20 November, 2010

Another Amy Biehl (Almost)

Posted by Socrates in Africa, Amy Biehl, Socrates at 1:47 am | Permanent Link

Let’s say that you’re a young woman living in a Western country. Do you 1) avoid Africa like the plague, or 2) go there against all common sense?


[1] about Amy Biehl

  • 15 Responses to “Another Amy Biehl (Almost)”

    1. Virgil Says:

      Objective reality must be acknowledged if one wants to increase their odds of surviving!

    2. Tim McGreen Says:

      This incident reminds me of those animal documentaries where the antelope wanders too close to the muddy watering hole and a giant alligator suddenly leaps out of the mud and pulls the antelope in. Nature does not suffer fools gladly. Stupid girl.

    3. confederate Says:

      so, how does the real “africa” look now? what a memorable honeymoon. such a nice “swedish” couple too.

    4. pieohmy Says:

      This whole article is a testament to the surreal nature of the media. He is described as “British”, even though his name is “Dewani and he is clearly Indian. She is described as “Swedish” although she is clearly Indian also.

    5. Marwinsing Says:

      Whooa! Whooa! Hold it there gents.

      That pommie-coolie hubby… (and you all know how much I HATE Britain and cowardly Europe for reasons that I have laid out upon this blog for years and years on end and wish upon them the WORST and MOST GORY of all genocides for what they did to ME and other South African Whites… yes… you all fucking know) – this cunt set his bitch up for a hit.

      End of story.

      Don’t argue.

      Else I categorise you in the aforementioned bunch of IDIOTS.

      Don’t argue.

      You heard it from Marwinsing.

      Go read my goddamned fucking blog for the full story.

    6. Marwinsing Says:

      FKN AWESOME… to see VNN back up again… (wank-wank!)

      Yo’ nigga ALEX! SOCRATES!! ‘n AWL!!!

      Marwinsing from Afreakah…

    7. CW-2 Says:

      Marwinsing you could be right, ‘British’ Asian men (gawd I hate that PC term) are always murdering their wives for the dowry or some other trifling excuse. Either way they found the real Africa.

    8. Marwinsing Says:

      Ugh… my goddamned fucking blog

    9. Marwinsing Says:


      Bro’…. I seen for the last ‘alf a century of me life – and I’m gettin’ bored of it – Hindian honour murrderrs… heh – you get it. I was born in Durban South Africa which WAS at one time the MOST populated Hindian harea houtside hof Hindia.. and hin mah day… I FUCKED MORE than one hor TWO of those Hindian pussies… you get? Not proud of it. Just sayin’.

    10. Marwinsing Says:

      No worries folks… I’ve Ilived in this puss-infested shit-hole called Africa for 50 years and my worst enemies are whites and that’s coming from a white racist.

      Africans are a walk in the park compared to white Christians.

      I hate them.

      The jews are right. White Christians should be murdered off, killed oiff, culled, for the crime of RACE-TRAITORISM and IDIOCRACY!!!!

      In fact ALL human idiots ought to culled and means about 99% of us.

      Good luck.

    11. Tim McGreen Says:

      Marwinsing, you’re making an arse out of yersself. Hmmm, let me guess what you look like?


    12. Howdy Doody Says:

      Well, I will bet he doesn’t have snow on his roof LOL, but he’s got the spirits going though.


    13. Howdy Doody Says:


      I had one just like her, but the price was high and the maintaining was higher LOL.


      David Allan Coe & George Jones “This Bottle (In My Hand)”

    14. Mary O Says:

      A honeymoon in Africa? Something isn’t right.

      And, the victim apparently is Arab; you can’t tell me it’s about guilt over Arab privilege.

      Nonetheless, this phenomenon, the Amy Biehl syndrome, is going strong.

      Let’s remember Kate Puzzi for a moment, and her great legacy: “Idiot Kwaness Peace Corps Volunteer Killed in Africa”


      And, now Aubrey Saccho.


      My cousin AUBREY SACCO, age 23, is MISSING in NEPAL. She took a bus from Kathmandu to SYABRUBESI on April 20, and began the 7-8 day LANGTANG trek in the Himalayas on April 21. She planned to follow the Lonely Planet guide. She should have returned to Kathmandu between April 30-May 1. We have not heard from her since she began the trek. She is trekking ALONE. Nepali agencies are working on this, including the US Embassy and FBI. If you have any contacts or information to help with our search please e-mail both csacco2700@gmail.com and amandaryan28@yahoo.com. Please repost this on twitter or any other forms of communication you have access to. THANK YOU!

      Doubtless the poor child wanted to see the real Nepal.

      They all write journals:

      … the all too familiar sound of barefeet passing around a soccer ball took me out of my meditation. I turned around to notice that there were two wooden posts with a string drawn across the top and a group of various aged boys (from 10-25 years old!) passing around the ball. Thankfully I’ve spent 90% of my life on a soccer field, and bless this world, for it is a universal language, a sport that every side of the earth knows how to play (much more passionately in every country outside of the US). I ran into my prison cell at the Beach Villa Guest House to put on my sports bra, and emerged with the intent of becoming part of this new beach and knocking around some of the local boys. As I entered the sand field, sans-boundaries, I yelled “Can I play?” Their excitement and yelling (who knows what they were saying in Sinhalese) attracted a larger audience, I’m not sure if they were more curious because I was a foreigner, or if I was a girl (girls in Sri Lanka don’t play sports).

      Note that while Saccho would claim to respect the cultures of these different South Asian nations, she does everything she can to subvert them.

      Was she offered as a human sacrifice to Kali by the locals?

      Or did she manage to break her ankle, and end up starving to death in some cave?

      Why do these well-educated girls go to these dangerous third-world nations?

      Social Advancement.

      First, the travel blog can be passed off on a resume as journalism, while the Peace Corp type gig can be claimed professional teaching experience.

      Most entry-level jobs require reporting to diversity candidate, but these wonderful travels allow these young women to bolt over this level to attain a State dept sinecure perhaps, or a do-nothing job in some comfy little Soros front.

      Free from even the slightest taint of suspicion of pro-White feeling, even their most insensitive comment will be interpreted as irony, rather then anything so déclassé as racism.

      The parents of course can easily forgive the natives for murdering their daughter, since nothing would have been more mortifying than other people seeing her behind a Walmart’s counter. And, quite naturally, the parents are ever so thankful to the natives for saving themselves from such a fate, worse than death as it would be.

    15. Leviticus Jackson Says:

      pieohmy is right! They are both East Indians and regardless of all the politically correct names they give them, they are still East Indians! Even they are falling for all the PC crap that portrays Negroes as “just like everyone else”! They found out the hard way!