27 August, 2010

Missing: the Conservative Movement

Posted by Socrates in conservatism, conservatives, General Decline, jewed culture, jewed politics, Jewed workplaces, Neocons, Socrates at 11:12 am | Permanent Link

The Movement was last seen in 1979, riding in a car with a couple of “conservative” Jews. Relatives of the Movement suspect “something fishy” has happened, but of course they’re not sure exactly what. If you’ve seen the Conservative Movement, call…somebody:



  • 19 Responses to “Missing: the Conservative Movement”

    1. old dutch Says:

      Jewboy Ken Mehlman, a Conservative Republican, and former Republican chairman announced that he was a homosexual the other day.

      Wasn’t Honest Abe a homosexual too? LOL. Some historians think so.

    2. Tim McGreen Says:

      The truth is, the conservative bowel-movement was NEVER a good thing for middle-class and working-class Whites. Absolutely never. The conservatives have always been money-worshipping, pro-big business capitalists who were hostile to the White Working Man.

      At first, their ranks were comprised of WASPs from wealthy old Eastern familes who came over on the Mayflower. The Jews started infiltrating the ranks of the right-wing establishment in the 1960s and 70s, when a lot of prominent Zionist Jews like Norman Podhoretz, Irving Crystal and David Horowitz became disillusioned with the Left’s hostility towards Zionism (A few former Stalinist Jews began defecting to the Right as early as the 40s). As a result of the Judaization of the Right, a lot of fairies, coloreds, “conservative” feminists and Internationalists have also come on board.

      Please, I hope no one here is going to write something like “Well, yes, the Conservatives aren’t everything we’d like them to be, but they are still better than the Liberals. No, no, NO. Both sides are enemies of the White Race, both sides are thoroughly Judaized. We need to be in revolution mode. No more Teabagging, no more third parties, no more political factions. REVOLUTION.

    3. CW-2 Says:

      Here in the jewK the ‘conservatives’ have absolutely no intention of stopping turd world mass immigration. Sure, they will go through the motions and give the appearance of doing things, but the bottom line is conservatives are in favour of globalism as liberals are. Race traitors the lot of them.

    4. Jürgen Says:


      Exactly – Tim McGreen summed it up alright: REVOLUTION.

      “Conservative”?? “Conserve w-h-a-t?? THIS present jew-created mess??!
      Hello no. I’m no “conservative”. I’m a radical, like Ben Franklin and the 56 other angry White Males.

    5. Coup d'Etat Says:

      These people are not conservatives. They are a frontal lobe damage group.

    6. J.J Says:

      Whites need radical young agitators willing to get their hands dirty, not old fart Conservative sell outs and system whores. Fuck Conservatism!

    7. th Says:

      i guess it’s a good thing that i’ve never heard of this whiny bitch or her show. she says she’s misunderstood, who give a shit about this bitch?? sounds like typical jewish bs to me. whenever i hear people compare wn’s to conservatives or right wingers i almost revert back to my old ways, if you know what i mean?? the wn movement is in no way anything close to those jew collaborators. republicans, democrats and anyone in that center of treason and tyranny in dc are all the same, when it comes down to it, those assholes always do what serves the jews first and foremost. anything that comes out of the jewbox talmudvision is of no benefit to anyone wanting to further the aryan cause. if they ever have a news report of people being hanged and its breaking news from dc. i will be running not walking to get a tv set. thats the only thing i want to see on that thing called television.

    8. Blackshirt Says:

      I agree with Tim. Nothing more to add- he summed it all up perfectly.

    9. Ein Says:

      Coup d’Etat Says:
      “These people are not conservatives. They are a frontal lobe damage group.”


      Good point there. When you look at what the US has become today, you have to wonder just what these people are trying to “conserve”.

    10. Tim McGreen Says:

      No, Coup D’Etat, all those teabagging Glen Beck and Sarah Palin “patriots” are conservatives. They are the direct descendants of the Barry Goldwater and Bill Buckley crowd. They are cowards, reactionaries, compromisers, loudmouths, sellouts, fools, flakes and hypocrites. In other words, they possess all the characteristics of true conservatism.

    11. Tim McGreen Says:

      And they’re liars, too…..that’s yet another characteristic of being a conservative.

    12. Ein Says:

      “The Jews started infiltrating the ranks of the right-wing establishment in the 1960s and 70s, when a lot of prominent Zionist Jews like Norman Podhoretz, Irving Crystal and David Horowitz became disillusioned with the Left’s hostility towards Zionism (A few former Stalinist Jews began defecting to the Right as early as the 40s).” — TimMcG


      I read quite some years ago (though not that far back) a prediction that the Jews would eventually turn right, given time — or that the Right would become Jewish, either way. The point was that, historically, the Jews have always fawned on the powerful and depended on the rulers to protect them, while they have feared the wrath of the common people whom they exploited. Recent history, in which they have taken a revolutionary role, supposedly being champions of “the people” has been a reversal of this pattern. But it’s not the normal situation. It’s an anomaly.

      Most Jews came here from Eastern Europe, in this case fleeing the very rulers who would normally have protected them. After all, they murdered the Czar, so the Czars turned against them. Russian Jews came here in poverty and seething with hatred against the ruling classes. They were against everything that was Establishment. Having nothing, they hated anyone with something. So, of course they were communists. They wanted what was your to be theirs.

      But it was predicted that as they gained wealth, and then power, they would turn to the right and eventually become right-wing and even reactionary — which has always been their normal historical position. They would then become The Establishment. Once they are on top, their concern is with keeping what they have, and keeping the masses down. Those “huddled masses yearning to be free” will exist only to be controlled and exploited. By whatever means necessary. No more solidarity and love for “The People”!

      An interesting thought, and we see it coming true. Their affectation of being revolutionaries and champions of the people was only a strategy to stir up the masses and weaken the rulers in order to seize control from the ruling class of gentiles (who were at least from the same population) and appropriate it for themselves, making themselves into the new aristocracy.

    13. Tim McGreen Says:

      “Once (the Jews) are on top, their concern is with keeping what they have, and keeping the masses down. Those “huddled masses yearning to be free” will exist only to be controlled and exploited. By whatever means necessary. No more solidarity and love for “The People”! ”

      We have all seen what those Jewish champions of Liberte, Egalite and Fraternite are really like once they seize power. Jacobin France, Bolshevik Russia, Allied occupied Germany, Zionist occupied Palestine……………Their masks of “democracy” and “civil rights” fall off their ugly camel faces then they are seen for what they really are, viz., merciless, hate-crazed, vindictive killers. And after slaughtering hoardes of goyim, they inevitably turn on each other.

    14. Sgt. Skull Says:

      CON-servatives are utterly worthless and most in the political establishment who identify themselves as such are, in fact, sheeny worshipping neo-cons. Then again that is who pays the bills. They make a lot of noise after seeing which way the wind is blowing but in the end they’ve lost every major battle for Western civilization over the last several decades and I don’t expect that impressive losing steak to end any time soon.

      Cons/neo-cons are every bit as reality averse as the libtards. Most conservatives think that if non-whites are forced to say the pledge of allegiance in school, listen to Rush Limbaugh and read a few conservative themed books they’ll become flag waving, patriotic Republicans.

      In other words they are blank slates who can be changed by force feeding them conservative political ideology similar to how the Soviet Union “reeducated” disparate groups within their realm with Marxist/Leninist dogma. Further, they think all political and racial problems can be solved by economic policy. This view is pure Marxism and like it or not most conservatives of today are dyed-in the-wool Marxists.

    15. Jim Says:

      Paleoconservatives, such as the late Sam Francis had some good ideas. He was spot-on regarding the Race issue, but never could bring himself to publicly name the jew. Pat Buchanan has written some interesting books, but you always get the impression that he is merely trying to prop up a unsustainable and dying system. The great Revilo P. Oliver started out as a paleo, but became a true Revolutionary toward the end of his life, and along with Dr. Pierce, and William Gayley Simpson ranks among the greatest White thinkers of the late Twentieth Century . The Twenty First Century demands a New Vision and a new Revolutionary Spirit that will crush the forces of ignorance and Reaction. For White Nationalists, conservatism is a deadly poison that must be avoided at all costs.

    16. Tim McGreen Says:

      Well said, Jim. The paleocons do make a lot of good points but they dance around the vital issues of race and the Jewish Question as if they were tiptoeing through a minefield. They are always extremely careful not to go “too far”, lest they should get fired from their cushy jobs at FOX News and CNN. And God forbid they should ever be accused of ray-sizim or anti-cementism, two crimes which are apparently worse than killing your own grandma. They will keep denying those charges until they are blue in the face, the scoundrels. Phooey on them.

    17. VNNer Says:

      There has never been a conservative movement in America. From the outset both “conservative” and “liberal” political factions accepted the precepts of the liberalism that laid the foundation of the USA, as per the US Constitution etc.

      In such a “genetically” liberal regime, a truly conservative political movement is not possible.

      The liberal regime must be dismantled before that can genuinely occur.

      Granted, things have worsened in recent decades; but we shouldn’t be deceived about the fundamental lack of conservatism in the USA.

    18. VNNer Says:

      “No, Coup D’Etat, all those teabagging Glen Beck and Sarah Palin “patriots” are conservatives. They are the direct descendants of the Barry Goldwater and Bill Buckley crowd. They are cowards, reactionaries, compromisers, loudmouths, sellouts, fools, flakes and hypocrites. In other words, they possess all the characteristics of true conservatism.”

      Yep. The particular strain of “conservatism” in vogue today goes back to the 1950s and 1960s, 40s even. It’s nothing new.

    19. Susan Says:

      Yes, well said all above. The modern day conservative movement people are going to be in for one big rude awakening when, after they presumably get a lot of “conservatives” in Washington, their country still sucks big time. Their streets and neighborhoods are still unsafe, their schools are still failing, the workplace is still an unpleasant (and unsafe) place to go, their daughters are still acting like sluts, their sons still look like whiggers, their marriages are still miserable, Whites still have no rights and no one on their side, etc., ad nauseum.

      I’ve tried to tell a few White female acquaintances of mine how they are being led down the proverbial garden path by the likes of Sean Hannity, Neal Boortz, etc., but they look at me in polite silence…….and then I never hear from them again.

      Oh well……there are going to be a lot of unhappy white people in this country ten years down the road when things are even worse than they are now, and they are wondering what the hell went wrong.

      You just have to wonder when the point will be when it will be too late to even care……to late to do anything about our situation. What is the point of no return for Whites in America?