28 July, 2010

Federal Judge Blocks Key Parts of Arizona Immigration Law

Posted by Socrates in federal power, General Decline, illegal immigration, immigration, immigration bills/laws, Socrates at 11:56 pm | Permanent Link

Think this is still your country, White man? Ha-ha! But maybe if you eat more donuts and watch more TV, you can turn things around…


  • 77 Responses to “Federal Judge Blocks Key Parts of Arizona Immigration Law”

    1. Jim Says:

      Excellent posts all, especially Blackshirt’s. I feel the same sense of frustration that all White men feel regarding the nearly total collapse of all White resistance and actual White acquiecence to our destruction and displacement by muds. As long as ZOG can provide our befuddled White masses with niggerball, American Idol, beer in the fridge, etc, there will be no massive White Awakening. Only when the Jewish Money System collapses and the SHTF will a larger proportion of Whites wake up. A mass White Movement and a strong Leader MUST also emerge. A great White Leader could emerge from anywhere in the White World (or what is left of it), but I have a feeling he may hail from an Eastern European nation where jew awareness is somewhat more advanced. This is a time for REALISM. Neither a defeatest pessimism or a pollyanna optimism will get us anywhere.

    2. Nom de Guerre Says:

      Jan. 20, 2012

      From our correspondant in New Nairobi, John Boy Malvo:

      Yo, dis heah be where it alls be happenin’. Firstus I wants to say greetin’s to mah mentor in all dem drive bah shootin’s in duh DC district. Dem was duh days! Yeah, duh media had dem Keystone cops looking fo som White racist kkk type, sheeet! Dat be som magination! Whitey he aints gonna buck de system. Dat be said, lets gits down to de nitty gritty, on hows dat White backlash in Arizona failed to get mah man Obambo kicked out of office. Sheeet!

      All de time hymie was runnin’ both sides of de quation, it jes didn’t work to get dem Republicunts no mo seats in office. An today prooves dat its don’t matter who votes, but who counts the votes.

    3. Nom de Guerre Says:

      How many of you remember the early ’90s? This exact same thing was happening. Our people were getting upset with Clinton and militias were forming.

      That was exactly the same. And now Bill and bitch are riding high, with Chelsea fixin’ to hitch up with a kike , with a wedding party costing 5 million, how much of it will bill and bitch shift off on to the taxpayers? If they’re ever was a time for a necktie party it was the 90’s and guess what ? The repugs let him off the hook.

    4. zoomcopter Says:

      The crack in the wall is there, for all to see, now. The Federal government is acting against the express will of the people. People are donating money to fight against their own Federal government. You can say that this is nothing more than a futile effort, or you can say that people are starting to see that the beast means to devour them, and are organizing opposition. I see the latter.

    5. Klassikality Says:

      “….Its always coming — just around the next corner. At the NEXT election. We’re gonna throw those bums out. We’re gonna show ‘em. Youll see. Next time!”

      Yes, I certainly remember the “Republican Revolution” in 94. All those “angry White males” striking back at the prevailing Clinton inspired liberal atmosphere in the country. Egged on of course by conservative right wing talk radio. Even though not a damn thing got done, these same White conservatives are getting all fired up for this Novembers elections, ready for another bs “revolution.” Egged on again by conservative talk radio and of course Fox News.

      I would love to see the GOP gets its ass kicked at the polls this November, but even if they do, it’ll be: “Oh just wait till we kick Obama out in 2012!”

    6. Nom de Guerre Says:

      How I remember that ’96 election, with fat Boy Rush Lumbar, and his big fat mouth , up in the ivory towers of Hymie town, spouting off how Bob Dole would upset the Demorat Slickster. ha ha!
      We know that any Republicunt victories are really are supreme court appointed, not the will of the mongrelized populace and women. Don’t put any hopes in a political system itz all under jew control.

    7. Tim McGreen Says:

      That’s right, NdG, the Clintons’ octoroon daughter Chelsea got married to some dark, sinister-looking Jewboy yesterday. Wow, what a shock. No wonder Slick Willie was never forced to resign from office like Nixon had to. Unlike RN, Clinton has never failed to show absolute submission to his Jew masters, even going so far as to sacrifice his only (officially acknowledged) child to them.

      Yes, it certainly is disappointing about the White masses’ inability or unwillingness to fight back against their own enslavement and eventual destruction. Nothing seems to work, not lone wolf activism, The Order, Dr. Pierce, Commander Rockwell, Tom Metzger……The right-wing establishment, all those Limbaughs, Hannities and Palins, has neutralized a lot of potential White resistance with empty, meaningless promises of “taking America back” and rhetorical “revolutions”. Conservative Whites fall for those lies over and over and over again. And they always will. Meanwhile, America just keeps on getting poorer and browner.

    8. Yahoody Doody Says:

      I always had uneasy suspicions about that “octroon daughter Chelsea”. Even as a kid, there was just something there, something wrong. The blubbery lips, the bulging eyes, and especially the woolly, kinky hair.

      Now, she’s gone blonde and straightened her hair, and maybe even had some discrete plastic surgery, who knows? Her complexion has gone from sallow to rosy. She’s obviously had elaborate dental work. So she doesn’t look TOO bad … right now, that is. But hey, she’s only thirty. What will she look like when she’s fifty? She’ll be a horror!

      Well, it took thirty years for Bill and Hill to get her married off, finally, and she barely made it under the wire. That must have taken a lot of work! I wonder how much it cost them?

      I always suspected that Bill (our First Black President) had to be hiding something in the woodpile.

    9. Nom de Guerre Says:

      Always has been suspicious that both Slick Willie and Wesley kahane Clark were both raised in Arkansas by single moms….Yeah the murkey backgrounds. Pappy of slick drowns in a puddle about and inch deep, and Wesleys dies with no mention of the cause four years after sprouting Wesley. Mommie moves to Arkansas so hillbilly relation can help her meet the expenses.

    10. Nom de Guerre Says:

      Clintons’ octoroon daughter Chelsea got married to some dark, sinister-looking Jewboy yesterday. Wow, what a shock.
      Sinister allright, that name Mankewitz sounds like a bagel brand.

      Jews are maniacal, I used to know a crypto-kike that ran a cattle slaughter plant, last name was Bauer, never hired anything but alcoholic niggers, that he use to go pick up in a pick up truck, guess if they had to puke it was an easy cleanup. That SOB was crazy. Looked like Sigmund Freud

    11. The Red Skull Says:

      Great commentary Gentlemen!-Some worthy of recording.I hate to say “i told you so”—but I TOLD YOU SO.I did say that this law would most likely be blocked by a Federal ZOG minion as prop 2 was defeated here in Colorado,and gee-guess what?I guess we have to file this minor setback as “good”,because it draws the line in the sand even clearer for all to see.Those that are looking that is.States rights vs Federal Control.The elements are coming together for the next great conflict for the White Race in this Country.Civil War 2.

      The ZOG has been pushing now for over 100 years here to destroy us.The Creation of the Fed Reserve and control of the Press being where we started to lose the War most aren’t even aware has been declared on us.The latest moves by the Fed prove to many of us that Whites are on the “Endangered Species” List.I have a great comeback to the “Racist” label the left and guiltry white liberals like to hurl to end discussion or debate——-just reply–“i’d rather be Racist than Extinct.”

      Will the easily entertained and tranquilized masses of Whites ever wake up?The question is irrelevant,and the Revolution will take place with or without them.The current trend of politics is the DE FACTO rise of ethno-politics,which under the Jews,has been ok for all the niggers,brown mud masses and jews and even “Queers” up till now.What Big Jew fears the most is the rise of WHITE IDENTITY passing into the main stream.This is coming to pass now–only slowly,like and irresistable force of a slowly gathering tidal wave.The Current Marxist/Jew Regime of Comrade Obongo and Crew are Pressing too FAR-too fast,and the Kikes always over-reach themselves until a “pogrom” of some sort takes place.Which in societal terms is a way of a healthy homogenous society purging itself of whatever poisons the Jews have forced down its throat.Pretty soon we will see a purging of the Jew Poisons which are killing this once Great Nation.Either that or the Body “America” will die as a result of its long term alien tribe infestation.Go Arizona!

    12. Tim McGreen Says:

      Sorry, NdG, I accidentally gave you a minus for your funny story about the Jew slaughterhouse owner and his alchoholic Black employees. That story pretty sums up in a nutshell what Jews and Blacks are like.

    13. The Red Skull Says:

      I would like to point out also since this case envolves the “Jewdiciary”,that Whites in this country are going to be in even further trouble when the Communist-Kike-Bitch-Kagan gets “appointed” to the Supreme Court.Here is a person with NO PREVIOUS experience as a judge!WTF??!!She can make jokes about being where most jews are on Christmas-at a Chinese restraunt,and is a known closet lesbian,yet she meets the political requirement of the Obongo Regime in that shes a dedicated anti-white,christian -hating marxist.

      Just looking at the snide cunt makes my skin crawl.If these are the kind of “people” that Obongo is bringing in to administer their Zionist Slave State,we are in serious deep shit.She’s also been a perfectly slimey evasive typical jew on her answers on alot of stuff including gun rights and abortion.The Court is bound to drift to the left with 3!! Jews now out of 7 justices.What does that tell you about jew power and influence in “our???” gov’t.The move to restore some Sovereignty to themselves and protect their citizens can be derailed by the jews in at least 2 ways now.A local FedZOG Minion will block any legislation at a local level(Prop 2,and now Arizona),then when the case goes to the Supeme Court,it is so far to the left that it will be shot down.Essentially the FedZog Gov’t is forcing White America to endure the Invasion,thru their blockage of states attempts to resolve the problem locally.There CAN’T BE a solution,when your own gov’t is forcing. and wanting the invasion to occur.To my mind,this TREASONOUS ACTION to the people of this country.That is why,i believe the issue can only be settled with blood-unfortunately.The Mexicans already have over 20 million soldiers here for the fight,and the Reconquista.Are we ready??

    14. Dagon Says:

      I don’t think most of us honestly believed that the Feds wouldn’t find some way to stymie the Arizona law.

      Interestingly enough, on the subject of Whites being roused from their stupor by the furor of the law, my own ‘race-is-a-social-construct-and-we-are-all-americans’ mother just the other day expressed her own outrage at the Federal intervention. “I don’t beleive it a Federal judge, what right does a Federal judge have to object – especially when Arizona was simply doing what the Feds themselves SHOULD be doing?”

      I’ve told her about the Frankfurt School et al many times but at least she, and other centrist Whites, are starting to get an inkling that all is not right in the realm. Sure, the great awakening that we all hope for may never happen but……one never knows.

    15. Howdy Doody Says:

      Nom de Guerre Says:

      31 July, 2010 at 8:36 am

      California is more vital to the White cause than Arizona, New, Mexico and Texas combined. I exclude Texas, because its bible thumpin cuntry, and it luvs its beaners and niggers. You see California has some assets, it can feed a large population of Whites, it has access to foreign aid, which Zog couldn’t blockade.

      3 0

    16. Sgt. Skull Says:

      Looks like Bill Clinton’s strategy of packing the federal court system with ultra left wing, activist judges from 1992 to 2000 is finally bearing fruit. Consider:

      Prop 187 in California – Blocked by a federal judge
      Hazelton, PA, anti-illegal alien statute – Blocked/overturned by a federal judge.
      Farmers Branch, TX, anti-illegal alien statute – Blocked/overturned by a federal judge.

      And in Nebraska a couple anti-illegal statutes are being challenged and will probably get gutted by some corrupt federal judge. Federal judges continue rule AGAINST the interests of the white majority in almost every case. If this isn’t part of a coordinated master plan to deliver the country to hostile non-whites wouldn’t one think things would go in our favor in at least a couple of these cases?

      It’s time to junk the federal court system. It constitutes nothing more than than activist, anti-white tyrants dressed up in black robes who make or break laws from the bench and who rule in accordance with ultra left political ideology.

    17. Tim McGreen Says:

      I’m sure there are a lot of Bush appointed judges who are at least as bad as any Clinton appointed judges. They are all the friggin’ same. They are all the enemy.

    18. Blackshirt Says:

      The Red Skull Says:

      I would like to point out also since this case envolves the “Jewdiciary”,that Whites in this country are going to be in even further trouble when the Communist-Kike-Bitch-Kagan gets “appointed” to the Supreme Court.Here is a person with NO PREVIOUS experience as a judge!WTF??!!

      Seeing statements like this above on this website continually amazes me. How come you are so shocked, Red Skull? I mean, did you really expect anything different from our government? Every time I see a Jew get appointed to a government position it elicits nothing more than a shake of the head or a yawn from me. I think this is because I have completely detached myself mentally and emotionally from ZOG. As far as I’m concerned if you are as detached as I am, nothing ZOG does comes as a surprise.

      This sense of shock and surprise at ZOG’s actions are a reaction, as in reactionary thinking. What I’m hoping all of us are moving towards is revolutionary thinking. Revolutionaries aren’t “shocked” by the oppressor’s actions. Do you think the Bolsheviks sat around and bitched about what the Tsarist government was doing? No, they were too busy looking for ways to bring down the Tsarist government. Same thing can be said of the French revolutionaries.

      The Court is bound to drift to the left with 3!! Jews now out of 7 justices.What does that tell you about jew power and influence in “our???” gov’t.The move to restore some Sovereignty to themselves and protect their citizens can be derailed by the jews in at least 2 ways now.

      Again, why the sense of surprise and shock? Why the worry over what the Supreme court does or doesn’t do? Don’t you want to see this system completely destroyed? The enemy must be destroyed at all costs and by any means necessary. Cut your mental and emotional ties with ZOG and everything else will come naturally. The Supreme Court could be all kikes and I wouldn’t care because the entire ZOG edifice is my enemy.

      Sgt. Skull Says:

      …And in Nebraska a couple anti-illegal statutes are being challenged and will probably get gutted by some corrupt federal judge. Federal judges continue rule AGAINST the interests of the white majority in almost every case. If this isn’t part of a coordinated master plan to deliver the country to hostile non-whites wouldn’t one think things would go in our favor in at least a couple of these cases?

      …It’s time to junk the federal court system. It constitutes nothing more than than activist, anti-white tyrants dressed up in black robes who make or break laws from the bench and who rule in accordance with ultra left political ideology.

      Again I ask, why are you concerned about what ZOG’s court does, and why the sense of surprise? Did you expect something different from a government that is run by our enemies and hell bent on speeding us to extinction?

    19. Blackshirt Says:

      @ Tim- right on!

    20. Yahoody Doody Says:

      “Whites in this country are going to be in further trouble when Kagan gets “appointed” to the Supreme Court.
      Here is a person with NO PREVIOUS experience as a judge!”


      Well, now…. not meaning to defend her, but considering how most of the other judges have ruled – judges WHO HAVE experience – maybe its time we tried someone WITHOUT experience, for a change. Could it be any worse?

      Not that I expect much difference, anyway. You could toss a coin.

      Left or right, Republican or Democrat, experienced or inexperienced, the Jews and their servants have the game all sewed up.

    21. Sgt. Skull Says:

      @ Blackshirt,
      Contrary to what you believe I’m not “shocked and surprised” by any developments I mentioned in my last post. The whole point was to show whites that they can’t expect any breaks or respite from this dirty rotten system we languish under. Not from the media, and not from any branch of government including the court system.

      If I was some reactionary type I would have talked reform and working within the system and expressed hope that someday the courts will rule in our favor but I didn’t. I said scrap the system starting with the federal courts. If that isn’t revolutionary enough for you then what is?

      The cancellation of Jared Taylor’s circle jerk conference earlier in the year due to death threats proves that playing nice, acting like a butler and avoiding the Jewish question isn’t a ticket to mainstream acceptance for white racial nationalists.

    22. Tim McGreen Says:

      Excellent comments, Herr Skull……..I’m glad to see that support for “reforming” the sytem is crumbling fast.

      Jared Taylor and his ilk are always on the defensive, exactly where the Enemy wants them. And like you have just pointed out, those conservative AmRen and David Duke types will always schedule some kind of Euro-centric or historical revisionist conference at a hotel, only to have the Jews and Red agitators find out about the conference and start threatening the hotel management until they back down and cancel the conference.

      How many dozens of times has that happened, I wonder? Will the racist right-wing never learn from their mistakes? Will they ever grow a pair?

    23. Susan Says:

      Tim, I know that Taylor and Sailor aren’t exactly our cup of tea, most of the time. But….Amren is how I arrived at where I am today. I got my feet wet at Amren, and was posting right before the Knoxville Horror occurred and then the rallies happened. Someone over at Amren actually told me about VNN and I found out about the first rally (couldn’t attend as I wasn’t feeling great around that time), but I did attend the second rally. Met Linder and a few others.

      So, while Taylor and Sailor aren’t where we are, they are nearby.

      And for what it’s worth, my nephew now works for a Washington conservative think tank type agency and knows Taylor fairly well. He told me that Taylor is fully aware of the jew issue, but doesn’t feel it’s time yet to go there.

      I know, I know. I disagree with this too. But, I agree with everyone above–most Whites simply aren’t even close to our way of thinking and may never get there, until it’s too late to save our country.

      I mentioned to Linder a while back that I thought it was time for a meeting somewhere in this country for some of us to attend and begin to map out strategies and network for when it really gets bad. Linder said he couldn’t plan it, but he would come if one were planned by someone else.

      I, for one, think it’s high time we begin networking with each other. This could be problematic, I know, as we don’t know each other at all. Well, I know a few people, but that’s all.

      We’d have to have some kind of way to investigate each other. I don’t know…..it’s just an idea.

      The really sad thing will be if we never meet each other, and things get really bad, and we all simply go down with the rest of the clueless Whites.

      Of course, I’m 55, so I probably won’t still be alive when things get really bad. But, one never knows……..

    24. Virgil Says:

      The scum which protests the Arizona law deserve to be mowed down by crossfire from 50 caliber machine-guns! Vigilantes awake!

    25. shabbos s shabazz Says:

      “Someone over at Amren actually told me about VNN”

      ‘Twas I, Sue from Georgia

    26. susan Says:

      Well, then, thank you Shabbos! It’s been about five years since I first started posting there and I couldn’t remember who told me. I just remember someone told me about the rallies and VNN.

      You know, I used to get censored an awful lot over at Amren!

      Btw, were you at the rallies?

    27. Howdy Doody Says:

      White America at risk for disease, criminal lawlessness and poverty. The line is clearly marked, now. Either you support White America, or you support the Jew-led destruction of what was White America. If you support White America, you will be labeled a racist, but that is, in fact, a true statement, and a small price to pay for the future of your children.

      Make no mistake about it the regime has tapped P.C.’s and phones of ORDINARY working class folks who happened to read or call in to a False Flag radio show.

      Fourth amendment whats that ?

      Lets face it, they do not work in the local bkery Tire shop, drive truck, line men, ditch digger, concrete.tile setter, few dentist’s, carpentors, but when it comes to NKVD forces and governement employment we will never know their exact numbers.

      55% of Law school faculty is them.

      Security state NKVD is here.

      I am not not even referring to Halvin turd either.