6 June, 2010

Israel Raids Another Ship in International Waters

Posted by Socrates in Israel, Israel - the facts, Jewish aggression, Jewish arrogance, jewish criminality, Jewish Tyranny, Rachel Corrie, Socrates, Zionism at 2:46 pm | Permanent Link

Jews are like mosquitoes. They can’t leave humans alone:


  • 24 Responses to “Israel Raids Another Ship in International Waters”

    1. Ein Says:

      What simply incredible brazenness!

      It’s no accident that Jews invented the word, “Chutzpah”.

    2. Dave Says:

      After 3 years of no contact with my wife, my mother in law has finally come around to see her and the kids. She quit coming around because of my beliefs! Well she came over today and started in with her republican jive about the border and the AZ immigration bill since the republicunts now have the ok to discuss the reality of the border issues. Formerly they did not(see John Mccunt)

      Then oh,then she started in with Israel. Oh boy I wanted to tear her a new one. Could have easily done it to but, I had to bite my tongue for the sake of my wife and kids. She said, That flotilla was full of liberal armed activists who engaged the Israeli troops in violent combat. They had to kill and kidnap them in order to protect themselves! She said this was due to them trying to enter a no go zone aka their blockade. which they have no right to put up any damn way. Oh yes,by the way,she is a devout catholic.

      Fucking retards!

    3. Waldo Starr Says:

      If anyone doesn’t think that the jews control the media just look at how this overtly criminal assault with murder is spun on talk radio, and without exception, all radio personalities have condemned the humanitarian aid flotilla and supported I$rahell’s aggression. A few lives snuffed out, people injured, keep moving, nothing to see here.
      Scribbler Charles Krauthammer and blowhard Mike Medved both say that I$ralhell gives Gaza 10,000 tons of aid per week. This seems absurd that the jews would imprison people in a concentration camp and then give them aid. All I$rahell wants the Gazan’s to do is die. This statement from those two Zionist doesn’t pass the smell test.

    4. Waldo Starr Says:

      Dave, pay no attention to that retarded, brainwashed idiotic woman. Catholics are nothing but judeo-Christians, with the emphasis on judeo, that genuflect. If it walks like a duck….you get the picture.

    5. Dave Says:

      Could be interesting


    6. Ein Says:

      I see that even Helen Thomas, who did briefly speak out, has now apologized and groveled to Israel. The usual, obligatory thing that we have seen so often with others.

      I was assuming she was getting ready to retire and that comment at the White House a week ago was her parting blast, but I guess she still needs her job after all.

      Well, she may be “retiring” very soon anyway, whether she wants to or not! The Jews don’t easily forgive those who offend them. And speaking against Israel is unpardonable.

    7. Sgt. Skull Says:

      Oh vey! The aid flotilla was coming to inflict a holohoax on the sweet kikes of Israhell, so jewbies were forced to defend themselves. Murdering people at close range in cold blood shows enormous restraint on the part of the kikes. If you disagree you are an anti-seeeemite or maybe even a natsy (sic).

      If the U.S. government had any cojones it would turn Israhell into a parking lot.

    8. N.B. Forrest Says:

      “It coincided with a warning from the UN’s commissioner for human rights, Navi Pillay, that Israel’s embargo was illegal. “International humanitarian law prohibits starvation of civilians as a method of warfare and it is also prohibited to impose collective punishment on civilians,” Pillay said.”

      “In his response, Prime Minister Netanyahu chuckled, then farted into the microphone.”

      Laws don’t mean shit; FORCE does.

    9. Howdy Doody Says:

      Dave Says:

      6 June, 2010 at 3:29 pm

      Dave, I don’t watch ANY TV, and hear the AM radio rarely.

      Driving Friday, I put the radio on and heard five idiot news and it was that the NRA had endorsed McCunt in AZ.

      I turned the radio off.

    10. Howdy Doody Says:

      Any Votes that McCunt get in the Upcoming Farse/Election will be from complete isolated bed ridden TV watching idiots and flat out enemy aliens IMO

    11. Janet Smith Says:

      Death to all Jews and I hope Israel is Nuked soon! Fuck you Jews! Fuck you splc and adl.

    12. Tim McGreen Says:

      I’ve gotten to the point where if any relative of mine defends Israel I’m gonna call him a shit-head right in front of everyone. But when it comes to politics, they are all as brain dead as Terry Shiavo. Just as well. I mean, who wants to be called a shit-head?

    13. th Says:

      I really don’t give a crap that these fucks are killing each other. Dead hebs, dead arabs, whats the problem? If anyone says that Israel has the right to do anything tell that jackass to fly over there and help them out. I bet they aren’t that committed. It’s always business as usaul when it comes to defending hebs. Sorry for insulting jackasses.

    14. sean gruber Says:

      “I really don’t give a crap […] Dead hebs, dead arabs, whats the problem?”

      The jews murdered a White (who was an American citizen) on the first flotilla.

      Gotta admire any White willing to stick a thumb in Israel’s eye.

      There are plenty of Whites on those flotillas. Not just Ay-rabs.

    15. Sean Gruber Says:

      They claim the American citizen killed by the jews on the first flotilla was “of Turkish origin.” But later in the story that is subtly changed to “originally from Turkey.” Then look at the photo:


      There is a hell of a lot of White in that guy. I went to high school with some White guys like that – in Tennessee.

      Killed in action showing the world what Israel is: an aggressive tyrannical hate state.

      The time is now to get rid of the jews.

    16. Sean Gruber Says:

      They claim the American citizen killed by the jews on the first flotilla was “of Turkish origin.” But later in the story that is subtly changed to “originally from Turkey.” Then look at the photo:


      There is a hell of a lot of White in that guy. I went to high school with some White guys like that – in Tennessee.

      Killed in action showing the world what Israel is: an aggressive tyrannical hate state.

    17. Captain Slappy Says:

      Nothing new in this old game.

      Every media outlet I can find says the same exact fucking thing:
      “Israel was magically FORCED to do it!”. Even on the so-called “alternative” media (hacks, all of them).

      Yeah, and me walking into a street, and shooting my neighbor in the fucking head isn’t illegal either. The only difference is a Kike can do it, and I can’t.

      It’s a joke, kids, one big fucking giant crab-infested joke, with a Kike on one hand, and Camel Humper on the other.

      As for the American that got popped in the head, at a guess, he probably shouldn’t have went. Just a guess mind you. Like the morons going into jungles preaching salvation, who get their fucking heads chopped off. Not the brightest idea they ever had, and the last one too.

      Since I don’t like either side, I could care less who kicks off World War 3, as long as both sides go down. All I know is that when they force the draft to go to the FEMA camps, I will probably go down then when they come to get me.

      Note- This is why you don’t live in a desert with people who don’t speak English as a primary language, and are not American. Ask Arizona how it is working out for them. More guns, less talk, no man, no problem.

      Fairly simple fix, if you ask me.
      Tactically speaking, if you shoot enough people who don’t agree with you, without you dying, that is called a “win”, and you get to do anything you want. In fact, eventually, the boneheads pestering you tend to stop pestering you when you fill them full of holes they can’t fill back up.

      No need to gripe about Israel, just send emails to Turkey about how they should invade them. 10-to-1 Vegas odds a Jew won’t nuke his own hometown with him sitting in it. (That is a hint to Iran if they are ever smart enough to get the point)

      As always: The Game is to get everyone to go to war, and burn out each others’ populations. How about this time, you shoot the guy telling you to go shoot the other guy? You might find they don’t like to run revolving door wars when THEY have to eat lead too.

    18. Aids for Itzreal Says:

      Uh oh, Papa Zog is hearing calls for cutting the Pentagram budget.
      Is this why the lil shitty is stirring the potty over in the Holyhoax land?????
      No, the kikes aren’t the only ones pushin’ for the new world odor, you’ve got a bunch of other fellow Kahnspiritors who really believe in an Amerikwan empire.
      One kwanservative senaturd here states that the Bankster bailouts, and spending for medicare and other social programs are the sole cause for the deficits, but defends continued spending sprees by the Pentagon????
      Smell a rotten gefilte fish here?

    19. Aids for Itzreal Says:

      Cut the the aid to the lil shitty, load up all the jews and ship um to GAZA! Then have a welcoming party of Gazans armed with machetes to lay out a real red carpet

    20. Henry Says:

      “Helen Thomas ends 5-decade career in controversy” —

      “After more than 50 years covering the White House, journalist Helen Thomas announced Monday that she is retiring immediately from Hearst Newspapers, amid controversy over remarks she recently made about Israel.”


    21. festerbestertester Says:

      Iran is talking about sending aid to Gaza and sending their warships to break the blockade. However, the Iranian navy needs the consent of the top religious leaders to embark on such a mission. Also Egypt would have to consent to letting the ships pass through their waters and everyone knows that Egypt is a puppet of Zionism. We pay them to be friends with Israel. Turkey is still upset with the Gaza seige and threatens to break the blockade on its own. In Israel , some smart ass Yid is trying to make trouble by raising funds to send aid to the oppressed Kurds in Turkey. The whole key to the situation is to overtrow the Egyptian leader and get them allied with Iran. With that said and done Israel would get hot in the kitchen and eventually be overthrown!

    22. Justin Says:

      Jews are the WEEDS of Humanity… if you don’t exterminate the weeds from time to time they will take over your lovely garden and strangle everything to death !!! – That’s what weeds do !

    23. Ein Says:

      Watering and fertilizing, careful weeding and pruning — that’s what you have to do to to grow a garden. If you don’t do the above, you’ll end up with a wild jungle that will overpower you, not a civilized garden that will sustain you.

      And socially, that’s what we’re seeing happening in the USA. The weeds have gotten out of control and are taking over the garden.

    24. Howdy Doody Says:

      Re: Cockburn on USS Liberty, US POW’s and Cowardly Dishonest American Media
      A former Reagan official, and a survivor of the USS Liberty are among those kidnapped by Jews in international waters”

      Un quote

      Is that true ?

      Cockburn on USS Liberty, US POW’s and Cowardly Dishonest American Media
      Yes. Ambassador Edward L. Peck and Joe Meadors, a former signalman.

      True, I would say ?

      Old Dutch nor could any one else confirm this.