21 May, 2010

A History of the Polish Communist Party

Posted by Socrates in communism, jewed culture, jewed law, jewed politics, Marxism, Poland, Socrates at 9:53 pm | Permanent Link

You won’t be shocked to learn that that party, like most European communist parties, was heavily Jewish. It was co-founded by, among others, the Jew Adolf Warski, who, for some reason, has a shipyard named after him in Szczecin, Poland. (Do you think they’ll ever name a shipyard after Alex Linder or David Duke?). In the post-war years, the Polish communist party was run by Jews such as Jacob Berman, Boleslaw Bierut, Jozef Rozanski, Hersh Smolar, Stefan Staszewski and Artur Starewicz:


  • 48 Responses to “A History of the Polish Communist Party”

    1. Bret Ludwig Says:

      Staszewski and Starewicz are, generally speaking, not Jewish names in Poland. That isn’t to say they are positively not Jews, of course, since Jewishness is matrilineal.

    2. Tim McGreen Says:

      I like how the Jews and other historical “experts” keep telling us about Hitler’s bad-guy invasion of Poland. But they conveniently forget that the Bolsheviks attacked Poland in 1918 to keep it from breaking away from Soviet Russia. They also forget, conveniently, that Stalin’s Red Army occupied the eastern half of Poland from 1939-41, and that the Red Army also attacked Finland and the Baltic States. But why let inconvenient facts like those get in the way, eh, Jews?

    3. Tim McGreen Says:

      Bret, at one time the Jews were very strict about that Jews-can-only-come-from-a-Hebress’-birth-canal-thing. But with so many Jewish males now mating with shiksas, that rule has been thrown out the proverbial window.

      The Jews like to boast and brag about how they have the world’s oldest continual religion/culture, but that’s horseshit. The reality is that the Judaism of today bears little resemblance to the Judaism of 2000 years ago and the Judaism of that time bears little resemblance to the Judaism practiced 1000 years before that, etc.

      Like I said in another post, 90% of Jew history is make-believe. Those people have no real history, culture or religion, except to worship themselves, their money and their Zionist State in Occupied Palesine.

    4. tbow002 Says:

      Yes they do…It is a culture of deceit. A Culture of doing ANYTHING no matter how devious and destructive to increase their power, wealth and control, while trying to eliminate all other clans via forced migration and population displacement, monetary and economic manipulation, and just plain scattering people across the globe. They have always been like that since the days of the Pharoahs…Thier whole history, in the big book of lies, is just PR spinnage to make them look like the eteranl victims and scapegoats to fool people into trusting them…

      The people of deceit. is what they should be known as through out history from this day forth.

    5. Ein Says:

      Bret Ludwig Says:
      “Staszewski and Starewicz are, generally speaking, not Jewish names in Poland. ”

      Just as here, there are obvious Jewish names; and then there are other not-obviously Jewish names.

    6. Tim Harris Says:

      To add insult to injury, “Szczecin” is actually the Polish-occupied German city Stettin. The communists scooped it after the war even though it was supposed to stay with Germany even according to the partition dictated by the Allies, and Germany was helpless to do anything about it. When communism fell, I guess the Poles must have decided not to give it back.

    7. Tim McGreen Says:

      Now that the USSR is gone, the borders of the Reich need to be re-drawn so that they approximate the pre-1945 boundaries. Give Koenigsberg, Danzig, the Sudentenland and East Prussia back to Germany; Re-establish the German state of Prussia; Push the Polish borders back east 100 miles to their pre-1945 location. One third of the Reich has been stolen by the Allies and it’s high time that land was restored to its rightful owners.

    8. abc Says:

      “Do you think they’ll ever name a shipyard after Alex Linder or David Duke?)”

      Anything but please no battleship nor carrier. Can you imagine the USS Alex Linder going in the Red Sea fight for Israel, the USS David Duke bomb Lebanon?

    9. Socrates Says:

      Re: Staszewski, it seems he’s a name-changer:


    10. CW-2 Says:

      Let’s not forget the great German city of Breslau also stolen from the Reich and given to Poland as ‘compensation’ after WWjew. Compensation for what? Compensation for being de-jewed?

    11. Blackshirt Says:

      All this talk about returning land to Germany is highly unrealistic. I agree that it was criminal to take the Prussian and Silesian areas away from Germany at the end of WWII, but that was over 60 years ago and there have been some important changes in demographics to keep in mind. When the borders of Poland were pushed to the Oder river, Stalin made sure that all the Germans on that land were displaced and Poles brought in to populate those areas. Those areas now have almost no German people left living there (possibly none at all) and that is the way it has been for all this time since the war. Even if Germany were to hypothetically get that territory back, thousands of Poles would have to get displaced. On top of that Germany would have to find a way to re-populate those areas, and judging by the low birthrate and population flow from former E. Germany into Western Germany, it would be an enormous task, if not an impossible one.

      Basically what I’m saying is that all this fantasizing about returning the Prussian lands to Germany is feel good stuff, but not realistic at all.

    12. Blackshirt Says:

      An addendum to what I said above… putting Poland’s borders back to pre-1939 would be a nightmare in other ways. Not only did Stalin take German land, but he took a great deal of Poland’s land to the East and gave it to modern Ukraine and Belarus. Trying to take those lands back from those countries would cause a lot of unnecessary strife between good White people. Give Germany back the Sudetenland? Great, start a war between the Germans and the Czechs… not a good idea in my opinion. Like it or not, borders have changed and attempting to redraw them will only cause strife and warfare between White people, which is suicide in a world where all of us Whites need to stick together to survive, not getting caught up in brother’s wars that only benefit the mud people and our enemies.

    13. Tim McGreen Says:

      Blackshirt, somewhere between 10 to 15 million ethnic Germans were forcibly removed from the eastern parts of Germany after WWII. At least one million of them died in the process. It was the Germans’ version of the Cherokees’ Trail of Tears, you might say.

      Like it or not, as Germany reasserts itself, those old wrongs will have to be addressed. Besides, the political map of central Europe has always been in a state of flux. The present arrangement of states in that area is absurd and cannot last, just like the post-Yugoslavia Balkan region. When the alien constraints are finally cast off, the Serbs will dominate that part of Europe just as the Germans will dominate central Europe. Hence we will see a restoration of the natural order of things on that continent.

    14. Blackshirt Says:

      Tim, I have a lot of respect for you on most things, but I have to differ with you about the subject at hand.

      “Like it or not, as Germany reasserts itself, those old wrongs will have to be addressed.”

      First off, in my opinion Germany won’t be reasserting itself any time soon. Germans are quite content with being an economic power in Europe and 60+ years of pacifist indoctrination, as well as a painful experience in WWII has left the Germans with little taste for warfare. You have a better chance of seeing the Slavs of Eastern Europe (including the Russians) asserting themselves with greater vigor.

      Second, exactly how would having Germans demanding repatriation of territory be good for the White race? To me this seems like nationalist insanity- most modern White racists see the folly of blind nationalism and White on White warfare. Perhaps this sort of talk gives Germanophiles and narrow-minded German Nationalists a hard on, but to genuine Pan Aryans the thought of more brother’s wars in the name of nationalism is pure insanity.

      It is my opinion that this sort of talk (repatriation of land to Germany) makes the Jews very happy. The Jew and his goy internationalist lackeys LOVE it when White nations fight with each other over stupid nationalist squabbles. Millions of White men dead in WWI and WWII because of nationalist fervor, leaving a wasteland and weakened resistance to the the kikes who come in to divide up the spoils.

      I’m sorry Tim, but I’m not for antagonizing millions of Slavic Poles and Czechs for the sake of righting a 60+ year old wrong against the Germans. It is best left in the past unless you want to see White people killing each other again.

    15. Tim McGreen Says:

      Blackshirt, the tribal roots of the various European peoples probably go all the way back to the Ice Age. That tribalism cannot and should not be eradicated. If you are advocating a pan-Aryan version of the EU, then I think you are being naive and unrealistic. Even if such a Union were to be developed, guess who would dominate it? The Italians? The Portugese? No, the Germans would. Like it or not, they have been calling the shots in Europe since the Visigoth King Odoacer declared that the Western Roman Empire had no more need of Emperors in 476.

      Like you, I certainly don’t want to see Whites in Europe slaughtering each other all over again while the Jew hides behind the curtain and laughs up his sleeve. All I’m saying is that the post WWII borders of central and eastern Europe are a relic of the Yalta and Potsdam conferences and should be re-drawn in a way that is more in keeping with historic, cultural and traditional boundaries. No wholesale bloodshed is needed for that.

    16. CW-2 Says:

      Blackshirt is right on this one. It is all too easy to fall into the trap of petty nationalism to the detriment of our true goal, White Nationalism. It is difficult but we need constantly to think of Pan-Aryan strategies. A recent thread on forming links with Whites in South America addresses this issue.

    17. Tim McGreen Says:

      Yes, Blackshirt’s point is taken, but people are by their very nature tribal. So any kind of Superstate, even one based on pan aryanism, is ultimately doomed to failure. I think we can have our various tribes without getting in each other’s way or getting on each other’s nerves.

    18. Jim Says:

      Blackshirt is right. Pan Aryanism is the ONLY strategy that will save the White race. We must think of our White brothers and sisters in all nations as our extended kin. In a jew free Pan Aryan Nation (probably somewhere in Eastern Europe) governed on the Fuhrer Principle, we will become strong again, increase our birthrate, and someday assert our rightful dominion over the earth.

    19. Blackshirt Says:

      I think this is an important discussion and I’m glad to hear all opinions on this issue.

      Tim, just to clarify, I am not advocating a Pan-Aryan “superstate” or that ethnic differences within the White race be ignored or dismissed.

      “I think we can have our various tribes without getting in each other’s way or getting on each other’s nerves.”

      Exactly. And that is why I’m against redrawing the European borders in a manner that will only create friction between Germans and Eastern European Slavs. Nothing good can come of it. It might make German nationalists happy, but it will make everyone else mad as hell.

      “Like it or not, they have been calling the shots in Europe since the Visigoth King Odoacer declared that the Western Roman Empire had no more need of Emperors in 476.”

      Actually Tim, I think you are incorrect with that. Germany wasn’t unified until 1870, and before that the entity known as “Germany” was dozens of different principalities and kingdoms who played fairly minor roles in European politics. Up until the end of the Franco-Prussian War France, England, Austria and Russia were “calling the shots” in Europe.

    20. Blackshirt Says:

      Oops, I forgot to throw Spain in the list of countries that were grand European powers… well at least until the 18th century.

    21. Tim McGreen Says:

      “Germany wasn’t unified until 1870, and before that the entity known as “Germany” was dozens of different principalities and kingdoms who played fairly minor roles in European politics. Up until the end of the Franco-Prussian War France, England, Austria and Russia were “calling the shots” in Europe.”

      Yes, but the Goths, Franks, Saxons, Vandals and other such “barbarian” tribes were all, collectively speaking, of Germanic origin. And then later on you had the Carolingian and Merovingian Dynasties, The Holy Roman Empire (what Hitler called the First Reich), Prussia under Frederick the Great…

      And of course Austria, or the East Reich, is also Germanic in origin. Marie Antoinette was an Austrian Hapsburg and the Hapsburgs ruled over Spain, at least up until 300 years ago. The British royal family is of Germanic ancestry, as was much of the Romanov Dynasty. And don’t forget all the influence a certain German monk from Wittenberg had over Europe beginning in the 16th century.

      As I write this, I marvel at just how much influence the Germans have had over European history for the last 1600 years!

    22. Jim Says:

      Germany today is only a pale reflection of her former self. Sixty five years of continual jew induced guilt tripping and Nazi bashing have turned most Germans into obediant servants of the Jew World Order Agenda. Germany may indeed live again, but that will be in the distant future, and only after a White Awakening in Eastern Europe.

    23. Tim McGreen Says:

      Both ancient Greece and Egypt went through a long period of stagnation in between eras of greatness, so hopefully Germany still has a chance.

    24. Arminius Says:

      It was the Church, which gave the Jews a sanctuary in Poland when they were expelled from many European countries. The Catholic Church got on with them quite amicably for centuries up to this day. Because Catholic faith rules the Poles absolutely, questioning this system found never support.
      In 1938 Jews comprised 10 p.c. of the 31 million population of Poland. It was then the highest anywhere in the world. As the case of Pope John Paul II. indicates, they were well established within the clergy.
      Jew propaganda and Jew power over the Germans may and will be shaken off someday beause it is superficial, but the Slaves submission to Jew-and Church rule sits too deep, leaves no hope Poles will ever join our cause. I think it is wrong to view their mentality from our western standpoint, in spite of the few racial differences.
      Insofar I believe Tim has the better ground.

    25. Blackshirt Says:

      Tim, points taken in regards to the Germanic tribes and their influence. I guess if you go back far enough and do some DNA tests you probably will find some German ancestry in all the populations of Europe. The question is, does this make a Frenchman or an Englishman, or a Czech a German? No it does not, and these people wouldn’t consider themselves “German” either. Nor does having Roman ancestry make a modern German a “Roman”. When I speak of Germans I speak of the German nation, and the people who consider themselves “German”- blood, language and culture.

      And when referring to the German nation, one can only refer to the states that specifically consider themselves “German”. The Holy Roman Empire wasn’t completely German, and as we used to say in History class, it was neither “holy” “Roman” or an “empire”. The Holy Roman Empire included not only German states and principalities, but also Czech, Italian, French, Belgian, and Dutch territories. During it’s existence, the Holy Roman Empire could hardly be considered one of the dominant powers in Europe compared to France, Spain, or England. At the most it was a confederation of states which elected it’s emperor, and during the Catholic/Protestant conflicts and following the Reformation it was pretty weak as an Empire.

      But let’s not turn this in to a History lecture. The point of all this is to reinforce what I said in regards to “Germany” not “calling the shots” in Europe until it became unified after the Franco-Prussian War.

      Of course the more important issue is whether redrawing the borders of Germany at some point in the future is necessary or desirable considering the problems it will cause amongst our Slavic White brothers.

    26. Lucky Luke Says:

      Blackshirt, I think when the time comes Germany can settle these border issues without the help of countries that have no business in Central Europe.

      The Second World War turned into a world war with millions of whites slaughtering each other because Great Britain and her allies tried to interfere when Germany was trying to solve her border issues with Poland.

    27. Blackshirt Says:

      Lucky Luke Says:

      “Blackshirt, I think when the time comes Germany can settle these border issues without the help of countries that have no business in Central Europe.”

      What do you mean by “countries that have no business in Central Europe”? Which countries are you referring to?

      “…because Great Britain and her allies tried to interfere when Germany was trying to solve her border issues with Poland.”

      Germany attacked Poland and had a secret agreement with the Soviet Union to divide Poland between themselves (see Molotov/Ribbentrop non-aggression pact). Hitler used flimsy excuses to attack Poland and made a pact with COMMUNISTS to fulfill his goals. Sorry, but that’s the truth. I believe there is even a hard copy of this agreement available to view from the Russian archives. So, all this crap about Germany being the victim and the Poles being aggressors is absolute rubbish. Now I know a lot of you are in love with Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich and think Der Führer could do no wrong, but he was not looking out for the interests of White people. The only people Hitler cared about were the German people and people of Nordic stock. He was no Pan Aryan.

      As far as “Germany solving it’s border issues with Poland”, there was never a plan to solve any “border issues”. The plan was to wipe Poland off the map from the beginning.

      Listen, I’m not trying to defend world Jewry or it’s proxy states such as Great Britain or the USA. The point I’m trying to make is that you have to look at what Hitler did warts and all. I do not see the war as a shinning example of Hitler’s genius, I see it as a shinning example of his folly. As far as I’m concerned the war was a huge miscalculation and mistake that undid all the good Hitler had done up until that time. The war left Jews in control of the world through Jew Capitalism and Jew Communism. And I don’t believe the malarkey that Hitler was forced into war- he provoked it and WANTED it.

    28. Blackshirt Says:

      I see by the “thumbs down” to my above comments that there are still a couple types out there who think Hitler could do no wrong. I give up, some of you are so in love with the Third Reich and Germany that you’d gladly see White men killing each other again for another go at Germany running Europe.

    29. Tim McGreen Says:

      Blackshirt, as a student of history you are doubtless aware of the fact that between 1795 and 1918 there was no country called Poland. It was part of Prussia, the Hapsburg Empire and the Russian Empire.

    30. Blackshirt Says:

      Tim, you are correct. But remember that there was a large Polish-Lithuanian kingdom from 1569–1795, and the Polish kingdom was far older. This was at a time when there was no “Germany” and Prussia was a small kingdom.


      Yes, Poland was partitioned, but does that mean the Poles deserve no country? By that logic, Germany should have ceased to exist after WWII.

    31. Ein Says:

      “And I don’t believe the malarkey that Hitler was forced into war- he provoked it and WANTED it.”

      “I see by the “thumbs down” to my above comments that there are still a couple types out there who think Hitler could do no wrong.”


      Blackshirt, first let me say that I like your posts, and I can tell from your writing that you are a good-natured and generous sort of person. So I like you too. I also understand that you have some Slavic heritage, so that may make you particularly sensitive on these issues, a fact I respect, and I don’t wish to offend you.

      That much being said, and with all respect, I was one who gave you a (regretful) “thumbs-down” because I disagreed totally and strongly with your final sentence. That was all. I absolutely do NOT believe that H. wanted to get into that war! He knew better, and he tried desperately to avoid it.

      I cannot not speak for anyone else here, but I am also NOT one who thinks H. “could do no wrong” (and I have never claimed any such nonsense), so that assertion is a great exaggeration on your part which is wholly unjustified. H. made plenty of mistakes (and what mere human hasn’t?), but I DON’T believe he wanted to get into a disastrous war with the rest of the world — a war he COULD NOT WIN. He was fully aware of that fact and even made that knowledge clear in Mein Kampf when he lambasted the Central Powers for committing exactly that same mistake in WW1. Yet, he ended up getting sucked into another, very similar, situation in WW2! It was equally disastrous for Germany the second time around — no, even worse!

      It’s an established fact that world Jewry declared war on H. the day after he came to power! That is even recorded in front page headlines from London and New York in newspapers of the time. The Jews were determined to destroy Germany, in any way that was necessary — even if it took full out war. H. was provoked and tormented incessantly, until Pearl Harbor, when he finally took the bait…. a disastrous mistake on his part. But he was left little choice. He was obligated by his treaty with Japan.

      It’s the same as we recently saw with “Dubya” Bush provoking Saddam and accusing Saddam of all sorts lies and allegations, and there was really nothing Saddam could do, because Bush was DETERMINED to have a war and remove Saddam, one way or another. For Saddam, who also tried to avoid it, war was inescapable. And so was it for Hitler. With Churchill and FDR (and their respective gangs of Jews manipulating them) pushing for war, it was unavoidable. You can’t make peace with someone who doesn’t want peace…. with someone who wants you DEAD!!!

      Let me add another thing, which is more minor, and which I had passed over without comment previously. You’re mistaken in stating that Germany never amounted to anything much until it’s unification (actualy its RE-unification!) in 1870. The German Empire was the central force in continental Europe for a thousand years, before it was effectively dismantled in 1648, as a result of the disastrous ThirtyYears War. Thereafter, for the next couple of centuries, the disunited German statelets were effectively impotent, because that’s the way the triumphant powers (namely France) arranged it. England liked it that way too, and so it remained. But that was not the way it had always been. The German Empire was restored in 1870 to something of what it had been in previous centuries, but still not fully the same thing. It never reached again the size and prominence that it had in the Middle Ages (except for a few years under Hitler).

      And by the way, (despite the screenname) I’m not German at all, so, unlike you, I don’t have any personal axe to grind. That’s just history! Sorry. No hard feelings.

    32. Blackshirt Says:

      Ein, I appreciate your opinion and the nice things you said about me. We could go on and on for hours about this, but I think I’ve already stated my position, so it is time for me to move on. I respectfully disagree with you and Tim on this, but we agree on more things than we disagree on. Thanks for your informative posts and I hope you continue to be a voice of reason on this forum.

    33. Lucky Luke Says:


      The Holy Roman Empire included not only German states and principalities, but also Czech, Italian, French, Belgian, and Dutch territories.

      By that standard the British Empire wasn’t British. And it still includes parts of Ireland, Wales and Scotland.

      During it’s existence, the Holy Roman Empire could hardly be considered one of the dominant powers in Europe compared to France, Spain, or England. At the most it was a confederation of states which elected it’s emperor, and during the Catholic/Protestant conflicts and following the Reformation it was pretty weak as an Empire.

      But let’s not turn this in to a History lecture. The point of all this is to reinforce what I said in regards to “Germany” not “calling the shots” in Europe until it became unified after the Franco-Prussian War.

      Yes, Germany was the most peacefull country in Europe during most of it’s existence. The peaceful heart of Europe. Is that a problem? And I can back up that claim with statistics if you don’t believe me.

      But remember that there was a large Polish-Lithuanian kingdom from 1569–1795, and the Polish kingdom was far older. This was at a time when there was no “Germany” and Prussia was a small kingdom.

      What? No Germany between 1569–1795?

      Germany attacked Poland and had a secret agreement with the Soviet Union to divide Poland between themselves (see Molotov/Ribbentrop non-aggression pact). Hitler used flimsy excuses to attack Poland and made a pact with COMMUNISTS to fulfill his goals. Sorry, but that’s the truth.

      You do know that the partition of Poland was Stalin’s idea and came as a total surprise for the German side during the negotiations?
      It is well known that Great Britain encouraged Poland not to accept any German offer to solve the border question. And it is well known that Germany made several proposals for a peaceful solution.

      Your claim that Hitler’s “plan was to wipe Poland off the map from the beginning” is pure speculation and very likely wrong.

      I believe there is even a hard copy of this agreement available to view from the Russian archives.

      For decades the only hardcopy that was accessible to the public was the one in the German archives, not the one in the Russian archives. The Russians denied its existence for decades, because it was so embarrassing for them.

      Of course the more important issue is whether redrawing the borders of Germany at some point in the future is necessary or desirable considering the problems it will cause amongst our Slavic White brothers.

      The Poles have stolen German land and property. Who are you to decide that the Germans cannot get their property back?
      What’s more problematic: Having 80 million Germans and the most powerful economy in Europe as your enemy, or 40 million Poles and their third-world economy?
      And I doubt that Poles see Germans as their “Germanic White brothers”. And deep down most Poles in the German areas know that they live on stolen property and that a redrawing of the borders would only reestablish justice. And mind you, the Poles are happily promoting the Holocaust scam with their funny little theme park called Auschwitz, happily promoting atrocity stories about Germans.

      And I wouldn’t count on Poland’s “Slavic White brothers”. Poland has this unique ability to turn every neighbor into an enemy. Prove me wrong, but I dare say that no other Slavic country would feel offended, if Germany would get it’s eastern territories back from Poland.

      Do you really believe that in 1939 the UK, France and the US, when they supported Poland against Germany, did that because they cared so much about Poland? No, certainly not. Their only goal was to weaken Germany and to provoke war, they didn’t care about Poland at all. As the later development proves. Churchill did nothing when Russia invaded the other half of Poland, and happily sold Poland to Stalin after the war.
      The US (or the UK) will never be a true ally of Poland, because Poland has nothing to offer as an ally. Nothing! It’s a thirld-world economy and a third-world military force.

      The annexation and expulsion of Germans was against international law. Allowing the Poles to stay there would constitute a precedent. It would mean that any state could legally annex land and expel the indigenous population. The only thing they would have to do is wait 60 or 70 years. Then it would be “immoral” and “unjust” to expel the settlers of the invading country. Sorry, but that logic is not going to work.

      And what do you plan to do if Germans are one day going to get their land back? Throw bombs on German cities again?

      The number of Germans who were expelled from former Eastern German territories was approx. 8 million, more than 1 million of them died. This number does not include other parts of Eastern Europe that were not part of Germany. The number of all ethnic Germans that were expelled from Eastern Europa is estimated to be between 12 and 15 millions. Since not all of Eastern Germany is occupied by Poland (some parts are occupied by Lithuania, Russia), the number of Germans that were expelled from what is currently Polish territory is probably 6 million.

      Now, how many Poles do you think were expelled from the Soviet Union after Poland’s eastern border was redrawn? 6 million? 4 million? No. Only 1.2 million Poles. Poland expelled 6 million Germans to accommodate 1.2 million Poles. So a redrawing of the Polish border wouldn’t be a problem at all. If Poland couldn’t accommodate them (very unlikely), they could move to their best “friends”, to the Uk or to the US. Nobody would notice a difference. Did you know that currently each year more than 120.000 Poles move to Germany? Aren’t they pathetic? It’s not that they have such a high birthrate and that Poland would suffer from overpopulation. But for some reason they don’t seem to know what to do with all this land they got from the Germans.

      Oh, and there’s no such thing as Pan Aryansim among Europeans. There is no such thing as “White Nationalism” in Europe, because all indigenous European people are white.
      Human groups will always compete with each other. The only reason why there is such a thing as “White Nationalism” in the US is because White Americans are a blend of several European nations, and no group is a clear majority. And they realize that they have a common enemy. If these common enemies (blacks, Mexicans, Jews) wouldn’t exist, you would see more competition between the remaining groups. Europeans see themselves first as Poles, Germans, Croats, Danes, Russians, Norwegians, Italians etc., not as Whites or Europeans, if you like it or not.

    34. Ein Says:

      “Ein, I respectfully disagree with you and Tim on this, but we agree on more things than we disagree on. Thanks for your informative posts and I hope you continue to be a voice of reason on this forum.”

      Thanks. I have never known you to disagree with Tim on ANYTHING — so this must be a first! (I guess you are two distinct people after all.) [smile] Therefore, in such a rare instance, I am not offended. It’s practically an honor.

      And I thank YOU for your kind comments as well. This is how intellegent, adult debate should be — no screaming childish insults, just sober, civil discussion of facts (and some opinions too). Best of wishes to you!

    35. Ein Says:

      “The Holy Roman Empire included not only German states and principalities, but also Czech, Italian, French, Belgian, and Dutch territories. “

      The very name “empire” explains that. It was not a “nation” but an “empire” of many peoples , languages, and cultures. That didn’t matter to people then. The concept of nationhood and nationality is a modern thing, which came into existence after the Napoleonic wars and in reaction to them. [Napoleon was very international, and (when you come down to it) was not even French himself.] Before that, subjects owed loyalty to a ruler — whoever that ruler might be. It was not considered necessary for the ruler to be of the same nationality (or even speak the same language) as his subjects .

      After all, even England’s King George didn’t speak English — but that didn’t matter! He was still the King of England anyway. And so you had the Hapsburgs ruling the Czechs and Humgarians… and so on. Even some of the latter kings of Poland were Saxons, and (I don’t know this) but I wouldn’t be surprised if they spoke German at court. The same as King George did! And Katherine The Great. And Marie Antoinette (another Hapsburg). Even Queen Victoria learned German as her first language, and English later; she and her husband used German in their home life.

      Even Charles V, German Emperor but also King of Spain — when Spain was at its height of power — was raised in Flanders and spoke Flemish as his mother tongue, not Spanish or German. He also surrounded himself with Flemish courtiers, and awarded them titles and favors, which considerably annoyed his subjects in Spain. (I don’t know about the effect in Germany.) But no one contested that he was king and had the right to rule.

      “During it’s existence, the Holy Roman Empire could hardly be considered one of the dominant powers in Europe compared to France, Spain, or England. At the most it was a confederation of states which elected it’s emperor, and during the Catholic/Protestant conflicts and following the Reformation it was pretty weak as an Empire.”

      Let’s not play down Germany’s role. It definitely was a dominant power! No question about it. Over a span of more than a thousand years, quite naturally you have various periods — sometimes of weakness, sometimes of strength. Most of the time, it was strong.

      “The point of all this is to reinforce what I said in regards to “Germany” not “calling the shots” in Europe until it became unified after the Franco-Prussian War. “

      Germany became RE-unified after the Franco-Prussian War. It was trying to restore itself to what it had been BEFORE.

      “But remember that there was a large Polish-Lithuanian kingdom from 1569–1795, and the Polish kingdom was far older. This was at a time when there was no “Germany” and Prussia was a small kingdom. “

      Actually, the lifespan of the Polish-Lithuanian union — at least at its height — was very brief, compared to the length of the German Empire, founded in 962.
      The glory days of Poland were brilliant but brief and were, frankly, a flash in the pan, historically speaking. Poland lost its power and prestige quickly and faded from the political picture.

      As for Prussia, it was small, yes, but it became during that same period the most
      feared [land-based] military power of Europe! The Prussian army was matchless.

      “Germany attacked Poland …Hitler used flimsy excuses to attack Poland and made a pact with COMMUNISTS to fulfill his goals.”

      Herr H. wished to restore Danzig to Germany. Danzig had ALWAYS been a German city! And it was still full of Germans. It found itself located inside Poland simply because the victors at Versailles drew some lines on a map, arbitrarily, disregarding the population.

      “Your claim that Hitler’s “plan was to wipe Poland off the map from the beginning” is pure speculation and very likely wrong.”

      Very likely so. Agreed, it’s speculation, but I doubt he had any designs on Poland AT THAT TIME…. but he did want Danzig. All his concerns, re. Poland and elsewhere, [at that time!] were with re-uniting Germany and restoring ethnic Germans to Germany.

      “The Poles have stolen German land and property. “

      I will not agree with this. The land was GIVEN to them, whether they wanted it or not, in coimpensation for Poland’s own Eastern regions that were seized by the Sov. Union.. I’m not sure if they wanted Germany’s East, but it was a “gift” they couldn’t refuse — from Uncle Joe. Unfortunately, their old champion, Churchill, failed to back them up. The same champion who was so rigorous in urging them to resist the Germans, but who sold them out to the Soviets without a murmur!

      “What’s more problematic: Having 80 million Germans and the most powerful economy in Europe as your enemy, or 40 million Poles and their third-world economy?”

      A more pressing question is where is Germany going to get the people to re-populate these territories, when its own polulace is steadily declining and they are constantly told they have to keep importing more Turks and Third Worlders? I don’t see it happening anytime in the near future — at the very least!

      Furthermore, modern Germans are so scared of war (and any hint of the Nazi era) that they don’t even want to discuss the subject. It’s probably even illegal. They are presently so distracted with all their material wealth (like us) that they’re not going to risk that comfort for the sake of some long-gone territory in the East. And that’s the present reality. That’s just how it is. They’ve been pacified with material comforts: nice homes, nice cars, and a cruise every winter. (Who wants Stettin when you could have Rio instead?)

      “And mind you, the Poles are happily promoting the Holocaust scam with their funny little theme park called Auschwitz, happily promoting atrocity stories about Germans. “

      Their “funny little theme park called Auschwitz” is so right! That’s so true! When I visited there (it was included as part of a guided tour, as most tours of Poland seem to be), I was amazed at the crass commercial atmosphere in a place that was supposedly hallowed ground. Yet, they were selling candy, ice-cream, postcards, trinkets, souvenirs. You would think you were at Coney Island! Or Disneyland. Poland is not going to give up that concession, because it’s a money-maker and has become one of their prime tourist attractions. In fact, it’s probably their PRIMARY tourist attraction, in a country with not a lot of attractions. You tell me one that’s more famous.

      “Do you really believe that in 1939 the UK, France and the US, when they supported Poland against Germany, did that because they cared so much about Poland? “

      Not at all. They had other motives, and we know who was driving them.

      “No, certainly not. Their only goal was to weaken Germany and to provoke war, they didn’t care about Poland at all.

      Absolutely! Germany was an industrial and trading giant, a major economic competitor to Britain, and Poland was not.

      “Poland has nothing to offer as an ally. Nothing! It’s a thirld-world economy and a third-world military force. “

      It’s hardly ever mentioned in standard history books, but the Polish regime at that time, the Pilsudski dictatorship, was worse and more oppressive thatn either Mussolini or Hitler. But, oddly, nobody made a big fuss about that. Apparently it wasn’t an inconvenience to the Jews, as Germany under Herr H. was proving to be.

      “Oh, and there’s no such thing as Pan Aryansim among Europeans. There is no such thing as “White Nationalism” in Europe, because all indigenous European people are white.”

      Yes, very true! Being white in Europe means nothing — because everyone there is white (at least traditionally, but the culture and attitudes haven’t yet caught up with the recent changes). So in Europe whiteness no source of solidarity or identify. I suppose the notion strikes them as rather silly, if they even think about it at all. It’s an American thing, but not European.

    36. Ein Says:

      Meant to say:
      “in Europe, whiteness is no source of solidarity or identity.”

    37. Blackshirt Says:

      @”Lucky Luke”:

      It’s obvious to me that you have something personal against the Poles and possibly the Slavs, so there is no debating with you. In your mind it’s all about Germany and that is also very obvious.

      Your assertion that Europeans are not Pan Aryans has not been my experience. I spent several months traveling Europe over the course of several years and I found plenty of Europeans who felt brotherhood with other White racists in other European countries. With that said, you are correct that there are still White Europeans out there who hate or despise other White Europeans in other countries. And this is what I have to say about that- we will never win as long as we as White people have petty nationalist squabbles. So go on hating Poles and Slavs if you want, slander them and keep fantasizing about a glorious German Fourth Reich cleansing Europe. But remember this, YOU are the problem and your fantasies aren’t going to come true. And when the mud people are busy killing your family and taking over your land, you can feel proud of yourself that you didn’t believe in all that Pan Aryan nonsense.

    38. Ein Says:

      Hey, Blackshirt! I’ll give you a thumbs UP on that last one.

      Yes, we need to stick together and not bicker among ourselves about divisive ethnic/nationalistic issues. I fully agree.

      Hitler was a European politican (not a WN), concerned with EUROPEAN problems; and the nationalistic issues that absorbed Hitler were issues that were paramount in Europe in the 1920 and 30s — political issues that are hard for us to grasp today.

      We are facing a different world than he was, and we need to lay those tired old issues aside. That was another time, and we are past that. I agree that we should not be bickering about Danzig today, anymore than Mexico should be bickering about San Antonio. It’s settled. Time moves on.

      If the Germans want to take it up with the Poles, that’s another matter and their own affair. But frankly, they don’t seem to have the slightest interest. So why should we?

    39. Tim McGreen Says:

      Blackshirt, the reason you don’t hear about the extensive influence that Germany has had on European history is because of the anti-German bias that most western historians have. That same kind of stupid bias is the reason why the Plimouth Plantation in Massholechusetts gets all the honors as the first successful English settlement in the New World instead of the Jamestown Colony in Virginia, which was founded 13 years earlier. You can thank all those late 19th century pro-Union and Northern historians for that injustice.

      But I beleive that sooner or later, the old territorial disputes in Europe will re-emerge. That will happen right after the Europeans realize what a colossal blunder getting involved with the EU was. Everything old is new again, they say.

    40. Ein Says:

      I am endlessly amazed at how selective our great “champions of democracy” could be. Apparently, they were not concerned at all with the worse and more repressive Pilsudski dictatorship in Poland — equally fascistic but apparently not anti-semitic — although they were apoplectic about Mussolini …and particularly about Herr H. Odd, no? Wonder why.

      Incidentally, for Blackshirt, a thought regarding H’s attitude towards Slavs: Germany had no common borders with Italy, whereas it had a lengthy and sensitive border with Poland, ill defined by geography and long contested; and the ancient memory of former wars and invasions coming from the steppes of Russia. The eastern path was wide open. There were no Alps shielding Germany from the East. Hence, Hitler could form a partnership with Mussolini, who was not any threat. But Poland was a corridor for invasion. If geography had been reversed, he might have made an alliance with Poland against Italy instead. So was his attitude really about Germans vs. Slavs, or just a matter of geography? Just a thought.

      At any rate, I’m unaware of the relationship of Pilsudsky with the Jews, whatever it was, if any, but evidently they had no problems with him — if indeed they did not have him in their pocket. And so, if the Jews had no problem with Pilsudsky, then neither did London or Washington. What does that tell us about who was running London and Washington?

      Ah, yes. They were determined to “save the world for democracy” (so we were told as we were sent to war) while they made their alliance with Stalin. But to save it very selectively. They were really saving the world for Jews. Democracy had nothing to do with it.

    41. Tim McGreen Says:

      I wonder why the Allies didn’t go after the Hitler-friendly dictators Franco in Spain and Salazar in Portugal? There are rumors that Franco (Frank?) was a Jew. But Salazar was an ardent Catholic. Maybe those two countries posed no threat to the Allies’ postwar plans for Europe. But they were still fascist dictatorships. And then of course the eastern half of Europe was completely Stalinist. So much for the Allies’ “liberation” of Europe!

    42. Ein Says:

      Yes, that’s a good question too. And I’ve read those rumors about Franco being of marrano descent (therefore he was easy on Jews and admitted many “refugees”). That’s an interesting point about the name “Frank”, which had never occurred to me before. (There were numerous Jewish cultists in Europe who were followers of the “false messiah”, Jacob Frank.)

      I read someplace too, that Herr H. was completely unaware of those Franco rumors, and was baffled at Franco’s uncooperativeness and ingratitude — especially after all the aid he had previously gotten from Germany.

      I suppose the allies didn’t bother with Portugal/Spain because they were too poor and backward to be of any use (or any threat), and Spain was already bled dry by the Spanish Civil War. Also, as Britain had Gibraltar, they had control of the Mediterranean, so that’s what counted.

      Btw, [and forgive me for belaboring this point] in reference to Blackshirt’s notions about the weakness and insignificence of a (temporarily) disunited Germany, I was thinking this morning about the same parallel with Italy. Italy was even more disunited than Germany, with no pretense to any political unity at all, even theoretical…. and had been since the collapse of Rome. Up until 1860/1870, there was no “Italy” except as a geographical spot on the map. Yet, despite that, no one would possibly claim that Italy and Italians were not a very powerful cultural influence on the rest of Europe — no matter how politically divided they were. Despite their political impotence, they certainly were not irrelevant or insignificant! Similarly, neither were the Germans.

    43. Ein Says:

      A further thought is that when Italy and Germany — unlike the Great Powers around them — were deprived of building empires and directing their energies to commerce, war, and colonies, they concentrated their talents inward and funneled them into pursuing the arts and sciences instead. Thus, we got Mozarts, Voltas, and Kepplers — instead of Marlboroughs, Clives, and Nelsons.

    44. Lucky Luke Says:


      It’s obvious to me that you have something personal against the Poles and possibly the Slavs, so there is no debating with you. In your mind it’s all about Germany and that is also very obvious.

      Blackshirt, you don’t get it :) I’m German, and I live in Germany, that’s all. As a German nationalist German interests come first for me. That shouldn’t surprise you. If you’re really an American you should be concerned with American, not with Polish interests. If you have Polish ancestry and live in America, but are more concerned with Poland, you have a problem with your loyalty. Then you should move to Poland. And I don’t hate Poles or any other Slavs. Most Poles that I personally know are decent people. However there seems to be a difference between Poles who grew up in Germany and Poles who grew up in Poland. Sometimes I have the impression that some Poles teach there children to hate Germans. And I can assure you that Germans don’t do anything similar. Well, except that Germans are supposed to teach their children to hate Germans, but not Poles. But can’t you understand that I find it a little strange that first Poles take a huge part of German land, only to come to Germany by the hundreds of thousands a few decades later, looking for work, like Mexicans in the US?

      Your assertion that Europeans are not Pan Aryans has not been my experience. I spent several months traveling Europe over the course of several years and I found plenty of Europeans who felt brotherhood with other White racists in other European countries.

      Wait, wait, wait, big misunderstanding! European nationalists who feel brotherhood with other European nationalists from other European countries is something completely different than “White racists” or “White Nationalists”. French nationalists wouldn’t call themselves White Nationalists, but simply Nationalists. They wouldn’t even call themselves French Nationalists, because in France it is obvious that they are French and that they are white. But that doesn’t mean that they don’t feel brotherhood with nationalists from other European countries. The biggest problem for European nationalists is the language barrier. I believe that many Americans suffer from the illusion that most Europeans are fluent in English, but that’s far from the truth. The situation is rather worse in the bigger countries like France, Spain, Germany and Italy. That’s why unfortunately there is not that much communication among European nationalists across borders. But despite the prejudice that nationalists from neighboring countries are supposed to hate each other, there is basically no enmity between nationalists of most European countries. I’d say there is no enmity between German, French, British, Scandinavian, Belgian, Dutch, Spanish, Italian etc. nationalists. Some German nationalists seem to have good contacts with Dutch and Hungarian nationalists, and even some local contacts with Czech nationalists seem to exist. The relationship between German and Polish nationalists is probably the only exception. The problem between them is between one quarter and one third of former German territory. But I can assure you that border disputes are on the last position on the agendas of all European nationalists. The question of the Polish occupied German territories is rarely discussed among German nationalists and even then most agree that in the current situation we don’t even have the people to settle there and that it’s ridiculous to solve this question before we stop the mass immigration from third-world-countries. So there’s no acute danger to your beloved Poland. But if European nationalists ever gain the upper hand again, the border question between Germany and Poland will come up again.

    45. Blackshirt Says:

      Luke, you are the perfect example of why I don’t like using the term “Nationalist”. Nationalism is counter productive to the survival of the White race. In my case I prefer to be referred to as a Tribal Socialist or a Racial Socialist. Nationalism is bad news for our survival and we don’t need any more wars between White Europeans over territorial disputes.

    46. Blackshirt Says:

      Luke, you are the perfect example of why I don’t like using the term “Nationalist”. Nationalism is counter productive to the survival of the White race. In my case I prefer to be referred to as a Tribal Socialist or a Racial Socialist. Nationalism is bad news for our survival and we don’t need any more wars between White Europeans over territorial disputes.

    47. Ein Says:

      Blackshirt, you don’t get it :)
      I’m German, and I live in Germany, that’s all. As a German nationalist German interests come first for me.


      In that case, your pro-German position is perfectly understandable. As an American, I can be neutral on the matter, but now I see why you are not. Both you and Blackshirt have presented interesting points of view, well argued, and I respect both.

      Since you are a German in Germany, I must also commend you for your impeccable English. Amazing. You had us all fooled. I wish I could do even half as well in German!
      Congratulations and best wishes to you! (however you say that auf Deutsch).

    48. Howdy Doody Says:


      The Media in the US will never allow this to played to the public