The amazing thing about jewish lies such as the “holocaust”, the 9-11 Mossad False Flag Operation, The USS Liberty “mistaken identity” attack, the Iraq “weapons of mass destruction” lie, or the “Iran is threatening the world” bullshit is that these lies are so easily believed by the “goyim” population without a single ounce of proof. The burden of proof is NEVER required of the jews. Anything that the jews say is always considered the undisputable truth. Talk about Chutzpah!!!
Funny how the exact same Jewish LIES that were used to justify the rape of Iraq are now being recycled to justify an attack on Iran and no one seems to notice or care. Well they’ll start caring a great deal when the inevitable attack on Iran begins and out of necessity Congress re-instates the Draft. That’s the only way that ZOG can hope to conquer a country the size of Iran. No “all volunteer ” army of queers, fatties, psychos, misfits, little girls, squaws and muds is going to get the job done and you know it.
When the neo-Nürnberg criminal trials begin (There are going to be such trials aren’t they?), there being no statute of limitations on murder and other crimes when there are issues of fraud (misrepresentation and concealment), accountability must be brought first in the cases in which those still alive to face justice are held accountable to strict rules of evidence. And then there will be the civil venue. The examination of the evidence brought by those prosecuting John Demjanjuk come to mind. Then the historical record may be cleaned-up so that, as they say, to see to it that this will never happen again.
Simultaneously, they say “Constitutionalists” and Americans who think the old ways were the correct ways are LIVING IN THE PAST. Their “Bible” is 3,000 years old and they and their Christian kapos say we should strictly adhere to those Jewish teachings and zealously live in the Jewish past!
Actually, the Mold Testament was probably written around 350-300 BCE. The Jews didn’t develop a written language until c. 500 BCE. Besides, guys like Moses, David and Daniel couldn’t have written any parts of the Jew Bible because those cats never existed in the first place.
The entire history of the Jews is a lie, not just their absurd Holohoax tale. I tend to believe there was in fact an ancient kingdom known as Israel, but it was no doubt a small, poor and backwards country, not the great civilization described in the Mold Testament. Then as now, the Jews (or Hebrews—-“Jew” is probably a corruption of the word “Hebrew”) were constantly at war with their neighbors. Their Mold Testament mythology, like their written language, was “borrowed” from their neighbors the Phonecians, Babylonians and Egyptians.
And I also refuse to give the Jews credit for “inventing” monotheism. Yahweh is really just a tribal god of the Hebrews. The Mold Testament describes him not as the one true God of the Universe, but as just one of many tribal gods found in every nation. It’s just that Yahweh was a more clever and ruthless SOB than the gentiles’ gods were.
And before Yahweh’s promotion, he was just one of many tribal deities that the Hebrews worshipped. Monotheistic religions were already being developed throughout the Orient and Levant before the Jews made Yahweh their one and only tribal god.
“No ‘all volunteer ‘ army of queers, fatties, psychos, misfits, little girls, squaws and muds is going to get the job done and you know it.”
Well, they’re getting the job done down at the DMV, the IRS, you name it, these days.”
So true….Whenever you go into any government office it’s like visiting the Island of Doctor Moreau. The denizens of those places look like circus freaks and radioactive mutants. Go look at any big city courthouse just before it opens and you’ll see all the flotsam and jetsam of subhumanity outside waiting to get in. That’s why I decided not to become a public defender. The people I would have had to deal with would have depressed and revolted the hell out of me.
Try the “Employment” office, almost all he-groids and she-groids, looking clueless at computer monitors. Mexican papacitas and mamacitas garbling in spanish with beaucoup shitlets in tow. What they get done is questionable, just ridin’ the clock 8 hours a day.
Steven Spielberg is truly one of the worst movie directors who ever lived. Him and his pal George Lucas, that is. So I don’t care what Spielberg says or does about anything. Let him pile up accolades from his fellow Hebes for all his Holohoax movies, I don’t care and no other Gentile should either.
Several years ago, I bought two books. One was THE HOAX OF THE TWENTIETH CENTURY by Arthur Butz. The second was DISSECTING THE HOLOCAUST by Germar Rudolf. These books were expensive to a retiree like me. But, they were well worth the expense. Both books are meticulously documented. The “Holocaust” is a total hoax. Yes, the Germans, who had GOOD reasons to dislike the Jews who wrecked the German economy, did lock up a lot of Jews, a large number of whom died from exposure and disease. BUT, there was NEVER any effort to exterminate Jews. If is all a LIE. It is sad that this hoax has been accepted by most of the world. It is a LIE.
Absolutely right, William. The kikes are desperately going to any lengths to prevent the “holohoax” from being exposed for the LIE it is.l In most parts of Europe today, it is a criminal offense to state the truth regarding this jewish hoax. The Truth will eventually come out and and the kikes are already shitting ther pants in anticipation of the consequences of the world reaction when the facts are really known.
“The Truth will eventually come out and and the kikes are already shitting ther pants in anticipation of the consequences of the world reaction when the facts are really known.” …says Jim
Thats why theyre scurrying to get control of the Internet and to pass laws outlawing “offencive speech” or discussion of the Holyhoax. They want to be ready.
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30 June, 2010 at 12:16 am
The amazing thing about jewish lies such as the “holocaust”, the 9-11 Mossad False Flag Operation, The USS Liberty “mistaken identity” attack, the Iraq “weapons of mass destruction” lie, or the “Iran is threatening the world” bullshit is that these lies are so easily believed by the “goyim” population without a single ounce of proof. The burden of proof is NEVER required of the jews. Anything that the jews say is always considered the undisputable truth. Talk about Chutzpah!!!
30 June, 2010 at 1:31 am
Any nice round number is a fiction.
30 June, 2010 at 3:05 am
Funny how the exact same Jewish LIES that were used to justify the rape of Iraq are now being recycled to justify an attack on Iran and no one seems to notice or care. Well they’ll start caring a great deal when the inevitable attack on Iran begins and out of necessity Congress re-instates the Draft. That’s the only way that ZOG can hope to conquer a country the size of Iran. No “all volunteer ” army of queers, fatties, psychos, misfits, little girls, squaws and muds is going to get the job done and you know it.
30 June, 2010 at 4:37 am
“No ‘all volunteer ‘ army of queers, fatties, psychos, misfits, little girls, squaws and muds is going to get the job done and you know it.”
Well, they’re getting the job done down at the DMV, the IRS, you name it, these days.
30 June, 2010 at 4:46 am
When the neo-Nürnberg criminal trials begin (There are going to be such trials aren’t they?), there being no statute of limitations on murder and other crimes when there are issues of fraud (misrepresentation and concealment), accountability must be brought first in the cases in which those still alive to face justice are held accountable to strict rules of evidence. And then there will be the civil venue. The examination of the evidence brought by those prosecuting John Demjanjuk come to mind. Then the historical record may be cleaned-up so that, as they say, to see to it that this will never happen again.
30 June, 2010 at 4:48 am
So well said Jim.
30 June, 2010 at 12:45 pm
Why worry about the draft? Just pardon all the illegals and have open borders and PRESTO instant cannon fodder a la Mexico for Shylocks wars!
30 June, 2010 at 12:45 pm
Simultaneously, they say “Constitutionalists” and Americans who think the old ways were the correct ways are LIVING IN THE PAST. Their “Bible” is 3,000 years old and they and their Christian kapos say we should strictly adhere to those Jewish teachings and zealously live in the Jewish past!
30 June, 2010 at 1:11 pm
Actually, the Mold Testament was probably written around 350-300 BCE. The Jews didn’t develop a written language until c. 500 BCE. Besides, guys like Moses, David and Daniel couldn’t have written any parts of the Jew Bible because those cats never existed in the first place.
30 June, 2010 at 1:34 pm
The entire history of the Jews is a lie, not just their absurd Holohoax tale. I tend to believe there was in fact an ancient kingdom known as Israel, but it was no doubt a small, poor and backwards country, not the great civilization described in the Mold Testament. Then as now, the Jews (or Hebrews—-“Jew” is probably a corruption of the word “Hebrew”) were constantly at war with their neighbors. Their Mold Testament mythology, like their written language, was “borrowed” from their neighbors the Phonecians, Babylonians and Egyptians.
And I also refuse to give the Jews credit for “inventing” monotheism. Yahweh is really just a tribal god of the Hebrews. The Mold Testament describes him not as the one true God of the Universe, but as just one of many tribal gods found in every nation. It’s just that Yahweh was a more clever and ruthless SOB than the gentiles’ gods were.
And before Yahweh’s promotion, he was just one of many tribal deities that the Hebrews worshipped. Monotheistic religions were already being developed throughout the Orient and Levant before the Jews made Yahweh their one and only tribal god.
30 June, 2010 at 1:47 pm
“-jc Says:
30 June, 2010 at 4:37 am
“No ‘all volunteer ‘ army of queers, fatties, psychos, misfits, little girls, squaws and muds is going to get the job done and you know it.”
Well, they’re getting the job done down at the DMV, the IRS, you name it, these days.”
So true….Whenever you go into any government office it’s like visiting the Island of Doctor Moreau. The denizens of those places look like circus freaks and radioactive mutants. Go look at any big city courthouse just before it opens and you’ll see all the flotsam and jetsam of subhumanity outside waiting to get in. That’s why I decided not to become a public defender. The people I would have had to deal with would have depressed and revolted the hell out of me.
30 June, 2010 at 4:12 pm
Try the “Employment” office, almost all he-groids and she-groids, looking clueless at computer monitors. Mexican papacitas and mamacitas garbling in spanish with beaucoup shitlets in tow. What they get done is questionable, just ridin’ the clock 8 hours a day.
30 June, 2010 at 4:56 pm
Check out the latest Holohoax nonsense exposed –
1 July, 2010 at 4:10 am
Steven Spielberg is truly one of the worst movie directors who ever lived. Him and his pal George Lucas, that is. So I don’t care what Spielberg says or does about anything. Let him pile up accolades from his fellow Hebes for all his Holohoax movies, I don’t care and no other Gentile should either.
1 July, 2010 at 4:31 am
Very interesting article on the holohoax:
5 July, 2010 at 6:41 am
Several years ago, I bought two books. One was THE HOAX OF THE TWENTIETH CENTURY by Arthur Butz. The second was DISSECTING THE HOLOCAUST by Germar Rudolf. These books were expensive to a retiree like me. But, they were well worth the expense. Both books are meticulously documented. The “Holocaust” is a total hoax. Yes, the Germans, who had GOOD reasons to dislike the Jews who wrecked the German economy, did lock up a lot of Jews, a large number of whom died from exposure and disease. BUT, there was NEVER any effort to exterminate Jews. If is all a LIE. It is sad that this hoax has been accepted by most of the world. It is a LIE.
5 July, 2010 at 9:19 am
Absolutely right, William. The kikes are desperately going to any lengths to prevent the “holohoax” from being exposed for the LIE it is.l In most parts of Europe today, it is a criminal offense to state the truth regarding this jewish hoax. The Truth will eventually come out and and the kikes are already shitting ther pants in anticipation of the consequences of the world reaction when the facts are really known.
8 July, 2010 at 12:56 am
“The Truth will eventually come out and and the kikes are already shitting ther pants in anticipation of the consequences of the world reaction when the facts are really known.” …says Jim
Thats why theyre scurrying to get control of the Internet and to pass laws outlawing “offencive speech” or discussion of the Holyhoax. They want to be ready.