24 April, 2010

Outrage Over Arizona Immigration Law

Posted by Socrates in illegal immigration, immigration, immigration bills/laws, jewed culture, jewed media, Socrates at 1:07 pm | Permanent Link

Controlling illegal immigration is “controversial” these days. Who made it controversial?

Jewish media bosses: “We did!”


  • 48 Responses to “Outrage Over Arizona Immigration Law”

    1. Blackshirt Says:

      The Jewsmedia can jump and cry and make all the fuss it wants, but the silent majority wants a crackdown on the wetbacks, so unless they (the jewsmedia/social marxists) can stop this in the courts, it is going to happen.

      But the wetbacks in this situation are only a symptom. What I’d like to see is all the rich republican cunts who own these factories and businesses that employ these wetbacks sent to prison. Instead I think we are going to see a round-up of wetbacks and the assholes who hire them will get off scot-free. The traitors in our own midsts need to be punished for hiring these wetbacks in the first place- they put profit over racial loyalty. The problem is that we allow these traitors to dwell among us and do nothing about it. What needs to happen is that any White person that hires a wetback needs to be severely punished… how about the death penalty? I bet you would see the “immigration problem” taken care of overnight.

    2. The Red Skull Says:

      I agree 100% Blackshirt—But it won’t happen.A Fed judge will block as a violation of someones “Snivel Rights”.Arizona is another example of the States moving to prevent Catastrophy since “our” Federal Gov’t won’t.Whether they have the poiltical will to see the measure through is another matter.Noble and great idea-actual implementation of the new law–I rate at 10% or less.Also-going after the employers is an obvious move for a nation that puts preservation above profits-but we are living in AMERIKWA aren’t we?

    3. Bret Ludwig Says:

      I posted to this article. Let’s see if they nuke what I wrote. I used no inflammatory or inappropriate language, no “HATE” .

      Yes, some judge will overturn the clear cut will of the people. We’re a democract when it suits them and not when it doesn’t. “Stepmother May I?”

    4. Hans Jürgen Says:

      JUST DO IT

      Just as the jew occupation “government” in Washington simply goes ahead and does what they want, so the WHITE MAN in Arizona has woken up and simply gone ahead and done what HE wants (and needs).

      Don’t like it Feds? Tough. Come here and interfere with law and order, and you’ll be arrested. Try to draw a gun on an Arizona lawman doing his job, and you’ll get a firefight alright.

      Who is the Master? Arizona is the Master – both de jure (because of the Constitution), and de facto (because of GUNS). Period.

    5. Tim McGreen Says:

      I’m sure some Federal judge will find this new law to be “unconstitutional”. It seems any law the liberals and Jews don’t like, any law that tries to protect White Americans, even if just symbolically, is automatically ruled to be “unconstitutional”.

      And I’m sick of that bullshit about Mexicans doing the jobs that “Americans won’t do.” In the Depression, my grandmother had all kinds of jobs that “Americans won’t do” to put her four fatherless White children through school.

      We are up against a powerful, though unlikely, coalition of pro-invader forces. It’s comprised of goy-hating Jews, as well as their enemies the Christian churches. It’s got right-wing Big Business types on board, along with left-wing Big Labor types, wealthy White capitalists and poor Brown and Black socialists, Democrats and Republicans…They all want an endless supply of Mestizoes for various reasons, like cheap labor, Democratic votes, union membership, free trade, sticking it to Whitey, more Catholics for the Baby Jeezus, etc.

      On our side, we’ve got a few million fed up White working and middle class people who just want to be left alone. The pro-invaders have most of the money, influence and authority, but we have more guns and (hopefully) more numbers than they do. So let the games begin.

    6. Virgil Says:

      It is a historic decision. The first genuine attempt to deal with the invasion. It will accelerate the polarization. This will allow for our victory before it is too late.

    7. Tim McGreen Says:

      The pro-mud invasion crowd is full of strange bedfellows. It’s made up of godless Jew pressure groups and Christian churches, Democrats and Republicans, Capitalists and Socialists, Blacks, Browns and Whites, Big Business and Big Labor, the very rich and the very poor. On the other side (ie, the good guys), there are a few million pissed off working class and middle class Whites who don’t want to see their country turn into an impoverished, overcrowded 3rd world police state/hellhole. Whites comprise no more than 8% of the world’s population. We’re the REAL oppressed minority group, so leave us and our countries the fuck alone.

      PS…Sorry if a similar message to this one appears in a few hours or days. I submitted the damn thing yesterday and it just flew off somewhere.

    8. Jim Says:

      For the white shabbaz goy fat cats mexeshit immigration is all about profits and undercutting the wages of the White working man. For the jews however, it is all about destroying the White gene pool in North America and turning the USA into Brazil Norte.

    9. Neptune Says:

      Obama will send federal troops to Arizona. Remember Lyndon B. Johnson sent federal troops to Alabama in 1965.

    10. Mark Midgard Says:

      Passage of this law, even if it’s eventually struck down, is symbolic — and symbolism is as important in this day and age as enforcement. ANY sign like this I applaud and I support — ANY sign of awakening — ANY sign that there is still a spark of white identity and white character within us. This is an awesome development; and I hope it sticks regardless of the pressure from the Jews on our ZOG government. I hope it sticks and is enforced no matter what the cost.

    11. -JC Says:

      Arizona police should examine Obama’s credentials as to his “natural born” Citizenship and, if he sets foot on Arizona soil, I hope it happens.

    12. -JC Says:

      Natural born means both parents are American Citizens but not necessarily that the birth must have taken place in the U.S.

      60 years ago or so, children born to American Citizens in, say, Germany, could choose whether they want to be American or German Citizens when they reach the age of majority. I suspect it is still the same.

    13. Kuda Bux Says:

      The first attempt was in California in 1994- prop 187.

      Gunfight at OK Corral, part two. Tombstone AZ.

      OK means- Organized Kikery.

    14. -JC Says:

      An obviously “progressive” (Marxist) site and the writer appears “of color:” http://newsjunkiepost.com/2010/04/23/how-latinos-in-arizona-and-in-other-states-will-strike-back/

      How Latinos In Arizona And In Other States Will Strike Back

      By Dolores M. Bernal

      Apr 23, 2010 at 6:40 pm

      Arizona Republicans better kiss their power in the state “goodbye.”

      The adoption of the anti-immigrant legislation that Arizona Governor Jan Brewer signed on Friday could greatly affect the outcome of future elections in the state by delivering Latino voters to Democrats on a silver platter.

      Proposition 187, Big Mistake

      It was back in 1994 when former California Governor Pete Wilson and the then majority Republican state legislature approved Proposition 187 or the Save Our State initiative, a bill that denied services to undocumented immigrants and granted power to authorities to arrest anyone they suspected was in the country illegally. Proposition 187 was perhaps the worst mistake that Republicans made in California’s history and it cost them the state assembly and legislature until this day.

      Angry voters in California who scapegoated undocumented immigrants for their financial woes, crime, and lack of job opportunities took to the polls to vote for Proposition 187 in the 1994 election. They felt that by passing this law, all of their problems would go away and happiness would once again reign in California. Governor Pete Wilson had declared war against undocumented immigrants and this law was his greatest victory.

      But soon after the election, a judge put a restraining order against Prop 187 and in 1999, federal courts declared the anti-immigrant legislation unconstitutional.

      After Prop 187 Democrats Won

      After the whole fiasco with Proposition 187 Latino voters and other ethnic immigrants who had once supported the Republicans had a reason to finally leave the party. These new Latino Democrats along with the rest of the Democratic bunch, mobilized to the polls in 1999 to vote for a Democratic governor and a Democratic state legislature.

      Some 11 years later, Democrats in California have enjoyed ruling the state, with the exception of the governorship which has been Arnold Schwarzenegger’s turf after voters recalled Gray Davis. But Republicans in California now know better, and when they are running for office they don’t dare mention or allude to their anti-immigrant sentiments.

      How Arizona Will Affect Republican Races

      What happened in California will be repeated in Arizona. Over 26 percent of Arizona is Latino and 34 percent of the population is Democrat. If Republican Latinos turn to the Democrat party and pick up some independents along the way, the state of Arizona will be blue, perhaps permanently.

      The anti-immigrant sentiment in Arizona will also likely trigger Latinos in other states to be on guard and show their support for Democrats in upcoming elections. There are races in California and Nevada that are depending on Latino voters. In California, Jerry Brown will need all the votes he can get to beat Meg Whitman for the governorship. And, in Nevada, Harry Reid will need these voters too to beat his Republican opponent. There are also governor races in New Mexico and Florida, were Latinos have voter power.

      With Obama in support of immigration reform and a Democratic House and Senate moving towards drafting those bills, Latino voters will be watching who is working towards their interest and who is not, and when the 2010 election results come in later this year we’ll see who had the last laugh.

    15. -JC Says:


      Democratic Dummies: Note typo or just plain stupidity, twice, in the title and body of the lead article, misquoting Jew Kaine:

      After Obama Bashes Arizona on Immigration, DNC Calls New Law “Short-SIDED” (sic) [Read “short-sighted”]

      … In a statement, DNC [Democratic National Committee] Chairman Tim Kaine said the new law “legitimizes prejudice.” Kaine called the law short-SIDED and criticized Arizona Republican Sen. John McCain, Obama’s general election opponent, for backing the legislation…

      … Arizona’s new law tramples on Americans’ basic notions of justice and legitimizes prejudice – it is both small-minded and short-SIGHTED… [Kaine spelled it correctly.]

    16. -JC Says:


      “Governor Davis refused to allow the appeal to proceed and dropped the appeal, essentially KILLING PROP 187 against the will of the voters. This after having promised to support the appeal during his campaign.”


      California Coalition for Immigration Reform
      P.O. Box 2744-PMB-117 – Huntington Beach, CA 92647
      PH: (714) 665-2500 FAX: (714) 846-9682

      History of Proposition 187

      Prop 187 was passed by the voters on Nov. 8, 1994 to deny public benefits to illegal aliens in California.

      The next day several lawsuits were filed in California state court (Mexican-American Legal Defense/Education Fund (MALDEF), League of Latin American Citizens (LULAC), ACLU, and others.

      On Nov. 11, 1994 a “temporary restraining order (TRO)” was issued by Federal Judge Matthew Byrne (it was filed in Federal Judge Marianna Pfaelzer’s court, but she was out (vacation?), so Byrne did the TRO.

      An answer was filed by Attorney General Dan Lungren in state court.

      Judge Pfaelzer came back and issued a permanent injunction pending trial. Her rationale was essentially a case in Texas in the 1980’s (Plyler v. Doe). Texas tried to deny public education to illegal aliens. The Supreme Court ruled for the illegals, based on two pillars:

      1) there were supposedly not enough illegal aliens students in Texas public schools to be a financial burden to Texas, and

      2) Congress was contemplating an amnesty for illegal aliens in the U.S. (that occurred in 1986), and illegal alien students who were to be made legal would not be educated. Neither of those conditions existed in 1994.

      The cases were consolidated into Judge Pfaelzer’s court in 1995.

      There were hearings, filings, hearings, filings …

      In 1996 California (Att’y Gen. Dan Lungren) said that Prop 187 was not in conflict with federal law.

      In September 1996 federal immigration law was enacted, and in 1997 Lungren asked Judge Pfaelzer for a summary dismissal. (The 1996 federal law included Sec. 133 – that local law enforcement can cooperate with the INS)

      Judge Pfaelzer said NO to summary dismissal and ruled for plaintiffs; Lungren said he’ll appeal.

      Lungren appealed in 9th District Circuit Court in late 1997. FOR SIX MONTHS LUNGREN TOOK NO ACTION – IT SAT THERE. HE SHOULD HAVE MOVED THE CASE ALONG!

      Then came the gubernatorial campaign of 1998, and Gray Davis was elected in November. The appeal process was still sitting silently in court because Lungren had not moved it along.

      Davis was elected. The plaintiffs requested “mediation” in the 9th District Court, the court agreed to “mediation”.

      We know what happened then – Davis (who vehemently opposed Prop 187) “represented” FOR Prop 187. Neither the proponent of Prop 187 nor anyone else who co-sponsored Prop 187 was allowed in the bogus “mediation”.

      Governor Davis refused to allow the appeal to proceed and dropped the appeal, essentially KILLING PROP 187 against the will of the voters. This after having promised to support the appeal during his campaign.

      Even the most vocal plaintiffs against Prop 187 said they were afraid that if it went to the U.S. Supreme Court it would be held to be constitutional, reversing Plyler v. Doe.

    17. Kuda Bux Says:

      btw judeg pfaelzer is of the jewish persuasion.

    18. -JC Says:

      What a surprise! Suppose that’s why its said that their downfall as a group is always overreaching? If I were them, today, I’d start keeping a low profile but that is something of which they are apparently not capable. There is a much greater awareness of this sort of thing than ever before in history and, you know the old saying: Those who fail to study the lessons of history are doomed to repeat the same mistakes.

      Jewish Involvement in Shaping U.S. Immigration Policy, by Professor Kevin MacDonald, Ph.D., here:



      Groups oppose Arizona immigration law

      April 19, 2010


      WASHINGTON (JTA) — Three national Jewish groups urged Arizona’s governor to veto a bill that would force local authorities to enforce federal immigration law.

      If passed, the bill “would make state and local law enforcement officers’ jobs nearly impossible, and would bring us further from, not closer to, the goal we all share of making our communities safer,” said the letter sent Monday from the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, the American Jewish Committee and the Jewish Council for Public Affairs to Gov. Jan. Brewer, a Republican. “It would also cause hardship to countless Arizona residents — U.S. citizens, legal immigrants, and undocumented immigrants alike — who if this law is passed will live under a cloud of suspicion and fear.”

      The legislation, which becomes law unless Brewer vetoes it in the next five days, would require police to ask those suspected of being in the country illegally to produce documentation. It also would ban soliciting work from people on sidewalks if it slows traffic.

      Brewer has said she has reservations about the bill, which would be the toughest such measure in the country.

      Opponents are concerned that it could lead to racial profiling and inhibit undocumented workers from reporting crime.

    19. -JC Says:

      Jewish Involvement in Shaping U.S. Immigration Policy, by Professor Kevin MacDonald, Ph.D., here:



      Groups oppose Arizona immigration law

      April 19, 2010


      WASHINGTON (JTA) — Three national Jewish groups urged Arizona’s governor to veto a bill that would force local authorities to enforce federal immigration law.

      If passed, the bill “would make state and local law enforcement officers’ jobs nearly impossible, and would bring us further from, not closer to, the goal we all share of making our communities safer,” said the letter sent Monday from the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, the American Jewish Committee and the Jewish Council for Public Affairs to Gov. Jan. Brewer, a Republican. “It would also cause hardship to countless Arizona residents — U.S. citizens, legal immigrants, and undocumented immigrants alike — who if this law is passed will live under a cloud of suspicion and fear.”

      The legislation, which becomes law unless Brewer vetoes it in the next five days, would require police to ask those suspected of being in the country illegally to produce documentation. It also would ban soliciting work from people on sidewalks if it slows traffic.

      Brewer has said she has reservations about the bill, which would be the toughest such measure in the country.

      Opponents are concerned that it could lead to racial profiling and inhibit undocumented workers from reporting crime.

    20. -jc Says:

      What a surprise. There is a much greater awareness of this collective overreaching, which is arguably the groups historical Achilles heel, more than ever before in history, e.g., http://jta.org/news/article/2010/04/19/1011661/groups-oppose-ariz-immigration-law

      If it were me, and I had this kind of history, I’d be avoiding exactly this kind of behavior, these days: http://www.kevinmacdonald.net/CofCchap7.pdf

    21. Red Says:

      Some KIKE controlled fed judge will kill this bill I guarantee.

    22. Howdy Doody Says:


      Take a look at these photos.

      S.A. Here we “gone” ?

    23. -JC Says:

      Wanna see the problem in better than millions of words and in living “color?” Google (Images) Obama naturalization ceremony Arizona law and this is what you’ll get:


    24. -JC Says:

      Well, guess what made my day? There ARE young people out there who apparently get it:


      “[‘Sean’] Hannity calls Teapartiers “Tim McVeigh Wannabes” to applause

      “Hannity supports terrorism. PERIOD


      “So this American is your enemy Hannity you fucking piece of shit human. I would love to spit in YOUR face.

      “Now we wonder why Homeland Security released a warning against Right Wing Extremism, it is real and it is supported by FOX News.”

    25. nom de guerre Says:

      The very least that must be done to halt the Hispanic invasion is the mass enslavement, or execution, of the invaders, which must be followed by an American invasion of Mexico .
      That’s the leastest folks! The mostest would be to git there firstest with the mostest nukes.

    26. nom de guerre Says:

      Mah sitiation here is , that the Mexishits are breathin’ down mah back, crawling forward with forays every day, parkin’ another car on their lawns or backyards, operatin’ lumber and junk yards in their back yards, harborin’ other wetback invaders.Assaultin’ me with trash and barkin dawgs. At mah lastest job, Mexishits were targetin me with driving their pallet jacks into mah load, bullying me all the time, the damn supervisors wouldn’t do anything to um even if they tore up more product than they delivered. Finally I had mah leg broke, when a groid from Afreeka ran into me and squeezed mah leg between to pallets. Damn workmens comp. was kicked out when the Specialist Doc said I was okay to go back to work. Personally I think they Politicians is skeerd, they wants to clamp down on the Mexishits, but they fears the backlash and lack of support from the White liberals, and Christard Republicunts who most dearly luvs to say one thing, and lives in a Cuntry estate or subdivision far, far from the Mexishits, but not really. Right now our retard , demorat Gubenor is focusin’ on abortion bills, cuz the asshole is too skeerd to address the real problems, like Mexishits.Eben duh god damn niggers is more vocal on the mexishits invaders gobblin’ up all the welfare and food stamps, whiles niggers is being forched into larceny and sub-prime jobs.

    27. -JC Says:

      In the aftermath of the Oklahoma City federal building bombing, Gary Hunt was demonized by some apparently in the so called patriot movement and was at least suspect enough to those driven primarily by emotion that the effectiveness of his observations was greatly diminished. Many today have re-thought what Timothy McVeigh said and the usual suspects continue to be threatened by it. Therefore what Gary Hunt has posted bears a second look. This is a good place to begin, after which Hunt’s piece on “domestic terrorist” Timothy McVeigh, including what McVeigh really said, might be worth a few minutes. Pass it on:


    28. -JC Says:

      The usual suspects?

      From the Kevin McDonald newsletter, April 25, 2010: “In the near future, America will have a White minority,” at http://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/authors/Darkmoon-GoodbyeII.html#LD

    29. Howdy Doody Says:


      Christopher Donovan: Military To Sniff Out ‘White Supremacists’, Potok Crows
      Christopher Donovan: It’s one thing to realize that universities, the media and the government are largely controlled by those hostile to Whites. But it’s quite another to realize that even whites’ traditionally core institutions — like the military — have been infiltrated by the same people. Now comes word that the military is ready to sniff out “white supremacists” — not by tattoo, group affiliation or vocal pronunciations around the barracks, but by nothing more than Internet advocacy.

      As the angry comments note, it’s pretty obvious that the military isn’t interested in non-White “supremacist” activity, like the Five Percenters, Black gang members who put up their graffiti in Iraq or Afghanistan, or Islamic radicals who actually do cause big problems within the military. “Supremacist”, you see, is a nasty-sounding word that only applies to Whites.

      (What’s funny to me, as a side note, is how unavoidably “Aryan” the business of being a soldier is to begin with: young, mostly White men standing ramrod straight, saluting, obeying authority and trained to kill brown people. Right there, of course, you’ve got a big problem, and if these men weren’t advancing Israel’s cause, they’d be held in far lower esteem by the Jewish power structure — and during the Vietnam war, they were. You’d think that if there were a clean-cut, hate-filled White man looking to kill non-Whites, the military would be the perfect place for him. Seems a military made up of wishy-washy liberals wouldn’t be very effective — they’d throw down their weapons and surrender.)

      What’s scary about this effort by the military is to read the comment of Mark Potok, the Southern Poverty Law Center’s white-hater in chief, who seems to take credit for the new policy.

      He’s quoted: “The hope is that this clarifies that even advocacy of these kinds of ideas is not consistent with being in the military.”

      Wow. Full-fledged thought control, right in front of us. Who is this man, who exercises such incredible power — over the entire armed forces, no less? What, exactly, qualifies him to police the thoughts of White servicemen and women? He wasn’t elected. He wasn’t appointed. He didn’t even enlist. And yet there he is.

      Christopher Donovan is the pen name of an attorney and former journalist. Email him

      Tags: Christopher Donovan

      This entry was posted on Sunday, April 18th, 2010 at 5:12 PM and is filed under Christopher Donovan. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

      18 Responses to “Christopher Donovan: Military To Sniff Out ‘White Supremacists’, Potok Crows”
      Z.O.G. says:
      April 19, 2010 at 12:09 AM
      Who Controls the Southern Poverty Law Center?

      Senior Program Staff:
      J. Richard Cohen(Jew) – President
      Morris S. Dees(White European) – Founder, Chief Trial Attorney
      Mary C. Bauer(Jew) – Legal Director
      Mark A. Potok(Jew) – Director, Intelligence Project
      Lecia J. Brooks(Black) – Director, Civil Rights Memorial Center
      Maureen B. Costello(White European) – Teaching Tolerance Director

      Hate and Extremism:
      Heidi L. Beirich(Jew) – Director of Research
      Joseph T. Roy(White European) – Chief Investigator

      Immigrant Justice:
      Daniel Werner(Jew) – Deputy Legal Director
      Mónica Ramírez-Guerrero(Mestizo) – Director, Esperanza: The Immigrant Women’s Legal Initiative
      Kristi L. Graunke(Jew) – Senior Staff Attorney
      Andrew H. Turner(Jew) – Senior Staff Attorney
      James M. Knoepp(Jew) – Senior Staff Attorney

      Children at Risk:
      Sheila A. Bedi(Indian) – Deputy Legal Director
      Ronald K. Lospennato(White European) – Litigation Director, School-to-Prison Reform Project
      David J. Utter(Jew) – Director, Florida Initiatives
      Danielle J. Lipow(Jew) – Director, Juvenile Justice Policy Group
      Marion D. Chartoff(Jew) – Director, Alabama Education Project
      Courtney A. Bowie(Black) – Director, Mississippi Youth Justice Project

      Teaching Tolerance:
      Sean Price(White European) – Associate Editor
      Thomas Ronk(Jew) – Curriculum Design Manager

      Board of Directors:
      Howard A. Mandell(Jew) – Chairman
      Lloyd V. Hackley(Black) – Vice Chairman
      H. Julian Bond(Jew wife: Pamela S. Horowitz) – Director
      Patricia A. Clark(Mulatto) – Director
      Alan B. Howard(Jew) – Director
      Marsha A. Levick(Jew) – Director
      Joseph J. Levin, Jr.(Jew) – Founder, General Counsel
      James E. McElroy(White European) – Director
      Vanzetta P. McPherson(Black) – Director
      James L. Rucker(Jew wife: Heidi C. Hess) – Director
      David I.J. Wang(Chinese) – Director

      Of the twenty-one members of the Southern Poverty Law Center senior program staff, twelve(12) are Jews. This is a numerical representation of 57%. Of the eleven(11) members of the Southern Poverty Law Center board of directors, six(6) are Jews or have Jewish spouses. This is a numerical representation of 55%. Jews are approximately 2% of the U.S. population. This means that Jews are over-represented on the Southern Poverty Law Center senior program staff by a factor of 28.5 times, or 2,850 percent, and over-represented on the Southern Poverty Law Center board of directors by a factor of 27.5 times, or 2,750 percent. This extreme numerical over-representation of Jews on the Southern Poverty Law Center senior program staff and board of directors cannot be explained away as a coincidence or as the result of mere random chance. You must ask yourself how such an incredibly small and extremely unrepresentative minority ethnic group that only represents 2% of the United States population could so dominate America’s leading “civil rights” organization.

      Z.O.G. says:
      April 19, 2010 at 1:03 AM
      Who Controls the Southern Poverty Law Center?


      Fr. John says:
      April 19, 2010 at 5:53 AM
      Thanks for the stats. Now we know who to pray against, in a liturgy of malediction against God’s enemies.

      (Never think religion is a morally ‘neutral’ thing- Judas Iscariot was a ‘believer’ as well- just on the wrong side. And wasn’t he a ‘Jew,’ [i.e., Idumean] too? Yup.)

      Finrod says:
      April 19, 2010 at 6:26 AM
      Really? What defines “supremacist”? I didn’t log into the site “newsaxon.org”, but I don’t see anything “supremacist” about it, only that it is exclusive and pro-white.

      It gave me inspiration, though. why doesn’t TOO launch an exclusive, white only personals service, where people are matched for education and income? It would have a positive eugenics angle to it. We could start a race of Neitchian supermen.

      apollonian says:
      April 19, 2010 at 7:26 AM
      Military Suppression Is Mere Continuation, Application Of Basic Cultural Policy Of Lies, Fraud, Etc.
      (Apollonian, 19 Apr 10)

      Note this latest “military” policy is not really that new or unusual; SPLC is just enforcement, after all, never doubt, and it’s even good sign to see enforcers getting over-confident and smug.

      For what folks have to grasp is overall and all-encompassing sociologic policy and necessary consequences which simply CONTINUES, basic cause and impetus, in practical form, coming fm that core, crux COUNTERFEIT machine, US Federal Reserve Bank (Fed)–see RealityZone.com and TheMoneyMasters.com for expo/ref. Until we remove that COUNTERFEITING scam, Jews and criminals will CONTINUE to exert and consolidate their control.

      Thus people must face difficult facts and situation in CONCRETE manner–as for understanding Fed COUNTERFEITING–losing this suicidal and fatal fixation for ABSTRACTIONS which be-cloud mentality. Even children can understand COUNTERFEITING, what it is and can do, counterfeiting then the head and center for the rest of Jew criminal network.

      Surely most of all, note Jew strangle-hold over gentile mentality/consciousness is nowhere more emphatic than in establishment Christian churches and institutions. For Christianity is that very thing which is/was supposed to GUARD against the Jew disease, infection, and infiltration.

      CONCLUSION: Never doubt Christianity is DESIGNED to be anti-semitic (anti-Talmud, as Gosp. MARK 7:1-13); that’s its entire, fundamental purpose–to uphold TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN) against Jew lies and conspiracy. And essential “Judeo-Christian” (JC–see Whtt.org and TruthTellers.org for expo/ref.) hereticalists are weak-point, extremely vulnerable, for Jew conspiracy. Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian

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      Alexander Solzhenitsyn 1978

      A World Split Apart.
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      04-26-10 00:21 #3 Parapliers View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message View Blog Entries View Articles Add as Contact
      Senior Dissident

      Join Date Jan 2010
      Location Indianapolis
      Posts 117 Re: Christopher Donovan: Military To Sniff Out ‘White Supremacists’, Potok Crows
      There were many gang members in the Army in 1968. One was in my platoon for basic training. He was a Mau Mau who had filed his teeth into points. He wasn’t the worst just the biggest and ugliest.
      I’ only met one white supremicist in my three years. He was a heroic figure whose outstanding attitude was obvious to all. He drew an unbelieveable volume of “friendly” fire from back stabbers and bush whackers but was never confronted face to face.
      If the dynosaur cries with blood in his eyes and eats our babies for our lies, well maybe I’ll die but he’ll be rumbling through your petrified forest. – D. Van Vliet
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    30. nom de guerre Says:

      Jim says:For the white shabbaz goy fat cats mexeshit immigration is all about profits and undercutting the wages of the White working man. For the jews however, it is all about destroying the White gene pool in North America and turning the USA into Brazil Norte.

      The jews have the more nobler cause.

    31. nom de guerre Says:

      The Jew and ShABBAZ goy duet:
      Oh jews take the high road
      and the Mexeshits will build the low road
      and the niggers will do the groid work

      And me and de sno’ ho
      shall nevah, nevah part
      til de whole woild be nuthin’
      but obama mullatoes

    32. nom de guerre Says:

      Ask yourself these Questions, “Do we want controls? Do we want borders with Mudsicko? The appropriate answer to both is a resounding No!!!! Mudsicko must cease to exist, only weaklings opt for borders, we want a mud free planet, which means mudz have no right to exist, they have no territory that we recognize as their own Kuntry. We don’t want mud serfs in Afreeka or Latrino America, we don’t want to raise muds above their squalor, just stop them from breeding.. This New America Go White, or die!

    33. Bret Ludwig Says:

      The adoption of the anti-immigrant legislation that Arizona Governor Jan Brewer signed on Friday could greatly affect the outcome of future elections in the state by delivering Latino voters to Democrats on a silver platter.

      There is NO significant nonwhite vote that will support the GOP anywhere. That includes Florida: the Cubans who came over in the early days were White or mostly-White, mostly. Now it’s more the browners because the only Whites left in Cuba are tied heavily to the Party. The Communist Party there could not function without a core of White or mostly-White supporters, the browners lack the aptitudes needed for key positions.

      I hate the GOP as much as any one but we have to face facts, the GOP is the White Party on a de facto basis now. If you put any effort into the political system, in most states you are way better off to register GOP and vote for the Whitest primary candidate in the party. Then you can vote third party or write in in the general if you want.

      If the WNs vote in the primary they can have a measurable effect, plus which, nonvoting just means you’re perceived as apathetic.

      Best of all you might get Exit Polled. Look the camera in the eye and state the 14 Words or Whitaker’s Mantra or something. With luck the anti’s will try to use it against the GOP. That gets the message out irrespective of what it does for or against the GOP.

    34. -JC Says:

      “The future looks unimaginably bleak.”

      Part 1 of 2 of the above article, Goodbye America, by Dr. Lasha Darkmoon (April 22, 2010) is here:


    35. nom de guerre Says:

      “The future looks unimaginably bleak.”
      I don’t believe so, we just have to tip the scales beyond the point of returning to things as jewsual, we need two things, consolidation of Whites into a racially aware group, threatned with extinction by the jew and their mud minions, second we need confrontation with the Zogs political and police powers, to do a real knee slammer on them.. The system needs to be shut down like the Chernobyl nuclear reactor, where the core overheats to the point that the rods can’t be reinserted to stop meltdown.. nO YA CAN’T GO BACK TO KAHN-STANTINOPLE HYMIE

    36. Ein Says:

      “Natural born means both parents are American Citizens ” –JC

      I don’t think that’s precisely so… nor legally. I’ve never understood it that way. It doesn’t have anything to do with the parents — unless they are specifically mentioned, as in qualifications for the presidency.

    37. Tim McGreen Says:


      Why did they change the name of that city from Constantinople to Istanbul? Well, I’m just going to keep on referring to it as Constantinople, whether “they” like it or not. Turkish assholes.

    38. nom de guerre Says:

      Why did they change the name of that city from Constantinople to Istanbul? Well, I’m just going to keep on referring to it as Constantinople, whether “they” like it or not. Turkish assholes.
      probably some jews idea, you know they threw open the doors to the mudslim invaders.. But there is change in the wind, look what happened to all those Russian cities named Leningrad, Stalingrad etc. they quickly reverted back after hymie left for other pickings.
      I’m always wondering why we have all these Injun place names ?
      I mean did the Injuns make maps?

    39. nom de guerre Says:

      Think I”ll stick with Kahn-stantinople instead of Jew Dawk Shitty! Why do we still called the Chief Executives mansion the White House? WTF do we need all these Crapitols in every state? Let Guvmint operate on a budget like the early Texas republic, when the seat of guvmint was the back of a mule.

    40. nom de guerre Says:

      Correction, that was the back of a mule , not the current mulatto on our backs.

    41. Howdy Doody Says:

      Check this latest photo out. If you can post it please do.


    42. Kuda Bux Says:

      I’m very creative to-day. Why not call the mansion the Black House?

    43. -JC Says:

      Ein Says:
      27 April, 2010 at 10:42 pm

      “Natural born means both parents are American Citizens ” –JC

      I don’t think that’s precisely so… nor legally. I’ve never understood it that way…

      I’m sorry you apparently don’t understand. Try this:

      “Educating The Really Really Confused About ‘Nbc-gate’”…
      Posted in Uncategorized on April 26, 2010 by naturalborncitizen and note the assertion that kind of confusion is the stuff of what the attorney/writer calls “very desperate blogging propaganda” in support of Obama’s purported legitimacy.

      Original filings and postings by California attorney and dentist, Orley Taitz, are at her official website http://www.orleytaitzesq.com.

      “Ok, already. Obama does not qualify. Sorry, but facts are facts and the Constitution is clear. Also clear are the millions of dollars Obama has spent to keep his birth certificate from being publicly revealed.” –Attorney Edgar J. Steele (July 28, 2009)


    44. Tim McGreen Says:

      What mansion are you referring to? The Executive Mansion? I’m afraid John Mohammed and Lee Malvo already beat you to it!

    45. -JC Says:


    46. Tim McGreen Says:

      Does anyone really believe that bleached blonde Jewess Taitz is going to get Sotero out of office?

    47. -JC Says:

      I’m not sure she believes she’ll get him out of office but I think she’s made a point, albeit unintentional, about the ignorance & apathy of the relatively White majority American people, which such comments and the aimless meandering of so many threads even here confirms.

    48. Tim McGreen Says:

      JC, are you saying what I think you’re saying? Jesus H. Christ, I can’t believe it…………You’re really serious about this, aren’t you?

      No, please, let’s talk about it! Don’t do anything crazy! You know what happens when they get people like you, don’t you? Look, it’s all going to happen one way or the other, whether you like it or not. I mean it, JC, so don’t even think about it anymore! Are you listening to me???? Will you do what they asked you to do? Will you PLEASE do the right thing?