A Book About Race
Posted by Socrates in book reviews, book selections, books, race, race science, racial differences, racial fitness, racial science, Socrates at 4:49 pm | 
Raciology: the Science of the Hereditary Traits of Peoples by Vladimir Avdeyev.
Haven’t read it yet, but it looks interesting:
31 March, 2011 at 7:20 pm
The jews are horrified that this is coming out in English.
The jew-controlled universities will preach to you,
through anthropology and sociology, that there
are no differences between the races.
Their goal? Simple:
To freely have every race interbreed until the whole
just smart enough to work and make jews wealthier,
but not smart enough to understand or rebel against
the thieving policies and sinister machinations of their
jew puppetmasters.
31 March, 2011 at 9:31 pm
Black man, red man, mexican but the color of the boss is the big white man
31 March, 2011 at 9:42 pm
A genie appears to three men, one mexican, one black and one White. Each of you have one wish, says the genie. The mexican says, I want all the mexicans in America to be happy and free and in mekeeko. Poof, it is done. The black man says, i wan all my black brothers to be returned to der roots in africa. Shazam, it is done. The White man says to the genie, you mean all the niggers and spics are out the Unied States. Genie; Yes. Then i’ll have a coke.
31 March, 2011 at 11:54 pm
Unlike most western Whites, the Russians have never been afraid of being totally and brutally honest. I sincerely hope this book makes the Jews howl!
1 April, 2011 at 5:53 am
Could well become a classic. Mandatory reading.
1 April, 2011 at 6:47 am
After the Revolution, we will have to make sure that anti-White “intellectuals” never take control of our Universities or our society again. All think tanks, policy institutes, publishing houses, news agencies and institutions of higher learning will either be done away with or brought under strict supervision and control; All secret clubs and societies will be abolished as well. Effete liberal deviants and degenerate anti-racists will have absolutely no say whatsoever in how our Revolutionary society is run, as they will either be shot, sent to punishment camps in the Arctic Circle or be quietly engaged in useful, dignified labor…..for a change.
1 April, 2011 at 7:21 am
BIGtime, Tim! How true. I so hear you…
1 April, 2011 at 11:09 am
Lara Logan CBS reporter gang raped in Egypt
1 April, 2011 at 11:31 am
Tim McGreen names the causes of our current situation: The systematic undermining of all institutions and means of communication by a determined and hostile minority. As we can see with the current developments in Europe, the Jewish forces are recognizing that the post-war blackmail of the non-Jewish world is encountering resistance in the form of a growing formation of rightist movements; these movements are at this time recognized as a danger and yet the Jewish power is still strong enough to make them sign something like a “Jerusalem declaration” where the right of Israel, to defend itself, the specter of the Islamic danger and what not is affirmed and in essence a type of multicultural nationalism proclaimed (“nationalism without anti-semitism”). Since it is not possible to exist in harmony with a subversive element at the same place, this is not to work in the long-term; for the time being, however, the development away from the Jewish world is delayed.
The key element is the control of the news and therefore of public opinion.
3 April, 2011 at 4:36 am
Dang! One finds it hard to believe that Whites in the former Soviet Union now have more freedom to write about the Truth then we do here! This book would never be allowed to be written in the USA. (although it does seem some samzidat-like publishers are going to try and bring it here!)
It looks like Western Whites lost the Cold War to me.
3 April, 2011 at 3:26 pm
Funny how writing about race is ok as long as you don’t mention the White race. Of course it wasn’t always the case; it looks like this book could be joining other classics like Gobineau’s ‘Inequality of the Human Races’ and Madison Grant’s ‘The Passing of the Great Race’ ( the latter a favourite of Hitler).
5 April, 2011 at 9:15 am
After the Revolution, we will have to make sure that anti-“White “intellectuals” never take control of our Universities or our society again. All think tanks, policy institutes, publishing houses, news agencies and institutions of higher learning will either be done away with or brought under strict supervision and control; All secret clubs and societies will be abolished as well. Effete liberal deviants and degenerate anti-racists will have absolutely no say whatsoever in how our Revolutionary society is run, as they will either be shot, sent to punishment camps in the Arctic Circle or be quietly engaged in useful, dignified labor…..for a change.”
They are there only from centuries of jewish influence Edina. They are known as Shabbos or shabby goyim