23 January, 2011

“Sorry” for What?

Posted by Socrates in Nazi era, Nazis, Socrates, Western culture, white nationalism, White Nationalists, White philosophy at 9:34 pm | Permanent Link

Some people get into White Nationalism for the wrong reasons. Instead of getting into it because they want to preserve White culture (the greatest culture in history), they get into it for other reasons, some of which include: 1) they’re bored, 2) they want to “fight the establishment,” 3) they’ve got a Nazi fetish, 4) they’re just angry:


  • 26 Responses to ““Sorry” for What?”

    1. Virgil Says:


    2. whtdev Says:

      Zach Beck certainly doesn’t sound like a very good white nationalist. Prior to becoming a white nationalist, he was convicted of dealing drugs and is an admitted race mixer.

      Some white nationalist groups want to believe that every white can be redeemed. While I can understand why those groups feel that way, this is the thanks they are going to get for holding onto that attitude.

    3. Tim McGreen Says:

      As soon as I read the words “I’m sorry”, I got so disgusted I couldn’t read the rest of the article. There is an outbreak of White men apologizing for every god damn thing they do nowadays. You never hear any self-respecting nigger or mestizo rapist-killer apologize for its actions. Only White men are expected to grovel, beg and make fools out of themselves for the amusement of The Man.

      I noticed at the end of the letter there is a Federal DOC address, so Zach Peckerhead is a guest in ZOG’s gulag system. And he is obviously degrading himself and his Race in return for a lucrative career as an SPLC “anti-hate” spokesman when he is released.

      What a pathetic, repulsive wretch. Hopefully, Zach Peckerhead will, out of necessity, have to spend the rest of his life looking behind his shoulder and sleeping with one eye open. Pro-White groups need to get serious about whom they admit to their ranks and how they are going to deal with troublemakers, snithces and head-cases like this one because at the rate things are going, we’ll soon have a Federal dictatorship on our hands that is going to make Stalinist Russia look like recess in elementary school by comparison.

    4. Tim McGreen Says:

      As soon as I read the words “I’m sorry”, I got so disgusted I couldn’t read the rest of the article. There is an outbreak of White men apologizing for every god damn thing they do nowadays. You never hear any self-respecting nigger or mestizo rapist-killer apologize for its actions. Only White men are expected to grovel, beg and make fools out of themselves for the amusement of The Man.

      I noticed at the end of the letter there is a Federal DOC address, so Zach Peckerhead is a guest in ZOG’s gulag system. And he is obviously degrading himself and his Race in return for a lucrative career as an SPLC “anti-hate” spokesman when he is released.

      What a pathetic, repulsive wretch. Hopefully, Zach Peckerhead will, out of necessity, have to spend the rest of his life looking behind his shoulder and sleeping with one eye open. Pro-White groups need to get serious about whom they admit to their ranks and how they are going to deal with troublemakers, snitches and head-cases like this one because at the rate things are going, we’ll soon have a Federal dictatorship on our hands that is going to make Stalinist Russia look like recess in elementary school by comparison.

    5. Bigduke6 Says:

      What does it matter if people are onto White Nationalism for the wrong reason? At least it is a step in the right direction. Hopefully they will become more educated on WN and get with the program of the importance of preserving our white race.

    6. Henry Says:

      Reading those readers’ comments after the story, was in itself an education — of sorts.

      Wow! What a sad bunch of raving, rambling wackos — of whatever stripe. So this represents public opinion? Heaven help us! But for a few of them, probably 9/10ths could not even manage to make an articulate point, and it was often hard to tell what side they were on or what they were struggling to to say.

      Maybe THEY, in their own minds, knew what they were TRYING to say, but they certainly weren’t getting their point across; and frankly, I doubt that their mental processes were clear enough (or IQs adequate) that most of them even knew what their own jumbled opinions were. They just wanted a chance to rant. Naturally, they all assumed that they had the answer to the problem.

      There was some teary-eyed love and forgiveness; there was some Holy Bible redemption; there was some psychiatric therapy babble; there was some “stop the hate!” preaching; and so on. All of them bickering and disagreeing with one another on how to redeem this poor lost soul who had finally found the light (or whether he was even redeemable)!

      Incidentally, MOST readers’ comments after stories such as this are 9/10ths written by idiots, so this article was nothing unusual in that regard. This is the public we are dealing with! These are people who vote! It’s really sad.

    7. Henry Says:

      I was briefly tempted — for a flickering fraction of a second — to add a comment of my own. But where should I begin? And why should I add my own voice to a chorus of baying dogs? It wouldn’t make even a dent if I did!

      Public opinion is really scary!

    8. Tim McGreen Says:

      Henry my brother, you were most wise to avoid the temptation of adding your valuable opinions to their comments section. Your efforts would have been in vain, for there would have been no one there to appreciate what you have to say. Unlike most other forums, on this site there is no tolerance for tiresome Jesus stories or absurd Bible prophecies, wacky conspiracy theories, long, rambling discourses that go nowhere, “Apollonian” type lectures, idle threats or Hal Turner style trouble-making. In other words, vanguardnewsnetwork.com is a tiny little island of sanity in a vast sea of madness and stupidity.

    9. Howdy Doody Says:

      Most Whites have done VERY little reading in their life, but then again it was joofizzled history etc.

      Since 1945 there has been full brain washing to get this this 1984 nightmare.

      The Patriotards I have meet in the last have never out side of talk radio guru’s and WND type of toilet flushing noises.

      Patriatard, that have meet had never read Solzhenitsyn nor heard of him, and don’t bring up jooo, or anything over a half page of reading material.

      Never under estimated the brutal, willful, and arrogant brainwashed patriatard.

      Talk radio is now telling people to call the KGB if they “Think”= Don’t Like, nieghbor.

    10. Dave Says:

      This about sums up public opinion. Via Yahoo.


      1. Kourtney Kardash…
      2. Chelsea Handler
      3. Keanu Reeves
      4. McRib
      5. Reusable shoppin…

      6. RuPaul
      7. Flavor Flav
      8. Moscow explosion
      9. Weight loss
      10. Tech stocks

      Yes sir. The american mind. The modern white mind. Now I think I’ll go watch that show with the 2 jews and a gook remodeling houses with the skills of a kidergartener. yes a little editing and tada! it still looks like a kindergartener did it.

    11. Dave Says:

      I was reading a book about penguins to my son last night. Gee. it says they only associate with like penguins. Emperors with Emperors etc etc. hmmmm. Sounds like they need some diversity training. In fact i think we should get on this immediately. Who’s with me? We can go demonstrate off the coast of Chile and demand that this ignorant fascist apartheid regime of penguin superiority come to an end. The absurdity of these penguins thinking they have a right to self determination. They really need to be taught a lesson in tolerance. Ignorant fascists!

    12. Mel Brooks Says:

      As TT might have said..the rabbi gave Zach his bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken.

      Not only is he now under the thumb of the people that hate him and will
      never forgive him, he’s alienated his former WN mates. Stop the Hate? You’ve doubled it, at least.

      As for posting a comment on that “site”, there’s no point at all in posting to or reading comments in a registered discussion. It’s only
      in a relatively anonymous environment that people feel free to speak their minds. Without it you attract only the the sort of knee-jerk, brain-dead scribblers of platitudes I saw there (I got through two comments before my solar plexus began to twitch with resentment). Those people haven’t learned a thing since grade school-why waste any time on them?

    13. M. Kraus Says:

      My first 30 minutes in prison were filled with orders from the Aryan Brotherhood. I was told that I was not going to eat with other races, go into another race’s cell, share anything with another race, do business with another race, play sports, cards, board games, hang out, or associate with other races.

      You’re told where to work out, eat, be at certain times, and that if you deviate from these codes you will be subject to violence. Welcome to Racism 101. Next you’re told what to read, how to think, talk, walk, and your participation is mandatory or you will be subject to violence and, for some unlucky guys, sexual violence.

      The vague wording here makes it seem as if the Aryan Brotherhood was threatening Beck with violence if he didn’t go along with their orders. That’s interesting. I don’t know anything about prison life, but I’m guessing that what really happened was that the AB told Beck that he could be subjected to violence from niggers and spics, not the AB, if he mixed with them.

      Beck is alive and well because he did what the AB told him to do, yet he wants to make it seem as if they were the ones who brutalized him. Jesus h. christ, Amerikwans are stupid fuckers.

      I know a lot of people on this site do not like the Aryan Brotherhood, but they sure seem to know how to survive, and even dominate, in an environment where they are vastly outnumbered by the enemy. In that sense, they are actually an inspiration to those of us who believe we cannot prevail unless we have numerical superiority.

    14. Miller Says:

      Many of us want revenge against the Jews.

    15. mrcrouton Says:

      “The foundation of racism is fear.”

      Only a weak minded twit would write that sentence.

      One other point, preserving white culture is important, but more importantly is preserving the white race. As long as the white race exists, white culture will follow because it is born from white genetics.
      Also, I don’t think we should care why they’re white nationalists, just as long as they are white nationalists.

    16. Tim McGreen Says:

      “I don’t think we should care why they’re white nationalists, just as long as they are white nationalists.”

      I respectfully disagree. If the political and economic situation continues to deteriorate and the Gendarmes start raiding pro-White and anti-government groups, the last thing you’ll want is to have a psycho, snitch or any other kind of rat in your midst. Trust will be essential in the upcoming Race Struggle.

    17. mrcrouton Says:

      Point well taken.

      What I meant is that some WN’s became that way after intellectual putsuits (such as myself). Others after their sister was raped by a gang of blacks. Some because they lost their job due to Mexican immigration. We don’t have a WN pureometer to measure the sincerity of WN’s …yet. So who is to determine who is the real deal?

      Either way, as long as they’re white, they’re welcome. As is there will be infiltrators, disruptors and others, but so does every other political group. We shouldn’t be cowed or back down.
      And as for violent troublemakers, they helped the blacks get civil rights!

      Either way we need our numbers to grow, and I think there are millions of us out there. it’s just that we’re fragmented. For now.

      Take a look at Fox News. There was an attack at Wendys in Queens. Check out the comments (if they haven’t taken it down yet). Everyone nows about TNB.

      Either way, I think we agree…and we must!

    18. Tim McGreen Says:

      “The foundation of racism is fear truth.”

    19. Howdy Doody Says:


    20. Howdy Doody Says:

      Those who claim to be Christian on VNNF complain of the Virulent disgust shown here for Christianity in the West, which has been Silent on our Genocide and Constant WAR against our interest’s as our BORDERS are open, with a FULL BORE invasion !

      For those Christian’s left that are against the anialation of the West, then you need to address the Treasonous Evanjellynutcase’s! These bastards actively help and support our own oppression, open borders, the KGB police state etc. They are a RED GUARD Circa Peking 1968! They support every thing racially the left/enemy alien destroyers do. Plus these bastards are arrogantly brainwashed and feeble minded. Too much chasing other mens women and constantly being forgiven for getting off the Beer/booze wagon.


    21. Tim McGreen Says:

      Thank the Aryan Pagan Gods we are getting further and further away from Christ-insanity. Why would I say such a mean thing? Well, if “Christian morality” were at work, then 60% of all U.S. Negro pregnancies would NOT end in abortion, like they do now. Nor would 98% (ninety-eight percent!) of all U.S. Down’s Syndrome pregnancies be aborted, which is currently the case. Additionally, Red China’s One Chink policy has prevented about 300-400 MILLION additional Chinks from inhabiting the planet.

      All of that is GOOD NEWS.

    22. will Says:

      white nationalism calls for centralized authority. a continuation of big government. white people need regional control with governments of their choosing. no far away strangers telling them how to live.

    23. Sgt. Skull Says:

      What’s new? Former racially conscious white man get himself in trouble then issues a mea culpa denouncing his “racist” views. Yawn.

      I’m still waiting for NAACP & NOI members, mestizo gang bangers and ADL/SPLC to have a very public catharsis and renounce black, brown, and Jewish supremacy.

    24. Howdy Doody Says:


    25. Donald E. Pauly Says:

      This Whigger didn’t say what he got paid by the Jews to sell out. After the seizure of power, the first order of business will be to hang about 10% of White Nationalists, of which this one is a perfect example.

    26. Thor Says:

      What do you do if you go out to the store and a black person is kind and helpful to you but a white person is a rude dick?