30 May, 2010

Jews Upping the Aggression Against Iran, This Time with Nukes

Posted by Socrates in Israel, Israel - the facts, Jewish aggression, Jewish arrogance, Jewish brain features, Jewish genetics, jewish hate & hypocrisy, nukes, Socrates, Zionism at 12:31 pm | Permanent Link

That’s not really the scary part. The scary part is that paranoid, genetically-defective narcissists have nukes in the first place:


  • 25 Responses to “Jews Upping the Aggression Against Iran, This Time with Nukes”

    1. William Says:

      These Russian Ashkenazi Khazars will push America, and other nations, into WWIII. That is part of the plan. Jews pushed America into WWI, and WWII. The sovereign debt crisis, and the destruction of the dollar and the Euro, and the destabilization of the WORLD are intended to pave the way for the total domination of YOU by Jews. And, all the while, ignorant Americans watch American Idol and Dancing with the Stars and debate whether or not Obummer was born in America.

    2. Stan Sikorski Says:

      More hubbub from the kikes – http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5j3h8X-pyCxOfZxqILsRoXJ-IiVZAD9G11LB80

    3. Howdy Doody Says:

      William Says:

      30 May, 2010 at 1:09 pm

      These Russian Ashkenazi Khazars will push America, and other nations, into WWIII. That is part of the plan. Jews pushed America into WWI, and WWII. The sovereign debt crisis, and the destruction of the dollar and the Euro, and the destabilization of the WORLD are intended to pave the way for the total domination of YOU by Jews. And, all the while, ignorant Americans watch American Idol and Dancing with the Stars and debate whether or not Obummer was born in America.

      2 0

    4. Tim McGreen Says:

      I’m puzzled that such presumably classified information like the kind provided in that article got published. Is it because the Zionists want Iran to know they mean business? Or is any of that information really true? Maybe it’s all just a bluff to try and scare the Iranians with images of phantom Jew submarines and MOSSAD frogmen?

      And why hasn’t any American news agency picked up this story? Are they still fixated on Gary Coleman’s death? With the possible exception of North Korea, the US news media is one of the most tightly controlled organs of propaganda and misinformation on Earth.

    5. CW-2 Says:

      I can’t imagine a more improbable scenario than a bunch of neurotic gesticulating kikes stuck in the confines of a diesel-electric submarine.
      Anyway, just how are these submarines intending to get to the Persian Gulf? Are the Egyptians going to let them pass through the Suez Canal?

    6. Jim Says:

      Why are the only countries in the world that are standing up against the jews and their lies all non White nations? If the highly bastardized mongrels of the Middle East are far more jew wise than the Aryan nations of Europe, what is the reason? Could it be that the Islamic religon, being less effeminate than jew christianiity offers more of a masculine resistance to the kike’s plans for world domination?

    7. Jim Says:

      Howdy Doody, whats the point of posting what someone else has said and not adding a comment of your own to it?

    8. Wolf Says:

      Two words: Das Kike

    9. Jürgen Says:


      Perhaps Iran will act like one big suicide bomber and take out both themselves and the zionists in one big war soon. I say, fine. Anything to remove this malignant, festering tumor known as israel which, directly and indirectly, has been screwing up decent life on this planet for close to one hundred years now.

      Imagine, a world without zionism.

    10. Arminius Says:

      This constant babble of “Israel DEFENCE Force”,
      “DEFENCE Minister”, “Jewish DEFENCE League”, “Israeli Defence”, Jewish Defence, Defence, Defence, while it is obvious that Jews are by nature and religion born aggressors….
      makes me sick!

    11. Tim McGreen Says:

      Jim Says:

      30 May, 2010 at 10:59 pm

      Howdy Doody, whats the point of posting what someone else has said and not adding a comment of your own to it?


      I can’t figure out why he does that either, Jim. But he does it a lot. A real character, eh? I don’t think English is his native language.

    12. Tim McGreen Says:

      “CW-2 Says:

      30 May, 2010 at 2:15 pm
      I can’t imagine a more improbable scenario than a bunch of neurotic gesticulating kikes stuck in the confines of a diesel-electric submarine.”

      Yes, that certainly would be a comical tableau, seeing a bunch of neurotic kikes scurrying around inside a submarine. “Oy vey! So dark in here, it is!” “Cough, cough…This verkachte submarine is not good for my asthma, I’m telling you!” “Dr. Feingold says being underwater is bad for my digestion!” “I feel like a Nazi in this Anti-Semite submarine!”

    13. torrence Says:

      The Jew as Sub-Human reflects his relative status to the Aryan Human. The Jew as Anit-Human relfects his status to all humans. The Aryan, at list for the past 80 years or so, has understood the former status. Now all of humanity is beginning to understand the latter status.

      And the precise location of ‘Hell on Earth’ is now determinable. It corresponds geographically to that area presently delimited by the State of IsraHell.

    14. -JC Says:

      Jim SAID:
      30 May, 2010 at 4:52 pm

      Why are the only countries in the world that are standing up
      against the jews and their lies all non White nations? If the
      highly bastardized mongrels of the Middle East are far more jew
      wise than the Aryan nations of Europe, what is the reason?


      Its because they don’t give a shit about their credit rating and Americans shouldn’t either– publicly or privately. That is one’s Achilles heel. Repudiate the debt and take your medicine.

    15. old dutch Says:

      Jews attack Gaza bound humanitarian aid convoy in “international” waters:


    16. Blackshirt Says:

      William says:

      “These Russian Ashkenazi Khazars will push America, and other nations, into WWIII. That is part of the plan.”

      What’s the point in attaching the name “Russian” to the Jews? Why not just call them by their many names like kike, yid, Hebe, etc? I’m highly offended that you would call them “Russian”. JEWS aren’t Russian, and never will be.

    17. Blackshirt Says:

      Regarding the Jew raid on the aid ships, does anyone really think anything will come of it? There will be the initial shock and condemnation from the international community, and then the Jewish money will go to work, pulling the strings and shutting everyone up. I guess the only good that will come of it is that it further alienates the Jews from the left that supports the Palestinian cause.

    18. Dave Says:

      What’s a credit rating?

    19. Sgt. Skull Says:

      Gotta love how the “genius” Jews can’t even make their own ballistic missile subs. They have to rely on the guilt ridden Germans to do that while extracting more holohoax guilt money. Any bets on the names of the subs?

      I’m guessing it’s the Lipshitz, Dorfman, and Ezekiel.

    20. tbow002 Says:

      Its Incredible how well Nostradamus knew the jewish religion. He knew it so well he could predict war after war after war that they would incite, including the next one.

    21. Tim McGreen Says:

      I heard Nostradamus was a Jew. But his name translates from Latin into “Our Lady”, doesn’t it? Well, maybe he was a “damped” Jew. In those days, a Jew could either pretend to convert to Catholicism or get kicked out of France. Or get burned at the stake, I suppose.

      Blackshirt is probably correct. After a while the international outrage and condemnation against Israel for its massacre of those humanitarian aid workers will sputter out, thanks to Jew money, Jew stonewalling and Jew spin. Israel will continue to deny any wrongdoing, the US will veto any UN vote to condemn Israel, Barry Sotero will say that he is “troubled” by Israel’s actions and that’s about all that’s going to come out of this latest Jew/Zionist outrage.

      But not everyone is going to be bought off, exasperated into despair or forget what happened. Somewhere, a group of Moslem resistance fighters is doubtless keeping a careful record of everything being done to their fellow Molsems by the Zionist war-criminals.

    22. Captain Slappy Says:

      “That’s not really the scary part. The scary part is that paranoid, genetically-defective narcissists have nukes in the first place:…”

      I laughed out loud reading that. Some serious chuckles right there.

      I was only going to add, Jews never built the bomb, but they damned sure took it when we handed it over. I wouldn’t call them “genetically defective” as much as “mongoloidial autistic spaztaculars”.

      I guess their God didn’t do such a good job designing them.
      He must have been drunk that day, and using left-over parts.

      “Prophecy” is extremely easy. You have only had 15,000 years to run war after war after war….

      Especially when “prophecy” is always self-fulfilling, by whoever is selling it, and by whoever is buying it.

      After a while, you figure out it is human nature, replace the countries, and the names, the game’s the same.

      History is your future prophecy, and always was. And always will be.
      Nothing new under this sun, just different weapons, and old tactics.

      As for Iran, they are just in the wrong place, at the wrong time (or right time and right place, if you are looking to nuke them for policy).
      They are simply an excuse, but with a reason. Many pipelines run through there, the control of one is the control of many. This is NEVER, and WILL NEVER be “magic”.

      Iran will either submit, or fight back. If they fight, they will be the biggest glass factory ever to exist. They are the new “3rd Reich”, and everyone will pile on, until Izzyrael starts up the Nukies. Then…MAYBE then….people will start piling on them, and us.

      This might simply be a game to eliminate a ton of populations, including ours, in just another big blowout war “to end all wars”.
      Until the next one. And the one after that.

      With any luck, at the end of that day, there won’t be enough of anyone left, that any NORMAL people who survived, can begin it right….again. (And the wheels on the bus go ’round and ’round).

    23. Henry Says:

      A “Damped Jew”? I am curious about that term.

    24. Ein Says:

      Tim McGreen Says: “I heard Nostradamus was a Jew. But his name translates from Latin into “Our Lady”, doesn’t it? Well, maybe he was a “damped” Jew. In those days, a Jew could either pretend to convert to Catholicism or get kicked out of France. Or get burned at the stake, I suppose.”

      Was Nostradamus a Jew? Tim’s guess was right … (as could almost be predicted in any case like this involving hucksters of fortune-telling and hocus-pocus).

      I checked, and yes Nostradamus [Michel de Nôtredame ] came from a family that was Jewish but had converted, taking the name of Nôtre-dame (Our Lady). It was Latinized into Nostradamus. Strangely, though, it was also masculinized. It properly ought to be Nostradama, but in this form means Our Lady (of male gender). Odd!

      Anyway, he seems to be in the same tradition of the various false messiahs that cropped up frequently all over Europe. This one just took a different tack.

      “He was a descendant of the Israelite tribe of Issachar; he had been educated by his grandfathers, both of whom had been physicians to the court of King René of Provence; he had attended Montpellier University in 1525 to gain his first degree: after returning there in 1529 he had successfully taken his medical doctorate; he had gone on to lecture in the Medical Faculty there until his views became unpopular”

      He came to the attention of the ditzy, scatter-brained queen, Catherine de Medici, who made him one of her most trusted advisors He ultimately died a very wealthy man.

      He seems to have been a Henry Kissinger of his era, flitting about, fawning upon the powerful, telling them what they wanted to hear, and getting rich. Sure sounds Jewish to me.

    25. Tim McGreen Says:

      Thanks for the information, Ein! As usual, you take the time to investigate the facts and based on all that stuff about Nostradamus being a wealthy and influential physician, I’d say we found ourselves another Jew.