SB 1070 Fund Rejects A3P’s Money
Posted by Socrates in 'hate', 'hate' haters, double standards, illegal immigration, immigration, immigration bills/laws, Jewish racism, jews, Jews-as-godlike, judaism, political correctness, Socrates at 10:48 pm | 
Don’t you hate it when haters hate? I hate that – it’s so hateful. Why did the Jews have to invent hate? (Funny how pro-SB 1070 folks will accept Sen. John McCain’s money but not A3P’s. McCain, you may recall, tried to legalize millions of illegal Mexicans several years ago via amnesty):
More about SB 1070 [Here].
16 July, 2010 at 11:17 pm
Waiting for the spark!
17 July, 2010 at 12:32 am
Let’s look on the bright side: this might be good publicity for the A3P, bringing it to the attention of Arizonians who are tired of conservative cowardice and double-talk and are ready for something new.
17 July, 2010 at 12:48 am
And what have I learned from this? Reject in the totality this irredeemable ‘democratic’ sham political system that governs or is governed for the purposes of advancing a world view that is abhorrent. We realize this government is fully controlled from within and actively works to prevent any outside influence to sway it from it’s satanic goals. Money is the driving power in American politics and how swiftly they identify and block the influence of any money coming from the wrong source. Monetary contributions are the primary way in which people support goals and agendas they want advanced. Just another example here of how the controllers deny segments of the population in shaping government in ways legitimate for all others except the unapproved and unwelcome.
Equally distressing to me are any of those among us who still harbors a measure of trust and confidence in this American system of ours. If you are still not yet sure, go ahead, rub you nose deep and long in the pile, then return to us for the breath of fresh air that will revive you. I have a friend, who, on behalf of one of the more prominent racial nationalist organizations in America, made an initial foray into conventional politics. He walked away in disgust at what he saw. The disingenuity, scheming, undisciplined and unprincipled process he was being sucked into repulsed him. He left after getting a real education.
Democracy is for the weak willed who relinquish rights to a world view they believe in (if, indeed they even have one) by allowing subjugation of that world view by whatever monstrosity is dished up by the electorate. Democracy is belief in a process, not an end result or a specific world view. If you believe in democracy, then don’t complain of the world we have today. It’s the best of all worlds, you see, because it’s been created via a ‘democratic’ process. Patriotism is nothing less than the understanding and adoption of a righteous world view that leaves a better future for our posterity and then fighting for it. Allegaince to country or flag has little to do for it, unless such represents total devotion to the world view worthy of our support.
Adolph Hitler:
“It is not enough to say ‘I BELIEVE’ (in a ‘democratic’ system),
one must take the oath:
I FIGHT!” (for the new world view)
17 July, 2010 at 8:37 am
You are right on the money, torrence. (no pun intended). So called “democracy” is a jewish tool to control and enslave the “goyim”. Since in a “democracy”, the jews ALWAYS have control of the media, ONLY the jewish agenda is given validity. The Jewish Money Power is always the force behind democracy. Only a strong authoritariian Aryan Folkish State can become a vehicle for the empowerment, expansion, and destiny of the Great White Race.
17 July, 2010 at 12:51 pm
“If this was the proper context, it would be easy to produce more evidence concerning the similarities between the two countries that would allow us to see in communist Russia and in America two faces of the same coin, or two movements whose destructive paths converge. The former is a reality unfolding under the iron fist of a dictatorship and through a radical nationalization and rationalization. The latter is a spontaneous realization (and therefore more worrisome) of a mankind that accepts and even wants to be what it is, that feels healthy, free, and strong and that implements the same tendencies as communism but without the fanatical and fatalistic dedication of the communist Slav. And yet, behind both “civilizations” those who have eyes to see can detect the warning signs of the advent of the “Nameless Beast.” (Julius Evola, Revolt against the modern world, 356)
Ordinary political activism is hopeless. The people who should be ours – tea partiers, conservatives etc are still within the confines of the controlled political discourse, like a bunch of kids who are dipping their toes into cold swimming pool. That chilly shock is what they need but they can’t bring themselves to take the plunge (yet).
But, we already know that. What use is it to preach to the choir? And what use is their in even making a polite gesture across traditional avenues? Methinks the whole thing is going to have to come down before the people on the right become fully radicalized.
17 July, 2010 at 1:25 pm
I’m no fan of democracy, but we’d be in better shape if we actually had one. What we have isn’t democracy. The majority of whites never voted to have their borders opened, or to turn their once prosperous cities into jungles. Any time whites vote to eliminate affirmative action or benefits for illegals, or even just to have the laws that are already on the books enforced (e.g. Arizona), we see what happens.
It’s a rigged game.
A party like the A3P, if it manages to take off, may serve some useful functions, but ultimately, we can’t expect to vote ourselves out of this.
17 July, 2010 at 1:40 pm
Follow this money. The IMF, starting decades ago with the closure of American auto plants, places Huyndai on American soil with the banner headline, “Jobs Created.” What the IMF has done is further secure the takeover of America by foreigners. It imports the foreigners to take the jobs in the new “American” factory. Me thinks no one is paying attention.
17 July, 2010 at 2:43 pm
Igor, a few of us can. A strong few were to lead this nation to greatness. The American Founders were a few who NEVER intended for the common man to vote. In fact, one needed to be a 21-year-old Euro-male with 50 lbs. Sterling or 50 acres. Additionally, they erected a barrier to mysticism, hysteria/dementia or as it is commonly known, religion. Be goofy on Sunday but don’t bring it to the Capitol on Monday. They intended that there be separation between church and state. Certainly, that would include Israel. The problem is that the American Foundation/Constitution has been ignored. This ceased being Constitutional America when the religious nut job, Lincoln, violated the epitome of American freedom, the right to ownership of private property. Including the writings of intent, American hegemony is in the Constitution and the Constitution is ALL GONE.
17 July, 2010 at 4:43 pm
We realize this government is fully controlled from within and actively works to prevent any outside influence to sway it from it’s satanic goals. – Torrence
Because it has been controlled by a Jewish elite with an anti-White agenda for more than 100 years. The Jewing of America began in the wake of the Civil War, by the time of the First War of ZOG Aggression they had already seized control of the entire currency of the US. That (which is merely one example of many) sort of thing doesn’t just spring from nowhere – no, they already had the government in their pocket then. Later on, witness how ~90% of America’s population was against war with NS Germany, but yet the elite got their way even so. The democratic system of America is and has for a long time been controlled by an unelected elite of money! Now they are nearing the culmination of their plans and it is too late for anything other than a military coup or large-scale war to bring it down.
17 July, 2010 at 7:04 pm
Torrence is right in saying that when these jewed system whores forbid monetary contributions from Whites, they’re forbidding them any real access & influence.
Nothing could make it clearer that this One Party “democracy” is a sham that needs to be destroyed
18 July, 2010 at 4:25 pm
We don’t have a two party system, we have a JEW party system. And there’s nothing in the Constitution or the Bill of Slights that says the Kwa is supposed to be a “democracy”. The FFs obviously knew what democracy was, but did not want their new Republic to be one. Having said that, I certainly don’t agree with what they gave us in democracy’s place.
Just remember that almost half of Kwans believe the world is 6000 years old and that Adam and Eve rode dinosaurs to church. Would you want such idiots to have any political power?
18 July, 2010 at 7:24 pm
Morris Dees shitting in his pants again? Pew! What is that horrible smell?
My, my, people like Jan Brewer don’t get it. The real haters want invasion from Mexico, cheap labor, browning of the U.S., and destruction of the monetary system while the jews become richer while classifying the non-rich as “dead peasants” and Whites as cattle – ready for the slaughter.
18 July, 2010 at 8:36 pm
Maybe a little bit off topic, but I was on the O.O. web site and scanned over an article written by James Edwards about this whole Mel Gibson thing. I also looked over the comment section as well. Question: can whites be “saved” from Christianity?
19 July, 2010 at 5:54 am
“Morris Dees shitting in his pants again? Pew! What is that horrible smell?”
Madam, Jews always smell that way. Nature has made them as repulsive as possible so that humans will keep away from them.
“The real haters want invasion from Mexico, cheap labor, browning of the U.S., and destruction of the monetary system………”
Yes, the pro-invasion crowd are the REAL bad guys in this controversy. They want to exploit the dumb, greasy Mexicans for all they’re worth, which isn’t very much, and then spit them out. The pro-invaders also want to drive down domestic wages to the point where we are all no better off than slaves.
The pro-invaders really have it in for Whitey and western civilization. Pro-Whites could never hope to muster anywhere near the amount of pathological hatred that the other side posesses. Liberals and Jews are the most hate-crazed maniacs on Earth.
19 July, 2010 at 5:46 pm
When we do have an all white society with the white elites at the top controlling the white lemmings yet treating them with respect and dignity,I will personally need to keep a couple of jews as lawn ornaments for Halloween and as a physical reminder of what could happen if we were to allow it in again.
20 July, 2010 at 7:01 am
Dave, after the White Revolution we’ll need a museum, or Jewseum, dedicated to Jewish crimes against mankind. The stuffed and mounted bodies of Henry Kissinger, Madeline Albright, Emanuel Cellar, Bibi Netanyahu, Robert Morgenthau, etc will be displayed in glass cases, with a description of the various crimes committed by each Jew on display. Admission to the Jewseum will be one pound of flesh.
21 July, 2010 at 2:50 pm
I guess what I was trying to get at with my post above is whether or not the A3P would actually be able to accomplish anything or not. If I’m not mistaken the A3P is advertised on the Occidental Observer web site and, at least recently, they seem to have been doing all they can to win over the pro-Christianity crowd. For me, this sends up all kinds of red flags-like don’t get involved! I’m interested in hearing other posters opinions on this.
22 July, 2010 at 4:09 am
“I guess what I was trying to get at with my post above is whether or not the A3P would actually be able to accomplish anything or not.”
No sir, they willl not accomplish a damn thing, except to postpone the inevitable White revolution a little bit longer. But that’s OK, since the longer the right wing holds back the Revolution, the more terrifying that Revolution will be when it finally does happen.
“If I’m not mistaken the A3P is advertised on the Occidental Observer web site and, at least recently, they seem to have been doing all they can to win over the pro-Christianity crowd. For me, this sends up all kinds of red flags-like don’t get involved!”
Exactly. Once the Christians involve themselves in any kind of pro-White movement you can be sure that movement is as good as dead. Just go back to watching the skies over Jerusalem for any Jesus sightings, you Jew-worshipping good-for-nothings.