29 August, 2010

Open Thread

Posted by Socrates in open threads, Socrates at 9:40 pm | Permanent Link

Post whatever you want…

  • 149 Responses to “Open Thread”

    1. Tim McGreen Says:

      Just looking at that fat pig Hagee should be enough to repulse any half-sane person:


    2. CW-2 Says:

      Just received the latest issue of ‘The Barnes Review’. Interesting articles on; Churchill’s correspondence with Mussolini during WWjew, the Mid East Neanderthal connection, and Yevgeny Primakov’s (real name Finkelstein) views on how Arab nationalism is thwarting the jew World Order.

    3. Jim Says:

      It is amazing how much influence these IDIOTS like John Hagee, Glenn Beck, and Sarah Palin have over the so-called conservative movement. It really is a testimony to the low state that the mind set of the average AmeriKwan has sunk when these morons can attrack hundreds of thousands of people to the District of Corruption to fawn over the kikes, and their hero, Martin Lucifer Koon plus all their “bomb Iran” bullshit while a WN rally is lucky to attract forty or fifty people.

    4. Tim McGreen Says:

      Jim, it just goes to show you that conservatism represents a de-evolution of thought. At first, the Right had some formidable minds in its intellectual arsenal, like William F. Buckley, James J. Kilpatrick and the Jews William Safire, Barry Goldwater and Bob Novak. Now they have degenerated to the point where, like you say, Sarah Palin, Sean Handjob and the rest of that moronic crew are the Right’s standard-bearers. For years, Bill O’ Lielly, Flush Scumbaugh and Glen Peckerhead toiled in media obscurity, until they decided to jump on the conservative bandwagon. They aren’t smart enough to have any kind of mature and rational political philosphy, they are just a bunch of former drunks, draft-dodgers and dope-fiends who latched on to a gimmick.

      How far the Right has fallen. Now they are even embracing Michael King, the biggest con-man and sleazebag of the 20th century. Have they no sense of shame?

    5. Tim McGreen Says:

      CW-2, I find it hard to believe that Il Duce and Winnie ever corresponded at any time, least of all duing WWII. Why would Mussolini degrade himself like that?

    6. Blackshirt Says:

      Tim, I’ve always read that Churchill and Mussolini corresponded early in Mussolini’s Fascist career, but it is news to me that they corresponded after the war started. Churchill was certainly a wishy-washy (slushy?) figure, that’s for sure. He recognized early on that the Bolsheviks in Russia were mostly Jewish and he saw the danger of Communism, and yet he did the Jews bidding and made Britain allies with the Bolsheviks during WWII. I see him as a political whore like most politicians, willing to sell his influence to the highest bidder or changing allegiances with the wind.

    7. Blackshirt Says:

      Tim and Jim, you guys are right on the money.

      Is there anything more disgusting than seeing thousands of White people on the mall in Washington worshipfully praising “Snivel Rights” leaders? And these people are supposed to save us from Obama’s “socialists” and the immigrant invasion?

      You have to give it to the Republicrats, they know how to hijack any public sentiment and warp it to their needs. I think the whole tea party thing was originally supposed to be a reaction against the Republicans and the Democrats, but look how cleverly the Republicunts have hijacked that movement.

    8. Blackshirt Says:

      Tim and Jim, you guys are right on the money.

      Is there anything more disgusting than seeing thousands of White people on the mall in Washington worshipfully praising “Snivel Rights” leaders? And these people are supposed to save us from Obama’s “socialists” and the immigrant invasion?

      You have to give it to the Republicrats, they know how to hijack any public sentiment and warp it to their needs. I think the whole tea party thing was originally supposed to be a reaction against the Republicans and the Democrats, but look how cleverly the Republicunts have hijacked that movement.

    9. The Red Skull Says:


      Winston sold out to the jews even though he knew about the jew element(90%) of Bolshevism.Dead on the mark about the fat cigar smoking drunken slob.By “saving” England from Hitler and “all his odious apparatus”,he saved it for the jews and bank of england.So later they could break it by flooding it with all kinds of nigs,nogs,wogs,cooms,crappers and pakis and bring it down racially like all White countries.Now would i talk about “ol Winnie” like that if i was from there?I thank God i don’t live there,as they have no guns,no gun rights and no rights to free speech(racial speech)are are a bunch of pussies now,with some notable exceptions.They live under a Nanny wipe -your ass 24 hour Camera survellience State.We are not far behind with cameras on light post and intersections–i HATE IT!FUCK ZOG CAMERAS!THEY ARE UNAMERICAN AND TYRANNICAL!I do not like living under 24 hour video,and its an intrusion on privacy and Liberty.All in the name of “fighting crime”–complete and utter bullshit.


      However,i bashed England pretty good,This country sucks too,they just haven’t figured out how to disarm us yet,and we’re not far behind if they get their way.Also,how many of you know its ILLEGAL in Germany to give the Nazi Salute,or shout Sieg Heil!??How “free” is that?Their SO AFRAID of racially aware Whites,they ban it with Hate speech laws and other laws.People need to keep highly in mind that WE-AMERICANS—Are the last White people in the World! who can speak out freely and Name the Jew,and still have Guns and ammo.They are basically disarmed slaves in Europe,Canada and Austrailia,all with their own ZOGS,who have their lives far more restricted than we do.This internet is the last gasp of Freedom and Freedom of Thought,that Whites have.Thats why the jews desparately want to shut it down(Sen,Leibermans Bill) or recreate it (google) so they can control the content.

      Now i hear about this bill in the Cuntgress of Traitors to make it illegal to grow your own garden without “special permits and Gov’t approval”.These Motherfuckers won’t be happy till they can control EVERY ASPECT of our lives.The more Jews there are in your Gov’t,The LESS FREEDOM YOU HAVE!JEWS have sponsored every anti-gun law, and every “hate speech and hate crime” law there is.People are sick of being beat down and they have worked hard to wreck our economy,how much more can America take before theres a Revolution or Civil War??

      I opened a can of worms with the Hagee comment-but i’d never seen the guy preach,and it was too muchHumans are like bugs and eventually we can “breed out” Christianty from the life of our people.Paganism lends itself much more to racial awareness and less guilt for doing what needs to be done from a racial point of view,thats why the Nazis went back to it–Particularly the SS>

      The point is—either we wake up and organize racially,or we die a slow death,and in 200 to 300 years there won’t be any White people-we will have been Bred out of existance forever.I Pointed out to another clueless clam when i asked him if he knew what percentage of the World population the White race is…..he guessed “the Majority?” No,we are only about 10% (and declining) of the World population,and White Women of child bearing age are only 2-3% of world population.Even this clam was shocked(most are)Well…he said,what about Russia and Europe and all that territory we have??I replied yes,we control alot of space because at one time our race kicked-ass and took names,but the most percentage we ever had of world population was 23% in the 50’s.We have Declined 13% roughly in the last 60 years thatnks to economics and the jewish-led abortion movement.IN another 200 to 300 years at most,if present trends continue,we won’t physically be around.Thats why all science fiction–much as i like alot of it, is complete and utter bullshit because there WON’T be any whites in the Future,or very,very few.The look of shock on his face was priceless,but i did not gloat.The trouble we as a people are in is no laughing matter.

      If you read my earlier 1st post,you’ll see i mention Denver and the Broncos.Thats where i’m from.Nazis in Colorado!Oh shit they’re everywhere.If i’m ever up in the eastern armpit of the country we’ll have to have a beer!Great minds do think alike!Anyway-i ranted enough this post —back to the niggerball game-beers in the fridge!—whhooo whoo!

    10. Howdy Doody Says:

      Blackshirt Says:

      3 September, 2010 at 10:26 am

      Tim, I’ve always read that Churchill and Mussolini corresponded early in Mussolini’s Fascist career, but it is news to me that they corresponded after the war started. Churchill was certainly a wishy-washy (slushy?) figure, that’s for sure. He recognized early on that the Bolsheviks in Russia were mostly Jewish and he saw the danger of Communism, and yet he did the Jews bidding and made Britain allies with the Bolsheviks during WWII. I see him as a political whore like most politicians, willing to sell his influence to the highest bidder or changing allegiances with the wind.

      0 0

      Alcohol destroyed many men, and has caused much pain.

      Winnie was a phucking drunkard, like the King of England Edward who in 1914 destroyed the West, by allowing London to go to war.

    11. Howdy Doody Says:

      Now i hear about this bill in the Cuntgress of Traitors to make it illegal to grow your own garden without “special permits and Gov’t approval”.These Motherfuckers won’t be happy till they can control EVERY ASPECT of our lives.The more Jews there are in your Gov’t,The LESS FREEDOM YOU HAVE!JEWS have sponsored every anti-gun law, and every “hate speech and hate crime” law there is.People are sick of being beat down and they have worked hard to wreck our economy,how much more can America take before theres a Revolution or Civil War??

      If you could post that bill about gardens and who it is, thank you.

      I do they now WANT EVERY SINGLE sheep, cow, or HORSE I.D.ED

      NOT one animal is allowed to exist with out the regime knowing about it.

      ID for moving commericial meat around for health reasons is great, but they went over board big time IMO>

    12. CW-2 Says:

      Tim, I was also very surprised by the ‘allegation’ that Churchill was in conctact with Mussolini DURING the war. It seems to be one of those very inconvenient facts which all governments try hard to suppress or at least discredit. Some of the evidence presented could be a bit harder, but enough material is presented for a diligent researcher to start filling the gaps. I recommend you read the article and draw your own conclusions.

      One highlight: “Investigator Fabio Andriola

    13. CW-2 Says:

      Accidentally pressed the submit button!

      One highlight: “Investigator Fabio Andriola was able to track down 30 persons who personally saw the communications from Churchill, some dated as late as the winter of 1944-45.”

    14. Blackshirt Says:

      Well CW-2, those are interesting things you brought up about the Churchill- Mussolini communications. But to what end is it worth bringing this up? Are you (or the author of the article you read) trying to show Churchill as a hypocrite or Mussolini as a traitor for them corresponding with each other? What is the point? How does this effect us one way or another?

      I’m not trying to put you on the spot or be rude to you, I’m just trying to figure out the usefulness of debating whether Churchill and Mussolini corresponded. By the way, I do believe Roosevelt and Hitler exchanged communication before the US entered the war.

    15. Yahoody Doody Says:

      “the wealthiest and most powerful man in the world is Sir Evelyn De Rothschild. The International Bankers Exchange claim he is wealthy enough to purchase the continent of Europe and make it his private domain.”

      Never heard of him. Nor the “International Bankers’ Exchange” (by such a name). Nor have I ever seen him listed in Forbes or on any lists of wealth.

      Im interested in these things. Do you have any documentation on that?
      Lets deal with facts and reality here, and not get carried away by fantasy.

      PS. I googled for more info. and found nothing — except a write-in comment made by a POSTER in the Economist. In other words, totally unfounded nonsense by some babbling troublemaker. Anybody can say anything on the Internet (as we all know).

      Blackshirt: Your comments on the moronic brainwashing inflicted on Christard youth in the South made me sick. (No offense to you personally.) Thats my definition of child abuse.

      Blackshirt said: “Churchill was certainly a wishy-washy (slushy?) figure, that’s for sure. I see him as a political whore like most politicians, willing to sell his influence to the highest bidder or changing allegiances with the wind.”

      Whore is the exactly right word. Remember that his father was a wastrel aristocrat, son of the Duke of Marlborough, but broke, who married Jennie Jerome, a Brooklyn heiress, for her money. There was no love there. He got the money, and she got a title. Some sources claim that she was Jewish, and very possibly so, but I have never been able to confirm it one way or another. In either case, Churchill’s father was an avaricious whore, avid for money, just like his son. They were both addicted to living beyond their means. And the Jews were happy to provide the means – for a price.

      I personally despise the dipsomanic old warmonger Churchill because he brought about the ruin of the British Empire, and the triumph of the Marxists. He caused the deaths of millions of white people. He presided over the beginning of the colored invasion of Britain (1948) and did nothing to stop it; and he is responsible for the general world situation in which we all find ourselves today. Some hero! The hateful old fool.
      I spit on his grave.

      Yet millions of lemmings still worship him, while their country vanishes from under their feet! Pathetic.

    16. Yahoody Doody Says:

      The point isnt whether Mussolini and Churchill corresponded. What matters is the nature of the correspondence.

    17. Howdy Doody Says:

      There is a High School built and opened in 1967 in Eugene Oregon

      If they were let his own two volume biography be on display to read in the school library so some adventurous student might try to read it, it would be found that the fat drunk never mentions any “HolyCost” ????

    18. Howdy Doody Says:

      Why did US high schools get Named after him ?

      Winston Churchill High School (Eugene, Oregon)
      From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
      Jump to: navigation, search
      Winston Churchill High School
      1850 Bailey Hill Road
      Eugene, Oregon, Lane County, 97405
      United States
      Coordinates 44°02?21?N 123°09?01?W? / ?44.03929°N 123.15017°W? / 44.03929; -123.15017Coordinates: 44°02?21?N 123°09?01?W? / ?44.03929°N 123.15017°W? / 44.03929; -123.15017
      Type Public
      Motto Lancer Pride[citation needed]
      Opened 1966
      School district Eugene School District
      Principal Kim Finch[1]
      Grades 9–12[2]
      Number of students 1,195[2]
      Color(s) Red, white, & blue [1]
      Athletics conference OSAA Midwestern League 5A-4[1]
      Team name Lancers[1]
      Website http://www.chs.lane.edu
      Winston Churchill High School, also known as Churchill High School, is a public high school located in Eugene, Oregon, United States. The school was named after Winston Churchill.

      Contents [hide]
      1 Academics
      2 Churchill Alternative High School
      3 Rachel Carson Center
      4 Sports
      4.1 State championships
      5 Notable alumni
      6 Student Media
      6.1 Radio
      7 Child Development Center
      8 References

      [edit] Academics
      In 2008, 93% of the school’s seniors received their high school diploma. Of 276 students, 258 graduated, 8 dropped out, 6 received a modified diploma, and 4 are still in high school.[3][4]

      [edit] Churchill Alternative High School
      The alternative program at Churchill, also known as CAHS, offers extensive opportunities for independent study and non-traditional methods for completing high school graduation requirements.[5]

      In 2008, 83% of CAHS’s seniors received their high school diploma. Of 89 students, 74 graduated, 11 dropped out, and 4 are still in high school.[3][4]

      [edit] Rachel Carson Center
      The Center for Natural Resources offers another alternative to the traditional high school curriculum. Students enrolled in this program spend a portion of their time at Rachel Carson and the rest of their time at their home high school. The center provides students with experience, knowledge, and skills that relate to the natural environment.[6]

      [edit] Sports
      [edit] State championships
      Football: 1978
      Basketball: 1995, 2001
      Boys tennis: 2007, 2008
      Boys soccer: 2008
      [edit] Notable alumni
      Margaret Bailes — Track and Field Athlete
      Jordan Kent — football player, Seattle Seahawks, St. Louis Rams
      Stanley G. Love — astronaut
      David Vobora — football player, St. Louis Rams
      Jenny Wade — actress
      [edit] Student Media
      [edit] Radio
      Churchill is one of the local high schools contributing to KRVM (AM) and KRVM (FM), a public access radio station which includes student involvement.[7]

      [edit] Child Development Center
      Churchill hosts an educational pre-school program for children aged 2 1/2 to five years old. The state licensed program also provides an opportunity for the high school students to gain credit and experience working with the children.[8]

      [edit] References
      ^ a b c d http://www.osaa.org/schools.aspx/Churchill/
      ^ a b “Oregon School Directory 2008–09” (PDF). Oregon Department of Education. pp. 139. http://www.ode.state.or.us/pubs/directory/school-directory-september-2008.pdf. Retrieved 2009-05-28.
      ^ a b “State releases high school graduation rates”. The Oregonian. 2009-06-30. http://www.oregonlive.com/education/index.ssf/2009/06/high_school_dropout_rates.html. Retrieved 2009-07-01.
      ^ a b “Oregon dropout rates for 2008”. The Oregonian. 2009-06-30. http://blog.oregonlive.com/education_impact/2009/06/Dropout-Rates.xls. Retrieved 2009-07-01.
      ^ “Alternative High School”. http://www2.chs.lane.edu/school/minischools/alternative. Retrieved 2009-08-23.
      ^ “Rachel Carson High School”. http://schools.4j.lane.edu/carson/. Retrieved 2009-08-23.
      ^ http://www.krvm.org/links/links.html
      ^ “Child Development Center”. G’Lancer. 2009-08-01. http://www2.chs.lane.edu/files/907GLancer.pdf. Retrieved 2009-08-23.

      This Oregon school-related article is a stub. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. v • d • e

      Retrieved from “http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winston_Churchill_High_School_(Eugene,_Oregon)”

    19. Howdy Doody Says:

      The Churchill Trust was established in 1965 to honour the memory of Sir Winston Churchill by awarding overseas research Fellowships known as ‘Churchill Fellowships’.

      Since its inception The Churchill Trust has awarded Churchill Fellowships to over 3,400 Australians who, like Churchill, are innovative, filled with a spirit of determination and possess a strong desire to benefit their community.

      Churchill Fellowships allow you to design your own research project, travel the world and further your knowledge in your chosen field, before returning to make a real contribution to Australian society.

      So if you…

      are an Australian citizen aged over 18 years
      have a passion for your chosen field and a desire to conduct research overseas
      would like to benefit Australia by sharing your knowledge and experience

    20. The Red Skull Says:

      @ Howdy Doody
      Howdy,i don;t have much info at this point.I think its called Senate bill 1051 or 2.Try the globalresearch.ca website.I need to find out more myself.Red Skull.

    21. ED! Says:

      For anybody who thinks that the Rothschilds do not exist, HERE IS THEIR WEBSITE!!!


    22. Ein Says:

      Ed, I never suggested for one single moment that the Rothschilds
      “do not exist”. Nor do I doubt their enormous wealth and power. I only questioned the veracity of that completely unverified story that was sent in by some anonymous poster. We can’t believe everything we read on the Internet – especially when it’s not substantiated anywhere. Agreed?

    23. Z.O.G. Says:

      There’s no such thing as the “International Bankers Exchange.” LOL

    24. Z.O.G. Says:

      Alex Jones’ Jewish Connections


    25. Tim McGreen Says:

      Jones’ wife looks pretty cute in those grainy video stills, so she is no doubt only part-Jewish. But that’s still enough to make her act like a spoiled, obnoxious and immature Jew bitch. Imagine throwing a dead raccoon at someone…..Cunt.

      I guess Alex Jones must be a big money-maker, otherwise the Jews wouldn’t bother swarming around him and issuing him a Jewess for a bride. I haven’t listened to his dumb, mindless show in months and no longer care to. The Jews obviously use Jones to deflect or re-direct gentile suspicion away from the Jews and towards some mysterious and ill-defined “new world order” instead.

      Based on extensive research, it’s been discovered by the University of Chicago School of Medicine that Jew faces come in three varieties : Either they resemble pigs (http://cache.gawker.com/hollywood/harveybird.jpg), rats (http://www.kutzpah.net/pix/chutzpah.jpg) or vampire bats (http://ll-images.veoh.com/image.out?imageId=media-v18535669Ha6aRaGq1243621584.jpg).

    26. Tim McGreen Says:

      Jones’ wife looks pretty cute in those grainy video stills, so she is no doubt only part-Jewish. But that’s still enough to make her act like a spoiled, obnoxious and immature Jew bitch. Imagine throwing a dead raccoon at someone…..Cunt.

      I guess Alex Jones must be a big money-maker, otherwise the Jews wouldn’t bother swarming around him and issuing him a Jewess for a bride. I haven’t listened to his dumb, mindless show in months and no longer care to. The Jews obviously use Jones to deflect or re-direct gentile suspicion away from the Jews and towards some mysterious and ill-defined “new world order” instead.

      Based on extensive research, it’s been discovered by the University of Chicago School of Medicine that Jew faces come in three varieties :

      Either they resemble pigs (http://cache.gawker.com/hollywood/harveybird.jpg),

      Rats (http://www.kutzpah.net/pix/chutzpah.jpg)

      Or vampire bats (http://ll-images.veoh.com/image.out?imageId=media-v18535669Ha6aRaGq1243621584.jpg).

    27. Tim McGreen Says:

      My comment is awaiting moderation? What’s there to moderate? I’m not some new guy.

    28. Blackshirt Says:

      ZOG, I read some of that extensive investigation that that guy did on Alex Jone’s wife’s background- wow, someone has a lot of time on their hands!

      Honestly, does it really matter if Alex Jone’s wife is a heeb? After all, it doesn’t make him any more of a moron than he already is, does it?

    29. CW-2 Says:

      Blackshirt, my reason for posting the Churchill article is to get newbies thinking outside of the conventional WW11 histories they received at school and through the media. We all know Churchill to be a liar, and a drunken warmonger, but in Britain he is still revered as the saviour of the nation, and his grotesque statue stands outside Parliament Square in London.
      If White people start questioning the Churchill myth they may start questioning other myths as well.

    30. Tim McGreen Says:

      Blackshirt, I must take issue with your above statement. If a White guy is married to a Jewess that should send up a bunch of red flags. Right off the bat that should be your cue to stay the fuck away from him. You wouldn’t want anything to do with a White guy who was married to a colored girl or a squaw, would you? The fact that Alex Jonestein married into The Tribe should kill off any remaining support he enjoys from pro-Whites. This fact about him should be shouted from the rooftops.

    31. Tim McGreen Says:

      I understand the Churchill family has a long and unsavory history in England. I should like to hear what CW-2 knows about it.

    32. festerbestertester Says:

      Howard Dean married a Jewess

    33. The Red Skull Says:

      Its often forgotten(even by me) that Winston Churchill was 1/2 American!His mom was a rich American Socialite Slut who popped out Winston after an affair with a British officer=his father.He always felt close to America because of his American half,and easily befriended FDR.He had an un-loved upbringing i think,and i could actually admire the guy if he hadn’t sold out to the Jews.True WN look past the “myth” and bullshit for the truth.

      I am always happy to tell anyone that the ENGLISH invented the “Concentration Camp” concept and the 1st people to die in them were White Dutch Boers–many of them women and children who were deliberately starved to death.Winston had some hand in that i believe when he was a Soldier in the Boer War.Also the jews had a hand in that too in that Cecil Rhodes was commisioner of South Africa or had some high post.Whatever his position,he directed alot of British policy in the war.

    34. CW-2 Says:

      Red Skull, you are right about the British invention of the concentration camp, but Churchill didn’t have a hand in their use, he was a lowly war correspondent at the time and was actually imprisoned by the Boers. The camps were the idea of lord Kichener, (these assholes always get fancy titles), and through his policy of burning crops and farmsteads 20,000 interned Boer women and children died (murdered) by starvation and disease. Deliberate British policy so that jews would have no competition from the Boers in developing the diamond and gold riches of South Africa. Things haven’t changed much.

    35. ED! Says:

      Ein Says:
      4 September, 2010 at 12:19 am

      Ed, I never suggested for one single moment that the Rothschilds
      “do not exist”. Nor do I doubt their enormous wealth and power. I only questioned the veracity of that completely unverified story that was sent in by some anonymous poster. We can’t believe everything we read on the Internet – especially when it’s not substantiated anywhere. Agreed?

      Yes I agree. No offense intended.

      There is a lot of B.S. on the web, most of which is used to skate around reality. The Jewish Banker Question is very personal to me because their influence has affected my life and the life’s of others I care about. The reason that I posted the Rothschild website is because I know that it will be looked at and passed around to others. Yes, the Rothschilds are real, all too real and their influence on the entire planet earth SUCKS!

      This I believe is the truth, and if not then why do we pay interest to the FED? If it belonged to us would we pay interest back to our self for money we borrowed from our self? Look at the paste below from this site.


      “There have been three central banks in the nation’s history. The first two, while deceptive and fraudulent, pale in comparison to the scope and size of the fraud being perpetrated by the current FED. What they all have in common is an insidious practice known as “fractional banking.”
      Who owns the FED? The Rothschilds of London and Berlin; Lazard Brothers of Paris; Israel Moses Seif of Italy; Kuhn, Loeb and Warburg of Germany; and the Lehman Brothers, Goldman, Sachs and the Rockefeller families of New York.”

      If we look at what is going on the way I see it then the Jews are creating money out of thin air and using it to buy up corporations. They then fire all of the American workers, sell off all of the property, then send the manufacturing to China while we suck on the inflation and unemployment. They take their Jewish profit and get a Communist Nigger elected to the White House while the Republicans stand around with their finger in their ass and say the American workers caused it all because we want too much in exchange for our labor. WHAT, just think, they always beat-up on labor while they let the Jews steal anything they can get their grubby little dick-skinners on? What kind of shit is that? Most Republicans like most Democrats are so far removed from a hard and productive days work that it is a complete stranger to them! George W. (CUFI) Bush is one of the best whores the Jews have ever had next to Obama, Clinton, FDR, and Woodrow Wilson. Georgie-boy let the Jews rip-off anything they wanted. No good Rotten Bastards, all of them!

      WOW, do I feel better after that rant? Yes as a matter of fact!

      To any Republicans reading this, you fired the White People and hired the Spanish speaking brown skinned spics and they produced the swing vote that propelled OBAMA into office. Hows that working for you now, you bunch of fump-ducks???


    36. The Red Skull Says:


      Thats a great rant on the Corporate jew Structure and how they Operate ED!!Dead on target too might i add!When will people see it?

      THanks for the info,and correction,i had part of it right,wasn’t Kitchener involved in the Sudan Affair?And he was a bigwig in WWI?Did Churchill report on the Camps or were they “hush-hush”?I know Cecil Rhodes had a hand in helping the jews aquire control over the gold and diamond mines,which they still have today.However i will brush up on this period and “get it right”-Can you or other posters recommend a good book that will Help a WN who’s a little foggy in that area?

    37. Howdy Doody Says:

      TNB in Christchurch N.Z.

      Why ?

      Savages from Afreaka and S.E. mystery meat free ranging.


    38. Howdy Doody Says:

      VDARE Blog: World’s Fattest Countries: #1 U.S. #2 …
      By Steve Sailer

      Matthew Yglesias has a graph showing percent of the population with a Body-Mass Indices >30% for 30 countries. (And, yes, I know that some NFL running back with 2.5% body fat would often show up as fat on this BMI index, but most people aren’t NFL running backs, so it’s a good enough measure for my purpose.)
      The fattest country of the 30 is, of course, America. What’s interesting is the second fattest country. We are constantly lectured that it is America’s moral imperative to take in the hungry masses of Mexico, yet Mexico turns out to be the second fattest country out of the 30! In the U.S., Hispanics have fatter BMIs than whites, according to the federal government’s NHANES study, so immigration from Mexico to the U.S. just makes them even fatter on average.

      If you want to email or print out, format by clicking on this permanent URL:

      From the VDARE Blog: Iowa Fair Wilding To Yield New Obama Campaign Slogan?
      By Patrick Cleburne

      So justice has been served in the Iowa State Fair racial violence: the Des Moines Police spokeswoman who had the temerity not to flat lie about the culprits being black has lost her job:

      Police spokeswoman moved after remarks on fairgrounds fights By Daniel P. Finney DesMoinesRegister.com September 3, 2010

      Sergeant Lori Lavorato’s offense, of course, was integrity. She has compounded this by not disguising that she has been harmed:

      “For reasons I cannot disclose, I am being transferred,” she said…. I enjoyed being (the public information officer), working with the media and the public and it’s a job I’m going to miss.”

      Lavorato said her pay was not affected by the move, but she will lose her take-home unmarked police vehicle and extra compensation she received for being on call seven days a week.

      The culprit here is the Des Moines Police Chief Judy A. Bradshaw, an Affirmative Action beneficiary and Racial/Gender Spoils purveyor. Here she is gloating about being able to discriminate against men shortly after she got the job.

      This behavior is outrageous and Angry White Dude supplies the outrage.

      It’s good for Des Moines, Iowas politically correct police chief that it was “Beat Whitey” night at the Iowa State Fair and not “Beat Politically Correct Libtards” night. Judy Bradshaw would not have made it out alive….

      making an extremely valid point:

      …what do the 40 young black thugs learn from the chief? Other than Bradshaw is a waste of oxygen with a lebanese haircut they learn they will never be held responsible for their actions in society. There will always be an alibi, an excuse, a way around being responsible for the decisions that govern what they do. This gives young blacks a feeling that no one will ever call them on their actions or stand up to them which only emboldens them to act like antisocial criminals.

      How can any country ruled by such nonsense ever hope to survive?

      VDARE.com agrees. Protest to Chief Bradshaw. Tell Des Moines Mayor T.M. Frankin Cownie to restore respect to Des Moines by firing Bradshaw.

      This cycle of Black violence/Police cowardice was seen earlier this summer in Greece, New York, as one of our letter writers confirmed.

      It is probably happening even more than we know, as reading between the lines in Aventura Mall brawl stirs security concerns, [By Jared Goyette, The Miami Herald , August 29, 2010] suggests. H/T Thug Report

      America should probably brace itself for more of this. The feral Black underclass may well be stupid but they are not oblivious. Predators never are. As AWD observes, when they detect ambivalence in the Police – and worse, the American Nomenklatura – they strike, as the Rodney King riots, and worse, the 60s “MLK” riots showed. And as the nation’s rejection of the Obama Minority Occupation Government becomes clearer, they will get more aggressive.

      Expect the new Obama 2012 slogan:

      Vote for me…Or Else!

      VDARE.com note to younger readers: don’t laugh. This was a common, if veiled, line in the late 60s and the 70s, underlying Great Society welfare expansion, Affirmative Action and the notorious conclusion of the Kerner Commission.

      If you want to email or print out, format by clicking on this permanent URL:

    39. Howdy Doody Says:

      September 02, 2010

      The True Cost of the War
      By Paul Craig Roberts

      Obama’s “end of Iraq war” speech must have shattered any remaining belief in him. Forced to appease both his supporters and the warmonger right-wing, who denounce him as a Muslim and a Marxist, Obama resorted to Orwellian DoubleSpeak. He could only announce an end to the war by praising the president who started it and the troops who fought it. Yet, as most earthlings, if not Americans, surely know by now, the war was based on a lie and on intentional deception. The American troops died for a lie.

      President Obama spoke of the cost to Americans of liberating Iraq, but is Iraq liberated or is Iraq in the hands of American puppet politicians and still occupied by 50,000 American troops and 200,000 private mercenaries and “contractors,” governed out of the largest embassy in the world, essentially a fortress?

      President Obama did not speak of the cost to Iraqis of being “liberated.” The uncounted Iraqi deaths, estimates of which range from 100,000 to 1,000,000, most being women and children, were not mentioned. Neither were the uncounted orphaned and maimed children, the four million displaced Iraqis, the flight from Iraq of the professional middle class, the homes, infrastructure, villages and towns destroyed, along with whatever remained of America’s reputation.

      All of this was left out of the picture that Obama painted of America’s “commitment” to Iraq which brought Iraqis “peace” and liberated Iraqis from Saddam Hussein in order that that a destroyed Iraq can now be an American puppet state and take its orders from Washington.

      As it is impossible for the U.S. government to any longer pretend that the invasion of Iraq was necessary to save America from weapons of mass destruction and al Qaeda terrorists, the U.S. government’s justification for its massive war crime has come down to removing Saddam Hussein, who, like the Americans, tortured his opponents.

      Does anyone on earth, even among the most moronic of the flag-waving American super-patriots, believe that the bankrupt United States government spent three trillion borrowed dollars to remove one man, Saddam Hussein, in order to free Iraq from tyranny? Anyone who believes this is insane.

      Saddam Hussein would have resigned for far less money had it been offered to him.

      Do Americans see the irony in the “saving Iraq from tyranny” excuse? The greatest price of the neoconservative war against Iraq is not the $3 trillion or the dead and maimed American soldiers and their broken families. The greatest price of this evil war is the destruction of the U.S. Constitution and American civil liberties.

      The Bush/Cheney/Obama National Security State has eviscerated the Constitution and civil liberty. Nothing remains. The fascist Republican Federalist Society has put enough federal judges in the judiciary to rule that the president is above the law. The president doesn’t have to obey the law against spying on American citizens without warrants. The president doesn’t have to obey U.S. and international laws against torture. The president doesn’t have to obey the Constitution that mandates that only Congress can declare war. The president can do whatever he wants as long as he justifies it as “national security.”

      The president’s part of the government, the unaccountable executive branch, is supreme. The president can announce, without being impeached, his decision to murder Americans abroad and at home if someone somewhere in the unaccountable executive branch regards such American citizens as “threats.”

      Murder first. No accountability later.

      The executive branch has exercised unilateral, unaccountable power to deep-six the U.S. Constitution, with little interference from the judiciary and with support from Congress. The executive branch has declared foreign opponents of America’s illegal invasions and occupations of their countries to be “terrorists,” subject neither to the laws of war nor to the criminal laws of the U.S. and, therefore, subject to indefinite torture and detention without charges or evidence.

      This is the legacy of the Bush/Cheney regime, and this criminal regime continues under Obama.

      America’s “war on terror,” a fabrication, has resurrected the unaccountable dungeon of the Middle Ages and the raw tyranny that prevailed prior to the Magna Carta.

      This is the true cost of “liberating” Iraq, that is, of turning Iraq into an American puppet state that sells out its people for America’s interests.

      Who will now liberate Americans from the Bush/Cheney/neoconservative/Obama tyranny?

      President Obama asserts that America’s war crimes have come to an end in Iraq, but Obama asserts the power to export America’s war crimes to Afghanistan in order to reign in what the CIA director says are “fifty or less” al Qaeda members remaining in Afghanistan. Bankrupt Americans will now be saddled with another three billion dollars of debt in order to chase after “fifty or less” alleged terrorists. To cover up this extraordinary waste of borrowed money, Obama, following the dishonest practices of prior American regimes, equated al Qaeda with the Taliban, a home-grown movement of hundreds of thousands of Afghans seeking to unify the country.

      The least expensive way to combat “terrorists” would be to stop trying to create an American empire in the Middle East and Central Asia and to stop imposing American puppet states on indigenous populations.

      The bought-and-paid-for-European-puppet states, who preen themselves with their superior morality, fall in line with Washington, obeying their American master who fills their pockets with dollars. The West having fought tyranny since the Magna Carter, now imposes tyranny both on itself and on the rest of the world.

      If Hitler and Stalin had prevailed, what would be the difference? Is the Obama regime going to shoot the “enemies of the state,” condemned without trial or evidence, by shooting them in the front of the head instead of in the back of the neck, as was the practice in the Lubyanka?

      What other difference is there?

      Paul Craig Roberts [email him] was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury during President Reagan’s first term. He was Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal. He has held numerous academic appointments, including the William E. Simon Chair, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Georgetown University, and Senior Research Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University. He was awarded the Legion of Honor by French President Francois Mitterrand. He is the author of Supply-Side Revolution : An Insider’s Account of Policymaking in Washington; Alienation and the Soviet Economy and Meltdown: Inside the Soviet Economy, and is the co-author with Lawrence M. Stratton of The Tyranny of Good Intentions : How Prosecutors and Bureaucrats Are Trampling the Constitution in the Name of Justice. Click here for Peter Brimelow’s Forbes Magazine interview with Roberts about the recent epidemic of prosecutorial misconduct.

    40. Jim Says:

      Socrates; I understand the necessity for having a spam filter, but I am really getting tired of having about half of my postings disappearing in cyber-space. If you would tell us what the key words are that sets that damn thing off, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank You.

    41. Henry Says:

      Howdy: Wouldn’t it be easier just to give us a link, instead of printing the whole thing out?

      (I believe I’ve seen this suggestion before.)

    42. Ein Says:

      Z.O.G. Says:
      There’s no such thing as the “International Bankers Exchange.” LOL


      ZOG, I’ve no wish to argue, but I googled and found no such thing listed
      by that name. If you think I’m mistaken, I invite you to show me where I was wrong.

    43. Dave Says:

      I’m listening to music,drinking a nice beer. I went out and sat on the porch for a few minutes. Every single house in sight has that sickening flickering glow of blue seeping through the shades. Gee, I wonder what;s on?

    44. Howdy Doody Says:

      In Western states at RV parks, state parks and USFS parks you see all these motor homes from cheap ones to well over a million dollar ones, and there has been million dollar buses for tweny years now.

      Still the glow of TV flashes all night in their boxes on wheels.

      The pulled trailers have TV’s and SAT dishes too.

    45. Tim McGreen Says:

      Christian Slater does a great Jack Nicholson impersonation; Michael Chiklis does a great Christopher Walken impersonation.


    46. Howdy Doody Says:

      Just Tuesday morning and itz thumping !


      Sep 14, 2010 03:51 NY Time
      Silver 20.38 +0.33
      Platinum 1567.00 +16.00
      Palladium 540.00 +10.00
      Rhodium 2,080.00 0.00

    47. Susan Says:

      Red Skull: Thanks for the kind words. It is depressing when one thinks that one began posting on the internet over three years ago and nothing has changed since then and nothing has advanced the cause for Whites.

      Dave: It is really depressing to me too when I walk at night and every single house I walk past also has the blue light through the window.

      I keep saying it: Stop watching tv…..period. No ifs, ands, or buts. It was the single best decision I ever made, bar none.

      Then, go through your entire life with a fine toothed comb and remove every single jew influence you can. Or, at least, KNOW where the jew influence exists.

      Then, you will begin to be truly a White person.

      You’ll still be basically alone, but, hey, you can’t have everything!!! Haha.

    48. Howdy Doody Says:

      Think about it.

      L.B.J. was the most destructive president this ex Nation ever had. Yes, worst the STD Wilson, Lincoln, and even the POS criminally insane Marxist FDR IMO

    49. Howdy Doody Says:

      Worse than than even the black mailed STD diseased bastard Wilson