5 June, 2010

Raid by Israel “An Act of Piracy”

Posted by Socrates in Israel, Israel - the facts, jew mentality, Jewish aggression, Jewish arrogance, Socrates, Zionism at 2:01 am | Permanent Link

Jews don’t play nice, and more and more people are starting to notice that:


  • 18 Responses to “Raid by Israel “An Act of Piracy””

    1. Jim Says:

      Its becoming more and more difficult for Israel and its puppet, the JewSA to justify their barbaric behavior. As more of the world’s people awaken to the true nature of the International Jew and his true goal which is world domination, and enslavement and/or destruction of the entire non-jewish population, the jew becomes more and more desperate and acts even more irrationally. Is the Third Jew World War looming on the horizon?

    2. nom de guerre Says:

      “Is the Third Jew World War looming on the horizon?”

      Interesting thought Jim. I’m in agreement with Captain Slappy, and the oracle of Delphi etc. that prophecy is self fulfilling. The jews and their lap dawg media, jewnited states government, and Christian fundamentalists just eat this sort of thing up. It’s gravy train, as long as they can sit on their fat asses and in front of the jew tube and watch some televangelist fat boy tell them all about the end of the world. But, but the world is really not what they see through the jew tubel

    3. David Baker Says:

      Here’s something I am starting to notice during this Israeli imbroglio: the media is distracting our attention in several directions, all aimed away from the Middle East. Notice how North Korea is rattling their swords so coincidentally? The BP oil spill crisis has the media frothing with green foam about the evils of oil drilling offshore, and the greed of those who profit from our addiction to fossil fuels (I would imagine some elegant bagels were purchased with much of that money…) Meanwhile, back at the Wailing Wall, Israel is performing a faithful reenactment of the Bolshevik privation of food for Christian Kulaks. If there’s one thing the Jews are good at, it’s utilizing their media for deflecting the world’s attention away from their ‘indiscretions’.

    4. zoomcopter Says:

      The Jews can murder anyone they so choose, as long as it’s not shown on television. That’s why they took all the cellphones and cameras from the flotilla people. If no one sees them pumping 5 rounds into the 19 year old American, on board, it never really happened, did it? Back to “Dancing with the Stars” and the only reality most Americans are capable of processing, for now, anyways.

    5. zoomcopter Says:

      Israel caused a great deal of damage, to itself, by killing the Turks on board the flotilla. Turkish Prime Minister Erdgan has canceled war games with Israel and will likely forbid Israel bombers to fly-over Turkey, on their way to attack Iran. PM Erdgan may have stopped a needless war with Iran, for us, saving us a trillion dollars, and the lives of thousands of American soldiers. If so, he should get the Nobel Peace Prize, awarded to Obama, who did absolutely nothing to deserve it, but look presidential….

    6. nom de guerre Says:

      Examples of Xian Funnydementia:

      Question: ” Why did the ancient Jews kill all those Canaanites, man, woman and child?”

      Answer: ” Cuz Gawd done told them to murder them.”

      Question: What about the attack on the USS Liberty by Israelis that killed 31 US Sailors?”

      Answer: ” Why that happened soooo long ago”

      I hate to disagree with ya Zoom, but the jews could murder people on television and come out smelling like a rose

    7. festerbestertester Says:

      Oh protect precious Israel and her borders, they are the “chosen” Oh welcome to Pedro , Paco, Manuel, Marie, Gomez, Enrico, Juan, Felipe…..

    8. nom de guerre Says:

      Oh protect precious Israel and her borders, they are the “chosen” Oh welcome to Pedro , Paco, Manuel, Marie, Gomez, Enrico, Juan, Felipe…..

      Don’t forget all of Gawds chillum in Afreeka and Haiti, send donations to the Harry Fecalsteen relief fund, and will send you a guidebook to adopting a lil mudlet, and get a big tax deduction from Uncle shmuel. Hurry now and order or some po lil mudlet Francoise might expire before she gives birth to triple mudlets

    9. nom de guerre Says:

      Heh, I’ve got an idea, let’s send a cargo load of aids stricken Niggers to Gaza, see if the jews fire on them.

    10. nom de guerre Says:

      Howsa about itz, Shlomo? Ya wanna fuk mah Mammy, she’s a virgin

    11. nom de guerre Says:

      She’s a virgin, never knowed nor laid with a man, make some good breedin’ stock, more resistant to flies.

    12. Tim McGreen Says:

      There is no reasoning with the Jews. All you can do is destroy them before they destroy you.

    13. George Wallace Says:

      America doesn’t have to do anything…just AVOID FOREIGN ENTANGLEMENTS. America is run by Jerusalem. Bring American troops and operatives home from the Middle East and South Korea etc. Let the people in those regions conduct their own affairs and tell the American Bible thumping pastors to shut up…enough of the Bible mind control FICTION; it’s like a jew scheming Hollywood screenplay. I think the artificial state of “Israel” will get along very nicely with its neighbors after we leave; don’t you? We could have our troops from around the world start checking papers and deporting foreigners in California and the Southwest. Maybe your state needs some attention too.

    14. Ein Says:

      “Minister Erdgan has canceled war games with Israel and will likely forbid Israel bombers to fly-over Turkey, on their way to attack Iran.”

      Excellent post, Zoom (as usual), but do you really think Israel would care one iota? They would just go ahead and do whatever they want (as usual), and to hell with everybody else. I suppose they’d first take precautions to get the USA to protect them from any Turkish retaliation. And we’d do that too (as usual).

    15. Tim McGreen Says:

      Well, since I missed the Taylor Swift/Justin Beiber show tonight at Gillette Stadium (*sniff*), I might as well weigh in on this topic again……..

      I guess Turkey, a country that is 99% Mohammedan, had to learn the hard way that you cannot be friends with the Zionist Entity. What made the Turks think the Zionists would be nice to them, when Israel treats its “closest ally”, the USA, like shit? Dummies.

      Curiously, the only country that came close to being a real friend of Israel was Apartheid-era South Africa. The Zionists armed and trained the SA police so they could deal with the rioting niggers in the Townships. Israeli Jews conducted lots of tourism and other business with SA at a time when Jewish liberals in this country demanded that Reagan sever all economic ties with SA. Israel even helped SA get The Bomb. How do you like that.

    16. Ein Says:

      “Israeli Jews conducted lots of tourism and other business with SA at a time when Jewish liberals in this country demanded that Reagan sever all economic ties with SA. Israel even helped SA get The Bomb. How do you like that.”

      Well, it only goes to show that Jews are not a mololithic group (but they are more monolithic than other groups)… and that THEY PLAY ALL SIDES OF ALL ISSUES.

      There is a saying something like: If you have four Jews, you’ll have five opinions.

      I remember how very radical Jews were campaigning against the “repressive fascist regime” of the Shah in Iran. After the Shah was ousted and they got their fondest wish, the Moslem fanatics took over and started clamping down — and the Jews began fleeing that country en masse. It was actually the Shah who had been protecting them, and under whom many had gotten rich!

      But the Jews always bite the hand that feeds them. They have no loyalty. They have no friends. Someday America will learn that too.

    17. Captain Slappy Says:

      As it stands, blame NOT just the Jews.
      Straight up kids, this is the era of Population Control and Resource Wars. America is doing it to Americans, and here comes the NWO right on the heels. Israel is a joke, but their population is so small, THEY MUST tie themselves to someone else. However, as we all agree, their egos are so out of touch with reality….oh yes, they WILL learn when the time comes.

      Now….Israel has ALWAYS been stupid, and will not let us down.
      Not even for a world war 3, big nukie style.
      Remember that these morons ONLY deal in force, to protect the farce.

      They have NO other power than weapons, and BS.

      Neither of those are worth anything when someone stomps them back. You would be amazed how quickly cowards in big groups called “governments” run away and leave you be when you start targeting them ONE at a time. I was taught not to shoot other enemy soldiers…….when I can shoot enemy officers. Better yet……enemy politicians, etc.

      Thank you U.S. Army!

      On the other side, we have them targeting Iran, and other countries for no other reason than to start crap.

      That part is easy: Being a tiny flea trap like Israel is, remember they have to tie themselves to others, and drag those others in to keep themselves from ceasing to exist.

      The Big Game (I think, only my opinion) at the moment right now, is simply the USA, Jews, and Commies trying to force the smaller independently minded countries into “joining” the U.N. (such a hack farce) or at least “allying” to a country that is. That way, they can economically whack out the small fry who want to fight (like Iran), or go to war with them on that precept, so they can burn their own populations down. Otherwise…..their populations will burn THEM down.

      It should tell you what Jewsrael thinks of us when the US is the majority of the U.N…….and yet Jewsrael is NOT part of it. (Yet runs the US…..I smell fish!)

    18. Howdy Doody Says:

      Does any know if a http://www.ussliberty.org sailor is actually being held by those pirates ? Are is that news bogus ?