31 May, 2010

Jews Attack Humanitarian Aid Ship in International Waters, Shoot Aid Volunteers

Posted by Socrates in Israel, Israel - the facts, Jewish aggression, Jewish arrogance, jewish criminality, Jewish cruelty, jewish hate & hypocrisy, Socrates, Zionism at 12:42 pm | Permanent Link

First, the Jews steal Gaza (in 1967). Then, they turn it into a giant concentration camp. Then, when an aid ship tries to deliver vital supplies to Gaza, the Jews attack the ship. Incredible.


  • 67 Responses to “Jews Attack Humanitarian Aid Ship in International Waters, Shoot Aid Volunteers”

    1. Henry Says:

      No, not so at all. Don’t underestimate your enemy!
      Not all Jews are Woody Allen’s. Besides, he’s just a comedian, a Hollywood invention. Don’t be silly!

      I picture them as cold-blooded killers, calm, practiced, and ruthless. More like Bugsy Siegels than Woody Allens. But Bugsy was real, Woody is an actor!

    2. Henry Says:

      That whole helpless, neurotic, rather pathetic “persona” is just a Hollywood invention to make them look harmless and disarmingly amusing. They are nothing like that!

      Do you think they got control of most of the world by being confused, hopeless screw-ups? People who can’t do anything right? Think again! If you think so, you have fallen for the propaganda. Down through the decades, Fanny Brice, Jack Benny, Mrs. Goldberg, Fran Dresher, etc. have all used this front: the nice, friendly, good- natured, but also kind of dopy, helpless, Jewish neighbor who can’t do anything right, but you want to help him/her because the poor jerk is so nice (and funny) that you feel sorry for the hopeless klutz. Such people could NEVER be capable of any sinister conspiracies. Inconceivable! She has all she can do to find her glasses.

    3. Howdy Doody Says:

      Henry, thank you for the the reality check for those who need it.

      After the Crime of mass murder and insurance fraud in NYC about nine years ago so called ordinary jooos got very uppity, waving regime flags and screaming let make a glass parking for those people over there etc.

      Serveral time did I witness during the the 02 through 06 time period the enemy alien’s being happy about homo land insecurity and praising war.

      Twisting a flag like a towel and then mounting it to the driver’s pillar of their SUV.

      The cryptic’s are the worse, because most have no idea who they are.

    4. Tim McGreen Says:

      It’s true that not all Jews are like Larry David. But they are a real neurotic, perverted bunch. And have you ever seen how dirty and messy their houses are? They are clearly not domesticated. Nor do the Jews have any aptititude or appreciation for art.

    5. David Baker Says:

      Someone please provide some information on this subject: My sister, who is a patented Judeophile, tells me Iran’s president threatened the U.S. with destruction. I am well aware of PNAC, and I am also aware that the misnomer in that title is “Project for a New A-M-E-R-I-C-A-N Century”. That doctrine was developed by Jews, for Jews–particularly Israel. I don’t profess any love for those Middle East potentates, but we should at least respect their sovereignty, and certainly we should remember that they supply much of our oil. My question is this: Did ‘Abadabajon’ (sic) threaten the U.S. with destruction? If he did–which I doubt, but Jews can create ‘hate’ with their usual media shenanigans–what particular method could he use to damage the U.S.?

    6. Ein Says:

      “The cryptic’s are the worse, because most have no idea who they are.”…. H.Doody

      Indeed they are! They make the most effective infiltrators and subverters. They can burrow in amongst you, unnoticed, because they’re partly your own — but they’re working against you.
      Very dangerous indeed.

    7. Tim McGreen Says:

      Well said, Ein! Yes, the Jews have infiltrated our genetic ranks and are living among us like a dormant virus ready to strike from within when the time is right. Scary!

    8. Howdy Doody Says:

      Old Dutch is your post correct ?????

      Does any one else know ?


      old dutch Says:

      31 May, 2010 at 1:55 pm

      A former Reagan official, and a survivor of the USS Liberty are among those kidnapped by Jews in international waters”


      All Jews are assholes…

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: 18 0

    9. Howdy Doody Says:

      No reply.

      Thank You.

    10. Sean Gruber Says:

      “My question is this: Did [Ahmadinejad] threaten the U.S. with destruction?”

      No. Nowhere and at no time has Ahmadinejad threatened to destroy the United States.

      The closest he came to threatening anyone with destruction was when he gave a speech in which he predicted that Israel would eventually fade from the map because of demographics (Arabs outbreeding jews in the area). The judenpresse picked this up and dishonestly translated it as: “We will wipe Israel off the map!” So anytime you hear someone say Iran constantly threatens Israel with destruction, what he is referring to is this false translation from one speech.

      Probably that false translation morphed into the alleged “threat to destroy the US” that your sister is hollering about. After all, doesn’t Israel = the US? In the mind of a “patented Judeophile” it does!

      Tell her to stop reading the “Little Green Footballs” blog and start reading VNN.

    11. Sean Gruber Says:

      “Jim, I don’t believe in exclusionary interpretations of our nation’s charter.”

      You say exclusionary like it’s a bad thing.

      So the charter was written for niggers, women, the insane, the Somalis, the whole wide world? Excluding no one, not even the fish?

      Are you part of Jorge Boosh’s neocon (i.e. JEW) “Democratic Revolution”?

      The Constitution didn’t make America. Liberia had a Constitution very similar to ours. Look at Liberia’s history.

      The charter was written by and for White Men – and their posterity. The “all men are created equal” shit is in the Declaration. The Constitution states that slaves are only three-fifths of a person for representation purposes, and cannot vote. Later amendments are commie horseshit. This is the “charter” you worship above facts and reality?

      “I don’t believe in exclusionary interpretations of our nation’s charter.” Man, quit drinking the high-and-might Kool Aid, pull your nose out of the air, and start looking around at reality. Should Detroit ghetto niggers vote? Should they be “included”?

      If a charter or entity includes everyone, it is not a charter or entity. “Everybody wins” means it ain’t a sport. “No one excluded” means it ain’t a nation.

      Exclusion is the essence of having a definable group. If everyone is a member, there is no group. Instead, there’s merely every asshole on earth running around. I guess that excludes the Martians, but what if some of them land? The little green men will find you with your nose in the air, piously reciting: “I don’t believe in exclusionary interpretations of our nation’s charter.” Let ’em in! Let ’em all in! Yay Ameri-KWA!

      Seriously, man. Put the Kool-Aid down. This is a White country or it’s nothing but what it is now: a geographical area in which random bastards bump around, a paying fiefdom in the Jew World Order.

      The Constitution had its chance. Where is it now? It failed. Not in your head it didn’t, but out here in real life it did in fact fail.

    12. Jim Says:

      Thank you Sean, you replied to D.B’s post much better than I could. I don’t know if its the guy’s Injun genes that have screwed up his reasoning ability or that damn Kool Aid.

    13. Henry Says:

      Jews have infiltrated our genetic ranks and are living among us like a dormant virus ready to strike from within when the time is right. Scary!

      For some reason, they always seem (like mulattoes) to identify with their non-white side, and to work against the white side. Just look at Obama as an example. But crypto-Jews are even worse, and much more dangerous.

    14. David Baker Says:

      Sean Gruber, thank you for the information on (I still can’t say that guy’s name) Abadabajon.

      About the Constitution: It was not written with the codicil: “Jim determines who these rights apply to”. You cannot deny the rights of other people just because their race is not to your liking. They are here, they are AMERICANS, and they are just as entitled as yourself and Jim to enjoy the freedoms, and accept the obligations of being a U.S. citizen.

    15. brutus Says:

      Henry said:

      “No, not so at all. Don’t underestimate your enemy!
      Not all Jews are Woody Allen’s. Besides, he’s just a comedian, a Hollywood invention. Don’t be silly!”

      brutus replies:

      Jews are a physically inferior race, historically ever needing to use non-jews to do their dirty work for them. For crying out loud, jews couldn’t even kill Mr. Pacifist himself, Jesus, without the help of the Romans!

      The Mossad are nothing more than a cluster-fuck of idiots. Nearly all of their operations have been heavy-handed failures, and if it weren’t for Uncle Big-bucks jew and their Western minions backing them, they’d be utterly worthless and the laughing stock of the world.

      The very idea of an elite jew fighting force – Now that’s silly!


    16. Howdy Doody Says:

      Giving US Homoland Insecurity, and Airport crap and making laws to shut US up along with a full blown invasion, now that they area good at.

    17. -jc Says:

      Nation: A people + land

      MR WORLD [“Irishman”] KAMAL IBRAHIM

      ‘Kamal was only out of nappies when I competed in Miss World, …but he aroused the cougar in me’

      I HAVE to admit, meeting Ireland’s first Mr World Kamal Ibrahim did arouse the ‘cougar’ in me!

      At just 24, Kamal is, in my eyes, pure perfection.

      Not only was he gorgeous, but his decency and general upbeat humour made me almost regret my wedding vows.

      And if that wasn’t enough, he also has a private pilot’s licence!

      While he might not be as rich as Jim Corr – yet – I can certainly guess which helicopter the majority of ladies, and even some gentlemen, would prefer to fly in.

      Over lunch in the Crown Plaza hotel in Santry, Dublin, I struggled to put the thought that Kamal was barely out of nappies when I competed in Miss World 19 years ago out of my head. He politely pretended to be shocked when I told him it was 1991.

      However, 10 weeks into his reign as the World’s most beautiful and sexy male, Kamal doesn’t seem to have let the title go to his head.

      “It was just a competition. It doesn’t actually mean I’m the best-looking ‘bloke’ in the world,” he pleaded.

      “Don’t get me wrong, though, I don’t mind being seen as a piece of meat and I was so proud to win it. I felt like I had won Gold at the Olympics.


      “All I wanted to do was rush back and tell everyone. I was so proud to have done it for my family, for Ireland and for Limerick.”

      Recalling my own memories of the experience, I was curious as to how his differed. Clearly his pageant parade beat mine hands down. After all, I didn’t win, but Kamal didn’t give me the sugarcoated version of events.

      “The best way to describe it was like military camp and taking part in The Apprentice at the same time,” he revealed.

      “After about 15 days of physical exercise and working with Korean Commandos, I was sore, I was tired and everyone started being late. On the day of the final, I actually arrived down only to find everyone had left the hotel without me.”

      Kamal held his head in his hands and chuckled as he remembered what happened.

      “Then Mr Egypt arrived down asking where everyone had gone. So, we just jumped in a taxi and when we arrived at the venue wev tried to blend into the background as if we had been there all the time.

      “We spent the rest of day at rehearsals dancing around on the floor. By the end of it we were all stinking, but we couldn’t get a shower anywhere.

      “We ended up having to wash and shave in a toilet with cold water. Not exactly glamorous, but that’s the reality of the industry!

      “On the night, all I wanted to do was make the final 15. As far as I was concerned, I had done what I wanted to achieve.
      “Then I made the final five.When they called out Ireland as the winner, I couldn’t believe it.”

      “I wasn’t expecting it at all – and nor did anyone else. If you look at the faces in the background, there’s loads of people with their jaws hitting the floor!”

      Sadly Kamal didn’t have any friends or family to share his big night in South Korea.

      “Neither did many of the others,” he explained.

      “So I just ran over to my room-mate from Kazakhstan. He was a really funny fella. Spoke exactly like Borat and he was a TV presenter, too!

      “Mr World is not a modelling competition, though.They were looking for a role model, a James Bond type character.”

      With a licence to kill, I wondered?

      “I was in the army – I can shoot people,” he joked.


      “But my role means I’m an ambassador for Ireland. I’m a representative for Mr World and generally just a good role model.

      “I’m lucky that I’m kinda into my health, so you’d never see me falling in or out of nightclubs.”

      As I pulled a few faces, wishing I could say the same for myself, a cheeky smile spread across his face as he admitted: “I do drink the odd time, though. I’m not always a good boy, but I’m quite good at hiding it.

      “I had a great time in LA recently. I’m getting quite involved with The Variety Club.

      “I made loads of contacts and I got chatting with Simon Cowell and Sarah Ferguson.”

      While he didn’t say much about the recently disgraced former royal, he seemed extremely pleased about hooking up with media guru Cowell.

      “He was great,” gushed Kamal. “He’s exactly as he is on the telly; very funny, very witty.

      “One of my dreams is to become a successful TV presenter and personality like Ryan Seacrest or Dermot O’Leary.


      “So, it was great to meet someone like Simon who can make careers happen.

      “I really loved LA. It’s totally fake, but it’s definitely a nice place to visit and have fun.”

      As he continued talking, I found myself drifting off in a dreamy haze like I was some sort of lusty teenager.

      When he explained how his other ambition was to be a Red Bull Air-Race Pilot so he could show off his daredevil side, I had to wrap up the interview.

      Well, I’m only human. Left any longer, I could have been tempted to order a bottle of Champagne – or worse, maybe even a room!

      Heck, I’m married, not buried, and a girl can dream, can’t she?
      Kamal is managed by Bscene The Agency.Which can be contacted on 01-6709857.