16 June, 2010

Arizona: Birthright Citizenship Under Attack

Posted by Socrates in constitution, Fourteenth Amendment, illegal immigration, immigration, immigration bills/laws, Socrates at 9:46 pm | Permanent Link

Of course legal scholars find Pearce’s idea funny. They only know what their Jewish/liberal college professors and their Jewish/liberal-edited history books told them, i.e., that Reconstruction-era Amendments are legitimate:


  • 27 Responses to “Arizona: Birthright Citizenship Under Attack”

    1. Blackshirt Says:

      Much crying over spilled milk, IMO. By the time any legislation like this makes it through the bureaucracy into law we White people will already be an official minority in this country. They should’ve put through this legislation 30 years ago, we might have had a chance. Now nothing short of a civil war/race war will end the madness.

      Typical conservative right-wingers, always a day late and a dollar short. It’s too late!

    2. Tim McGreen Says:

      That was one of the most blatantly biased and obnoxiously pro-invader articles I’ve yet read in the lamestream press. I hope the Arizona Daily Star is one of those Jewspapers who are hemmoraging readers and advertisers, those liberal pinko fags.

    3. Tim McGreen Says:

      And Blackshirt is correct, the right-wingers always wait until the damn barn is burning down before they’ll even start to think about getting a bucket of water. Too late again, dickheads!

    4. Sam Davidson Says:

      Birthright citizenship does not exist for illegals.

      “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.”

      The key phrase in this is “subject to the jurisdiction thereof”.

      People who are in this country illegally are not subject to our jurisdiction. They remain citizens of whatever country they came from. Think of it this way – a foreign diplomat in the United States is not subject to our jurisdiction. It would be absurd to grant citizenship to his child simply because the baby was born on our soil. If the parents aren’t citizens, then the kids aren’t. It’s really that simple.

    5. vnner Says:

      Constitutionality… Unconstitutionality… Blah blah blah. It’s all bunk, the wrong argument.

      The [liberal democratic] Constitution is of no use and has to go.

    6. Coup D'Etat Says:

      The idiot Marxists or Progressives or Zionists or whatever you want to call them have an excuse for everything while totally missing the whole idea behind the Constitution. Instead they broadly interpret the Constitution to mean every race and ethnic group and every illegal. If this is the case everyone would be an illegal and Ellis Island never existed.

      As far as the anchor baby interpretation, that too, is widely misinterpreted by the idiots. The anchor baby was not for illegals to come here and squat out a kid. It was specifically for the woman giving birth while being processed as a legal citizen. In reality, the anchor baby, by interpretation of the Constitution is not for illegals who are not in the process of becomming legal. The parents who are illegal and continue to be so, the kid cannot be legal.

      The idiots refuse to understand that our forefathers knew exactly what they were doing when they made the laws. They specifically made the laws against all invaders, not for them. However, the idiots think that our Constitution is made to punch holes through and the forefathers are to be laughed at. These people cannot be rationalized with. Therefore, they are to be dealt with in another way.

    7. Tim McGreen Says:

      “The idiots refuse to understand that our forefathers knew exactly what they were doing when they made the laws. ”

      No, they didn’t know what they were doing. All this right-wing Founding Father worship is absurd. The FFs were just a bunch of millionaire lawyers and gentlemen farmers. Do such occupations automatically convey greatness? Is being wealthy the same thing as being wise? I think not.


      ” vnner Says:

      17 June, 2010 at 2:20 pm

      Constitutionality… Unconstitutionality… Blah blah blah. It’s all bunk, the wrong argument.”

      The [liberal democratic] Constitution is of no use and has to go.”

      Well said, sir! Neither the Constitution nor any other piece of paper/parchment guarantees anything. If you want to be free, then you must be ready to fight for your freedoms, not rely on some crumbling old document written by people long dead in their graves.

    8. Mikhail1965 Says:

      “Obama was born in Kenya – The REAL Birth Certificate AT LAST”
      Here you can see the photo: http://www.eutimes.net/2010/06/barack-h-obama-was-born-in-kenya-the-real-birth-certificate-at-last/

      If he was born in Kenia, then he is a British Overseas Citizen.
      Ha -ha… BP is Safe!

    9. Jim Says:

      Tim, you are essentially correct about the so called “Founding Fathers” and the Constitution. Most of the Founding Fathers were children of the Enlightenment and many such as George Washington and Ben Franklin were also Freemasons. The United States has been instrument of Freemasonary ever since the beginning. Look at the reverse side of a dollar bill and you will the “Star of David” perched on top of the eagle. I find it hilarious that the dim witted evangelical christians swear up and down the Founding Fathers were christians and that US is a christian nation, when many of them were Deists and the Constitution makes no mention of “God”, let alone christianity. The Declaration refers to “Nature and Nature’s god”, but that sound like more of a Pagan concept. By the time of the American Revolution the jews had aquired nearly total control of freemasonary, hence their total control of the current JewSA.

    10. Tim McGreen Says:

      I always wondered how much power the Jews had over Colonial and early Federal America. I imagine they always stayed in the large, well-settled seaports along the coast and only worked in such parasitic occupations as slave trader, pimp, banker and lawyer. They never ventured into the wilderness of the frontier to fight the Indians or build the roads, farms and towns. That’s goy work! Let the Gentiles get their hands dirty! I know Jefferson was deeply indebted to his Jew creditors, so much so that they confiscated his Monticello estate after his death and almost ruined the place.

      Freemasonry and its relationship to Jewry has always been a mysterious issue. The Federal Government is obviously full of Masonic symbols, like the Washington Monument and that pyramid with the eyeball on the dollar bill. Even the layout of Washington, DC itself probably uses Masonic geometry. Masons also seemed to have been behind the French Revolution of 1789. No doubt the Jews wanted the Bourbons overthrown and executed, just like the Romanovs 130 years later. But to what extent the Jews and the Masons were specifically behind the American and French Revolutions is still, I believe, unclear. Remember, one of the most famous Masons of the 18th Century, W. A. Mozart, did NOT support the 1776 American Revolution. And there were doubtless a lot of London Jews and Rothschild Jews who supported King George and not the Colonists.

    11. tbow002 Says:

      Consolidation and secession is the only hope I see to saving ourselves…

    12. Jim Says:

      As far as the jews being behind the American and Franch Revolutions as well as supporting King George and the Monarchy; the kikes ALWAYS control BOTH sides of any issue of importance, thereby insuring their success in destroying White societies. They have a win- win strategy. (Winning only for themselves of course).

    13. Ein Says:

      Yes, they play ALL sides of the fence. They back every contender. They’re unscrupulous. They have no principles, no ideals other than winning. All that matters is winning — winning at any cost. But generally, the cost is to others, not to them.

      An excellent example would be the Civil War, where they were lending money to both sides.

    14. Carlos Says:

      How about we just ask the guy that wrote the 14th Amendment?

      ” [The 14th amendment] will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the government of the United States, but will include every other class of person.”……Jacob Howard, principal author of the 14th Amendment.

      Nuff said…

    15. Henry Says:

      In the CivilWar they were backing both sides. Now, they are presented as the great dfenders of liberty, the friends and champions of the negro. They support every negro cause against whites. The other side of the picture – that they were also backers of the South and were the major slave dealers, the bankers and cotton brokers – is all conveniently forgotten down the memory hole. That isn’t discussed.

      They were rich and powerful in the South. They made big money off slavery. They had every interest in supporting it, even though it was really bad for the South and bad for America as a whole. But it was “good for the Jews” — while it lasted. Now, they’re the great friends of the negro.

      Before the war, Charleston and New Orleans were the main Jewish centers in the US. Those were also the principal slave markets. Coincidence? Only after the war, with the economy of the South in ruins, did they shift their center to New York and that became the new Jewish Big Town. They always go with the winner and abandon the loser, after they’ve played both against each other and bled one of them dry.

      They did the same a century later by playing America against Germany, leaving the latter in ruins.

      And in WW One, by slaughtering the czar’s family and leaving Russia in Ruins.

      When will it be America’s turn? They’re already shifting their resources to places like China and Brazil.

    16. Jim Says:

      You are absolutely right, Henry. After the kikes have completed their mission of turning the JewSA into Brazil North and leaving it in total ruins, they will turn to Brazil South and China. Brazil South is already so highly mongrelized that they won’t have much of a problem in that department. They only have to take over the media, and start showing White women with nigger bucks, and destroy the fragile remaining White upper Caste. China will be a tougher nut for the jews to crack. The chinks are extremely race conscious and never have been fond of niggers. Their strategy there will probably be importing millions of nigger women from Africa into China to marry all those millions of horny bachelor Chinamen who are suffering from China’s “One Child Policy”.

    17. Jim Says:

      After the kikes have succeeded in niggerizing China, the Yellow Peril will be replaced by the “High Yaller Peril”. lol.

    18. Ein Says:

      Their strategy there will probably be importing millions of nigger women from Africa into China to marry all those millions of horny bachelor Chinamen who are suffering from China’s “One Child Policy”. — Jim

      Aha! There’s a fascinating aspect to consider! A new angle they can exploit.

      Now that China is moving strongly into Africa and sending many of its workers and managers there, even building cities, those lonely horny bachelors could acquire African wives and then bring them home. Then – bingo! — Africanization is under way. It would be just a first generation, of course, but the process would have begun.

      Meanwhile, the Jews would be working in Peking as various kinds of media “experts”, investment “advisors”, economic “consultants” and such. They’d probably be advising the Chinese on how to avoid the same type of catastrophe that had overtaken the former USA. (A terrible example of a xenophobic country that resisted diversity and wasn’t open enough.)
      What a joke!

    19. Sean Gruber Says:

      “Meanwhile, the Jews would be working in Peking as various kinds of media “experts”, investment “advisors”, economic “consultants” and such.”

      Yes, and advising them on investing in jew economic schemes as well: the looting of yet another continent.


    20. Howdy Doody Says:

      A Nebraska Reader Reports High School Administrators Punished Students For Satirizing Illegals, Condemned Flag
      From: Dale Gribble (e-mail him)

      A recent soccer game in Nebraska indicates how Political Correctness is getting a leg up in the state’s fight to preserve its piece of America.

      Lincoln East High School, 90 percent white, defeated 60 percent Hispanic Omaha South High in the state championship game.

      After their victory, some Lincoln East students threw out green colored cards which were intended to indicate the immigration status of their opponents.

      Liberty East principal Sue Cassata [email her] suspended five students for their “despicable” acts.

      Among the suggestions made to the Liberty East students are that they are wrong to wave the American flag and should use the incident as an example of the importance of getting along in a “global society”

      Said Cassata: “We are a community that celebrates and embraces diversity.” (Lincoln East Students Suspended Over “Green Card” Incident, by Margaret Griest, Journal Star, May 15, 2010)

      In other words, the soccer game’s fall out prompted a huge white guilt fest in which school administrators want to teach kids that they should cheerfully give up their country because it is the nice and tolerant thing to do.

      Gribble’s previous letters about The Economist’s sententious attitude toward traditional values and how Mexicans view Puerto Rico’s Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor are here and here

    21. Tim McGreen Says:

      Henry is spot-on about how the Jews will jump off the dying host and latch on to a new, healthier host instead. And it’s a fact that there are literally millions of single young Chinamen looking for love and not finding it because most female Chink babies are killed off in China. The needs of all those horny Chinamen will have to be met somehow, either through Jew-run brothels filled with Russian and Ukrainian girls or through mating with starving Cambodian girls or something. The Jew creates the problem and then offers the solution…for a hefty fee, of course.

    22. shabbos s shabazz Says:

      Do jews think that after world mongrelization technology will still be available?

    23. Virgil Says:

      China will nuke Israel!

    24. Henry Says:

      “And it’s a fact that there are literally millions of single young Chinamen looking for love and not finding it …The needs of all those horny Chinamen will have to be met somehow, either through Jew-run brothels filled with Russian and Ukrainian girls or through mating with starving Cambodian girls or something. ”

      There’s a big market opening up for Jewish pornography! They’re salivating already.

    25. Tim McGreen Says:

      “shabbos s shabazz Says:

      19 June, 2010 at 3:09 pm

      Do jews think that after world mongrelization technology will still be available?”

      Shabboz, the Jews have deluded themselves into thinking that they invented technology and that the world cannot survive without their intelligence, hard work and commitment to human rights and democracy.

    26. shabbos s shabazzi Says:

      It seems the jew psychology works in mirror images. We cannot live without jews means jews cannot live without us.

      jew frederick “fritz” perls was almost insanely fixated on projection. He claimed almost everything people said is projection. Of course, it’z true, in the case of his fellow jews. The “devil” mind may also work in mirror images- satan the inverse of g$d. Objectivity must be
      blocked by blind spots- they really don’t see.

    27. shabbos s shabazz Says:

      It seems the jew psychology works in mirror images. We cannot live without jews means jews cannot live without us.

      jew frederick “fritz” perls was almost insanely fixated on projection. He claimed almost everything people said is projection. Of course, it’z true, in the case of his fellow jews. The “devil” mind may also work in mirror images- satan the inverse of g$d. Objectivity must be
      blocked by blind spots- they really don’t see.