8 May, 2010

The 50th Anniversary of ‘The Pill’

Posted by Socrates in birth control, counterculture, feminism, jewed culture, Jewed science, Pill, Socrates at 2:17 pm | Permanent Link

Rule of thumb: if it’s connected to the counterculture, Jews probably created it. So it’s no surprise that a yid named Pincus was the front man in the development of the birth-control product known as ‘The Pill.’ Pincus’ invention not only prevented millions of White births, but it greatly aided the feminist movement – a big two-fer for Hymie:


About Pincus: [Article].

  • 69 Responses to “The 50th Anniversary of ‘The Pill’”

    1. nom de guerre Says:

      The papacy has always given liscence to the jews to fleece the goyim, and engage in other nefarious practices involving black magic, despite all the hokum about some sort of anti-Shtmitism. Who do you think jeboo appointed as his vicar on earth, why old
      Peter alias Cephas, all abount binding the goyim in a thousand webs. Tomas de Torquemada the grand Inquisitor of 15th century Spain was a jew converso, yeah right conversed to what? Jews have been at genociding the White race for a lot longer than 50 years.

    2. nom de guerre Says:

      This whole society is nothing but a bunch of pill poppers, birth control pills probably play alot less significant role in destroying whites, than all nasal spray, and headache remedies other junk the jews sell for profits.

    3. Tim McGreen Says:

      Ein, I don’t know if those slutty nuns were actually killed for getting pregnant, but you know how that damn Catholic Church is…Instead of honestly confronting their problems, they just ignore everything that embarasses the Church. Everything about that institution goes against reason and human nature. So let the African Blacks and the Yellow Asians continue to embrace Catholicism. Eventually, they’ll combine it with their animist religions and with Mohammedanism. Then Catholicism will just disappear altogether. Good riddance.

      “nom de guerre Says:

      10 May, 2010 at 5:28 pm

      This whole society is nothing but a bunch of pill poppers, birth control pills probably play alot less significant role in destroying whites, than all nasal spray, and headache remedies other junk the jews sell for profits.”

      Nom de Guerre is right again, ‘Kwans have become neurotic, overweight, overmedicated eunuchs who cower and snivel before authority. But we’ll deal with those wretches after we get even with the Jews, eh?

    4. Howdy Doody Says:

      This whole society is nothing but a bunch of pill poppers, birth control pills probably play alot less significant role in destroying whites, than all nasal spray, and headache remedies other junk the jews sell for profits.”

      Nom de Guerre is right again, ‘Kwans have become neurotic, overweight, overmedicated eunuchs who cower and snivel before authority. But we’ll deal with those wretches after we get even with the Jews, eh?


      Its amazing how few people, no matter what they believe or don’t believe eat shit, and know nothing about being healthy.

      Now with the new medical night mare coming expect Vitimin C to be by prescription and by only certain companies.

    5. Howdy Doody Says:

      PS use Ester C or similar type IMO.

    6. nom de guerre Says:

      Howdy Doody says: Its amazing how few people, no matter what they believe or don’t believe eat shit, and know nothing about being healthy.
      That’s Right, and look what awaits you in the first aisle you enter when going into any supermarket, Why the junk food! All of it laced with flavour enhancers to keep you from eating just one, as the Lays potato chip commercial went. We are what we eat goes the maxim.
      We don’t even get the joys of open air markets such as in Europe, here you might as well have drive thru supermarkets, all because Kwans want the cheapest, or they want to do as little preperation as possible before the stow it in their gullets in front of the jew tube. And they think force feeding geese in France to make Pate’ is barbaric

    7. nom de guerre Says:

      And whats in the last aisle before the register, why all those vitamin pills and quack salves, and at the register more junk food and jew magazines.

    8. nom de guerre Says:

      ‘Kwans have become neurotic, overweight, overmedicated eunuchs who cower and snivel before authority. But we’ll deal with those wretches after we get even with the Jews, eh?
      Oh you’re not nice, we wants it our way! Waaaa, Waaaaa!
      Did you see that girl at the register? She cheated me out of a penny, I wants to see the manager!

      The best way I describe the uncivil behaviour of Amerikwans, is monkey see, monkey do, and do and do, they have been nigggrified

    9. Jim Says:

      The “health care” system in the ‘Kwa is based on nothing but jew capitalist greed. NS Germany had a real heal care system often based on natural remedies and medicine that served the folk rather than the jew bankers. National Socialist medical researchers discovered the link between smoking and lung cancer twenty years before it was “discovered” in the ‘Kwa. Der Fuhrer and Il Duce were both vegetarians and non smokers. Contrast that to the degenerate diets and lifestyles of FDR, Churchill, and Stalin.

    10. Tim McGreen Says:

      Just another thought about marrying someone above or below your station…..If a college educated man, a learned man, a man of letters, let’s say, were to marrry a WAL*MART cashier, what would they have in common? What would they talk about all day? He reads The Economist, she reads the National Enquirer. He watches PBS and she watches game shows. He listens to Mozart and she likes Toby Keith. His favorite playwright is Anton Chekhov and she wants to go to a WWE wrestling match. Absurd, isn’t it?

      No, Nature expects us to stick to our own kind and to our own class. Opposites do not attract, at least not for long.

    11. Ein Says:

      Well, that’s according to how you view marriage. If you see it as 24-hour companionship, then it won’t work out.

      But to the Arabs, and the ancient Greeks, marriage was for reproduction. Wives stayed home, kept house and raised the kids. The husband had his other interests and friends on the outside. They weren’t expected to be intellectual mates. Their encounters were pretty much limited to sex. The concept of “companion marriage” was unknown.

    12. Ein Says:

      Maybe that’s why so many modern marriages fail. Too much is expected of them.

      She’s looking for Prince Charming, and he’s looking for Cinderella. After they’ve been married awhile, the illusions fall away. They both feel they’ve been duped.

    13. Doug Says:

      I encourage all racially aware white males to become “pick up artists”. Watch youtube videos, talk to women at the grocery store (prime location around noon or 6pm). Not enough white guys talk to girls, which is why some screw blacks, since blacks are “spammers” who give attention or talk to as many as they can and have to, because the response rate is very low for them.

    14. Tim McGreen Says:

      It’s true that in Semitic, Oriental and ancient Levantine cultures, the marital relationship is/was rather cold and distant. I know that Hasidic and Ultra-Orthodox Jews maintain a strict separation between the sexes, for example. When Socrates was in prison and about to be executed, he had no interest in seeing his visiting wife and children. He just wanted to keep on discoursing with his young male students about philosophy. And the Romans were puzzled by the German tribes’ emphasis on family, hereditary bloodlines and kinsmen.

      But I’m thinking about how our modern Western society regards marriage. It’s viewed as a partnership, where both sides contribute something in order to make it work. Maybe marriage should be limited to reproduction, where the women stay at home and raise the children while the men watch comedies by Aristophanes and argue politics at the Acropolis. But I think it’s possible for White men to have to a somewhat warmer and more involved relationship with their wives and kids than Socrates did and still have time to be White men.

    15. Tim McGreen Says:

      What do most couples argue about these days? What issue causes more marital discord and breakups than any other? Money, of course. Maybe if we could get rid of the alien control over our economy and live as a free people again, then money would not be a cause of such constant concern.

    16. Henry Says:

      As is said, “Money is the root of all evil.”

      And who controls the money?

    17. Ein Says:

      “Money is the root of all evil.”

      The trouble with most people is that they only see the LEAVES, not the ROOT. And the root is Jews.

      That is, people complain about blacks and Mexicans and Moslems endlessly, but they don’t bother to DIG DOWN and get to the ROOT of the problem. Just tearing at the leaves but leaving the roots undisturbed will never solve the problem.

      The simple fact is that these above groups wouldn’t be any real problem or threat, without the Jews who foist them upon us and then protect them through their laws and courts and judges, leaving whites legally powerless in self-defense. The only recourse for white America for the past half century has been white flight. And they’re trying to stop even that! Eventually there won’t be any place left that whites can flee to.

      Without the Jews’ interference and protection, those “minorities” would be insignificant. They could be very easily controlled — as they once were. But the Jews’ advocacy groups make that impossible.

    18. Ein Says:

      “people complain about blacks and Mexicans and Moslems endlessly, but they don’t bother to DIG DOWN and get to the ROOT of the problem. ”

      In fact, while people are fretting and fussing about blacks & browns, that serves as a very convenient distraction to draw attention away from Jews. This suits the Jews’ purpose beautifully, letting other groups bear the brunt of the criticism while the Jews themselves go unnoticed.

    19. Dave Says:

      So many of the whites who flee will never ever point to race. It is always, too much traffic, to much crime, prices to high etc. Well Whites, how did it get that way?