28 November, 2010

Open Thread

Posted by Socrates in open threads, Socrates at 3:14 am | Permanent Link

Post whatever you want…

  • 45 Responses to “Open Thread”

    1. Tim McGreen Says:

      I’m just wondering if the Jews were trying to divert attention from their illegal seizure of Arab lands in the Six Day War in 1967 by focusing public attention on Vietnam instead? No, the Jews wouldn’t be thatsneaky…….Or would they????

    2. CW-2 Says:

      It is instructive to occasionally read ‘conservative’ newspapers. A recent article in Britain’s The Telegraph explained to its readership in exasperated and angry language that by 2030 at least 25% of new households, ie. families, will be of immigrant origin. Well that is no surprise to us, but apparently it was big news to ‘conservatives’, and the comments section of the online version was full of stuff like, let’s give PM David Cameron time to bring immigration under control.
      These idiots are still placing their trust and hope in proven sell-outs and race traitors. It’s not rocket science to see the obvious conclusion that mass turd migration resulting in the dispossession and mongrelization of the White race is EXACTLY what the political and business elite are aiming for, it is their deliberate and chosen policy.

    3. Tim McGreen Says:

      One of the coolest songs ever and one of the coolest promotional videos ever (I think there are some colored people in the cages behind them).


    4. CW-2 Says:

      View the NorseWolf video over on davidduke.com, a fine hard-hitting 15 minute presentation.

    5. Nom de Guerre Says:

      Think about the Chutzpah of the those Chinks, declaring their economic zone extends out 200 miles from their shoreline, while we have to move border patrol checkpoints back 25 miles from the Mexican border, talk about giving the wolf a head start on the flock of sheep.
      Wonder how all the magic negros sabre ratteling will pan out over in the Sea of Japan, will we win some concessions from the Chinks.? Ha ha ha vewee funny muddah fuggahs! Maybe we all wake in the chips now, what you gonna do? wemember its Kwistmis time, you wouldn’t upset you consumers

    6. abc Says:

      For fun only (90% troll):
      Kill all the fucking niggers!

    7. Jürgen Says:

      Airline travellers boarding a plane in COMMUNIST CHINA
      don’t even go through what Americans are put through,
      thanks to BIG JEW.

    8. Tim McGreen Says:

      When I’m on a plane I’m more concerned about the nigger from Zambia sitting next to me who’s got a tubercular cough than I am about some imaginary wild-eyed terrorist running up and down the aisle with a live grenade, or some imaginary liquid bomb hidden inside a shampoo bottle in the overhead compartment. Really, could the TSA be any more incompetent if they tried? The airlines’ non-White maintenance crews are also of concern to me. Not only are they mentally inferior to White crews, they also have a tendency to steal shit out of passengers’ luggage.

      I’m very suspicious about all these little terrorist incidents that the Feds have “discovered” over the past year. Some skinny little nigger trying to blow up a plane with a bomb in his underwear, some Arab in Yemen attempting to FedEx a letter bomb to some synagogue in the US….I think the FBI is manufacturing all of these lame bullshit incidents to give the illusion that they know what they’re doing.

    9. Nom de Guerre Says:

      ….I think the FBI is manufacturing all of these lame bullshit incidents to give the illusion that they know what they’re doing.

      That plus justifying their six digit salaries, and passing time between watching kiddy porn flicks

    10. Nom de Guerre Says:

      Can you belief wiki-leaks? Do you really think its “Arab” governments are advocating military strikes on Iran.. Those Arab governments are probably jews in Tel Aviv or Jew dorks shitty, or the Pentagram. Why not Arab governments run by jews? Hell we’ve had nothing but jew government in the West since Napoleon, with exception of Germany in the 30s

    11. Sri Sreggin Das, Mystic Yogi of the Kali Yuga Says:

      Tiger Woods has not won a tournament this year, as I predicted.

      His kundalini energy has collapsed. It was empowered by a dichotomy which created a synapse of energy which he channelled into golf. That dichotomy was this: One the one hand, he was denigrating the White man’s women. On the other hand, he was being cheered wildly by White men. This tension created a synapse of energy. But now that energy is gone, collapsed in the revelations of infidelity and immorality.

      What has this to do with us?

      Kundalini energy is dangerous and can only be handled by those who are capable of doing so. When you mix sex with anything, there is added power. You never know what that mix will turn into.

      The lightning bolt which arcs out to zap your enemies, is also just as likely to come back at you.

      The demise of most people is not as dramatic as that of Woods, however. They don’t get zapped; they just get soggy and used-up.

    12. Nom de Guerre Says:

      Interesting thoughts Sri, and I do recall your prediction about Tiger Wood.
      What do you think about the wiki-leaks found Julian Assanges fall from grace with charges of rape by 2 Swedish women. Was that the result of mixing sex with lightning bolts?
      Julian thats an interesting name, the last pagan Empereor of Rome, maybe his lightning bolts flung at the xians did come back on him, but I think they were hurling those bolts too. Discretion is the better part of valour, sometimes.

    13. Nom de Guerre Says:

      The demise of most people is not as dramatic as that of Woods, however. They don’t get zapped; they just get soggy and used-up.

      Oh I wish life was more dramatic, I’d much rather get zapped

    14. DMS Says:

      In case anyone is looking for John Hardon’s site since he got booted from cjb.net, it’s here: http://hardons-blog.blogspot.com/

      As far as I know, the best thing in Brit WN.

    15. Frank Toliver Says:

      This whole world view of morality, and intrinsic worth of a person is just an opinion to lower whites to the level of homo shitticus. I no longer buy into their world view. Anything to lift up my people is good, anything to kick the everloving shit out of the other is good. When I look around, I see I don’t need anything outside of my people. Whites have the most beauty, the most creativity, the most excitement, the most kindness, and the most wonderful weirdness of all the races! HA! We made planes. We made lightbulbs. We made computers. We made pinball. We even made amusement parks just for goofing off and fun! HA. Everyone else imitates, emulates and wants what we have. HA! Fuck em all. Cut off the medicine, the foreign aid, cut off our military support, wrench them from our artery of life upon which they feed, watch them wither and die, and good riddance!

    16. Andrew Says:

      Alex – are you ever going to do any more broadcasting? It would be great if you can. You were excellent in Goyfire and Radio Istina. You have real talent as a speaker and commentator – it’s a shame it’s going to waste.

    17. Howdy Doody Says:


      Paul Craig Roberts Archive
      Paul Craig Robert’s appeal on behalf of VDARE.COM Email a Friend…
      Printer Friendly Version…

      November 28, 2010

      The Stench of US Economic Decay Grows Stronger
      By Paul Craig Roberts

      On Thanksgiving eve the English language China Daily and People’s Daily Online reported that Russia and China have concluded an agreement to abandon the use of the US dollar in their bilateral trade and to use their own currencies in its place. The Russians and Chinese said that they had taken this step in order to insulate their economies from the risks that have undermined their confidence in the US dollar as world reserve currency.

      This is big news, especially for the news dead Thanksgiving holiday period. But I did not see it reported on Bloomberg, CNN, New York Times or anywhere in the US print or TV media. The ostrich’s head remains in the sand.

      Previously, China concluded the same agreement with Brazil.

      As China has a large and growing supply of dollars from trade surpluses with which to conduct trade, China is signaling that she prefers Russian rubles and Brazilian reals to more US dollars.

      The American financial press finds solace in the episodes when sovereign debt scares in the EU send the dollar up against the euro and UK pound. But these currency movements are just measures of financial players shorting troubled EU-denominated debt. They are not a measure of dollar strength.

      The dollar’s role as world reserve currency is one of the main instruments of American financial hegemony. We haven’t been told how much damage Wall Street fraud has inflicted on EU financial institutions, but the EU countries no longer need the US dollar for trade between themselves as they share a common currency. Once the OPEC countries cease to hold the dollars that they are paid for oil, dollar hegemony will have faded away.

      Another instrument of American financial hegemony is the IMF. Whenever a country cannot make good on its debts and pay back the American banks, in steps the IMF with an austerity package that squeezes the country’s population with higher taxes and cuts in education, medical and income support programs until the bankers get their money back.

      This is now happening to Ireland and is likely to spread to Portugal, Spain, and perhaps even to France. After the American-caused financial crisis, the IMF’s role as a tool of US imperialism is less and less acceptable. The point could come when governments can no longer sell out their people for the sake of the American banks.

      There are other signs that some countries are tiring of America’s irresponsible use of power. Turkey’s civilian governments have long been under the thumb of the American-influenced Turkish military. However, recently the civilian government moved against two top generals and an admiral suspected of involvement in planning a coup. The civilian government further asserted itself when the prime minister announced on Thanksgiving Day that Turkey is prepared to react to any Israeli offensive against Lebanon. Here is an American NATO ally freeing itself from American suzerainty exercised through the Turkish military. Who knows, Germany could be next.

      Meanwhile in America, the sheeple remain content with, or blind to, their role as sheep to be slaughtered to feed the rich. The Obama Administration has managed to come up with a Deficit Commission whose members want to pay for the multi-trillion dollar wars that are enriching the military/security complex and the multi-trillion dollar bailouts of the financial system by reducing annual cost-of-living increases for Social Security, raising the retirement age to 69, ending the mortgage interest deduction, ending the tax deduction for employer-provided health insurance, imposing a 6.5% federal sales tax, while cutting the top tax rate for the rich.

      Even the Federal Reserve’s low interest rates are aimed at helping the banksters.

      The low interest rates deprive retirees and those living on their savings of interest income. The low interest rates have also deprived corporate pensions of funding. To fill the gap, corporations are issuing billions of dollars in corporate bonds in order to fund their pensions. Corporate debt is increasing, but not plant and equipment that would produce earnings to service the debt. As the economy worsens, servicing the additional debt will be a problem.

      In addition, America’s elderly are finding that fewer and fewer doctors will accept them as patients as a 23% cut looms in the already low Medicare payments to doctors.

      The American government only has resources for wars of aggression, police state intrusions, and bailouts of rich banksters. The American citizen has become a mere subject to be bled for the ruling oligarchies.

      The police state attitude of the TSA toward airline travelers is a clear indication that Americans are no longer citizens with rights but subjects without rights.

      Perhaps the day will come when oppressed Americans will take to the streets like the French, the Greeks, the Irish, and the British.

      Paul Craig Roberts [email him] was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury during President Reagan’s first term. He was Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal. He has held numerous academic appointments, including the William E. Simon Chair, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Georgetown University, and Senior Research Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University. He was awarded the Legion of Honor by French President Francois Mitterrand. He is the author of Supply-Side Revolution : An Insider’s Account of Policymaking in Washington; Alienation and the Soviet Economy and Meltdown: Inside the Soviet Economy, and is the co-author with Lawrence M. Stratton of The Tyranny of Good Intentions : How Prosecutors and Bureaucrats Are Trampling the Constitution in the Name of Justice. Click here for Peter Brimelow’s Forbes Magazine interview with Roberts about the epidemic of prosecutorial misconduct.

      Folks this time were going to see something, at least Hunger, and whos knows how much action.

      Our military is around the World and needs Logistics, we are strenched farther out IMO the Russian Front was.

    18. Howdy Doody Says:

      Steel well casing pipe from Viet Nam, along with Ruff Wear Dog Jackets, Furniture and other itmems.

      This all started in ernest with the POS Woody STD Wilson and his handlers.

    19. Andrei's Ghost Says:

      Valparaiso gets a little taste of diversisy!!!

      Male mestizo from mostly non-White East Chicago, Indiana on weekly
      “vacation” in mostly White Valparaiso, Indiana jailed on indecent
      exposure allegations

      By Andrei Yustschinsky, yustschinsky@gmail.com, (219) 669-3396 |
      Posted: Friday, October 29, 2010 12:00 am
      ..VALPARAISO, INDIANA | A mischief-making male mestizo charged more
      than three years ago with approaching fat blonde White women at busy
      locations throughout Valparaiso and exposing (flashing) himself to
      them was taken to Porter County Jail on Wednesday morning.
      Diario Pedro Hector Javiar Torres Jr., 36, of East Chicago, was jailed
      after being transferred from another jurisdiction, Porter County
      authorities said.
      The mestizo Torres faces two felony counts of indecent exposure or FWP
      (Flashing Without Permission)), each punishable by up to three years
      behind bars if he’s convicted. Prosecutors also filed for a habitual
      offender sentence enhancement if he’s convicted.
      He also was ordered held for the Illinois Department of Corrections.
      The greasy brown-skinned Diario P.H.J. Torres has an extensive
      criminal history, including at least four convictions for public
      indecency in Lake County, as well as at least five convictions on
      charges that include auto theft, theft and obstruction of justice.
      The incidents in Valparaiso occurred on April 24, 2007.
      In one incident, a 13-year-old very-plump blonde White girl told police she
      was sitting on a bench in the breezeway between 55 and 57 Franklin
      St., minding her own business, when a “gangbanger-looking dude” began
      asking her sexual questions, then exposed (flashed) himself as she was
      walking away. He’s also accused of offering her $4.23 if he could
      fondle (jack-off) himself in front of her.
      Another incident occurred at TrashMart, 2801 Calumet Ave., police
      said. A 27-year-old Valparaiso chubby bleached blonde White woman told
      police a man approached and began fondling (jackin-off) himself.
      A third incident occurred at the WiseGuy Supermarket on U.S. 30, but
      the blonde very big White woman turned away before the whoopie making
      brown-skinner could expose show-off his massive two inches of
      blistered & scabby chorizo.
      Police said all three fat-ass blonde (one bleached) White women picked the little
      wayward spic out of a photo lineup.

      Andrei Yustschinsky reporting from “on the spot & in the parking lot”
      of the Porter County Jail at 2755 S State Road 49 · Valparaiso (219)

    20. Andrei's Ghost Says:

      This kosher fairy tale is about the most stupid bullshit i have ever
      heard, complete with the “mad doctor” Memgele, “separations of loved
      omes”, nazi “experments” etc. Read this & laugh at this silly Jew

      Holocaust survivor tells students of horror, hope

      By Brian Williams Times Correspondent nwi.com | Posted: Saturday,
      November 6, 2010 12:00 am | (9) Comments

      Holocaust survivor and Terra Haute resident Eva Kor speaks Friday to
      students from various Valparaiso (Indiana) schools in the high school
      auditorium. Kor was taken by the Nazis to Auschwitz concentration camp
      in 1944 with her twin sister, Miriam, where they were subjected to
      experiments at the behest of Nazi doctor Joseph Mengele that nearly
      killed them. Mengele was known as the “Angel of Death.” .
      ..VALPARAISO | At 10, the age of the average fourth-grader, Eva Moses
      Kor spent four harrowing days crammed into a railroad cattle car.

      It was better than what was to come.

      Arriving with her family and other Romanian villagers into “complete
      chaos” at the Auschwitz concentration camp in the spring of 1944, Kor
      was separated from her father and two older sisters. She never saw
      them again.

      Kor’s mother grabbed her hand and that of her twin sister, Miriam.
      When the German camp directors discovered they had a set of twins,
      they snatched them from their mother. The girls never saw her again

      “Miriam and I no longer had a family,” Kor told more than 800 Porter
      County eighth-graders Friday at Valparaiso High School.

      Thus began almost a year of starvation, near-death disease and
      gruesome medical experimentation at the hands of the Nazi doctor
      Joseph Mengele, the infamous “Angel of Death.”

      The girls were made to wait naked in a large group, had their hair
      shaved and were then tattooed dot by dot with a heated needle. Kor’s
      A-7063 remains clear on her forearm 66 years later.

      In the latrine, Kor came across the corpses of three children — the
      first time she had ever seen dead people. In that moment, Kor made a
      silent pledge to herself that Miriam and she would not end up on a
      filthy latrine floor.

      She remembered Mengele’s white gloves and gleaming black boots. In
      “blood labs,” orderlies drew blood from her left arm while giving her
      five injections of infectious substances in her right arm.

      Once, so weakened by fever she could only crawl to a faucet for water,
      she recalled telling herself, “I must survive, I must survive.”

      And by the time liberators arrived in January 1945, she and Miriam had
      survived. In an aside Friday, Kor thanked the veterans who saved her
      and so many others.

      Three lessons came from her ordeal, Kor told her young audience.

      “Never, ever give up” on yourselves or your dreams, she said. Growing
      up is hard and adolescence especially has challenges, even for those
      with loving parents. But your life could never be as hard as mine was,
      she reminded them.

      Kor also warned of the dangers of prejudice, the obstinate ignorance
      that produced Hitler and the Holocaust. She admitted to prejudices of
      her own, saying she had misjudged young people on the basis of fashion
      choices she dislikes.

      And forgiving others, Kor said, was essential to ending the wrongs
      they had done you.

      Only when she returned to Auschwitz in 1995 and forgave her tormentors
      did she take back control and feel she was no longer a prisoner of the
      camp. Forgiveness was a seed for peace, she said.

      “It will heal your soul, it will set you free,” Kor said.

      Copyright 2010 nwi.com. All rights reserved. This material may not be
      published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

    21. Tim McGreen Says:

      The writer of the above article forgot to mention the fact that Ms. Kor will be celebrating her 50th birthday in January.

      He also omitted the part of Ms. Kor’s speech where she claimed to have almost assassinated Hitler. You see, Spiderman saved Ms. Kor from Hitler’s private torture-chamber at the last minute, thanks to her seccret homing device that her mother had given her for her bat-mitzvah. Upon her rescue, Ms. Kor wanted to take Hitler’s own pistol and shoot him with it, but Spiderman told her not to do it because he (Spiderman) believed Hitler should be arrested and brought to justice. Unfortunately, Ms. Kor did not explain why Spiderman didn’t arrest Hitler when he had the chance to do so.

    22. festerbestertester Says:

      Has anyone been bored enough to tune into AMC’s series “The Walking Dead?” Episode two has the familiar White racist calling a Black man a “Nigger” and as a result of this the entire group bans together to condemn him and the man ends up being chained on top of a roof and left to die. Another episode features an Hispanic group looking menacing and threatening but in fact is helping and defending a group of elderly people against the flesh eating zombies. The Hispanic group is nurse maiding the elderly helping with their inhalers and rationing out medicine. The Jewish media never lets up on the White bad guy, minority good guy theme.

    23. Nom de Guerre Says:

      The civilian government further asserted itself when the prime minister announced on Thanksgiving Day that Turkey is prepared to react to any Israeli offensive

    24. Antagonistes Says:

      Read any good books on the Bible, lately?

      A good one is “Jesus, Interrupted” by Bart Ehrmann.

      He states that many books in the New Testament are outright forgeries, and that the Gospels were written by well-educated Greek-speaking people who did not even live in Palestine. Moreover, they are relating things that they received third- or fouth-hand, from illiterate people.

      He says that the Gospels combine several traditions, which the authors honored . . . without being very good editors. For example, in John, at the last great speech of John’s Jesus, several disciples ask him where he is going. Then, in a just few sentences, John’s Jesus says, “And yet, not one of you ask me where I am going.” That was quite funny.

      Also humorous is the way Bible believers have tried to reconcile various contradictory accounts in the Gospels.

      These things, Ehrmann says, have been known for three-hundred years. He wonders why preachers do not tell their congregations about them.

      Easy–they don’t want to know. They have been given eternal life in a celestial city of gold, all for nothing but saying a “sinner’s prayer’ and they don’t want that boat to be rocked.

      But it has already sunk.

      It had serious holes in it more than one thousand years ago.

    25. Howdy Doody Says:

      Nov 30, 2010 14:14 NY Time
      Silver 28.06 +0.93
      Platinum 1658.00 +13.00
      Palladium 697.00 +7.00
      Rhodium 2,250.00 0.00

      Click on the metal names to see the associated charts

      Nov 30, 2010 14:15 NY Time
      Gold/XAU Ratio 6.44
      Gold/Silver Ratio 49.33
      Gold/Platinum Ratio 0.83

      XAU 214.91 +4.11
      HUI 553.48 +10.87
      JSE Gold 2,638.35 -27.12
      GOX 245.39 +2.31
      TSX Gold 420.05 +11.45

      click to enlarge

      click to enlarge
      60 days 6 months
      5 years 10 years

      Index data delayed 30 min.
      DJIA 11,043.71 -8.78
      NASDAQ 2,505.99 -19.23
      NIKKEI 9,937.04 -188.95
      RUSSELL 728.93 -3.02
      NYSE 7,459.81 -23.53
      TSX 13,006.25 +110.60
      USD 81.18 +0.37
      Crude Oil 85.03 -0.70

    26. shabbos s shabazz Says:

      “Cut off the medicine, the foreign aid, cut off our military support, wrench them from our artery of life upon which they feed, watch them wither and die, and good riddance!”

      Wouldn’t that go against certain teachings?

    27. Tim McGreen Says:

      # shabbos s shabazz Says:
      30 November, 2010 at 7:00 pm

      “Cut off the medicine, the foreign aid, cut off our military support, wrench them from our artery of life upon which they feed, watch them wither and die, and good riddance!”

      Wouldn’t that go against certain teachings?


      Yes, a certain set of irrational, alien, near eastern teachings that have harmed our Race a great deal.

      But don’t worry, at the rate things are going, this cosmopolitan dollar-worshiping Jew-controlled nightmare called the USA will soon collapse, thus bringing to a permanent end the parasites’ feast.

    28. Tim McGreen Says:


      Julian Assange of Wikileaks fame. True, he is doubtless an ultra-liberal democracy-lover, but he has managed to embarrass the Evil Empire and also make its criminal allies look foolish. Therefore, I am making him an honorary member of “McGreen’s Maniacs”.

    29. The Red Skull Says:

      Hello and Heil to all!—Glad to see VNN back up and running!It was a real empty hole in my soul when i couldn’t read all the great counter-culture Pro-White Articles and commentary.Keep up the good work guys!

      @ Tim McGreen
      Julian Assange is probably a bleeding heart,but i agree Tim(as Usual)–he embarassed the Empire and let the Public know some pertinent facts.I immediately smelled a “jew-rat” when i heard the rape charges.–Bullshit!– Smear Job,i say.If he offended the “international community” and Madame Hillary Ironpants,then hes ok by me.Truth always finds a way to come out.

      The Jews HATE when it does.

    30. Kevin Says:

      Heil:) You know the phrase, “anti-semetic canard?” It’s a great way our enemies can sweep aside accusations that they can’t defend themselves from.

      “The Jews control the media.”
      “Oh that’s just an old anti-semetic canard.”

      I think we can use this sort of tactic, too.

      “National Socialism? Are you serious? But the Germans gassed six-million Jews!”
      “Oh that’s just an old anti-Germanic canard.”

      From now on, we can shrug our shoulders as if the libels against us don’t matter. Oh that’s just an old anty-Germanic canard. End of story:)

    31. Thom McQueen Says:

      Antagonistes, even if the Bible was true, the Christian sombitchs would still wimp out. They change the name of Christimas if somebody pisses on their leg. Christians: you lost your balls at Bethleham. You sacrificed your gonads at Golgotha. Don’t cry abvout it, your leader told you to be women, you sombitches.


    32. Klassikality Says:

      So when is Madam Seceretary Hellary gonna quit her post so she can challenge Obongo in 2012? I really would like to see the Democrap party split along racial lines, would at least be good for laughs. Even better, if Hillary somehow got the nomination, oh that would be sweet.
      As the niggers tear up the cities, I can see the dumb White liberals trying to talk their way out of getting messed up when they get caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. “B-But, I voted for Obama, please dont hurt me my black brother, fellow member of the human family.”

    33. Dave Says:

      Look how good the jew makes the Aryan look in this clip.


    34. Dave Says:

      Hey,I live in Montana and we have a very nice convention(civic) center. We have a symphony of our own and decent shows that play there. Well, now we are pleased to announce the coming of renowned singer/songwriter/nigger extraordinare snoop dogg. Who the fuck wants to see this nigger or any other in Montana. Oh yeah,all those liberal norwegian wigger gangster idiots. Fucking scandinavians. The most brainwashed of all whites.

    35. Dave Says:

      The very word jew sounds like a derogatory term.

    36. Antagonistes Says:

      Good point, Thom! Castrated Christ-men of Castratia!

      Dave, I have found blonde-headed people (especially women) to be some of the most gullible fools I have ever seen. I don’t know why, but they seem to have an attitude that things SHOULD be a certain way, that blacks SHOULD be able to act civilized, not grab their groins or sag, etc.

      It seems that since they think it should be, therefore it is.

      Brunettes and dark-brown haired people seem to have more of a feel for reality.

    37. Tim McGreen Says:

      Perhaps the reason that southern Euros are more racially aware than most Nordic types is because the southerners are closer to the mud parts of the world and have had a number of unpleasant encounters with the muds. Take Greece, for example, or Spain, or Russia. They are all on the geographical “front lines” against the Turks, Mongols, Tatars and Arabs, whereas until recently the Germans, Swiss and Norwegians were not.

    38. Antagonistes Says:

      I think that’s true , Tim.

      I have seen the same thing here is the US with people from the North. They come down here to the south with blonde expectations, but they seem to learn fairly quickly.

    39. shabbos s shabazz Says:

      “It seems that since they think it should be, therefore it is.’

      This is moral idealism of Plato (first commie) and German philosopher Immanuel Kant. There are two worlds- the one you see is called the phenomenal. The one you don’t see is called the noumenal. ETHICS AND MORALITY IS IN THE LATTER.

      Noumena are objects or events known only to the mind – independent of the senses. Pay attention well here- THIS SORT OF “PHILOSOPHY” IS EXPLICITLY BASED UPON NONSENSE!!


    40. Dave Says:

      I lost a racial comrade yesterday. He was stabbed in the throat. May he rest in peace.

    41. Tim McGreen Says:

      Shabbos, I rather think Plato was a fascist or a “nazi”. He didn’t like the idea of inherited wealth and power, he believed in a natural aristocracy, or meritocracy, one that gave opportunities to qualified men regardless of their socio-economic background. Of course, the ideal Platonic meritocracy would exclude women, Blacks, slaves and foreigners. Plato was an elitist, but a “natural” elitist. He would definitely have approved of National Socialism, not the phony egalitarianism that communism proffered.

    42. Howdy Doody Says:

      This is without a doubt the best video that has come out, and apparently 6 million others think so too because there have been 6 million hits in 4 days. Please watch it again and again, and send it on to others. I believe the pendulum has started to swing, so let’s keep it going. This is very well done.


      This e-mail above was sent to me by one of my neo con patriotards Hannity and savage worhipping duped associates.

      I did not open the You tube.

      I do know these types of duped think Vdare.com is radical which makes the jooos extremly happy that their media has brain washed Whites so well. After all they got US to murder Europe something the Mongols did not accomplish.

    43. Howdy Doody Says:



    44. morris wise Says:

      The Rothschild banking family no longer rules the world, it has been replaced by the Bloomberg empire headquartered in NYC with connections in Washington led by Chuck Schumer. Both leaders have become the heart and mind of the nation and the number one source of knowledge. The center of freedom and the hub of a new world order has been established. Future minded Rothschild family members are now heavy buyers of NYC real estate and are unloading their London properties.

    45. Howdy Doody Says:

      Serious news if true.

      If so they feel this is there Alamo, not China or near there Swiss accounts or some place.

      Peter Styvesent saw it coming.