28 August, 2010

Book Quote

Posted by Socrates in books, Israel, Israel - the facts, quotations, quotations about jews, Socrates at 1:18 am | Permanent Link

“Peace between Moslem and Christian was a century-old fact until ended by the acts of the Truman administration on behalf of ‘Israel.'”

— from the book “The Iron Curtain Over America” (Boring, OR.; CPA Books, 1951/1995) by former military intelligence officer John Beaty, p. 211

  • 10 Responses to “Book Quote”

    1. Tim McGreen Says:

      Harry Truman was supposedly Jew-wise. But when Israel was illegaly established in 1948, it was either recognize the new Jewish terror-state or lose the 1948 presidential election. Truman supposedly said something along the lines of “If the Arabs had all the money and power in this country, then I would be supporting them instead of the Jews.” Truman also allowed the CIA to be established, ordered the US military to be de-segregated and got us into that pointless Korean War, something that cost 35,000 American lives and changed absolutely nothing.

      No wonder he is so revered in the Jew-controlled Establishment today.

    2. Hoff Says:

      The book online in full text.


    3. -jc Says:

      How long since America has a good President? Jackson? Jefferson? And good military command?

      From the Preface

      Lt. Gen, George E. Stratemeyer, USAF (ret.), says: “I congratulate you on your book and the service you have performed for our country. If my health would permit it I would go on a continuous lecture tour gratis and preach your book and recommendations. My “Iron Curtain Over America” will be on loan continuously and I intend to recommend its reading in every letter I write.

      Lt. Gen. Edward M. Almond, USA. (ret.), says: “It is an inspiration to me to find an author with the courage and energy to research and to secure the publication of such information as you have assembled in order that the poorly informed average American may know wherein the real threats to our Country lurk. Your book is a magnificent contribution to those who would preserve our American ideals.”

      Vice Admiral T. G. W. Settle, U.S.N. (ret.), says: “The Iron Curtain Over America” is a most pertinent and excellently presented treatise on the cancer on our national set-up. “I hope this book has had, and will have, the widest possible dissemination, particularly to our leaders-in Washington, and in industry and the press, — and that our leaders who are “uncontaminated” will have their serious attention engaged by it.”

      Lt. General P. A. Del Valle, USMC (ret), says: ” I am impelled to write to you to express my admiration of your great service to the Nation in writing this truly magnificent book. No American who has taken the oath of allegiance can afford to miss it, and I heartily recommend it as an honest and courageous dispeller of the fog of propaganda in which most minds seem to dwell.”

    4. abc Says:

      Truman also asked (more or less):

      If Israel was so important, why are they all still here?

      You have quotes by Nixon or Truman or even Kennedy, Clinton about them, but what did they do?

    5. Henry Says:

      to JC:

      Those were all great quotes that you gave.

      But I note – very significantly – that those generals and admirals were ALL “retired”.

      Obviously, they are the only ones who DARE speak out!

      What does that tell us about the iron grip the Jews have on our government?

      (I should say “our” government with dripping sarcasm.)

    6. -jc Says:

      Henry, you’ve no doubt heard Nixon’s conversation(s) with Billy Graham on the Jews. What did that Commander in Chief do that other Presidents didn’t do that caused his retirement by the usual suspects?

      Amazon.com: Final Judgment: The Missing Link in the JFK …
      And in Final Judgment Piper also outlines some interesting Israeli connections by people who have been linked to the JFK assassination and cover-up, …
      http://www.amazon.com › … › Current Events › Conspiracy Theories – Cached – Similar

    7. war is a racket Says:

      Who gives a shit how Jews and Muslims get along in the middle east? There has never ever been peace between Muslims and white Christians in Europe, never will be. This is just more Jewish brainwashing and distraction for the stupid white goyim.


      Defiant Serbian white people, who refuse to be dodo birds, had to be bombed and genocided by the Jew led white people of NATO, to force them to give up a part of their own country, Kosovo, to the Albanian muslims. Do white Americans and Canadians need to be bombed and genocided for their defiance to the Jews and white shabbos goyim leaders? Their is no defiance here like in Serbia. White Americans and Canadians are slowly handing over their countries to the muslims, without a fight. No need to be bombed into submission. When the shit hits the fan, and soon it will, what are white people here gonna do? Fight for their countries? Run away to Serbia (duuuuuuuuuhhhhh, we bombed the wrong side, we’re so sorry) or defect to Russia like David Duke? And should the Russians and Serbs help white anglo Americans?

    8. Tim McGreen Says:

      Funny how the West fought the Muslims for centuries to keep them out of Europe, but now they are swarming in without a single shot being fired. As bad as it is having the Jews around our necks, having to put up with the Muslims might be even worse.

    9. torrence Says:

      Question for Tim:

      Please explain your statement “As bad as it is having the Jews around our necks, having to put up with the Muslims might be even worse.” Please DETAIL how having Muslims is worse than having Jews.

      I have stated before that obsession with Muslim-bashing is indirect service to Zionism as it distracts us from the greater evil. There are millions of Muslims in America. One source I read, if I remember correctly, stated that there are as many if not more Muslims than Jews in America. If that is the case, then you and I have probably been around quite a few. Can you identify who the Muslims you’ve met are? Proabably not. From an ealier VVN comment of mine:

      “I have known only a few Muslims in my life, but probably have been around many more but never knew it. Why? Because Muslims are among the quietest of religions in this country. You don’t see them clamering for rights and special attention or privileges like Jews and they have virtually no influence on our government, media or popular culture. They’re never in court or demonstrating for their ‘rights’ like many others are nor are they on a crusade to change the society in which they live or to convert you to their religion. And they appear more devoted to their beliefs than Chrisitians and Jews. They don’t drink and consider charging interest morally wrong. And don’t fool with their women. If white NSs had a bit more of their discipline, it wouldn’t hurt us one bit.”

      In view of the Jew’s prediliction for pushing themselves into their host societies and making alot of noise, which Muslims don’t appear to do, how is it by any stretch correct to say that you would rather have the Jew in your country than the Muslim? I just don’t get it. I don’t see the Muslim in court clamering for rights or to de-Christianize this society, I don’t see them strong-arming our government, I don’t see their version of the ADL threatening anyone they don’t like, I don’t see them controlling business in America like the Jew, I don’t see them have their version of APAIC writing our foreing policy, I don’t see them raiding our treasury to support their homeland, I don’t see them controlling the media, I don’t see them pushing degeneracy on our country (just the opposite) through hollywood, film, TV, theater or porn, I’ve never heard of a Muslim spying on this country, I don’t see them promoting their version of the Holocaust, I don’t see them endlessly denigrating Hitler or das Drittes Reich, I don’t see them writing the nation’s cirriculum for our schoolchildren, I don’t see them pushing interracial integration on our society, I don’t see them writing pet legistation for our Congress like the hate crimes bill, I don’t see them leading the pack in financial swindles, and on and on.

      Really Tim, an explanation please.

    10. Henry Says:

      “Funny how the West fought the Muslims for centuries to keep them out of Europe, but now they are swarming in without a single shot being fired.”


      Someone opened the gate from within.