31 May, 2010

Memorial Day

Posted by Socrates in Israel, Israel - the facts, jewed culture, jewed foreign policy, Socrates, Zionism at 3:09 pm | Permanent Link

The ghost of an Iraq War veteran says: “This Memorial Day, remember that I died not for America, but for Israel.”


  • 29 Responses to “Memorial Day”

    1. Tim McGreen Says:

      All the Jews in those photos have beady, rodent-like eyes and evil looking faces. I don’t believe in any god or devil, but if there was such a thing as Satan, the Jews would definately be his spawn.

      But why do we need Memorial Day and Veterans’ Day to “honor” America’s soldiers? (That’s why so many of them commit suicide or wind up homeless on the streets) Besides, wasn’t Memorial Day originally meant to put rebel flags on the graves of Confederate soldiers? And Veterans’ Day was originally meant to celebrate the War to End all Wars.

      I hate these stupid government holiday weekends.

    2. old dutch Says:

      We can honestly say to anyone, if it were up to us your kid would be alive, and worst case be on patrol along the Mexican border, or cleaning up oil on the Gulf coast.

      Damn Jews…

    3. old dutch Says:

      Any of us can honestly say to a parent of the dead, that your kid would be alive if it were up to us, and worst case he would be on patrol along the Mexican border, or cleaning up the oil along the Gulf Coast.

      God damn Jews.

    4. Brandish Says:

      If kwans actually cared about the US war dead, then they’d stop falling for one Jew scam of a war after another. I mean, SURELY they’ve realized, if for only a brief moment, that all the long ones since Korea have wound up being costly, indecisive policing actions against people who couldn’t hope to threaten the sovereignty of Costa Rica, let alone the US.

      Nah, though, I seriously doubt that half of them would even be able to tell me what the term “Second Indochina War” refers to.

    5. Blackshirt Says:

      I cringe at this holiday.

      Every year it roles around and every year we hear the same old bullshit about our war dead dying for “Freedom”. I especially get nauseous when the patriotards try to shut you up if you question the validity of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars by saying “those troops are fighting for your freedom to criticize the government”.

      And as a veteran I also find the sham patriotism at the expense of our war dead detestable. Do you ever notice that it is the chickenhawks and the ones who were never in combat who are the loudest of the patriotards?

    6. Wilton Says:

      Watching the families of the dead on the telivitz today I’m struck by how so many of them just doing get it. They don’t get their dead family members didn’t die as heroes, but as Jew dupes. From the children to the adults, they all have this emotionless look in their eyes, a medicated look, like they are strung out on some strong anti depressants, because someone who wasn’t would be pissed off. There is no exscuse for being so ignorant in this day and age, even with all the Jews propaganda, all you need to know how to do is turn on a computer and do a search, just like they do for porn, or some douchebag contestant on American Idol. I just feel like reaching into the screen and shaking some sense into them, because once you start opening your mind to the truth it is so easy to see through the bullshit.

    7. Tim McGreen Says:

      As I’ve said before, the apathetic masses would suddenly start caring a great deal if they or their sons were drafted to fight these damn imperialist wars. That’s why ZOG doesn’t reinstate the Draft…It would cause riots and demonstrations around the clock. Most people don’t care about anything unless or until it directly involves them.

    8. Brandish Says:

      Blackshirt Says:
      31 May, 2010 at 4:26 pm

      Do you ever notice that it is the chickenhawks and the ones who were never in combat who are the loudest of the patriotards?


      I think that those types like the idea of war. They like images of troops marching or doing room-clearing exercises, landing on beaches, rappelling down from helicopters, as well as fighter planes flying in formation, tanks rolling around, etc. They don’t like seeing many of the results of war, though, such as the numerous uncensored images of servicemen who have been grotesquely disfigured that have been floating around the internet for years, or ones that just convey a defeatist atmosphere. They’d probably be more dismayed by one I saw of a negro soldier staring at something off-camera while tears streamed down his cheeks, than that iconic photo of a heavily wounded Brad Kasal being hauled out of a building in Fallujah.

    9. Henry Says:

      actions against people who couldn’t hope to threaten the sovereignty of Costa Rica, let alone the US.

      Nah, though, I seriously doubt that half of them would even be able to tell me what the term “Second Indochina War” refers to

      Most of them wouldn’t even know what Costa Rica is.
      (Some kind of tropical drink? Duh.)

    10. Klassikality Says:

      When was the last time Amerikwas “freedom” was threatened? By an external force I mean. I guess the War of 1812, when the British invaded. Since then there were some “Indian Affairs” that needed taking care of, but other than that, when the hell was there a war that was actually in defense of the nation, in the interests of we the people?

      Dammit, it breaks my heart to think of all these White war dead over the years, be they American or otherwise. Please, young White men and women, DO NOT JOIN ZOGS MILITARY. YOU AINT GONNA DIE FOR “FREEDOM.” YOU’RE GONNA DIE FOR NOTHING!

    11. George Wallace Says:

      You have your mind polluted by pastors in churches of Jesus Christ on Sunday and kill for Israel in Iraq and Afghanistan on Monday. Most of the world hates jews and has never heard of Jesus Christ. When will Americans fight for American INDEPENDENCE? Oh yeah, they already did. Well, we’ll have to correct the name to the Jewnited States of America.

    12. Howdy Doody Says:

      Back in 06 in a small town on a highway some Iwhacky veteran’s had a mild protest against the regimes police’s, and local tiny newspaper that is neo con owned ignored them and patriotards, with neo con’s leading it harrassed them IMO.

      IMO the enemy aliens own most of the small town newspapers in the West, and then you how it how goes for the airwaves etc.

      The liberial Left, has still not awoken and turned NPR off no more than our patritards have turned off Savage, Leving or Beck and the rest IMO

    13. Tim McGreen Says:

      I think the last war that America was involved in that was justifiable was the Mexican War of 1846-48. But the US was far too gracious to the defeated Beaners. And we should have grabbed Baja California from them, too.

    14. Jürgen Says:

      wants YOU
      to die
      for israel

    15. Arminius Says:

      “From the children to the adults, they all have this emotionless look in their eyes, a medicated look, like they are strung out on some strong anti depressants, because someone who wasn’t would be pissed off. There is no exscuse for being so ignorant in this day ”

      Everybody to appear before the media is carefully screened and instructed to do the right thing for the desired effect.
      Does anybody need to be reminded how Public Relations games are rigged?

    16. Leviticus Jackson Says:

      The US is the only country in the world with two days to remember the war dead! Everyone else only has one! No wonder people throughout the world think that we are warmongers.

    17. Jim Says:

      I wonder what all those christian zionist patriotards will do when the facts finally come out about 911 being a Mossad and CIA False Flag Op. These nitwits just won’t allow themselves to come to grips with the truth that White Americans have been dupes and patsys for every war that the jews have dragged them into for the last two hundred years. Watching the “Memorial Day Celebration” on the jew tube and seeing all those brain dead Whites waving their little flags and jumping up and down, makes me realize that there is absolutely no hope for any White awakening in the ‘Kwa, barring some catastrophe of immense proportions.

    18. Tim McGreen Says:

      You’re right, Jim, waiting for the masses to “wake up”, like the Alex Jones/patriotard crowd wants, is pointless because it won’t happen. The White Revolution will come about thanks to a small but fanatically dedicated and ruthlessly effective group of White freedom fighters. The human livestock known as The Public can just stand in the meadow and stare uncomprehendingly, with clumps of grass and drool hanging off their snouts……We’ll deal with them later.

    19. Yahoody Doody Says:

      “The human livestock known as The Public can just stand in the meadow and stare uncomprehendingly, with clumps of grass and drool hanging off their snouts.”

    20. Tim McGreen Says:

      Yahoody Doody = Retard.

    21. Blackshirt Says:

      Hey Tim, I think “Yahoody” was complimenting you… imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

    22. shabbos s shabazz Says:

      Satanic means all is reversed. Bad is good, war is peace, hot is cold. Fight for freedom means fight for slavery- one’s one enslavement. Worship the flag means worship false flags.

    23. Tim McGreen Says:

      Wow, Satan sure does get a lot of abuse. I really think we should give the guy a chance to tell his side of the story! But who should interview him, Charlie Rose, Dan Rather or Greta Van Susteren?

      Blackshirt, this Yehuda Doody guy sided with Sean Goober against me in an earlier thread, so fuck them both. The last thing that’s needed around here are any more ‘tards clogging up the comments section.

    24. Tim McGreen Says:

      Sorry about all the hostility…Too much caffeine, I think. So without any further ado, ladies and gentlemen, Cracker Pope and the Homo Cardinals! (formerly The Bay City Rollers)


    25. Tim McGreen Says:

      I said, without any further ado….never mind.


    26. Yahoody Doody Says:

      Your foregiven.

    27. Henry Says:

      Yahoodi — What is your native tongue?
      Are you any relation of Howdi?

    28. Tim McGreen Says:

      I didn’t ask for your forgiveness, dickweed.

    29. Sean Gruber Says:

      “I didn’t ask for your forgiveness, dickweed.”

      You didn’t ask for mine, either.