11 May, 2010

Elena Kagan Gets the Nomination

Posted by Socrates in Kevin MacDonald, Socrates at 4:00 pm | Permanent Link

by Dr. Kevin MacDonald:


  • 32 Responses to “Elena Kagan Gets the Nomination”

    1. Jim Says:

      As usual, Dr. MacDonald has hit the nail on the head. Just wait for the repulsive jewess to push for European style “hate crime” laws that will make all criticism of jewish crimes against humanity illegal.

    2. William Says:

      Knowledgeable and intelligent people will know that, one day, a
      harsh backlash will occur against the JEWS. This backlash has happened in country after country over many centuries. JEWS take control of all important government posts and the economy, forcing poverty on the average citizens. Finally, it all erupts, and the JEWS are punished. This is historical FACT. And, it will happen again. Yes, even here in America. I doubt if, at age 62, I will live to see it…..but, it is coming. WHY am I so sure?? Well, did you ever hear the old saying that “it’s not the same this time”?? I have heard that many times. But, it IS the same. Time after time, it is the same. An example is the printing of paper money in a careless and almost criminal fashion eventually results in stunning inflation. Easy examples are the Weimer Republic, Argentina and Zimbabwee. We are told that the FED can contain the coming inflation. What a laugh. It will be the same. So with the JEWS. They will push and demand and control and subjugate……until the backlash occurs. That will probably mean the end of America, if she is not dead already.

    3. Sri Sreggin Das, Mystic Yogi of the Kali Yuga Says:

      In our society, the psychopaths lust for power . . . and get it. They rise to the top in government, and in corporations. Because they have no fundamental ethics–just getting power over others is what they want, and they do whatever is necessary to get it.

      The decent folk just want to live their lives, and live and let live. They do not want power over others–just power to live their own lives with a sense of accomplishment. To them, a brilliantly colorful flower garden is a lifetime achievement. And it is.

      Many of these psychopaths are banal and lackluster, like Kagan. But they have networks.

      The pyschopaths that promote her see in her something that will increase their power over us.

      And she wants that power so bad! You can see it.

      It is all so absurd–these fat turds, so deficient in a sense of reality, want to rule over us.

      They HAVE to rule over us; they HAVE to be rich—it makes them feel superior to us; it makes them feel REAL. It makes them forget about death. It makes them feel that their tinsel world is real.

      So, what to do? Passive aggression is the way I see it. Clog the system. It cannot endure–it is almost bankrupt already. And those who have no real power over you–laugh in their faces.

    4. Ein Says:

      “JEWS take control of all important government posts and the economy, forcing poverty on the average citizens. Finally, it all erupts, and the JEWS are punished. This is historical FACT. And, it will happen again. Yes, even here in America.”

      Well said, William. They do indeed have an uncanny knack of working themselves into key positions from which they can control everything and everyone around them. All done with the help of each other, of course. Thus, they compensate for their small numbers with tremendous clout. One Jew counts for a hundred Jews, or a thousand Jews. Or ten thousand. How many people does a Jewish mayor, or Senator, or Supreme court Justice count for? Or White House “advisor”? Millions?

      I have noticed that one Jew in an office (if not the boss or supervisor) will be the Union Representative, or EEO person, or something such. One Jew in a tiny town will be the mayor. One Jew in a school will be the principal. One Jew on a Community Board will be the Chairman (or more likely, woman). And so forth.

      They have an obsession to dominate. They have to be in control. And contrary to the standard stereotype that they like to promote — that of the quiet, mousey, meek, harmless Jew , easily victimized, who only wants to study his Mozart sonatas and is otherwise quite naive about worldly things — they are, for the most part, in reality very aggressive, loud-mouthed, pushy, confrontational, and extremely aware of the real world around them – especially of politics. This loud, tough, aggressive Kagan is a perfect example of that. Another Bella Abzug! No “mouse”, by any means!

      Yes, but people eventually catch on. And that is exactly why the Jews are determined to “diversify” you into non-existence, or at least reduce you to helpless minority status — BEFORE that can happen. They are determined, as you say, that “it will be different this time”. Perhaps they have finally learned something from history (?) I wonder.

      Once they have looted and destroyed a country, they have to destroy the nation that lived in it, too, destroying the evidence behind them, even the memory …. sort of like a robber killing all the witnesses so there won’t be anyone to testify against him or get even later.

      Once they have turned America into a hopeless babble of primitive Third Worlders all squabbling among themselves over the carcass of a once-great country, the robbers can escape out the back door without attracting any attention. So they think, anyway. Will it work this time? Who knows? But that seems to be their gamble.

    5. nom de guerre Says:

      for the most part, in reality very aggressive, loud-mouthed, pushy, confrontational, and extremely aware of the real world around them – especially of politics.
      Heh, I see alot of Whites that fit the category, but they aren’t aware of the world of politics, they’re just plain damn stupid bullies.
      What is an art with the jews, is just plain amateurism when Whites try to ape them, you know the yahoo types, they’re the most disgusting, I’d like to lay a bat across their heads, because they really need it. My personal opinion is the jews can shit all over the Kahnsitution, engulfs us in foreign war for the benefit of Israel for eternity, although I’ dearly would love to see it all end, it won’t as long as the Amerikwan empire has Christinsanity funneling and channeling for the Chosen through their prayers. The jews won’t lose their power base as long as they have the reins and tentacles of Christinsanity in their paws.

    6. nom de guerre Says:

      Wouldn’t that be quite a reversal if the jews start mandating prayers for Israel in Public Fools, or have a national prayer day for jews along with a daily 5 minute “hate” against their enemies as in Orwells novel 1984

    7. Henry Says:

      “in reality very aggressive, loud-mouthed, pushy, confrontational, and extremely aware of the real world around them – especially of politics.
      Heh, I see alot of Whites that fit the category, but they aren’t aware of the world of politics, they’re just plain damn stupid bullies.”

      Some whites can be like that. But it’s not a typical white trait. With Jews, it is a typical trait.

      And I don’t know any pushy, mouthy whites who can equal a pushy, mouthy Jew.

    8. John Halston Says:

      Whites aren’t going to rise up again to oppose the Jews. You are forgetting that those prior rebellions against Jewish rule happened in other centuries before the advent of television. The Glenn Beck crowd thinks liberals are anybody but Jews. They haven’t got a clue!

    9. Jon Says:

      Jim Says:

      11 May, 2010 at 4:26 pm

      “As usual, Dr. MacDonald has hit the nail on the head.”

      Absolutely. HIS TYPE is what belongs on the Supreme Court–not this Cultural Marxist!

      “Just wait for the repulsive jewess to push for European style “hate crime” laws that will make all criticism of jewish crimes against humanity illegal.”

      Since when are Jews a member of humanity?

      They can make all the laws they want to outlaw so-called “hate speech.” The truth (hate) I will continue to speak as long as I am breathing irregardless of how many “Jew laws” are passed to prevent it.

      To nominate, to ever consider this fat, li’l Jewish troll, a lesbian (surprise) with ZERO time on the bench is, to put it mildly, an outrage. But what other type do you expect the bi-sexual, Marxist mulatto-in-lieu of President to nominate? She reflects his idealogy 100%.

      “Change we can believe in.” Are you believing it now, you all-American dopes who voted for this Obamanation?

      Hopefully the Republicans will grow some testicles and block the confirmation of this modern-day Bolshevik abomination.

      However, based upon past results, I don’t have much hope.


    10. Tim McGreen Says:

      Let me guess what the Jew York Times will say about the Kagan nomination:

      “Ms. Kagan is an eminently qualified individual whose progressive opinions and style will bring much needed diversity to the Court”.

      And here’s what the Jew Washington Post will say, probably:

      “The nomination of Ms. Kagan shows that we as a society are no longer afraid to let the voices of the oppressed and the marginalized be heard.”

      Jew Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz?

      “For those of us in the Jewish community who expressed concerns about the Administration’s percieved lack of sensitivity to Jewish issues, we can now all breathe a sigh of relief.”

      The Jew Boston Globe?

      “With the nomination of Ms. Kagan, a new and more enlightened era in American politics is sure to be on the horizon, one in which gays, undocumented workers and African-Americans will no longer have to live in the shadows or shrink back in fear of retaliation from the Angry White Male.”

      Sick, sick, sick.

    11. Howdy Doody Says:

      Amazing low class hate filled paranoids with now with power.

      This our rewards for 1945, we were used to off our selves etc.

    12. festerbestertester Says:

      Didn’t one nazi at the Nuremberg Trial upon hearing his sentence shout” the Bolsheviks will hang you next!” Why didn’t we listen??????????

    13. Henry Says:

      Whites aren’t going to rise up again to oppose the Jews. You are forgetting that those prior rebellions against Jewish rule happened in other centuries before the advent of television.”- John

      Well, I hope John is wrong. But he may have something there. Could be. We shall have to see.

      Those previous centuries, in places like the Ukraine, didn’t have Jewish-run newspapers, much less radio and TV. And even if they did have newspapers, most of the peasants couldn’t read anyway. Now it’s different. We have 24-hour TV entertainment round the clock, aimed at the lowest IQs. Lots of distractions to keep the sheeple from thinking. And “hate crimes” punishments (if Kagan gets her way) for those who dare to think. More and more, they are tightening the circle around us.

    14. Fokker Says:

      Kaganobitch will not be confirmed.

      Some dirt on her past of mental illness will surface.

    15. Jon Says:

      Here’s some of what Michael Savage (Weiner) has to say about the well-fed Bolshevik nominee:





      If they were nominating Jews like Mike Savage I wouldn’t be complaining. However, they’re not–only his exact opposite. Even if they were, I still would not want Jewish over-representation on the bench.

      Oiy vey!



    16. nom de guerre Says:

      Whites aren’t going to rise up again to oppose the Jews. You are forgetting that those prior rebellions against Jewish rule happened in other centuries before the advent of television.
      very true, but other than the TVitz is the semi-guarantee of retirement and benefits that keep the herd chained to the system, hell you couldn’t even throw a mini-revolution in the Kwa. The system can only crack, when the distribution of the poison can’t reach the shelves of Wally world, remember the tvitz can only keep up the pep rally, the Kwans still have to get up off their collective ass to take a shit every now and then to remind them they’re not gods has Nietzche said.

    17. nom de guerre Says:

      The jews know, that the mud pie miscegenated Amerikwan masses can’t throw them off the perch, but on the other hand they can’t guarantee the jews the life style of the rich and famous in Jew Dwk shtty and MyMammie, and keep the lights on and the water coming out of the pipes.
      The systems already in fail mode, no not only Greece, or even Mudsicko, I’m talking local and state governments can’t meet the entitlements of retirees on the current tax revenues by even 10 %. Even the local jew tube is breathing indignation at all those people that haven’t divvied up property taxes to the collective gravy train. Now what do you expect, to get blood out of a turnip?

    18. nom de guerre Says:

      The jew are in a fix now, more and more you’re gonna get the tribe calling for “look at lil shitty Israel” why they know how to handle your luggage, why when one israeli dies, thats the equivalent of 1 million goys, lil Israel all alone in a sea of enemies, aren’t you ashamed of yourself goys?So you got it tough now, why look at those 3rd generation Holyhoax survivors being turned into bars of soap and lampshapes, and then being reborn into supreme court justices, and business entrepreneurs like Madoff and Fastow.
      Itz gonna be 24/7 tv blitzkrieg

    19. Tim McGreen Says:

      “Fokker Says:

      12 May, 2010 at 3:13 am

      Kaganobitch will not be confirmed.

      Some dirt on her past of mental illness will surface.”


      I certainly hope you’re right. I mean, an ugly lesbo Jewess like that must have all kinds of neuroses. But if there is something like that in her background, her fellow tribesmen in the press will doubtless cover it all up.

    20. Henry Says:

      “the mud pie miscegenated Amerikwan masses can’t ….guarantee the jews the life style of the rich and famous in Jew Dwk shtty and MyMammie, and keep the lights on and the water coming out of the pipes.”

      Thai’s what the imported Asians are for. They’re meek and submissive and accustomed to taking orders. They’ll do the technical work and keep the water running.

      We will be irrelevant, as the Jews’ history shows them that whites have staged too many pogroms in the past. Can’t risk having any more of that stuff!!! To Jews, Whites = pogroms.

      But those meek little Asians could just give the Jews a big surprise — if they look around and decide that they’d rather run the show for themselves. After all, there’s a LOT of Asians in the world, many more than Jews. They could get ideas. Are the Jews biting off more than they can chew?

    21. Howdy Doody Says:

      KGO 810 AM, S.F. CA. 50 watts

      John Rothman.

      Whiledrive home tonight it only took five minutes to hit the off dial and not vomit.

      Though I do not listen to talk radio, but when driving some times I it on, and if any out there in VNN land can find a nicer Neo Con than this one, then you really have a champ.

    22. Luek Says:

      At first one would think that the US has hit a new low by nominating a homosexual female with a Semitic mentality to the highest court in the land.

      But haven’t we been plagued with “She Male” SC justices for some time now? Could a perverted female like this Kagan hog be worse than say ultra liberal Souter or other “She Males” we have had and still do on the US Supreme Court?

      Hey, we even have a nigger that may not even be a US citizen as President for Pete’s sake! So what is so shocking about this nomination? It is actually to be expected.

    23. Kuda Bux Says:

      Well, at least we know it can’t get any worse.

    24. nom de guerre Says:

      Thai’s what the imported Asians are for. They’re meek and submissive and accustomed to taking orders. They’ll do the technical work and keep the water running.
      I can believe it, seems like this whole section of Tijuan dell Norte has Asian ,Koreans, Vietnamese etc. building churches. And when Church lets out they all leave in convoys… And they all dress up like civilized people

    25. Coup D'Etat Says:

      They are not just jews; they are NEO-COMMUNISTS. Communists in which the Germans and the Japanese vowed to get rid of when they signed the Anti-Comintern Pact of 1936. But, of course, the Brits (Churchill), the U.S. (jewish president Roosevelt), and France all made sure the jews lived instead and allowed them to spew lies and propaganda about how the 6 million died and it was the fault of only the German people.

      Isn’t this nice to have a bunch of filthy gypsies running around thinking they have the world by the tail.

      I like to think that there was a good reason why the Germans sank the Lucitania before WWI kicked off. I believe the Germans knew the jews were gaining in numbers in the political arena in Britain and knew there might be some political jews on board that ship or was operated by such filth of the same. Either way, that ship had some important significance to the jews.

    26. festerbestertester Says:

      The Arabs are having more children than the Jews. The gullible White Evangelical Christians that fight Israel’s Zionist wars are decreasing in numbers. More people are needed and Kagan will help Israel get more cannon fodder by opening up our borders to let gullible Pedro breed more kids to one day fight Shylock’s wars in the Middle East.

    27. Neptune Says:


      The man you are refering to in your first message was Julius Streicher.

      Jews are 2% of the US population but they have 33% of the seats in the Supreme Court.

    28. Henry Says:

      That’s why they are adamantly against ANY kind of quotas or proportional system. It wouldn’t allow them to hold disproportionate power. Thus, they’re not really for equality and fairness (as they always claim), they’re for Jewish domination.

      But let me add that any quota system would have to set aside a SPECIFIC quota for Jews. [They’d howl bloody murder about this, of course.] Otherwise, they would hog all the spots for “whites”, and we real whites would get nothing at all. So, it’s important to have a JEWISH quota, not just black/white/Asian/Hispanic, which is how the American mind is conditioned to think of it.

      That’s why it’s convenient for Jews to pass for whites when they want to, and for non-whites when they want to … and for just another religious group when that’s more advantageous than being racial.

      They’ve got it covered from all the angles.

    29. Tim McGreen Says:

      The Jewsmedia is being almost dead silent about Kagan’s sexual dis-orientation. That ugly creature is obviously a dyke, so why not celebrate it, Ms. Kagan? Isn’t that what you creepy liberals are always telling the homos and lesbos to do, to celebrtae their perversity/diversity? And why doesn’t the cowardly right-wing mention Kagan’s homosexuality? Because their ranks are infested with queers, too, maybe even more so than the Left.

    30. festerbestertester Says:

      Obama bows to his Jewish masters. The aging baby boomers will have less money for the economy. Many will be in nursing homes. I see a day where Whites will have be escorted under armed guards to places such as the supermarket or any other place of business. Anti- white propaganda will reign supreme on every channel. It will be composed of look what they did to us…….

    31. Jochen Says:

      This Jewess looks like Anna Pauker, Rumanian communist leader in the late 1940’s

    32. Tim McGreen Says:

      I still say that dyke looks like a younger Jackie Mason.

