21 June, 2010

Tough Choice in Nebraska

Posted by Socrates in illegal immigration, immigration, immigration bills/laws, mestizos, Mexcrement, Mexinvasion, Socrates at 12:57 pm | Permanent Link

Ban illegal Mexicans, or not? What a difficult decision!


  • 56 Responses to “Tough Choice in Nebraska”

    1. Jim Says:

      I don’t think that a second term for Barry is inevitable Tim. The jews will probably replace the “Magic Mulatto” with a full blooded nigger, along with a mestizo Vice President and a kike Secretary of State. Itz coming!!!!

    2. Blackshirt Says:

      Hey Jim, thank you for the compliments! I don’t mind the fact that we aren’t always in agreement though, I think debate is good and it helps us find the best solutions to our problems. As far as the “anti-nordicism” goes, I do admit I can get that way sometimes. Mainly it is just a reaction to those amongst us who have the attitude that Nordics are superior to the other branches of the White Race. Some of these people even take it further by saying that Nordics are the only true Aryans, which I reject. After years of arguing with this viewpoint, one tends to get bitter at those who suggest non-Nordic Europeans are less than White.

      But thanks again for your kind words, I feel the same about yourself and several other posters here who contribute well thought-out, informative posts. Forums can be dangerous in some ways and a security risk, but they also can create consensus on issues we all must collectively face.

    3. Tim McGreen Says:

      Jim, it’s quite possible that the Jew Power Establishment will replace Barry in 2012 with another colored stooge like that swarthy wog bastard Bobby Jhidal. I’ll bet that Hindoo nigger has a blonde Caucasian wife, like Clarence “The Spade” Thomas. That’s the first thing every colored boy wants whenever he is given some fame, money or authority.

    4. Henry Says:

      Here is a picture of the family.
      She appears to be white, though not blonde.

    5. Tim McGreen Says:

      Thanks for the picture, Henry. Jhindal’s wife appears to be a light-skinned Indian or Persian, but we all know he has a Fawn Hall type secretary/mistress on the side:


    6. Yahoody Doody Says:

      “I firmly believe that class and economics have as much to do with this Struggle as Race.”
      …says “Tim”


      Spoken like a true Marxist. Straight out
      of Das Kap. Old Karl would have loved it.