11 April, 2010

Remaking the Right

Posted by Socrates in jewed culture, Kevin MacDonald, leftists, politics, Republicans, rightists, Socrates at 2:00 pm | Permanent Link

by Dr. Kevin MacDonald:

Part 1: [Here].

Part 2: [Here].

  • 7 Responses to “Remaking the Right”

    1. Tim McGreen Says:

      There is no such thing as a conservative Jew or a liberal Jew, an atheist Jew or a religious Jew, a British Jew or a French Jew….

      There is only the Jew.
      -T. McGreen, 2010

    2. Luke Says:

      You hit the nail on the head, Tim McGreen.

      James Edwards over at the Political Cesspool will routinely name the Jew as being the #1 force behind the Cultural Marxist war of genocide against Whites, and I appreciate his courage and honesty on that issue, but he will turn around and claim that Paul Gottfried is a fine warrior in our movement . Gottfried does sound good to the untrained, uneducated White Nationalist – he says just enough of all the right things, to appear to be on our side. But, in the end – Gottfried has to be a suspect, due to the long and repetitive history of Jews seeking to infiltrate and take over their perceived opposition and then either steer it into Jew advantageous directions or, failing that, destroy it from within.

      No Jews, Just Right. The Linder Principle must be the rule.

    3. Truthteller Says:

      1. On Radio Free Mississippi Macdonald stated that blacks would be welcome to stay in America.

      2. James Edward’s made a craven public climb down and apology after he posted an article crital of the jew on his blog.

      No Way Out But Thru The jew.

    4. Doug Says:

      A good Jew is one who knows his people’s history and the good reasons whites have of being highly critical of them, and is open to full transparency when they become vocal supporters of whites. Any truly good jew would never get angry at whites (as those at Amren did towards David Duke) for being critical of Jews as he is. A good jew accepts his people’s historical crimes against whites and takes action to fix it. If a jew could prove his actions increased the white birth rate while not increasing those of other races, I could tolerate that, but jews must always be under the spotlight and accept it, to deserve any neutral consideration.

    5. Old Dutch Says:

      The classic question is, “just because they are Jews that makes them liberals”?

      My answer to that question is that Jews are only liberals, as long as being a liberal benefits them as Jews.

      James Edwards is keeping a “house” jew around; I’m surprised he doesn’t have a “house” Negro too. Someone like Rochester, most of you are not old enough to remember him. LOL. Yes, suh Mista Edwards.

      Linder has one, or more.

    6. Henry Says:


    7. Jon Says:

      Old Dutch Says:

      12 April, 2010 at 9:43 am

      “The classic question is, “just because they are Jews that makes them liberals”?

      My answer to that question is that Jews are only liberals, as long as being a liberal benefits them as Jews.”

      Jews are NOT liberals in their ill-gotten Zionist state, that’s for sure. There’s no talk of open borders, gun control, diversity, multiculturalism, religious tolerance, etc. there!
