17 June, 2010

America Can Wage Wars for Israel Which Cost Billions of Dollars per Week, But Can’t Secure Small Section of Federal Park in Arizona

Posted by Socrates in illegal immigration, immigration, mestizos, Mexcrement, Mexico, Mexinvasion, Socrates at 6:54 pm | Permanent Link

Part of the Buenos Aires federal park has been closed to the public since October 2006 due to Mexican violence:


  • 28 Responses to “America Can Wage Wars for Israel Which Cost Billions of Dollars per Week, But Can’t Secure Small Section of Federal Park in Arizona”

    1. festerbestertester Says:

      America will be conquered without a shot being fired. The mulatto president laughs with glee because Whitey’s numbers are decreasing and Shylock the Jew rubs his hands together because their is more cheap labor and cannon fodder for their Zionist wars!!!!

    2. Duke Mantee Says:

      We could solve this problem in two weeks if loyal Americans were to be given clearance to shoot the mexicans on sight. I would gladly offer my services. Better yet, pay $25 a head bounty money and help alleve the unemployment problem. It’s a win-win.

    3. Sean Gruber Says:

      Speaking of the unemployment problem, look at this.


      The rationality and benevolence of capitalism. Not.

    4. Coup D'Etat Says:

      The parameter of the area being closed off is not the issue. The issue is that the closed off area is being used by the Mexican mafia cartel.

      The news greatly failed to report that fact.

    5. Virgil Says:

      Gone hunting!

    6. Virgil Says:

      Time for a coup d’etat!

    7. Jim Says:

      The economic system that rules ZOG can only function by obtaining the highest profits from the least amount of resources devoted to production. Because the mexicans will work for much cheaper wages than the White man and are somewhat more productive than the niggers, the jewish bankers and greedy White business owners welcome them. That is one reason why immigration laws are never seriously enforced. The jews, of course have a far more sinister motive for opening up the country to uncontrolled turd world immigration and that is the destruction of the White gene pool that will result from the far reaching mongrelization that is sure to occur if current trends continue.

    8. Tim McGreen Says:

      The pro-Invader coalition is made up of strange bedfellows. There is the Catholic Church, which wants to replenish its dwindling American ranks with Catholic mestizoes from Mexico and Central America; The labor unions, which need to replenish their own dwindling ranks; The right-wing capitalists who want cheap labor; The left-wing socialists who want a third world welfare state; The Jews who want to turn the majority White population into a tiny, disarmed minority and the retailers who want to sell their crap to more consumers.

      On the other side, the anti-Invader side, there are only a shrinking number of disenfranchised White working and middle-class Americans who just want to be left alone. Those people have no special interest group to represent them, no friends in the government or the press, no friends in the churches. They will have to fight their battles without any help from anyone and against ever-increasing odds. They will be threatened and called every name in the book. I sincerely hope they have the stomach for battle, because that will soon be their only option.

    9. Ein Says:

      “The jews, of course have a far more sinister motive for opening up the country to uncontrolled turd world immigration and that is the destruction of the White gene pool…”
      I’m glad you mentioned that, Jim. The immigration invitation that we’re being subjected to is multi-purpose, intended to please various parties who have their own agendas.

      There is a another purpose too. A confused tangle of minorities affords the Jews a more convenient place to hide, and thus makes them feel safer and less noticeable. In fact, out of all those non-white racial minorities that are being assembled, the Jews will appear the whitest — once the real whites are gone. That will leave them as the only “white” people in the world.

    10. Jim Says:

      Exactly right, Ein. That is the reason why the kikes are always changing their names to appear more Aryan; like changing a last name from say, “Silverstein” to “Silvers”, etc. If you go to a local book store and check out the author’s of the most popular books, it seems that at least 75% of the authors are jews, many of which have changed their names to appear more “White”. The deception and treachery of these jew bastards seems to know no bounds.

    11. Ein Says:

      “The immigration invitation that we’re being subjected to ..”

      That came out nonsense. Sorry Jim. I thought I wrote “immigration invasion“. Spell Check has a mind of its own and does strange things!!!

      But yes, The Tribe are constantly disguising themselves to appear as who they are not. They want to be the only white people in the world… by hook or by crook.

      I saw a picture of Joan Rivers the other day — it seems she’s beginning a new book tour or something, so she’s getting the usual big publicity push — and she’s changed her face totally… again. She must have had umteen plastic surgeries so far, and I wouldn’t have recognized her if the photo wasn’t labeled. The hair, the face, the nose – EVERYTHING there is artificial.

      (Probably not the furs or the jewels, though. They’re the only things on her that are real.)


    12. Tim McGreen Says:

      Ein, here is what Joan Rivers looks like without all her makeup on:


    13. Justin Huber Says:

      Two good posts Tim. It is amazing though how our country keeps fighting wars in Iraq and Afghanistan yet can’t secure it’s own border. I’ve become so discouraged with the whole state of affairs that I’ve really kind of just tuned everything out to a degree.

    14. Howdy Doody Says:

      Justin Huber Says:

      19 June, 2010 at 12:09 pm

      Two good posts Tim. It is amazing though how our country keeps fighting wars in Iraq and Afghanistan yet can’t secure it’s own border. I’ve become so discouraged with the whole state of affairs that I’ve really kind of just tuned everything out to a degree.

      0 0

      You have no choice or you would get upset and angry at the enemy alien deciet and their filthy liar’s in the regime media.

    15. zoomcopter Says:

      Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeau has conceded defeat to the Narco-Terrorists and needs to be replaced by someone willing to defend our borders.

    16. Virgil Says:

      License to kill!

    17. Howdy Doody Says:

      zoomcopter Says:

      19 June, 2010 at 2:14 pm

      Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeau has conceded defeat to the Narco-Terrorists and needs to be replaced by someone willing to defend our borders.

      4 0


      IMO any sheriff who do his job, would have NKVD come down on him like stink on poop.

    18. Howdy Doody Says:


      IMO Any Sheriff who would do his job defending US borders would have the NKVD come down on him like stink on poop.

    19. M. Kraus Says:

      Mr. McGreen is correct: it’s not just jews who are aiding and abetting this invasion. There is a rogue’s gallery of whites with no loyalty to anyone but themselves and their bank accounts. I’m from a small midwest town which never contained a single spic until the 1990s, when farmers , merchants and factory managers looking for cheap labor actively recruited the brown slugs. Now the goddamn town has its own li’l Barrio. And most of the locals couldn’t care less, apathetic scumbags that they are.

    20. Tim McGreen Says:

      M. Kraus has articulated the situation perfectly. Formerly all-White towns in the American hinterland are being invaded by 3rd world hoardes and most White residents are too scared, brainwashed or indifferent to care. One of the reasons for this mud flood is the Eisenhower Interstate Highway System, which makes it easier for the Mestizoes to migrate out of the barrios of east LA or the border areas of Texas and Arizona and into places like Nebraska and Iowa. Yet another example of how our own engineering and technology are now being used against us.

    21. Dave Says:


      One commonly overlooked thing is the White mans modern laziness. Being in the construction field I see minorities with no skills whatsoever and whites who want everything for nothing. Give me a pick axe and I will bust my ass all day to earn my pay. These others though,think they deserve a break every 15 minutes and then demand more money.

    22. Dave Says:

      It still is shocking to me how many mestizos come to Montana in the summer time. Beyond that,they are not all cowboy hat wearing farm workers either. Some of them are clearly mafia types. Even here in MT when I see a group of 5 spics with a new suv and gold watches,I dont know what to do.I am very aggressive towards the farm workers But the mafia types do not care for human life. They are a little harder to intimidate without actual violence.

    23. Sean Gruber Says:

      “White mans modern laziness […] whites who want everything for nothing.[…] think they deserve a break every 15 minutes and then demand more money […] Give me a pick axe and I will bust my ass all day”

      Tough guy!

      What’s your recommendation? Hire more spics (at least they get the job done)?

      You’re a fool to keep busting your ass when you could get on welfare and TAKE, just like the niggers and spics who are taking FROM YOU. Looks like they are the winners – dirty winners, but whose ass is left busted at close of business? That’s right. Yours.

      Get on the dole and screw the system. Your time would be freed up for more activism.

      Or just keep working until they ship your carcass down to glue factory.

    24. Yahoody Doody Says:

      “like stink on poop.”

      Like stink on poop. Ha ha. \
      Excelent coment from Howdy!!!

    25. Tim McGreen Says:

      Sean, you are totally right, Homes! Whitey should stop being such a law-abiding, tax-paying, flag-waving, lawn-mowing, law and order loving servile fool to the System. I wholeheartedly agree with you, be like the Blacks and the Mestizoes, go on disability, feed off the dole. Why not? It’s all funded by your tax dollars, anyway.

      The System has no respect for you, White Man, so why should you respect it? Besides, there’s no woman, no liberal, no Black, no Mestizo nor any Jew who appreciates all your hard White Man’s work and law-abiding ways, so screw ’em all. You’ll see how fast this whole rotten System starts breaking down once the White Man goes on strike!

    26. Tim McGreen Says:

      “Yahoody Doody Says:

      21 June, 2010 at 7:23 am

      “like stink on poop.”

      Like stink on poop. Ha ha. \
      Excelent coment from Howdy!!!”


      Yahoody, do you watch Teletubbies, by any chance? Or are you still a Barney and Baby Bop fan?

    27. Sean Gruber Says:

      Tim, we are finding common ground. Truly a red letter day. And I’m not even one of your sock puppets.

      The danger of going on the dole is becoming a government dependent. I of course do not recommend that. I only recommend legally letting ZOG pay some of your bills while you engage in activism against ZOG. The alternatives to this are two:

      1 – Keep working hard, and let ZOG take and take and take from you (while you strain to save something and hope to find time and energy to engage in effective activism “some day”); or

      2. – Keep working hard, don’t go on the dole, and hide your assets from ZOG (loopholes, cash jobs, etc.). This is illegal, of course, and cannot be recommended. Going on the dole has some dangers, but this course of action has at least as many.

      My recommendation emerges triumphant over the alternatives.

      The real problem is merely a practical one: how does a White get on the gravy train, when it’s there basically for niggers? It can be done legally, including legal dispersion of assets.

    28. Tim McGreen Says:

      Sean, if you want to be a sock-pupet, I think I have an extra application form in my glove compartment. There’s a non-refundable $40 application fee. And sorry, I don’t take checks.

      I’ve noticed that feeding at the taxpayer’s trough is something that some people are really, really good at, and I don’t mean just the Blacks on welfare. For instance, there are those lazy, good-for-nothing School Department and DPW employees who are raking in big bucks with their City jobs, which they got because some relative of theirs works in City Hall. But as if that wasn’t enough, then they sneak off while still on the clock to go work somewhere else “under the table”. Oftentimes, they will even use City vehicles to go to their other jobs. What balls, eh?

      Most of those guys don’t even have a high school education, or at least they don’t sound like they do. But they have Government pensions and Government paychex coming in left and right, along with the tax-free jobs they perform while they are supposed to be doing their City jobs. I hate parasites like that.

      My point is that while the theory of feeding off the System sounds good, there are already a lot of real experts doing the exact same thing and probably doing it better than you can, because they have no decency.

      As a racially-concious White Man, you instinctively would not want to be like those rats. You would also be repulsed at the very idea of going into a government welfare office and standing in line all day with the Mammies and Mamacitas and their screaming kids, waiting to fill out a bunch of welfare application forms and answer a lot of embarassing questions in order to qualify for assistance. That’s not how White Men are supposed to be.

      Besides, I’m sure that the Black welfare office bureaucrat who is processing your welfare application is going to get suspicious. And if they find out that you are some kind of pro-White activist, then you will be made an example of. So if you’re going to try and screw over the government while continuing your underground White activism, make sure you know EXACTLY what you’re doing.