Sex and the Jews: Letter to a Jewish Correspondent
Posted by Socrates in jewed culture, sex, Socrates at 5:34 pm | 
by Dr. Lasha Darkmoon.
“Of one thing we can be reasonably certain: any society that attracts large numbers of Jews can expect within a few years to enter a spiral of decadence. Moral anarchy sets in. Sexual promiscuity throws open its Pandora’s box of evils. We saw it in Weimar Germany. We see it gathering pace in America today. We see it above all in Israel, a society of fanatical settlers and rabid right-wing rabbis: a country surely doomed to implode from within, sooner or later, under the pressure of its own moral and military excesses.”
4 September, 2010 at 6:06 pm
a GOOD article. Jews and decadance go together like a horse and carriage. History is full of ruins of once great civilizations that fell to the subversive mechanisms of the jews, which promotes virtually everything that is disgenic and destructive to national and racial well being. While watching the movie, “Idiocracy” I shuddered to think how right on the mark it was in depicting a vision of the ‘Kwa five hundred years in the future. WAKE UP WHITE MAN AND BREAK THE SPELL OF THE JEWISH MATRIX OF EVIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4 September, 2010 at 6:13 pm
“any society that attracts large numbers of Jews can expect within a few years to enter a spiral of decadence. Moral anarchy sets in. Sexual promiscuity throws open its Pandora’s box of evils. We saw it in Weimar Germany. We see it gathering pace in America today.”
Well, no surprise! The Jews just LOVE anything that sells. And nothing sells like sex. Nothing is immune to their avarice. Nothing is above being commercialized and monetized and turned into a commodity.
They would sell you air to breathe, if only they could figure a way to meter it and ration it. Maybe some day they will.
4 September, 2010 at 6:23 pm
Jews and decadence go together like a dog and fleas.
I liked “Idiocracy” too. But (naturally) it completely missed (or it carefully avoided) the racial angle. The worst idiots shown were whites, and the few fairly bright ones (ie. the President, the prostitute) were black. And of course they had the heros in an inter-racial love situation. Well, thats what they have to do to get a Hollywood movie past, I suppose. But otherwise the general eugenic message was very good, absent the racial part.
4 September, 2010 at 6:49 pm
Agreed Yahoody. How about jews and decadence go together like flies and shit?
4 September, 2010 at 7:56 pm
Lasha Darkmoon shouldn’t have apologized to that mischling bitch Victoria for calling her a Jewess. I use that word all the time and I will never stop using it. Joan Rivers is a Jewess, Bette Middler is a Jewess, Monica Lewinsky is a Jewess…..
Jewess, Jewess, Jewess.
4 September, 2010 at 8:03 pm
Eh, sexual promiscuity isn’t in itself bad, that’s Judeo-Christian moralizing BS. It’s only a problem in the modern era where high quality girls are taught not to discriminate. If you have a network of friends who think the same and maintains the same standards, mimicking a tribal situation of our evolutionary past, lot of sex with multiple partners is fun. Women’s first pick for sex is a high quality male, but so many are busy with careers or monogamous partners that this leaves lots of women without access to a higher male.
The variance in female/male IQ bell curves shows why monogamy is detrimental. Women congregate around the middle, while more men are retarded or geniuses. In a natural state, the higher males would have more than 1 female, so the loser retards and niggers would be left with none. It’s a shame that so many white women claim to want monogamy, but they have been indoctrinated with the idea that men don’t give a damn about them other than sex, which isn’t true at all for a racially aware white guy, who cares a hell of a lot for any random white girl. It’s just tough over the years, seeing so many other high quality girls show interest, but ultimately end up with some loser, while we’re stuck in monogamous relationships.
4 September, 2010 at 8:03 pm
Flies and shit?
Ha! That’s even better!!!
That gets closest to the truth.
4 September, 2010 at 9:14 pm
In an Aryan society, monogomy is still the best option. The nuclear family has been the basis of most successful societies, and a healthy two parent family is the best way to raise Aryan children. The jewish sexual revolution of the 1960’s destroyed the White nuclear family, and what did it leave in its place? Two generations of totally screwed up White kids who for the most part have lost all consciousness of race, sexual morality, or social values. Having said that, it may be beneficial to the Race to allow only the most intelligent and healthy White men have more than one wife for eugenic reasons. The best bet would be to encourage the healthiest and best men and women of our Race to marry each other and have many children which could be partially subsidized by the State. Retards and criminals, of course should be sterilized if their disabilities have a genetic origin.
4 September, 2010 at 9:36 pm
Doug, I guess we are all somewhat brainwashed or at least subjected to mind control, but what’s up with the use of the term Judeo-Christrian? When I was a kid and went to church, back in the day, jews weren’t held up in hight praise, but now they are worshipped by the brain dead rapture bunnies. Isn’t the combination of jew and Christian mutually exclusive terms, like a turd in the punch bowl. Let’s see, they killed the savior of Christanity, to this day they spit on Christians and their symbols and now they are being worshipped like Jesus. Who ever pulled that switcharoo off probably is alive and living well in I$rahell with his hedge fund money. Who said jews weren’t cunning?
4 September, 2010 at 9:46 pm
In truth , the dams genetic imprint is more than the sires, The male for the most part determines the sex only. There are societes such as in tibet where one woman is shared among several men. Life is so “hard” for females there! Like snow white and the seven dwarves. May”bee” we could end run the jews game of perverting us , by bee coming like the bees, with only one fertile female bearing the whole colony, everyone else for the most part female worker bees or drones.
4 September, 2010 at 9:56 pm
Sex is more fantasy than anything else, having something else is the real problem, that leads to fetishes, and all the other taboo stuff that gives the jews an inroad into destroying our society. I think Tim summed it up in another post, the puritanical juggernaut that taints our society, that respect for authority etc. “We be no heathesn heah” “God bless Amerikwa” “Amerikwan by birth , Southerner by the grace of God” “My boss is a jew carpenter” and the litany goes on. We really can’t think outside the jew box too much, without being completely alienated
4 September, 2010 at 10:09 pm
Lasha Darkmoon can certainly write a rebuttal!
No wonder all these yeshiva boys are rocking so vigorously…
“Turn to the Babylonian Talmud and you will find yourself suddenly transported into a hothouse world of indelicate anecdotes dealing specifically with prostitutes and their rabbinical (or yeshiva student) clients. There are so many of these stories in the Talmud that a special name had to be invented for them: aggadah. Though these instructive anecdotes touch on all conceivable topics, usually with a rabbi as the central figure, sex often looms large. It can certainly be argued that Judaism is more obsessed with sex than any other world religion. (Scroll down to “Contents”, here.) “
4 September, 2010 at 11:18 pm
“The jewish sexual revolution of the 1960’s destroyed the White nuclear family, and what did it leave in its place? Two generations of totally screwed up White kids who for the most part have lost all consciousness of race, sexual morality, or social values.”. — Jim
I have an acquaintance, an extremely nice guy, who became a hippie way back then. He was a trusting, totally naive boy from the South who knew nothing about Jews. He fell in with a bunch of campus Jews and became a hippy because of his Jewish girfriend, whom he describes as a “REAL” hippy, who led him into it. He says he was never a “real” hippy, but just went along for her sake. That ruined his career (he was a young professor), and his whole life. She got him on drugs and kinky sex, and turned him into a mental and emotional wreck. He left his job, had a nervous breakdown, and ended up in a hippy commune living in an abandoned truck. He has never gotten over it and never will. It’s too late for him now. Though he was surrounded by Jews, it took him a long time to figure out what’s what. By that time his career was ruined and so was he. Now he’s Jew-savvy, but too late. He’s barely existing on social security, eating at the Salvation Army, and he’s a mental wreck. He also inherited property from his parents and grandparents; that’s all gone too. His Jewish friends cleaned him out. As I said, he’s the nicest guy you could meet, but he was an innocent lamb and they took advantage of him. That was long ago. He still loves her, btw, though she has nothing to do with him and has another man in her life now. He’s sorry too that he never had children; that’s too late also. They used him up and tossed him out.
Thank god I missed all that stuff. I had no time for Vietnam protests.
I was too busy working.
“encourage the healthiest and best men and women of our Race to marry each other and have many children which could be partially subsidized by the State. Retards and criminals, of course should be sterilized if their disabilities have a genetic origin.”
Ideally, that sounds great. But practically, I don’t know. I would be extremely leery of leaving it up to the state to make such decisions. In a perfect world that would be fine. But given a state such as we have now ( and which most of the world has too) they would be subsidizing party cronies, relatives, etc. The best people would be shut out in favor of the worst. I just don’t like entrusting something like that to the state.
5 September, 2010 at 12:24 am
You are absolutely right about the “hippies” Henry. The entire “counter culture” movement of the sixties was almost entirely jew inspired; (think Abbie Hoffman, Jerry Rubin, Richard (Rammed Ass) Alpert, and a host of other kikes). As far as a Eugencs program, it obviously would not even be contemplated, let alone implemented in a dysgenic society that encourages further disgenics such as we have today. In a future NS Society, the quality of the population would be more important than mere quantity, and Racial Improvement Boards would be set up by qualified Government Agencies to handle this issue on a case by case basis. Remember, Henry, A NS State will work FOR our people, not AGAINST them, as does the current jewish death system.
5 September, 2010 at 1:56 am
The only hippie commune that I liked was the one located at the Spahn Movie Ranch in Chatsworth between 1968 and 1970.
5 September, 2010 at 2:01 am
Is there anything more silly than a 60 year-old guy with a bald head and a long white ponytail, a guy who wears John Lennon glasses, a brightly-colored tye-dye shirt and who attended the 40th anniversary reunion concert of Gary Puckett and the Union Gap? Doesn’t a guy like that deserve to be smacked?
5 September, 2010 at 2:02 am
The HOLY COST to Whites have been what 50% plus divorce for White familiesa and what percentage since the 70’s were prescribed Speed/Ritlin?
Genocidal criminals.
So now what percentage of folks under 45 have come split up famalies who fought it out in courts and the children are screwed up adult.
I have known divorced couples and their children are now young screwed up adults, but being White there is still no TNB.
5 September, 2010 at 6:20 am
What happened to my reply submitted last night? Is this an oversight on the “waiting for moderation” or is it something more devious?
5 September, 2010 at 10:17 am
The Jewess finds most intelligent white men irresistible and is happy to bear their smart children. Thanks to sexual freedom there are hundreds of thousands of mishlings who have inherited the intelligence needed to propel them to great financial heights. The mentally challenged Jew often serves as a cuckold to raise a talented child and is shocked that it often has blue eyes.
5 September, 2010 at 11:16 am
morris wise Says:
5 September, 2010 at 10:17 am
The Jewess finds most intelligent white men irresistible and is happy to bear their smart children. Thanks to sexual freedom there are hundreds of thousands of mishlings who have inherited the intelligence needed to propel them to great financial heights. The mentally challenged Jew often serves as a cuckold to raise a talented child and is shocked that it often has blue eyes.
2 0
They got Mark Twain’s estate through marrying his daughter though he was joo wise period.
I have known two pioneer wealthy families who made it through hard work of building up from nothing with their braun and discipline to their children born after 1945 marrying jooish women who IMO targeted them.
Naturally these White men today do not support White survial and their children are rabid anti’s.
5 September, 2010 at 3:28 pm
“The Jewess finds most intelligent white men irresistible and is happy to bear their smart children.”
They also relish the conquest of a smart, good looking, young white man (as with my acquaintance, the professor, a descendent of Thomas Jefferson) and taking him out of the gene pool. That’s a catch for them, and no WASPy children for him. Now, too late, he wonders where his life went.
Not all Jewesses want kids. Lots don’t. But even if they don’t have children by him, they waste his life and keep him from having any either. At least some shicksa didn’t get him, they must figure.
Howdy, you could complie a huge list of all the scions of prominent or wealthy families who have married Jews. Jews don’t (normally) approve of intermarriage, but where it’s to someone prominent, wealthy, talented, powerful, famous, or connected…. they allow an exception.
As I said, even if they don’t have kids, they’ve taken that gentile out of the gene pool. And if they do have kids, the kids will be raised as Jews. With a Jewish mother, they will be considered Jews.
5 September, 2010 at 3:32 pm
In the same way, a Jewish man finds a beautiful “schicksa” to marry and keep as a trophy wife. They don’t usually have children, she’s just for show, but she’s kept out of the gene pool, and no white man gets her either.
5 September, 2010 at 3:39 pm
“They got Mark Twain’s estate through marrying his daughter, though he was joo wise period.”
Old Man Joseph Kennedy was Jew-wise too (he was even pro-nazi). But his grand-daughter, Caroline, married a Jew, and now his great grandchildren are Jews and JFK’s fortune will go to Jews.
5 September, 2010 at 5:18 pm
It is illogical for the Jewess to wed a gentile and also be a follower of Judaism, they are Atheists. Their children might be considered Jews according to orthodox law but due to their mothers non-belief 99% follow no religion. Most of todays Jews are living with gentiles and seldom do they practice religion, Judaism is only for the orthodox and makes no sense to the ordinary Jew.
6 September, 2010 at 6:56 pm
Mz. Darkmoon [we’ve encountered her here before] is an intelligent and interesting writer with a good message. She is still young, though, and a bit over-enthusiastic, I’d say. She should turn down the dial just a notch. She is a little given to over-statement. For instance, she says that no other religion is more sex-and-biology-obsessed than Judaism. No argument there! But I would say that Islam is just about equally obsessed with sex and biological functions. That’s certainly not letting Judaism off the hook, as Islam grew out of Judaism. It’s interesting to note that the two Semitic religions are brothers.
As for her claim that Jewesses gravitated to prostitution because of poverty and because they were exploited, I’m reluctant to buy that. There are other explanations. I can see that they would function as madams and procurors, for GENTILE girls, not their own.
I also question the claims that Jewesses were so dark, sexy, and desireable that they were in great demand. Huh? As for those Jewesses who DID choose to go into “the business” (and I don’t doubt there were plenty), it wasn’t so much because of poverty, I suspect, but opportunism. Jews always go where the money is. They know sex means money. And it’s easy “work” . Lying on your back is a whole lot easier than being a factory girl, like those poor shicksas who toiled on assembly lines for 12-hour days. Just like being a porn star is today (also dominated by Jews): sex is easy work and fast money. You don’t find Jews in any profession working for pennies! They go after the money. And some lucky ones, like Theda Bara, Mae West, Nazimova, Gypsy Rose Lee (?) could even hit the big time and get rich. Those poor dumb shicksas on the assembly line never would.
6 September, 2010 at 8:11 pm
@ Jim.
Jim how closely did those previous Aryan societies follow their monogomous preachings. Even if openly pro monogomous how many men had mistresses and how many women had affairs. Plenty! The idea makes for a seemingly wholesome family environment but is unrealistic. Aryan beauty is too much! It is very difficult to not admire the chick next door. I do not ” cheat” on my wife but I sure as hell do admire other women on a daily basis and do not conceal it from my wife. I do not expect her to conceal things from me either. Right or wrong,I don’t know. I just do what feels natural. That includes my racial beliefs.
6 September, 2010 at 8:13 pm
Tim says:
”Is there anything more silly than a 60 year-old guy with a bald head and a long white ponytail, a guy who wears John Lennon glasses, a brightly-colored tye-dye shirt and who attended the 40th anniversary reunion concert of Gary Puckett and the Union Gap? Doesn’t a guy like that deserve to be smacked?”
I see them everyday and they are truly funny. But! Let’s not knock Gary pucket and the union gap. They had some good tunes,heh.
6 September, 2010 at 8:23 pm
Earlier someone was discussing weather it is our fault or the jews. Its ours dummys! If you leave food out to rot roaches will surely come. how is this scenario different? We leave ourselves open to jew influence and tadah! They work their voodoo. Do what they do. Like a nigger unleashed amongst whites,oh,wait….lol. He will rob steal rape and kill. What else would you expect? We let certain ” elites” run our lives. White sell outs. I encounter them daily. The salesmen at the company I work for. Nothing else matters but the almighty dollar. They work for the jew. Without knowing it!
So,we let these whites dictate who have no BUISINESS dictating. Their greed allows the jews to work their way in. Are the jews guilty? sure! But we let them in. If not you or I directly,our kinsmen did and WE need to rectify the situation and punish all perpetrators. Both whites and jews.
6 September, 2010 at 8:37 pm
you know I have said before I am a firm believer in the need for caste systems. Spoken or not. I do however get extremely pissed when upper class whites drive by in BMW’s and give me dirty looks. Growing up poor in San Diego put me in this scenario plenty. Beat on by the spics spit on by the whites. I am not mad because I was poor and treated as such. I am mad because those more successful whites fail to realize who they owe their allegiance to.
The other reason I get so pissed is really unique. I have a higher than average I.Q but no desire to be rich. I am happy to work with my hands and get dirty. I really therefore do not fit in. So,do I even have the right to be pissed…. should I just say fuck it and go back to school and join the ranks of those who look down upon me? Or,should i join the people i work around and discuss hunting and fishing 24/7. oh,and televitz and the latest movies?
6 September, 2010 at 10:51 pm
“Jim how closely did those previous Aryan societies follow their monogomous preachings. Even if openly pro monogomous how many men had mistresses and how many women had affairs. Plenty! The idea makes for a seemingly wholesome family environment but is unrealistic.” — Dave
Christianity killed off a lot of that. I was reading just yesterday about the Viking King, Canute the Great, who was king of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden, plus England, Scotland, and Poland. (d.1035AD)
As King of England, he maintained two queens there: one in the north of the country and one in the south. Coming from a country that was just recently [and not yet fully] Christianized, he saw nothing wrong with this convenient arrangement, but the Christians were uneasy with it!
[“it did not fit with the emergent ideals of Christendom”]
The reference was only to his two queens in England, but I would have to assume it would follow that he probably had more queens back home, in each country.
6 September, 2010 at 11:11 pm
The Mohammedans have four wives. What’s wrong with that?
6 September, 2010 at 11:40 pm
The law of supply and demand, Tim. For every Mohammedan that has four wives there is going to be three horny ragheads.
7 September, 2010 at 6:44 am
It has become almost impossible to find an Ashkenazim type who is not sleeping with a gentile, they have wisely discarded the Talmud for the Bloomingdales catalog and a lifestyle without kvetching. But there remains a few Orthodox Jews who carry on the tradition, they are making sure that Moses is not forgotten.
7 September, 2010 at 3:32 pm
As I’ve said before, the Jews’ ultimate plan is to infect all the races and ethnic groups of the world with their demonic DNA. That way, the whole world will become literally Judaized. The Jews may lose some of their Jewish identity in the process, but they will have their ultimate victory over the Gentiles. Their cursed Tribe will have gained possession of the whole world through the transmission of its genes to the goyim.
7 September, 2010 at 4:45 pm
I’ve read that sprem banks rely very heavily, even mainly, on medical students for their anonymous donors. Inevitably, that would mean a very high percentage of Jews, perhaps even the majority, are donors.
24 September, 2010 at 12:56 pm
Good White people do not allow their lives to be ruled by sex or the pursuit of it, especially with multiple partners. This is what niggers do. We are better than that, or we should aspire to being better.
White men need to grow up and act older than a fourteen year old where sex is concerned. White women need to stop behaving as if their every daily thought revolved around the size of a man’s penis.
Good grief. We have allowed ourselves to wallow in the gutter.