6 May, 2010

Big Joke: Israel Wants Peace

Posted by Socrates in Israel, Israel - the facts, Jewish aggression, Jewish arrogance, Jewish greed, Jewish racism, Socrates, Zionism at 6:54 pm | Permanent Link

Zionism is expansionary. It demands more, more and still more land, with the ultimate goal being “eretz Israel” [1]. Peace will leave the Jews with less land, not more, so why would they want peace? The whole thing’s an inside joke, with the Jews laughing behind closed doors:


[1] “eretz Israel” = biblical, or Jews-only, Israel (i.e., no Arabs in it); a significant portion of the Middle East

  • 21 Responses to “Big Joke: Israel Wants Peace”

    1. Jim Says:

      The only time the jews will want peace is when they have total control of the entire economic, military. political, and governmental structure of the entire planet; in other words, a One World Zionist Jew Government. They may be about seventy five percent of the way there already. When that day comes, any resistance to jewish domination will be labled “terrorism”, and will be quickly crushed. The key to understanding jew power is that it maintained primarily by “smoke and mirrors”. Jewish power is always based on lies and deception, much as portrayed in “The Wizard of Oz”. Pull the curtain back and there stands the hook nosed kike.

    2. Henry Says:

      “Israel wants peace.”

      Of course it does!
      On its own terms, of course.

    3. Karen Says:

      So-called “Zionism” is just another name for Judaism. Judah, Jehovah, communism, financial capitalism, libertarianism, etc, etc. “Judaism” = death to all other NATIONS!!!

    4. Donald E. Pauly Says:

      Mr Linder is backsliding in his Zionism. Who cares about the Sand Negroes? Let them be resettled in the East. They will be happier closer to Mecca. We must make room for our 6 million Jews in this country so they can go home to Israel. Israel is the perfect and only dumping ground for the world’s Jews.

    5. William Says:

      If Israel was established to be a homeland for Jews, why do we have so many Jews in America who are RUINING America??? The best answer is to send the European JEWS BACK to the Pale of Settlement where they came from.

    6. Howdy Doody Says:

      They have a home land Paid for by US, and they have given US a Homoland Insecurity in return;

      They are resentful and hateful if you ask them to please go to their Religous State paid for by US.

      Their hyper active hate for US is astounding, and make no mistake about it all the latest spying and security crap is really for White men.

      ala” no enlistment with a Rebel Flag tattoo if that story is true.

      Of course even when flying the Color’s of old Glory is not good enough sometimes.

    7. Tim McGreen Says:

      Israel was never meant to be any Jew “homeland”. Its purpose is to be the capital of the future Jew World Empire, as well as a haven for Jew criminals and fugitives. But it must be a shitty place to hide out in, even for Jews, because the first place they always scurry off to is France, England or Switzerland. Just ask Marc Rich and Roman Polanski.

    8. Ein Says:

      All good comments above. But Tim REALLY sums it up the best! What more can be said?

    9. Ein Says:

      “The best answer is to send the European JEWS BACK to the Pale of Settlement where they came from.”

      Why put them back in the continent where they caused so much trouble in the first place?

      And I hardly think those countries would happily welcome back a bunch of parasites who tormented them and exploited them for centuries!

      Thumbs down on THAT idea!!!

    10. Ein Says:

      “Israel is the perfect and only dumping ground for the world’s Jews.”

      I’m not so sure about that idea either. Palestine is too geo-politically important, occupying a position at the crossroads of three continents. It would automatically give them a lot of leverage in world affairs (as if they don’t already have too much).

      I think a nice remote island like Madagascar would be ideal to get them out of the world’s way. The climate is too nice, though to be wasted. They would turn it into another tourist trap, another Las Vegas or Aruba, and make out like crazy. How about the Falkland Islands, maybe?

    11. Tim McGreen Says:

      Thanks for the kind words, Ein. What about exiling the Jews to St. Helena, the same island they put Napoleon on? It’s extremely remote, has nothing of interest and the weather is terrible. There are also a few islands off the coast of northern Siberia where not even walruses will stop off to take a dump. But since the Jews are always bragging about their superior intellect and their amazing ability to survive multiple Holocaustings, I’m sure they’ll have no problem making a go of it.

    12. Henry Says:

      “There are also a few islands off the coast of northern Siberia where not even walruses will stop off to take a dump. But since the Jews are always bragging about their superior intellect and their amazing ability to survive multiple Holocaustings, I’m sure they’ll have no problem making a go of it.”

      I’ve heard that Spitzbergen is a delightful place — just the spot for a casino and a row of off-shore banks to stash ill-gotten billions. Bernie Madoff would have LOVED it!

    13. Rabbi Lying-stein Says:

      BIG JOKE: Jews want Israel……Jews want the WHOLE WORLD!

      The reason jews wont all go to Israel is because they need to be EVERYWHERE to conquer the World.

      Why do you think jews live in South America, Africa, and Asia? So they wont be captured and killed easily. Its part of the JEW WORLD ORDER game. They must be everywhere!!!!

    14. ED! Says:

      The 79 min. video says it all!



    15. Tim McGreen Says:

      “The reason jews wont all go to Israel is because they need to be EVERYWHERE to conquer the World.”

      Yes, that’s true, but seeing as how Jews are parasites, vultures and scavengers, they cannot be expected to live in a country where there are only other parasites, vultures and scavengers. They need goy hosts to feed off of. Even most of the Jews who reside in Israel are also citizens of other countries. And those other countries are, without exception, White countries.

    16. Ein Says:

      Jews like to concentrate in clusters in big cities. They are city people, basically. Nevertheless, there is hardly a tiny town out in the prairies or up in the hills that doesn’t have at least one Jew in it. They are well positioned to keep tract of everything that’s going on everywhere.

      Furthermore, if that little town has just one Jew, then he/she will probably be either the doctor, the newspaper editor, the high school principle, or the mayor. And if you have four Jews, they will fill all four spots.

      They have an obsession with control. (Money doesn’t hurt either.)

    17. Ein Says:

      It’s often said that Jews don’t work. They don’t do anything productive. They like to sit and manage other people.

      Well, that’s largely true. But I have observed that Jews can really work very, very hard …. at getting others to work for them. Once they’ve got you working for them, THEN they sit back and take it easy.

    18. Tim McGreen Says:

      Ein, isn’t it something how the Jew gravitates towards powerful, high-paying jobs that produce little or nothing of value? Economists, movie studio executives, arms smugglers, diamond merchants, lawyers, money lenders, liberal arts professors, journalists, Wall Street big-shots….I daresay the world could get along quite nicely without those occupations.

      After the revolution, the Jews will be sent to labor camps in the Arctic Cirlcle, where they will have to dig their own latrine ditches and build their own barracks if they don’t want to freeze their asses off when the sun goes down.

    19. Henry Says:

      At the beginning of the year, some adjustment was made to my rent. As a result, it turns out that somehow I paid 4 cents short. I’m talking about four effin’ PENNIES!

      Can you believe that the landlord [a Jew] sent me an overdue notice and a bill for 4 cents?

      Well, I wasn’t going to spend 50 cents on postage, plus a check, just to send them 4 cents, so I let it slide. (Anyway, my rent is paid aotomatically by my bank, so I don’t see it every month.)

      But now I find that they (the Jews) have been charging me INTEREST on the 4 cents, plus DOUBLING it every month!!!

      Can you BELIEVE????

    20. Henry Says:

      And they wonder why there are pogroms!

    21. Ein Says:

      I can believe it.