12 April, 2010

Open Thread

Posted by Socrates in open threads, Socrates at 11:38 pm | Permanent Link

Post whatever you want…

  • 75 Responses to “Open Thread”

    1. Tim McGreen Says:

      Life in Hymiewood really screws up those young shiksa actresses. Anna Paquin would be wise to get the hell out of there before she starts going off the deep end like Lindsey Lohan. Some of the Hymiewood celebrity meat-machine’s other victims include Sharon Tate, Dorothy Stratten, Dana Plato, Thelma Todd, Marilyn Monroe, Clara Bow (Hymiewood didn’t kill her, but it did ruin her life), Natalie Wood, Jayne Mansfield and who knows how many other lesser known/unknown/might-have-beens.

    2. Blackshirt Says:

      Tried to make a posting a few hours ago and it didn’t appear. Tried to post it again and I got the message “duplicate comment, you’ve already said that”. So it is still not posted and this has happened several times in the past. What is up with this? I thought this was an open thread?

    3. Henry Says:

      “Some of the Hymiewood celebrity meat-machine’s other victims include …”

      Another one to mention is Frances Farmer.

      Of course, there are countless thousands of others who went there with starry eyes and high hopes but never made it to fame, whose names we’ll never know. A meat machine indeed!

    4. Dave Says:

      Same problem here blackshirt,my comment is gone, I don”t want to type it again.

    5. Dave Says:


    6. Antagonistes Says:

      Varg–I have noticed that I could vote, leave the website, and then come back and vote again.

      In this way, I voted “positive” three times for the posting by Arminius.

      Now, I will be the first to admit that I am sometimes easily confused . . . so, has anyone else been able to do this?

    7. Antagonistes Says:

      Varg–never mind. Either I was confused or it has been fixed.

      Further testings have not produced the same result that I thought I saw.

    8. Dave Says:



      just some funny stuff.

    9. CW-2 Says:

      The recent crash of the Polish Tupolev TU-154 with most of the government on board is just too ‘convenient’ for the incident not to be due to sabotage. The black boxes may not show anything suspicious, but an a audit of the service personnel is sure to reveal some shady characters, such as avionics technicians who used to work for El Al.

    10. Tbow009 Says:

      How Goes OPERATION INFILTRATE? The infiltration of the Jewish hierarchy and religion by those loyal to white anglo/aryan peoples? After more than Two Years I would think they would have made a little headway working inside the Jewish community and leadership. I would love to see the full report on the Operation asap…thanks

    11. Antagonistes Says:

      I saw Hannity last night.

      He had Abe Foxman on, and Hannity introduced him as “the Atonement-denier, Abe Foxman.” Later he referred to him as the “Resurrection-renouncer, Abe Foxman.”


    12. Andrei's Ghost Says:

      Seven negro adult juvenile students charged after melee

      Cops: Dozens of negro adult juvenile students from Portage High School participated or watched and/or clapped hands in rhythm

      By Andrei Yustschinsky of the Porter County ***Star*** Press | Posted: Sunday, April 18, 2010 12:05 am

      PORTAGE, INDIANA | Seven Portage High School negro students were charged after a large altercation after school Thursday.

      Seven negro male adult students were taken into custody after a fight at Port Crossing Apartments near the high school, according to police reports.

      High school freshman lMicah Davis, 23 who was sporting a FUBU® sweat shirt and very baggy SEAN JOHN® trousers, was charged with disorderly conduct, exposing himself and resisting law enforcement. Davis was one of several negro students who ran from the disturbance once police arrived, the police reports show. He later was apprehended walking in the area of Airport and Lute roads. He was taken to Porter County Jail.

      Seven negro freshman and sophomore students, ranging from 20 to 23 years old, were charged with battery, resisting law enforcement, exposing their genitals and disorderly conduct. All juveniles were taken to the Porter County Jail.

      More darkie students may face charges within the next few days, Portage police Sgt. Keith Hughes said.

      The melee started just after school Thursday, reports state. School officials observed a large gathering of negro students near the northwest corner of the high school near the administration building. Negro students then moved east toward the section eight apartment complex and were recorded by the school security camera. Officials said several students of black skin had taken their shirts off and started fighting. Police said 40 to 50 colored students were involved. When police arrived, most colored students ran like jack rabbits.

      Hughes said the fight started with two negro students who had moved to Portage from Gary. While attending school together in Gary, the two “had a beef over some bitches and some powdered rock,” and the disagreement continued when they moved to Portage, he said. Hughes said he didn’t know what started the disagreement.

      Several adult juvenile negroes became involved in physical altercations with police. One adult juvenile colored boy, who apparently was injured in the fight, was “spitting blood into the wind” and was ordered to stop by police. He did not stop, police said, and blood landed on an officer’s back, gear and an uncovered portion of his arm.

      Police also recovered a cell camera phone with a photo of a naked underage blonde White girl and an unread text message, saying, “Hey can u get me a 9mm in about a half hour so i can blow that jive-ass motherfucker away?” Only a few weapons were involved in the disturbance or recovered, Hughes said.

      Andrei Yustschinsky reporting from “on the spot & in the parking lot” of Portage High School, 6450 U.S. 6, Portage, IN 46368-5199, (219) 764-6026

    13. Dave Says:

      One more white child! My third baby is due tomorrow! Not only is it Hitlers birthday,but also my distant relative Napoleon III

    14. Dave Says:

      Baby was born!!!

    15. Tim McGreen Says:

      Congratulations, Dave. Son or daughter? And born on April 20th! Awesome. May the Aryan Gods smile on you and your family!

    16. Andrei's ghost Says:

      “Bombing the Murrah Federal Building was morally and strategically equivalent to the U.S. hitting a government building in Serbia, Iraq, or other nations.”
      Timothy McVeigh

      What McVeigh Meant

      By Sam Francis

      For all the fun and frolic that the nation’s media elite was enjoying over the now-delayed execution of Timothy McVeigh, there remains a nagging question in their minds about the Oklahoma City bombing that McVeigh now openly admits having committed: Why doesn’t this terrorist feel any guilt?

      The question permeates the best-selling examination of the bombing and the bomber, American Terrorist: Timothy McVeigh and the Oklahoma City Bombing, by Buffalo News reporters Lou Michel and Dan Herbeck, and it pops up at the end of the series of letters that McVeigh wrote to yet another journalist, Phil Bacharach, published in Esquire this month. (RealAudio interview with Bacharach, 30 min.)

      Indeed, in both the book and the letters, McVeigh, guilty of the largest mass murder in American history, is also probably the cheeriest murderer in all of history. In the letters to Mr. Bacharach, he is mainly concerned about the movies and TV shows he’s been watching (his favorite seems to be Clint Eastwood’s “Unforgiven,” but he didn’t much care for “Seinfeld”).

      As for the bombing, he shows no remorse, regret or guilt whatsoever; he’s referred to the day care center and the children he slaughtered in the Murrah Building as “collateral damage” and compared all his innocent victims to the imaginary bad guys of “Star Wars.” As Mr. Bacharach himself concludes his article, “It is beyond me to reconcile the Timothy McVeigh who murdered 168 people with the writer of these letters…. I do know one thing: In the written word, at least, he has not a whisper of conscience.”

      Is that because McVeigh is a “psychopath” or “sociopath” or fits some other psycho-babble label invented to explain the unexplainable? Probably not. The psychiatrist who studied him in prison doesn’t use such terms but has no better explanation himself. Moreover, McVeigh has always claimed he didn’t know the day care center was there, that it wasn’t visible from the street, that he would have picked another target if he had known, that he tried to avoid harming non-government employees.

      Most of that, of course, doesn’t help. Even if the day care center hadn’t been there, the bombing was still more brutal than most people could ever imagine committing. And McVeigh really didn’t try very hard to avoid “innocent” casualties. Any federal building is full of people who have nothing to do with the federal government McVeigh hates so much—taxpayers, crime victims, veterans, maybe even men like David Koresh of Waco or Randy Weaver of Ruby Ridge trying to extract a little justice for themselves. It didn’t matter very much to Timothy McVeigh that he blew these kinds of good people up along with the bureaucrats, and it doesn’t matter to him now.

      But the reason it doesn’t matter to him ought to be pretty clear from what he tells Mr. Michel and Mr. Herbeck and from what he’s written to Fox News reporter Rita Cosby. Timothy McVeigh thinks of himself as a soldier fighting a war, and he has no more conscientious reaction to killing civilians, government employees or not, than Allied airplane pilots had in World War II when they firebombed Japanese and German civilians in Tokyo, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and Dresden, or American pilots when they hit civilian targets in Vietnam, Iraq and Serbia.

      “Bombing the Murrah Federal Building,” McVeigh writes to Miss Cosby, “was morally and strategically equivalent to the U.S. hitting a government building in Serbia, Iraq or other nations. Based on observations of the policies of my own government, I viewed this action as an acceptable option. From this perspective, what occurred in Oklahoma City was no different than what Americans rain on the heads of others all the time and, subsequently, my mindset was and is one of clinical detachment.”

      “Clinical detachment” may not be an accurate description of how many American soldiers and airmen regard the killing of civilians, but it’s probably true that most who have killed civilians don’t agonize about it very much, and some (like those who to this day celebrate Arthur “Bomber” Harris, who led the murderous destruction of Dresden from the air two months before the end of World War II in Europe) go to their graves proud of it.

      To understand why McVeigh feels no guilt for what he did is not to say that he shouldn’t. What he did was indeed an act of mass murder that deserves death, if not a good deal more than death. But the point he tried to make in his act of murder remains a serious one—that in modern warfare as practiced routinely and happily by the United States and other modern democracies and increasingly in law enforcement, civilian targets and civilian casualties are acceptable—if not often deliberately targeted—casualties. After we kill Timothy McVeigh, Americans should think hard about what he was trying to tell us.


      May 14, 2001

    17. Krystian Says:

      Where did all the pro-McReen fags come from to make my post disappear? I find it hard to believe that people here would give minus 14 votes for attacking that asshole who did more than any single person to fuck VNN (and with Alex’s tacit support, which makes me wonder). He runs amok for more than a year, trying to silence everyone who disagrees with him, and there are people here who like him?

    18. Dave Says:

      Who the hell is McReen?

    19. Jon Says:

      Online book:

      Solving 9-11: The Deception that Changed the World
      by Christopher Bollyn

      “Eight years have passed since the terror atrocities of September 11, 2001, heinous false-flag terror crimes which took the lives of thousands of innocent people and led to drastic changes in the United States and around the world. Although the terror attacks have yet to be properly investigated and prosecuted by the federal government, we now have scientific evidence that proves that the official explanation is nothing but a pack of lies, a massive deception foisted on the public by corrupt government officials and the controlled media. Most significantly, this deception was promoted by officials and media owners who knew it to be false.”

      Jewish fingerprints all over this crime of the century; VNN readers are not suprised one bit.


      “While the evidence indicates that the Israelis had prior knowledge of 9-11, commonly-held misconceptions about Israel and a general lack of understanding of Zionism’s brutal history of terrorism prevent most people from comprehending the Israeli connection. An ignorance of Zionist history, cultivated by the controlled media, prevents people from understanding the present reality. In order to understand 9-11, it is essential to have a grasp of the history of previous Israeli attacks on the United States. This chapter examines a few little-known, but key events in the history of Israeli false-flag terror attacks and the Zionist planners behind them. The names and events discussed in this chapter are at the center of Zionist terrorism, false-flag and otherwise.”


      Highly recommended by yours truly.


    20. Andrei's ghost Says:

      Mestizo-spic “officer” cleared, White officers for April & May hearings will most likely not be cleared…..

      US military jury clears south suburban SEAL in Iraq abuse case

      By LARA JAKES Associated Press Writer | Posted: Thursday, April 22, 2010 7:04 am

      BAGHDAD | A U.S. military jury cleared a Navy SEAL Thursday of failing to prevent the beating of an Iraqi prisoner suspected of masterminding a 2004 attack that killed four American security contractors.

      The contractors’ burned bodies were dragged through the streets and two were hanged from a bridge over the Euphrates river in the former insurgent hotbed of Fallujah, in what became a turning point in the Iraq war.

      The trial of three SEALs, the Navy’s elite special forces unit, in the abuse case has outraged many Americans who see it as coddling terrorists.

      A six-man jury found Petty Officer 1st Class Julio Huertas, 29, of Blue Island, Illinois, not guilty of charges of dereliction of duty and attempting to influence the testimony of another service member. The jury spent two hours deliberating the verdict.

      “It’s a big weight off my shoulders,” a smiling and composed Huertas said as he left the courthouse at the U.S. military’s Camp Victory on Baghdad’s western outskirts.

      “Compared to all the physical activity we go through, this has been mentally more challenging.”

      Huertas said he plans now to continue with his military career and “to go home and kiss my wife.”

      Huertas was the first of three SEALS to face a court-martial for charges related to the abuse incident and the verdict was a major blow to the government’s case. All three SEALs could have received only a disciplinary reprimand, but insisted on a military trial to clear their names and save their careers.

      The trial stems from an attack on four Blackwater security contractors who were driving through the city of Fallujah west of Baghdad in early 2004. The images of the bodies hanging from the bridge drove home to many the rising power of the insurgency and helped spark a bloody U.S. invasion of the city to root out the insurgents later that year.

      The Iraqi prisoner who was allegedly abused, Ahmed Hashim Abed, testified Wednesday on the opening day of the trial that he was beaten by U.S. troops while hooded and tied to a chair.

      Navy Petty Officer 3rd Class Kevin DeMartino, who was assigned to process and transport the prisoner and is not a SEAL, testified he saw one SEAL punch the prisoner in the stomach and watched blood spurt from his mouth. Huertas and the third SEAL were in the narrow holding-room at the time of the incident, he added.

      But defense attorneys tried to cast doubt on the beating claims, showing photographs of Abed after the alleged beating in which he had a visible cut inside his lip but no obvious signs of bruising or injuries anywhere else.

      In her closing arguments, Huertas’ civilian attorney Monica Lombardi pointed to inconsistencies between DeMartino’s testimony and nearly every other Navy witness. She also reminded the jury of the terrorism charges against Abed, who is in Iraqi custody and has not yet been tried, saying he could not be trusted and may have inflicted wounds on himself as a way of casting blame on American troops.

      “There was no abuse,” Lombardi said. “This is classic terrorist training.”

      After the verdict, Lombardi said the jurors told her they had made their ruling because there were too many inconsistencies in the case and that they did not believe the prisoner.

      Prosecutors refused to comment after the verdict, but in his closing argument Lt. Cmdr. Jason Grover said the SEALs were itching for payback for the killings of the Blackwater guards — two of whom were former SEALs — and that now the elite unit had “circled the wagons.”

      The court-martial of Petty Officer 2nd Class Jonathan Keefe, of Yorktown, Virginia, who is also charged with dereliction of duty on allegations he failed to safeguard the prisoner, is scheduled to begin Friday also at Camp Victory.

      Petty Officer 2nd Class Matthew McCabe, of Perrysburg, Ohio, the SEAL charged with assaulting Abed, is scheduled to be court-martialed May 3 in Virginia, where the three men are based.

    21. Antagonistes Says:

      Krystian–Lay off Tom McReen.

      Yes, he has some problems, but at heart he is a good lad.

      Can you name me a Celtic lad who does not have difficulties?

      Never condemn outright a Celtic lad or he will come roaring
      back at you like Cù Chulainn!

    22. Dave Says:

      GoldFish crackers! The choice of hebes world wide!

    23. Howdy Doody Says:

      Manuel Noriega

      Miami, Florida (CNN) — Former Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega was put on a plane to France on Monday after U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton signed extradition orders.

      Clinton signed a surrender warrant, the last step making Noriega’s extradition possible, State Department spokesman Charles Luoma-Overstreet said.

      France has been seeking to prosecute Noriega for allegedly using its banking system to launder drug money.

      Noriega’s extradition came after he spent 20 years in a U.S. federal penitentiary in Miami, Florida.

      Timeline: Manuel Noriega
      Manuel Noriega
      Noriega was convicted in 1992 of cocaine trafficking, racketeering and money laundering. His sentence ended 2½ years ago, and his next destination has been the subject of a court battle.

      With U.S. marshals by his side and wearing handcuffs, Noriega shuffled his feet as he was escorted to the commercial Air France flight at Miami International Airport.

      The move came as a shock to the Miami attorneys who have defended Noriega for more than 20 years.

      “I would have hoped, if an order was signed, that the State Department would have the courtesy to respond to his lawyers and tell them an order was signed,” said Frank Rubino, Noriega’s criminal defense attorney.

      “I’m in total shock they did this without the common courtesy of a phone call,” he added.

      Noriega and his attorneys had argued that the United States was violating the Geneva Conventions by not sending him back to Panama, where he was seized by U.S. troops after the United States invaded Panama in 1989.

      U.S. federal courts repeatedly ruled against him. His last shot had been an appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court, which in January declined to hear his case.

      U.S. forces removed the ex-dictator from office during Operation Nifty Package, the 1989 invasion of Panama. Noriega had fled his offices and tried to seek sanctuary in the Vatican Embassy in Panama City.

      U.S. troops set up large speakers around the compound, blaring music at all hours, a psychological ploy to rattle the general. He surrendered January 3, 1990, and was quickly escorted to the United States for civilian trial.

      After his drug conviction, Noriega was given POW status. His federal sentence, originally for 30 years, ended in September 2007 after time off for good behavior.

      In Panama, Noriega is wanted for the murder of a political rival. Panama has requested his extradition, but the U.S. is honoring France’s request instead.

      France has convicted Noriega in absentia of money laundering but has promised him a new trial.

      While in U.S. custody, Noriega dealt with prostate cancer and had a stroke.

      Last month, in an exclusive interview with CNN, Noriega’s grandson Jean-Manuel Beauchamp said that he had grown to admire his grandfather. He was only 4 months old when the U.S. invaded Panama.

      “When I was a kid, I didn’t grow up knowing he was in prison. I thought he was in school,” Beauchamp said.

      “I’ve spent quality time with him but not private time,” he said, alluding to prison security and the monitoring of conversations. “He’s the smartest man I know. He’s so friendly, outgoing, knowledgeable. He’s always looking to teach or give advice.

      The U.S. government has portrayed Noriega as the ultimate crooked cop, a man who was paid millions by the Medellin drug cartel in Colombia to protect cocaine and money shipments. Panamanians remember him as a cruel dictator.

    24. Henry Says:

      Krystian asks: I find it hard to believe that people here would give minus 14 votes for attacking that asshole who did more than any single person to fuck VNN (and with Alex’s tacit support, which makes me wonder). He runs amok for more than a year, trying to silence everyone who disagrees with him, and there are people here who like him?

      I don’t know if that means they liked him, Krys. That’s hard to believe. More likely (I suspect) that they objected to your reference to Christ. (Just my guess here.) Or else it means that he has 14 personalities, who all voted against you!

      Dave asks: “Who the hell is McReen?”

      He’s a compulsive poster suffering from Multiple Personality Disorder. Or, as it’s known professionally: “Dissociative Identify Disorder”. His confrontational and argumentative personality (at least one of them) didn’t help. He comes and goes. He’ll be back, I’m sure.

    25. Henry Says:

      I mean “Identity”, not Identify.