Translation of Solzhenitsyn’s “In the Camps of GULag” — Chapter 20 of “200 Years Together”
Posted by Socrates in Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Kevin MacDonald, Socrates at 12:52 am | 
15 June, 2010 at 4:36 am
This is welcome news. I have both volumes in the german translation, which didn’t excactly make for smooth reading.
KMac should be highly commended for this effort.
Here is a review by Wolfgang Strauss of the VHO revisionist publishing house:
15 June, 2010 at 10:32 am
Is it not interesting that the American publishing industry, controlled by JEWS, will not have this translated into English and sold in America.
16 June, 2010 at 3:56 pm
Thanks for the link on the review on Solzhenitsyn’s latest book. I’ve been trying to leave this site, but little bits of info about Jews that I’m getting at this site makes me keep comming back again and again. Before I leave this thread, I want make my position clear on the WN. In the past I’ve have been hanging on the WN’s pants because I want to be accepted to the club of critique on Blacks because I found the talk of Blacks theraputic after I had some unfortunate run-ins with Blacks. That’s a thing of the past now. I no longer hold any grudges against Blacks and, as matter of fact, I hope they can overcome their past and make something out of themselves. These days I browse a number of WN websites just to know more about Jews. I hope you don’t mind me checking out articles here and, maybe once in while, post some comments. I have no problem with White seperatism, and I envision different ethnic groups in the U.S. stake out some pieces of the territory for themselves and go on from there.
17 June, 2010 at 1:02 am
“Is it not interesting that the American publishing industry, controlled by JEWS, will not have this translated into English and sold in America.”
According to what I’ve read, he is not well known or well liked in France either. Same story there.
17 June, 2010 at 11:04 am
When Solzhenitsyn’s two Volumes of the Gulag come out, I remember the local N.P.R. station had two Nasal sounding kanish’s ranting about what a right wing fascist Christian nut case Alexander Solzhenitsyn was.
Back then even if you knew Nothing, you could hear the flagarant hatred of Alexander’s book.
18 June, 2010 at 12:07 pm
I am the person who translated the chapter and who initiated the entire project.
Although there are several volunteers involved, it is unlikely that their efforts will be sufficient.
Therefore, more volunteers with knowledge of either Russian, French or German are wanted. If a volunteer translates one chapter, and if there are 20 volunteers, then the project will be completed in a month or two.
Alex Linder! Please help: I am sure there are such people in your “company”.
19 June, 2010 at 6:36 am
From the chapter:
The White Sea canal, completed in 1933, has gone down in history as a particularly brutal forced labor project in which thousands of workers died. Solzhenitsyn points out that all six of the people in charge of the project were Jews:
Genrikh Yagoda, head of NKVD.
Matvei Berman, head of GULag.
Semen Firin, commander of BelBaltlag (by that time he was already the commander of Dmitlag, where the story will later repeat itself).
Lazar Kogan, head of construction (later he will serve the same function at Volgocanal).
Jacob Rapoport, deputy head of construction.
Naftaly Frenkel, chief manager of the labor force of Belomorstroi (and the evil daemon of the whole Archipelago)
19 June, 2010 at 6:55 am
In the past I’ve have been hanging on the WN’s pants because I want to be accepted to the club of critique on Blacks because I found the talk of Blacks theraputic after I had some unfortunate run-ins with Blacks. That’s a thing of the past now. I no longer hold any grudges against Blacks and, as matter of fact, I hope they can overcome their past and make something out of themselves. These days I browse a number of WN websites just to know more about Jews.
You need to shake that defeated mindset that causes you to make excuses for Blacks, my friend. They are sadistic, parasitic animals that should be hated. Yes, Jews pushed through the laws for integration, but Blacks are still filth. You should HATE THEM intensely.
What you are feeling is a desire to feel “understanding” toward the vermin so you won’t have to feel frustrated when you can’t get back at them. That is a typical mindset for victims. At least White victims. Especially women. Shake that defeated effort to “understand” and tell yourself the truth, they are vermin and it would be better for the world if they were all killed. True, you can’t make that happen now. But don’t let that rewrite your thinking out of frustration. Show COURAGE, the courage to admit the truth.
And don’t worry. You WILL have your revenge. The future won’t be like the past. The economy is going down, because the Left has been borrowing huge amounts of money to pay for its election bribes across the West. Mass immigration worsens the problem. When the economy goes down and the majority of Whites are unemployed, they won’t have careers to worry about anymore. That’s when you will see street violence the likes of which you have never seen. The last Depression was nothing, the U.S. was homogenous then. People were not in debt then. This time it will be a crash. And then from America to Europe to Russia, the chickens will come home to roost. The victims of the Gulags, the victims of Russian invasion in Germany, the victims on the streets of America, will be avenged.
22 June, 2010 at 8:48 am
Is it not interesting that the American publishing industry, controlled by JEWS, will not have this translated into English and sold in America.
28 June, 2010 at 1:22 am
Gomer Pyle
Surprise, Suprise, Suprise.