13 May, 2010

Alex Linder Re: Toland’s Book About Hitler

Posted by Socrates in Alex Linder, German nationalists, Germany, Hitler, nationalism, Nazi era, Nazis, Socrates, White philosophy at 2:39 pm | Permanent Link

Alex on nationalists-vs.-Jews, then and now:

[VNN Forum post].

  • 48 Responses to “Alex Linder Re: Toland’s Book About Hitler”

    1. Antagonistes Says:

      They shot nurses just because they were carrying pistols to defend themselves? To defend themselves from the Reds?

    2. bojangles gizzards Says:


    3. Antagonistes Says:

      I read the books by Toland several years ago. I did not remember that passage.

      Sure enough, there it is. In my edition (1976) it is on p. 105.

      Strange that I was not struck by it before . . . in wars, atrocities are committed. But the gloating, chuckling arrogance of this youth when he speaks of murdering the nurses—I could not help but think of the savage niggers that killed Amy Biehl, and they way they acted.

      “We shot these little ladies with pleasure . . . how they cried . . .”

    4. Old Dutch Says:

      Alex— It was Hitler’s rival for power in the 1930’s Kurt von Schleicher who put down the Jewish communist revolt led by Leibnacht & Luxemberg after WWI. Hitler was an invalid at the time, and took no part in any of it.

      Kurt vonSchleicher gave the orders to kill, and scrapped together the troops to do it.

      Let’s no buy either Jewish history, or antique Nazi propaganda. The facts are more interesting than fiction.

    5. Jim Says:

      Great analysis Alex. As usual you get to the very crux of the problem and offer real solutions. I agree with you one hundred percent. Without a Leader who is the Twenty first Century equivilant to Adolf Hitler, I don’t see any real hope for our race. Only a strong Leader can unite and impower us in the coming struggle. One thing I will say for Mao Tse Tung. He had it right when he said that power comes from the barrel of a gun.

    6. fokker Says:

      Besides violence, one can’t overlook the importance of propaganda in Hitler’s rise. Goebbels tirelessly exploited every opportunity to glorify the heroics and sacrifice involved in the deciding battles.

      Without that important element, merely crushing the enemy would not have swelled the party ranks as it did, especially among the fence-standers and appeasers. As an example, the Horst Wessel legend grew out of the expert use by Goebbels of a fallen comrade as a sentimental symbol of nationalist martyrdom.

      Also, Hitler risked a very long prison sentence for his part in the
      violence of the Beerhall Putsch. He was lucky to spend only a year.
      Violence without proper strategy can easily end a movement before it has really started.

      Lastly, when overwhelming force not feasible, guerrilla warfare and psyops can work wonders to chip away at the enemy.

    7. Ein Says:

      “One thing I will say for Mao Tse Tung. He had it right when he said that power comes from the barrel of a gun.”–Jim

      Napoleon said much the same thing. That one journalist equals twenty divisions, or something like that (?)

      ” Hitler risked a very long prison sentence … He was lucky to spend only a year.”

      A great deal in history stems from nothing more than purest luck. The best you can do is be prepared to take advantage of luck when it comes along (assuming that it comes along).

      As for Herr H, his luck was amazing at first but, in the long run, ran out. He was up against massive odds that he couldn’t handle. Amazingly, he wrote about this in his MK where he lambasted the Central Powers for their folly in trying to fight a war on two fronts, taking on the massive British Empire, plus Russia, plus the United States and most of the Western Hemisphere. Then he ended up doing the same thing. And with the same outcome.

    8. Jim Says:

      The difference between Germany when Hitler took power and the ‘Kwa of today is that Germany was 100% white except for a small number of jews and gypsies. Here we have wall to wall niggers, jews, spics, and every other piece of scum from the third world. The odds we face are infinitely greater than what the National Socialists of the twenties and thirties had to put up with.

    9. Igor Alexander Says:

      Violence without proper strategy can easily end a movement before it has really started.

      That’s a crucial point. The NS didn’t back down from violence when it was necessary but they were obviously well-organized and the men were disciplined. Violence was a part of larger program. They weren’t just a bunch of thugs going around committing random acts of violence.

      The only place where I can see this kind of organized armed resistance coming from in the Kwa is from the militias, which is probably why Butt Schnauzer Potok puts so much of the $PLC’s money towards demonizing militias.

    10. Tim McGreen Says:

      Jews are indeed an international plague. At first, I thought the Jews’ plan was merely to rule over all the other races and nations of the world…As if that wasn’t bad enough! Then I realized they were actively trying to get all the different races of humanity to merge into a single raceless, docile cosmopolitan sometimes referred to as the UNESCO Brown Man.

      But the Jews’ ultimate plans go even beyond all of that. It’s now clear to me that the Jews intend to inseminate every race, nation and ethnic group on Earth with their cursed Seed of Abraham. When the Jews are done, there won’t be a single group of people left anywhere who don’t have at least some Jewish blood in their background. And the Jews do this, knowing how difficult it would be for any future race-based political or revolutionary movement to root out all those secret Jews, half-Jews, quarter Jews, etc. from the population. Diabolical!

      As Ein has pointed out, there are already a very large number of secret Iranian Jews, including, possibly, the notorious “anti Semite”, Iranian President Dr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. And many so-called White people in the Hollywood entertainment industry are in fact partially Jewish, to one degree or another. Harrison Ford, Alicia Silverstone, Lenny Kravitz and Zack Effron are just some of the better known examples.

      Christianity, Global Capitalism, Global Communism, Global Mass-Media, Zionism…All of those were, at best, only partially successful Jewish attempts at ruling the world. But by inflicting their genetics into all the Gentile races, by scattering their seed across the globe, the Jews will at last have the total dominion over all humanity that they have been dreaming of for at least the last 2000 years.

      But they haven’t won yet.

    11. Tim McGreen Says:

      Correction: Obviously, Lenny Kravitz could never be regarded as White. He is a Kosher Schvatze, an Hasidic Homeboy. Lenny Kravitz proves that the Jews are not just infiltrating the White Race with their seed, even though Whites are far and away their favorite race to attack.

    12. Jürgen Says:


      Has anyone read Toland’s original 1954 version?
      Is it the exact same text as the 1976 version?

      I heard that Doubleday, who published the 1976
      version, inserted some pictures in the middle with
      jewy captions.

      Also, does anyone know of a link to this work online?
      Thank you!

      ~ Jürgen

    13. Arminius Says:

      “One thing I will say for Mao Tse Tung. He had it right when he said that power comes from the barrel of a gun.”–Jim

      Napoleon said much the same thing. That one journalist equals twenty divisions, or something like that (?)”

      I am not sure about this, but in regard to the use of force it it worth to remember what Talleyrand said to Napoleon:
      “Sire, the bayonets are good for everything but one: To sit on it.”
      He was referring to the guerilla war in Spain, which Napoleon was unable to subdue. The clever priest indicated (with fine irony) the most efficient weapon to keep the people in obedience: Catholic religion!
      Isn’t Christianity today the greatest obstacle against the uprising of the white nations?

    14. fokker Says:

      Toland’s book is likely propaganda, similar to, and influenced by that of the subject.

      Francis Parker Yockey died in a jail cell in peacetime:


    15. fokker Says:

      Ted Kennedy did this.

      Who killed his brothers and set him up?


    16. fokker Says:

      Last but not least:


    17. fokker Says:

      Expose Jewry for the immigration nightmare.

      That is the Achilles heel of Jews in the West.

    18. Tim McGreen Says:

      But the Catholic Church, Big Business and Big Labor want the beaners in here too, fokker, not just the Hebes.

    19. Ein Says:

      “But the Catholic Church, Big Business and Big Labor want the beaners in here too, fokker, not just the Hebes.” –Tim

      Yes, the Jews have been cunning in making useful alliances that serve to slip across their programs, with those allies doing much of the work and taking much of the heat. It would much harder for the Jews to have to do it all by themselves. But they get others to rake their chustnuts for them, making it profitable for those others to do so…. even if those others are ultimately cutting their own throats in their greed and blindness.

    20. Ein Says:

      “When the Jews are done, there won’t be a single group of people left anywhere who don’t have at least some Jewish blood in their background. And the Jews do this, knowing how difficult it would be for any future race-based political or revolutionary movement to root out all those secret Jews, half-Jews, quarter Jews, etc.” — Tim

      I read somewhere that sperm banks and infertility clinics typically rely very heavily on sperm donors who are medical students. Well, a vastly over-represented percentage of medical students are Jewish. Thus your artifically inseminated baby will have a very large chance of being half-Jewish.

    21. Antagonistes Says:

      The Jews intend to inseminate every race?

      And who are these Jewish Cassanovas, these irresistable Jewish hulks?

      Honestly, I have seen 50-ish women screeching about Neil Diamond at one of his (excellent) concerts, but I actually have not seen the phenomenon of Jews lurking around inseminating women of all races!

      Tim, could you be confusing Jews with Blacks, or fraternity boys?

    22. Henry Says:

      No, Tim is not confused at all about this.

      PS. I’ve seen them screeching about Barry Manilow. But that’s another story.

    23. Antagonistes Says:

      Barry Manilow!

      I have seen women lined up, after his concerts, to get inseminated by him! Women of all races!

      Don’t let his boyish, cheerful demeanor fool you! The man is a beast! Cunning, deceitful, hell-bent on domination . . .

      No, wait! That was Rod Stewart.

    24. Justin Huber Says:

      I agree with Alex’s latest post. The current white nationalist movement seems to be much too “academic” in its nature.

    25. Jim Says:

      The plan of the jew for world domination is to inseminate only the most intelligent minority of every race. When the intelligensia has totally been iinfected by the jewish virus, they can easily control the mongrolized, bastardized sub-humanity that will remain. The jews will encourage race mixing for average and below average humans. If the jews were to inject their genetic virus into all humanity, everyone would be a jew and they would have no slave class to control. The jews are a highly mongrolized race. This gives the jews the advantage of a cunning devious pseudo-intelligence that is totally alien to the White man.

    26. Antagonistes Says:

      And what of the dark rumors, the incessant murmurs, that Hitler himself had some Jewish ancestry?

      That the women he was involved with did, in fact, NOT commit suicide but that he had them killed because they suspected his dark secret?

    27. Tim McGreen Says:

      “If the jews were to inject their genetic virus into all humanity, everyone would be a jew and they would have no slave class to control.”

      Very true Jim, so I guess the Arabs, the lower-bred Mestizoes and the jet-black African Negroes will wind up being the Jews’ servant races. But I’m convinced that the Jews are planning to sprinkle their genes over every race. That will insure their eternal survival, even though their mongrelized, Judaized descendants may eventually forget about Judaism itself. They will still have the Jew mentality and the Divine Jew Mission in their heads and in their blood forever.

      But as far as screaming shiksas who swoon over their Jew music heroes are concerned, I wonder how many thousands of those girls, many of whom were doubtless under age and very naive, got knocked up by or recieved an STD from the likes of David Lee Roth and Gene Simmons? I’ll wager it was a pretty large number.

    28. Antagonistes Says:

      Actually, it was the Bee Gees–Barry, Robin, and (the late) Maurice Gibb–who went to Israel and impregnated over two-hundred Israeli girls.

      Now, what nation on earth would want disco-genes in their blood forever?

      Who is controlling whom?

    29. Tim McGreen Says:

      That’s funny, Antagonistes…..Goy music stars impregnating young Jewesses. So at least in that one instance, the tables were turned. And that Aussie blood no doubt improved the genetic quality of the mixed-Jew offspring.

    30. Jim Says:

      Tim, Many of the Arabs, although highly mongrelized, are more jew wise than the average White. There seems to be a sinister coding in the jewish DNA structure that causes them to behave and think the way they do. It is inbred in the jewish race and is not subject to environmental modification. The jews realize that the particular jew mentality makes them special (THE CHOSEN). I see no reason why they would desire to share their “chosenness” with us goyim.

    31. Jim Says:

      It is not mongrelization per se that creates the jew mentality, but the jewish DNA injected into the non jewish genetic code that creates a JEW.

    32. Jim Says:

      The jew is a natural parasite. If everyone was a jew, there would be no host population for the jew to prey on and the jews would eventually self destruct. The jews may be crazy, but they are not stupid.

    33. Tim McGreen Says:

      Jim, there was a time when a Jewish mother would have been angry with her son Irving, the doctor, for dating a shiksa. But nowadays the Jews freely breed with Whites and even some Blacks and Orientals. That may be due to some innate Jew survival instinct that requires them to expand their numbers by using Gentile hosts, I don’t know. But what I do know is that even half-Jews are raised as if they were fully Jewish and probably a lot of quarter Jews as well.

      It’s also true that a lot of Jewish men want nothing to do with those unfeminine, demanding, useless, frigid, foulmouthed Jewesses and will jump at the chance to get themselves a shiksa. Just ask Maury Povich, Larry King and Howard Stern.

    34. Jim Says:

      Right Tim, but the kikes go for only the most attractive and intelligent shiksas.

    35. William Says:

      If a majority of Americans really knew the TRUTH, there would be Jews hanging from streetlights. Read the words of Benjamin Freedman and the Harold Wallace Rosenthal interview. But, most Americans just accept the Khazar lies. Look at Elena Kagan, and Foxman and Emmanual and Volker and Blankfein and Rubin and Lieberman and on and on. The truth does not count. Only the Khazar lies seem to work. Bottom line: America is doomed.

    36. Ein Says:

      Jim Says: ” The plan of the jew for world domination is to inseminate only the most intelligent minority of every race. When the intelligensia have totally been iinfected by the jewish virus, they can easily control the mongrolized, bastardized sub-humanity that will remain.” I

      And not only the most intelligent, but you’ll notice, also the best looking, most talented, and the most outstanding in every way. With their wealth and power giving them leverage, Jews have the pick of the marriage market. That’s why so many of Hollywood’s beauties, Playmates, etc. end up married to a Jew, becoming Mrs. Goldstein, a trophy wife — if they want to have money, comforts, fame, and careers. That’s a powerful temptation to cross over. Jews get first pick of the shicksas, as Jim says above.

    37. Ein Says:

      Tim says: “Nowadays Jews freely breed with Whites and even some Blacks and Orientals. … due to some innate Jew survival instinct that requires them to expand their numbers by using Gentile hosts, I don’t know. But what I do know is that even half-Jews are raised as if they were fully Jewish and probably a lot of quarter Jews as well.”

      I was really astonished (and I should be way past that by now) when I read that Obama’s half-brother is a Jew, living in China and married to a Chinese. Wow!

      [His father’s second, or third (?) wife was Jewish. Therefore, Obama’s step-mother and half-brother are Jews.]

      So, though half-Kenyan, and living in China, he considers himself a Jew. Part-Jews nearly always lean to the Jewish part.

      By the way, although the general American public would be very little aware of this little morsel of fact (and wouldn’t see any significance in it anyway), I am sure that the Jews who were looking him over for possible promotion to President, were well aware of it and were thrilled to discover it. That little thing may have clinched the White House, for all we know. It’s always handy to have a Jew in the family — even if you’re not one yourself. It ensures that you’ll behave.

    38. Howdy Doody Says:

      It ensures that you’ll behave

    39. Blackshirt Says:

      Jim Says:

      “Right Tim, but the kikes go for only the most attractive and intelligent shiksas.”

      And when you think about it, how do those Jews get the shiksas attention in the first place? Certainly not by their looks, but it is usually because the kike has money or influence. It is no secret that women will go after any man with money and/or influence, it is an evolutionary strategy. The question is how we are going to change that?

      This is why I think the lone wolf strategy is most effective. Unlike the skinheads of yesteryear who tattooed themselves and put themselves out of the running for good jobs, the lone wolf strategy allows us to melt into the general populace making it easier to get a good job, and hence money and influence. It sucks and it isn’t fair, but let’s face it, money and influence bring power. Part of the problem with our movement/struggle is that we don’t have the wealth and influence that ultimately bring power.

    40. Blackshirt Says:

      Antagonistes Says:

      “And what of the dark rumors, the incessant murmurs, that Hitler himself had some Jewish ancestry?”

      I don’t know why Jews or anyone else would want to find out whether Hitler had any Jewish ancestry. I would think it would horrify the yids if they found out he had some Jewish blood. Frankly I don’t care one way or another, but I would find it funny if he did. And let’s just say hypothetically that he had Jew in him- so what? Would that take away anything from his actions? He is still looked at as the greatest Aryan protagonist that ever lived and despised by Jews forever.

    41. Tim McGreen Says:

      Jim, you’re right, I should have thought out my amazing theory a little more. The Jews WILL spill their seed among the Gentile races in order to expand their numbers and ensure the survival of their Tribe, but will only mate with the best-looking or most high-born shiksas they can get their shithooks on. Makes sense.

    42. Tim McGreen Says:

      “If a majority of Americans really knew the TRUTH, there would be Jews hanging from streetlights. ”

      Really? I wonder about that.

      “But, most Americans just accept the Khazar lies………Only the Khazar lies seem to work.”

      I don’t get this thing about “Khazars”. It’s as if some WNs are trying to make excuses for the Jews by blaming all their crimes on some group of “make believe” Jews. Khazars, Sephardim………They ALL look and act like Jews to me.

    43. Sean Gruber Says:

      “Goy music stars impregnating young Jewesses. So at least in that one instance, the tables were turned.”

      We’re missing the point. Jewishness is being born of a jew mother.

      If your mom’s a jew, you’re a full jew (even if your dad wasn’t a jew). If your dad’s a jew but mom isn’t, you’re a half-jew.

      The point is “impregnating young Jewesses” doesn’t “turn the tables.” It’s total fail.

      Jewishness is MATRILINEAL.

      Tim McGreen is a suspicious character: no one can honestly be that much of a goofball, right?

    44. Tim McGreen Says:

      Sean Goober is the one who gave me 8 thumbs down in my last post…..I SEEN him do it. Talk about a suspicious character? And who says Jews are “matrilineal”? Your effeminate Christian pastor? What does he know? He’s as ignorant as you are, Sean Goober.

      Suspicious minds.

    45. Yahoody Doody Says:

      “Tim McGreen is a suspicious character: no one can honestly be that much of a goofball, right?”

      There’s no bout adoubt it!

    46. Varg Says:

      Sean Gruber Says:
      22 May, 2010 at 10:35 pm

      “Goy music stars impregnating young Jewesses. So at least in that one instance, the tables were turned.”

      We’re missing the point. Jewishness is being born of a jew mother.

      If your mom’s

      Yes according to jewish law. I do not follow jewish law. Jews are a mongrel race. Would you say a biracial child born from a black-father / White mother isn’t part nigger because the mother was White?

    47. Tim McGreen Says:

      Ladies and Gentlemen, I have proof that Sean Goober and Yahoody Doody are the same person !!! (gasps of surprise and disbelief) There…You see? (pulls back covers)

      Now, now, people, calm down! calm down! (general pandemonium breaks out in the theater as Goober falls in a feminine-style swoon) Please form a single line so we can start kicking his monkey-ass all over the place! (crowd cheers in anticipation)

    48. Yahoody Doody Says:

      Cannot proof. Person proof are not the same.