25 August, 2010

Hooman Rights: Baloney Invented and Pushed by International Jews and Marxists

Posted by Socrates in 'human rights', America, AmeriKwa, Cultural Marxism, egalitarianism, equality, equalocracy, jewed culture, jewed law, jewed politics, Jewish 'experts', Marxism, Socrates, UN, UNESCO at 12:42 pm | Permanent Link

Because you’re hooman, see, you automatically have special rights that other animals don’t have, see? (Ask a Jewish expert – like René Cassin). But these hooman rights will vary greatly, depending on various factors, e.g., whether you are White, non-White, female, poor, a leftist, a homosexual, etc. If you’re a conservative, White male, you have no hooman rights:


  • 23 Responses to “Hooman Rights: Baloney Invented and Pushed by International Jews and Marxists”

    1. Tim McGreen Says:

      The “human rights” record in this country is abysmal.

      Look at the prisons…do you see ANY rich people doing hard time?

      Look at the military….do you see ANY millionaire Senator’s son “fighting terror” in Iraq or Afghanistan?

      If you lose your job you lose your medical insurance. Tens of thousands of people die every year in the US for the crime of being poor and uninsured.

      No White person can walk the streets alone of any US city at night, especially White women.

      White American women cannot work delivering pizzas or driving a cab without the very real possibility of getting raped and murdered.

      If you publicly question the Holohoax or any other sacred Jewish doctrine, you will lose your job, get death threats and be harassed by the IRS.

      You don’t even own your house or the land it sits on…You have to pay the govt a property tax every year for the privilege of living in your “own” house or they will take it away from you.

      You don’t own ANYTHING that the government can’t take away from you if they feel like it. Not even your own life.

      You cannot even do anything to stop wetbacks and other undesirables from entering your country illegally because if you do, then YOU are the one who gets into trouble, not the wetbacks. It turns out THEY are the ones with all the Constitutional rights, not you, honkie.

      America is one of the least free countries on Earth, but its serfs and peasants are too dumbed down to realize it.

    2. CW-2 Says:

      Well said, Tim. That is just the sort of growing White anger we need to tap into.

    3. Karen Says:

      As usual thanks Tim for being on target. My dear dad was jew wise and paid dearly with the IRS. He had a record from long ago with Adrien Arcand of Montreal in the late 1930’s. It really is amazing, there is not much info on this man on the net. What I do know is info from my mom. Adrien Arcand and the Mayor of Montreal Camilien Hould my dad uncluded and several others were incarcerated with the same laws as 18B in England. These same laws that jailed Captain Ramsay and Arnold Leese.

    4. Karen Says:

      Sorry I meant “included”

    5. Jim Says:

      To the jews, “human rights” means the rights of niggers to rob, rape, and kill White people with impunity, the rights of turd worlders to invade White living space and outbreed the native inhabitants, the rights of jews to control virtually all avenues of media, finance, military and government, and to ensure that ONLY jewish ideas of what constitutes so called “human rights” are accepted as valid. In reality, there is no such thing as “human rights”. The strong and manly races of the earth will TAKE power from the weak and effeminate races. Our Aryan ancestors, before the massive jewish brainwashing of the Twentieth Century KNEW this iron law of Nature. Liberalism, like Bolshevism, and Feminism are jewish inventions to weaken the moral and spiritual fiber of the jews’ deadly adversary: THE JEW WISE AND RACIALLY AWAKENED WHITE MAN.

    6. torrence Says:

      Tim made some very trenchant observations in his lead-off post.

    7. Jim Says:

      The high testostrone level of the Buck Nigger gives the impression of his being an extremely masculine dude. However, the nigger has a VERY weak mental capacity and always acts upon impulse rather than reason. When the jews moan and groan about how these wonderful negroes have been deprived of their “human rights” by the evil White man, they are bestowing on these sub-human animals rights that neither the laws of nature or the laws of civilization recognize as valid.

    8. torrence Says:

      Tell us more Karen, about your father.

    9. Karen Says:

      I have only trusted to tell my beloved dad’s story to Eric Thomson in writing via snail-mail.

    10. Sgt. Skull Says:

      Right on, Tim. So much for the USA being “our” country anymore. White are attacked with impunity on the city streets, discriminated against in the workplace and in the universities, and our own government celebrates our coming minority status. Whites, especially those that are racially conscious, are behind enemy lines.

      Let the screaming white patriotards wave their flag. If they had any brains or guts they would burn it.

    11. Jim Says:

      Sgt. Skull is right. The white patriotard idiots actually believe that this is still a country that gives a damn about the White man. Actually the jews that run this kike empire that is still called the USA, not only could not give a flying fuck about the fate of these patriotard morons, but is actively using them to further their zionists schemes for total world domination. If the amerikwan flag ever stood for the interests of the White man, it sure as hell doesn’t anymore and hasn’t for at least a hundred years. We need a new flag, new symbols, and most of all a NEW NATION.

    12. Nom de Guerre Says:

      That right we need alll those new things, but unlike the old South were gonna take out what we put in plus a helluva lot more. Like the Mad Dawg said, we don’t want justice we want revenge. We want it all the down to the kitchen sink. Like the Aesir made the world from the skulls of the Slain giants, were going to fashion a world from the skull of Zog!

    13. Nom de Guerre Says:

      When we get through with Zog, its minions and muds won’t even have the privilidge to take a shit on our soil, they’ll have to hold it up long enough to get the fuck out of our nation

    14. torrence Says:

      Anyone else submitting posts not showing up or am I the only one being censored?

    15. torrence Says:

      Tim –
      Time for adoption of the basic tenants of National Socialism.
      One of the areas uniformly neglected in all so-called ‘white rights’ or ‘white power’ groups (least so in the American Nazi Party) is consideration of the Socialism component of National Socialism. The concept of social justice and the righteous ordering of a white society is rarely discussed. At least your post is in the vein of acknowledging a few social wrongs as are in the present.
      Social justice and the inequities of class divisions were something Hitler felt strongly about that a future National Socialist state needed to overcome, which, of course, it did.

      Enough talk with other races. We need to think more along the lines of what is needed to be done by us – for us. If a philosophy of national life is found in want, the present day injustices will not stop with removal of non-Whites.

      Think of it this way. Hitler spoke little of what needs to be done against non-Whites and much of what needs to be done For Whites. When he came to power, virtually nothing was done against Jews other than place restrictions curbing their influence, primarily in areas of education, business and marriage laws. The real undertaking was creating a decent White society which involved engaging White German Nationals constructively and had little to do with activities working negatively toward non-Whites.

      The real key to our future remains yet to be found. I see more contempt and hate toward non-Whites than I do respect and love for ourselves.
      —-The real foundation of National Socialism.

      ‘Every National Comrade, even the lowliest…is part of the Fatherland. Love him as you love yourself.’
      ——Commandment #3 for National Socialists / Dr. Josef Goebbels

    16. torrence Says:

      Check out this maniac enforcer for the Great Satan. First thing he does is draw a gun on a speeding violation. What are they getting nervous about?

      Interesting that a foreign news service needs to bring this up. Heard of this through our censored media?

      Facing prison for filming US police

    17. torrence Says:

      Tim –
      Time for adoption of the basic tenants of National Socialism.
      One of the areas uniformly neglected in all so-called ‘white rights’ or ‘white power’ groups (least so in the American Nazi Party) is consideration of the Socialist component of National Socialism. The concept of social justice and the righteous ordering of a white society is rarely discussed. At least your post is in the vein of acknowledging a few social wrongs as are in the present.
      Social justice and the inequities of class divisions were something Hitler felt strongly about that a future National Socialist state needed to overcome, which, of course, it did.

      Enough talk with other races. We need to think more along the lines of what is needed to be done by us – for us. If a philosophy of national life is found in want, the present day injustices will not stop with removal of non-Whites.

    18. torrence Says:

      Alex – What gives on the censorship here? Is it you or the internet providers or the Fed censors that don’t want certain information out? Many posts of mine are not making it. What is it they don’t want known?

    19. Howdy Doody Says:

      Tens of thousands of people die every year in the US for the crime of being poor and uninsured.

      No White person can walk the streets alone of any US city at night, especially White women.

      White American women cannot work delivering pizzas or driving a cab without the very real possibility of getting raped and murdered.

      If you publicly question the Holohoax or any other sacred Jewish doctrine, you will lose your job, get death threats and be harassed by the IRS.


      It is sad the working class laborer’s who are fat slob’s and have worked all their life can’t afford Dental, or needed surgeries or travel for such, and if they do get the money up to get the medical you have better than a 50/50 chance of not havin a Whte straight doctor.

    20. Socrates Says:

      torrence – VNN has a spam filter. Many of your posts get caught in it.

    21. Howdy Doody Says:


      It is sad the working class laborer’s who are NOT fat slob’s who have tried to take care fo them selves, and have worked all their life standing on their feet and using their backs can’t afford Dental, or needed surgeries or travel for such, and if they do get the money up to get the medical you have better than a 50/50 chance of not havin a Whte straight doctor.

      Refugee’s and White hating evaders don’t worry about medical bills, or paying taxes.

      Even if your a gumament worker what good is insurance with mud/hostile care as med schools produce a planned small number of straight White doctors for our folks.

    22. th Says:

      The truth is just as anyone else points out. In a nut shell, it’s aryans that are the least free in this shithole of a country. Niggers are free to do as they please, same as mexcrements, fags, communists on and on. The fact is that the jews, which paves and lights the way with aryan dollars for the advancement of these lowlifes, really have no interest in seeing them move along in society. Their plan is quite simple as it was with past empires they have brouhgt down, and that is to destroy societies. Jews don’t give a rats ass about faggots parading in the streets, or niggers living in your neighborhoods. Jews care about jews and only jews. The jews plan is to put everyone except themselves in one big box and control it. It’s whitey get in, nigger get in, everyone get in the damned box. Jews then are always crying about human rights this and human rights that, when everything the smelly bastards have done since the 1960’s in the JewSA has been a violation of aryan human rights, but don’t wait till the some supreme court brings that to everyones attention, it won’t happen! Jews control this damned place and the only way to rectify all of societies illnesses is to rid oursleves of them. We all know who ”them” is. Those filthy disgusting lying cheating rat faced beedy eyed scum the hooked nosed kike. Thats all.

    23. Tim McGreen Says:

      “The real key to our future remains yet to be found. I see more contempt and hate toward non-Whites than I do respect and love for ourselves.”


      That is a very important observation, Torrence. But it’s a balancing act. I mean, we certainly don’t want to get carried away with the obvious superiority of our Race, as if we were self-worshipping Talmudic Jews. But then again we must not fall into the old brotherhood and equality trap that so many of our kind are prone to.

      I think we should try and do something good for our Race every day. For example, don’t throw out those postage paid envelopes you get in your junk mail. Use them to write pro-White messages, like VNN.com or White Power!, and then mail them out, free of charge. And you see all that ugly nigger graffiti on the side of railroad freight cars? Well, how ’bout gettting a spray can and spray-painting some swastikas or SS runes on those freight cars? It’s guaranteed they’ll be seen by thousands of people from coast to coast.

      And don’t forget to call in to your local right-wing talk radio program or write letters to the editor of your local paper. Let them know that not everyone out there is a limp-wristed liberal pansy or a brainless flag-waving numbskull conservative. You’ll also be learning to develop your mass-communication skills. I’ll never forget the reaction I got from Eagan and Brodie when I called up their midday FM talk show in Boston. They couldn’t believe the racist things I was saying to them because I said them in a fairly articulate and cogent manner. They didn’t expect that.

      Try to raise racial conciousness in all the Whites around you, however subtlely. And by all means, try to learn how to put up with the real unpleasant and defective personalities of other Whites you may encounter. By doing that, you will bring out whatever good is dwelling inside of them. After all, no one, not even the biggest asshole in your office, is 100% bad. Like Torrence says, we need to develop more respect and love for our fellow Whites, warts and all.