27 August, 2010

Online Book

Posted by Socrates in book selections, books, illegal immigration, immigration, Socrates, Third World, Turd-World people at 1:05 am | Permanent Link

The Camp of the Saints by Jean Raspail (1973):

(a .pdf file): [Book].

More about the book [Here].

  • 9 Responses to “Online Book”

    1. th Says:

      i’m sure most wn’s have read this book, if you haven’t do it. five hakenkreuze! that’s my white power nazi book review.

    2. Larson Says:

      I finished reading this book last month and it is a great read and although I don’t prefer fiction this book is worth reading.

    3. BuzzardBreath62 Says:

      To all my White brothers. There are about 750,000,000 whites left on this planet. However, 60% are 50 or older. This generation has not reproduced itself. Not because they are selfish. What did you think would happen when such a small % of us have to feed, house, clothe, innocculate, the whole world, and pretty much take care of them from the cradle to the grave. Don’t forget all of the endless wars for jews. Folks, in 30 years we will be down to about 375,000,000. Goodnight nurse!!! How are we going to come back from this. Your white brother has become our worst enemy. On top of that….most whites don’t give a shit if the white race continues or not. Good people, if you have a “REAL” solution, let us know. Random acts of violence only kill innocent whites. You will never get them on our side by doing that. IS THIS THE WAY IT ENDS FOR US?

    4. Ein Says:

      BB62, I wish I had an answer for you, but I don’t. I just don’t know. I guess nobody really knows.

      As for Camp of the Saints …. well, frankly, I read this book some years ago, got about half way through, and didn’t bother to finish it. As I recall (though dimly by now) it was just so poorly written (the English) that I lost interest. I hate to say this, but that’s how I recall it. Certainly, the theme of the novel is excellent (and we see it coming true today before our eyes); but perhaps it was the translation that was so poor. Probably so. I’ll blame it on the translator. I just found it very frustrating reading. (Sorry, I feel a little guilty for having written this.)

      I realize this is not a site for literary criticism, and that “Camp” doesn’t pretend to be high literature, but it should at least be abe to hold one’s interest. It lost mine. I wonder if today I would feel differently? Perhaps I should give it another try, in fairness.

      I wonder if there’s been another, better translation? My French isn’t that good to make it through a whole novel; I can read a newspaper, but don’t have the patience for a novel. Needless to say, it’s the message that matters. And this prophetic book does carry a powerful and valuable message. Many more people need to read it. I hope they do.

    5. CW-2 Says:

      Well, there is an answer, but I’m not sure if it is ‘the’ answer, and that is to break the power of the jew media. It is a very difficult task, possibly an impossible one, but we must try. Once the 24/7 drip feed of poison is stopped our people will recover their sense of self-worth and see that procreation is not only a biological necessity but also a life affirming joy.

      The main part of our efforts for the next 5 to 10 years must be directed to educating and awakening White people. The suppressed facts of history, biology, and of course the reality of jew malevolence must be hammered home.
      There are also a number of potential economic, cultural and religious crises looming on the horizon, we must be ready to meet those challenges if they materialize and use them to our advantage.

    6. Henry Says:

      “As I recall it was just so poorly written (the English) that I lost interest. I hate to say this, but that’s how I recall it. Certainly, the theme of the novel is excellent (and we see it coming true today before our eyes); but perhaps it was the translation that was so poor. Probably so. I’ll blame it on the translator. I just found it very frustrating reading.” [Ein]


      You found the translation poor? Well, well, I checked…. and guess what?
      The translator is a certain Norman Shapiro.

      Is it any surprise that this book has been sabotaged from the start?

      (BTW, my copy of Mein Kampf is also a translation by a Jew!
      Does EVERYTHING have to filtered to us through these people?)

    7. Howdy Doody Says:

      Henry Says:

      28 August, 2010 at 8:10 pm



      I was told that the late Senator Cranston of CA. did that translation!

      Germany had English translation’s by the late 1930’s, but it appears getting one is akin to hen’s teeth.

      Is there a sorce ?

    8. BuzzardBreath62 Says:

      EIN…..Thanks for your response. My first time posting here, and I posted on the wrong thread. Sorry….I’ll look for your comments on other threads. Have a good day to you all.

    9. Henry Says:

      “I was told that the late Senator Cranston of CA. did that translation!”

      What translation?

      If you’re referring to Mein Kampt (as I suspect you are), there surely are various translations that have been made, but the problem is their availability. According to Wikipedia, there was a translation by James Murphy, done in 1939. “It is the only English translation approved by the Third Reich.” But I don’t know if that’s available.

      My own copy, purchased at a university bookstore and which is used in courses in the US, is by Ralph Mannhein (presumably a Jew). Its preface reveals a snooty attitude towards Hitler, saying that he used pompous German, attempting to give the appearance of being an educated person.

      The Mannheim version was brought out in the US “to offer a more readable translation.” The Manheim translation was first published in England in 1969 “amid some controversy.” [Controversy? Whatever that means.]

      Oh, yes! I see in Wkii that there was a translation done by Cranston. But … “Cranston was sued by Hitler’s publisher for copyright infringement” and publication was stopped.

      Very interesting! I wonder why. I hadn’t known about that.