11 June, 2010

Open Thread

Posted by Socrates in open threads, Socrates at 1:42 pm | Permanent Link

Post whatever you want…

  • 122 Responses to “Open Thread”

    1. Wilton Says:

      It is one of the Milli Vanilli critters Tim, I’m not sure which one, I know atleast one of them did the right thing and committed suicide. The picture comes from mullato.org, the thread was famous German mullatoes. I like it because it destroys the Jew created myth mixed race people are beautiful, the reality is most are ugly and screwed up mentally, like the Milli Vanilli critter that killed itself.

    2. Ein Says:

      “it destroys the Jew-created myth that mixed-race people are beautiful; the reality is most are ugly and screwed up mentally”

      Right you are! There may be some sound ones out there — somewhere — but all of the mixed-race ones that I’ve known have been mental messes. Very quarrelsome, very moody. Depressive, unhappy people with various psychological problems. They hated themselves, and they didn’t like anybody else either.

    3. Tim McGreen Says:

      Good observation, Ein. Mixed-breeds don’t know who they are or where they belong. Their parents should be ashamed of themselves for inflicting the fruits of their selfish liberal lifestyle on to their offspring.

      Wilton, thanks for sharing that photo. I’d forgotten about Milli Vanilli and the fact that they were “German”. The Pollacks and Russians would never accept such anthropoids as their own, that’s for sure. The Jews must be shrieking like hungry Vampire Bats trying to tear down those two countries.

    4. Marwinsing Says:

      Last night’s FIFA game, match score: Uruguay – 3, South Africa – 0.

      Nice one Uruguay! Nice to see a predominantly all-White South American team thump these spoilt, arrogant and overpaid Bafana-Bafana wogs. Our national football team are a national embarrassment.

      A White South African’s opinion.

    5. PorkSausage88 Says:

      It’s a tricky thing. If you ignore them(interracial couples) then they may feel everything is okay. If you say something you will just start an unnecessary fight and for what? A look of disgust aimed in there direction shows disapproval,avoids a physical conflict with someone not worth fighting over and can be more effective in making them feel bad than actual words. plus no hate crime charges.

      Yeah, well, all race-traitors have to do is SEE me and they NEVER act proud of themselves…they KNOW. And I see them-and their QUEER bedfellows(joos and queers) ALL-DAY-LONG.

      Hey, just my presence in a congested area wakes slumbering marxist cock-hounds want to start screaming…and I-LOVE-IT!!! GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOME!!!


    6. PorkSausage88 Says:

      “Under Jewish law, a mohel — someone who performs circumcisions — draws blood from the circumcision wound. Most mohels do it by hand with a suction device, but Fischer uses a practice rare outside strict Orthodox groups where he uses his mouth to draw blood after cutting the foreskin.”


      Culture is what culture does…
      Fucking enlightened bunch, eh?


    7. Tim McGreen Says:

      “Yeah, well, all race-traitors have to do is SEE me and they NEVER act proud of themselves…they KNOW. And I see them-and their QUEER bedfellows(joos and queers) ALL-DAY-LONG.

      Hey, just my presence in a congested area wakes slumbering marxist cock-hounds want to start screaming…and I-LOVE-IT!!! GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOME!!!”


      If the creepy, anti-White Bolshevik scum are afraid when they see you coming, then I imagine you must be a huge, menacing-looking guy like The Big Show or The Undertaker! We can always use a lot more big, scary guys like that! Why don’t they put all that bad-ass attitude to some good use for a change?

    8. Dave Says:

      Well said Tim hah. Pork…

    9. CW-2 Says:

      The globalists are encouraging China to expand into Africa, so do planners in India now consider themsleves to have been outflanked in the competition for space and resources?

      Back in the 1950’s Nehru, then the prime minister of India, proposed a treaty of ‘friendship and cooperation’ with China. Nehru was shocked by Mao’s stinging rejection of India’s advances. Even then big jew must have been tempting China with future attractions. Other than a long standing but minor border dispute these two “peace-loving”, lol, nations have no major disagreements, so will big jew succeed in getting them to fight each other?

    10. Tim McGreen Says:

      But back in the 1950s, Red China and India were both allies with the USSR, no? I guess the hostility between India and China was over that disputed Kashmir border region.

      If there ever is a WWIII, it may start as a conflict between India and Red China, with Pakistan and Iran taking China’s side. Then Kikestan gets involved on India’s side and whoopee!!!!

    11. Yahoody Doody Says:

      And America? Waht side will they push us into?

      Its murder 4 us either way.

    12. O*R*I*O*N Says:

      Happy summer solstice to all pagan VNNers!

      Stay healthy and strong!

    13. Yahoody Doody Says:

      Thanmk you.
      And to all other good people everywhere!

    14. Howdy Doody Says:

      Blackshirt Says:

      14 June, 2010 at 9:44 am

      Hey Howdy, do me a favor… when you quote me, put the quote in quotations, so everyone knows you are not the author of the post. thanks!

      4 0

      When I do it, I usally include the whole posting with Name and date posted in the cut and paste.


    15. Howdy Doody Says:

      Oh, yea all my Life June 21 is my favorite day !

    16. PorkSausage88 Says:

      “f the creepy, anti-White Bolshevik scum are afraid when they see you coming, then I imagine you must be a huge, menacing-looking guy like The Big Show or The Undertaker! We can always use a lot more big, scary guys like that! Why don’t they put all that bad-ass attitude to some good use for a change?”

      Naw. Just one Skinhead who’s not afraid to show it in front of “God” and everybody…not just think private thoughts, speak in whispers, and bang on keys.

      Thanks “Tim”.


    17. Syd Spada Says:

      One topic I have never seen mentioned anywhere on this site is that of dog-breeding. Breeding and keeping dogs has been, as far as I know, a white tradition going as far back as the ancient Greeks, if not further. Keeping a large, intimidating dog on ones property is one of (in my experience) the most proactive ways of safeguarding said property. You can basically walk anywhere, at any time with an intimidating dog and feel secure knowing that 9 out of 10 negroes will cross to the opposite side of the street upon seeing you. Try it and see!
      Living in the city as I do, I rarely venture out anywhere on foot after dark without Bismarck, my Rottweiler/Pit Bull mix.

    18. Dave Says:

      This Yahoo forum was completely taken over by jew scum, aka (hazbarats).

      Iran cancels plan to send ship to Gaza


      Another fine example of jew censorship.

      Nothing critical of israhell or the jooz is aloud to post, while hundreds of pro jew israhell comments by the same hazbarats using different names appear all over.

      These scum are trying to take over the Internet.

      I hate jooz!

    19. Dave Says:

      Not only can’ t I post on Yahoo boards, I can’t even rate other posts.

      I wonder if this is part of the zionist internet kill scheme?

      Identify individuals who dare criticize israel, then deny them the ability to post or rate other comments.

      Jooz on Internet forums just love to dish out crap on white people. but cry and whine about AuntieSemitism if anyone dares refuse to bow to their self choseness.

      Just more reason to hate jooz.

    20. RadicalTraditionalist Says:

      What the hell happened to Free Talk Live with Mark Faust and Bud White?

    21. Howdy Doody Says:

      Troll IMO

    22. Howdy Doody Says:

      Syd Spada Says:

      26 June, 2010 at 11:08 pm

      One topic I have never seen mentioned anywhere on this site is that of dog-breeding. Breeding and keeping dogs has been, as far as I know, a white tradition going as far back as the ancient Greeks, if not further. Keeping a large, intimidating dog on ones property is one of (in my experience) the most proactive ways of safeguarding said property. You can basically walk anywhere, at any time with an intimidating dog and feel secure knowing that 9 out of 10 negroes will cross to the opposite side of the street upon seeing you. Try it and see!
      Living in the city as I do, I rarely venture out anywhere on foot after dark without Bismarck, my Rottweiler/Pit Bull mix.


      Correct !

      And for Bicycling in the summer if you notice the ALL place in the US and Canada where tourist take week long bike journeys or longer it is 99.5 % White only.