’s Terms and Definitions, and are goingly slowly and literally insame, as the world their Mind sees does not match the worwld their senses are telling them is there.

      So, we can ask ourselves the only questions that matters:

      “What do we DO about this?”

      This is where Greg Johnson and the people at counter currents win full marks, because they see the Deep War is the one we never really fought, and it is the foundation for all other conflicts.

      Let me repeat the key phrase in that last sentence:

      “The Deep War is the one we never really fought.”

      To give credit where credit is due, the Pierce and Kevin Alfred Strom ADV’s tried to define the Deep War. They failed to have anything near the impact they should have, because they never led to the next step – intelligent political organization.

      Perhaps they could have done an e-book, “One Hundred Simple Things You Can Do For Your Race.” change to word “Race” to “Family,” and it would pass muster with all political systems.

      If you read Mein Kampf, you see a critical key to political success.

      Counter Currents is vitally important because, absent the metapolitical framework, our ideas are motes of light, that bounce harmlessly off everything. take the incoherence out of the light, make it coherent, focus all of the energy on one frequency – one simple, consistent message – and it will burn through diamonds and steel.

      Let me not mince words.

      I see the largest picture as being the metapolitical framework being defined by Johnson and his associates at Counter Currents.

      I see the intermediate picture as being defined by Harold Covington and his Northwest Republic, the best Analytical Framework we have. (My comments concerning Pierce’s “White Zion” are a matter of record here.)

      I see the immediate picture being us, consciously developing the skills, talent, and philosophical mind-set needed to transform what America is becoming – Mexico, with snow – into what it should be, and, to do that, we must follow a basic principle of NS Leadership manuals:


      This is not an “either/or” situation.

      There is no shortage of opportunities for us to adopt the excellent ideas of Dr. David Duke – join the extant political parties, go to their workshops, and learn how to organize politically, so we can be effective politically. This is the foundation for the excellent advice of “Hugh,” on VNN/F’s “A World View” thread, where we become better at running the System, so we can develop a better System, when we have the opportunity.

      The need for the no compromise, hard core is there; the gelding of the BNP demonstrates that.

      WHy was the BNP so easily gelded?


      They sought the “paste-glass jewel of middle class respectability” (HT: Alex Linder).

      If we have one idea that gives us hope, it is this:

      We have the ONE Idea that the Adversary will go to any length possible to crush in the cradle.

      Let’s repeat that last sentence, slowly, as it says the Adversary is so afraid of the ONE Idea we have that he will spare no expense to rush it in the cradle.

      That is why I am hopeful.

      That takes us to the best way to express that Idea.

      Sean Gruber is right; dressing up in NSDAP uniforms – particularly obese, ill-fitting, mismatched, very un-uniform “uniforms” – certainly didn’t do us any good. In fact, if I was a member of the rabbinate at Temple Wherever, I would PAY to have these clowns and denounce us. We look good to our followers, they look good to their followers, big-time “Win-Win” for political kabuki.

      So why not follow the excellent example of the NSDAP Leadership, which would have been right at home in an elite setting, and dress like the people that other people would follow?

      Why isn’t our focus on being what we want the world to become, when we have a new world demanding the right to come forth?

      Two starting points seem obvious:

      One, get used to using – and defending – Bob Whitaker’s Mantra. I think it should be modified to focus on the genocide of White CHILDREN, instead of the White RACE.

      Two, become involved in politics, but make that effective politics. Know how the System does and does not work, and have an Idea about what to do about it, within the System.

      One example, which the Tea Party missed (which shows they are Controlled Opposition): “Withdraw the consent of the governed”, meaning, develop organic structures to replace State structures. Home schooling, for instance, over the public schools.

      An anti-immigration party would do well, using the tgerms and phrases of KMac and the guys at AmRen. You can say what you want to in your heart, but if you say it unintelligently, you will be reduced to ideological purity, at the expense of personal and political effectiveness.

      Note that not one of my proposals are mutually exclusive.

      I work, daily, to dress, speak, act and teach as if I was an Ambassador from the Northwest Republic, where MY Posterity will live in a world where none may make afraid.

      I still register “Republican” at the local Registrar of Elections.

      This is the phrase to write over your bathroom mirror, and on your refrigerator door:

      We have the ONE Idea that the Adversary will go to any length possible to crush in the cradle.

    19. Tim McGreen Says:

      His Serene Majesty, the Divine Super-Duper Taco Grande Supreme Ayatollah Obersturmbanfuhrer Commandante-for-Life Harry Cohen-Covington addresses his troops—all three of them— as they prepare for their Glorious Holy War to establish the Northwest Republik in Grandma’s basement. Standing at attention to the left we see the “Boy Wonder”, Assistant Junior Deputy Assistant Oberstrumbanfuhrer New Amerikwan ready for action. To the right is FBI Special Agent Morris Feinberg.

      We who are about to get busted salute you! (a flourish of kazoos is played as the FBI’s SWAT team comes trampling down the steps)


    20. Tim McGreen Says:

      Greg Johnson Says:
      18 March, 2011 at 11:34 am

      Sure Tim, show me the way. But if your way is nothing but vulgar ranting on the internet, well then I prefer to stick to my highbrow ranting. What we put out determined who will come in. WNs are going to be a small movement for the foreseeable future, and I prefer that we be a small, smart, sophisticated movement than a small, crude, dumb one.

      No problem, Greg, I’ll be delighted to show you the way. (McGreen throws open the airlock of the DC-8 and shoves Greg Johnson out at 40,000 feet. The other passengers erupt in thunderous applause.) Oh, I forgot, here are your Madison Grant books to read on the way down, you jerk! (McGreen flings out all of Greg’s “sophisticated” books on Nordic supremacy, which get torn up and sucked into the stratosphere.)

      THE END

    21. Greg Johnson Says:

      Thanks Tim, you have removed any possible doubt that you are a vulgar ranting fool.

    22. New America Says:

      Tim, thanks for the same old Covington picture I’ve seen before, as have so many others.

      I would link to the many pictures of Commander Rockwell and his Stormtroopers wearing the same uniform, but I guess that strikes a bit too close to home.

      Rockwell wore it, for a while, for a specific purpose.

      His Stormtroopers wore it for a while, for a specific purpose.

      When it had fulfilled it purpose, they changed, and moved on.

      Covington, incidentally, has done wonderful work since then.

      That is an excellent example for all of us to follow.

    23. Tim McGreen Says:

      Thanks Tim, you have removed any possible doubt that you are a vulgar ranting fool.

      Guilty as charged, sir, guilty as charged.

    24. Klassikality Says:

      New America says:

      “Tim, thanks for the same old Covington picture I’ve seen before, as have so many others.

      I would link to the many pictures of Commander Rockwell and his Stormtroopers wearing the same uniform, but I guess that strikes a bit too close to home.

      Rockwell wore it, for a while, for a specific purpose.

      His Stormtroopers wore it for a while, for a specific purpose.

      When it had fulfilled it purpose, they changed, and moved on.

      Covington, incidentally, has done wonderful work since then.

      That is an excellent example for all of us to follow.”

      Please don’t compare Commander Rockwell and Tubby Covington.
      That just aint right.

    25. New America Says:

      Klassikality wrote, in part:

      Please don’t compare Commander Rockwell and Tubby Covington.
      That just aint right.

      In reply:
      More right than most feel comfortable with as, again, Harold Covington shames to self-selected impotence of most self-identified White Nationalists.

      Rockwell, and Covington, both worse the uniform for a short time, solely to obtain a certain political legitimacy.

      Both ended (Rockwell planned to) it when it had accomplished its purpose.

      The key is understanding that Rockwell’s goal was the formation of a political party that would support and advocate for the White Race.

      He was killed before he could get this excellent project going, and those who came after him did all too little.

      Yet, extend out the idea of a political party devoted solely to promoting White racial interests, and you get to two points:

      One, a national political party which would advocate for White interests, and, in time…

      Two, a Racial Homeland for Whites, who, having missed all of the opportunities since Rockwell are now on the political equivalent of the Endangered Species List.

      Rockwell, in micrcosm, and Covington, in macrocosm, both advocating for the most effective political representation our Race could have.

      Is there anyone who doubts, if Rockwell was here today, he would have harnessed the talents of the late Robert Mathews, and the late David Eden Lane, into developing the political and economic foundations of what could become a Northwest Republic, a White Homeland where none may make afraid?


      No, there isn’t.

    26. SmokyMtn Says:

      The real question to ask is why is there anyone still promoting an established liar such as Covington?

      Anyone who is interested in Covington’s sordid history in the White Movement should visit this blog:


    27. New America Says:

      In reply to SmokyMtn:

      You wrote, in part:

      The real question to ask is why is there anyone still promoting an established liar such as Covington?

      Anyone who is interested in Covington’s sordid history in the White Movement should visit this blog:

      In reply:

      No one really wants to address the systemic failure of self-identified “White Nationalists” to actually accomplish much of anything, post-Rockwell, and part of the problem is your misuse of a term, “White Movement.”

      There is no “White Movement,” as we have seen fit to define it.

      David Eden Lane gave his life looking for it, and Robert Mathews died trying to make it a Reality, as best he knew how.

      I’ll make this easy for you.

      Politically, the foundation of a Movement is a CAUSE.

      Read that slowly, and then, ask anyone you think might be interested in actually joining a “White Movement” what the Cause is, as they understand it, and what are they are willing to do to support the Cause, and found the foundation of a Movement.

      Covington has done what all before him have failed to do, and that is to defjne a Cause in visual terms, which they can easily understand, and then provide the intellectual foundation for how this Cause could become a Reality. The Northwest Republic novels define the only effective way forward, and provide a useful Analytical Model for what seems to be the last, best hope of our Race – our Posterity, our Children.

      All of the attacks have been on Covington personally, and none of them matter.

      By spending so much time on everything BUT the Cause, BUT the Movement, BUT being the Living Foundation of a New Nation, they effectively keep what might become a White Movement lying helplessly in the cradle, as the hands come in to hold a pillow over its head.

      It will just go to sleep, and no one will really miss it.

      You see, what you have called a “Movement” has really been, at best, entertainment.

      Simple as that.

      There are a few exceptions, here and there, but the rest of those who self-identify as “White Nationalists” really are third-rate minstrel show performers, blaming everyone but themselves for the plight in which they find themselves.

      Notably, by the way, no one seems interested in addressing the counterfactuals I place here for discussion, and there’s a reason for that.

      Again, the competititon remains open.

      Is there anyone who doubts, if Rockwell was here today, he would have harnessed the talents of the late Robert Mathews, and the late David Eden Lane, into developing the political and economic foundations of what could become a Northwest Republic, a White Homeland where none may make afraid?

      I’ll make it easy for you.

      If Rockwell reincarnated today, (hopefully in the body of an Olympic gymnast so he would be around for a while), he would reach out to Mathews and Lane, and tell them to start building their ethnostate local communities and economies, while working steadily for the day they can link up into the living foundation of the Northwest Republic.

      He would make book tours and media appearances for the Northwest Republic, and have our potential supporters start where they are.

      He would have Harold Covington playing Jefferson, and Kevin Alfred Strom playing Thomas Paine.

      He would have Alex Linder and Bill White criss-crossing America, reminding our supporters of their lost heritage, which could be reclaimed in its entirety and surpassed in one generation. William Luther Pierce would be the head of the National Youth Alliance.

      In his office there would be a picture of the mountainous background of the Northwest Republic, the Northwest Republic novels on the table behind him, and a picture showing what our Mars Colony would look like.

      Again, that is part of one answer to the question I posed.

      I await your answer, as well as your definition of The Cause.

      Remember the organizing principle of the National Youth Alliance:

      Education, not entertainment.

      Focus Northwest.