14 April, 2010

Marxism. Christianity. What’s the Diff?

Posted by Socrates in Christianity, Christians, communism, egalitarianism, equality, illegal immigration, immigration, Marxism, Socrates at 1:06 pm | Permanent Link

Communist: “I believe that all humans are equal!”

Christian: “So do I!”


  • 22 Responses to “Marxism. Christianity. What’s the Diff?”

    1. Kuda Bux Says:

      From each, according to ability, to each according to need- inspired by ACTS 4:32.

      Uh, if all are equal, then all should have equal ability.

    2. CW-2 Says:

      Do Christians really believe that ‘all men and women are created equal’?? I’m no expert but I can’t find anything in the New Testament that would encourage such a belief, other than the bit where Paul says something to the effect that there is no difference between jew and Greek, freeman and slave, man and woman. Here he isn’t refering to ‘equality’, but to JC’s redemption being open to all humanity.
      I imagine that first century Christians were sufficiently connected to the land and observers of Nature to know instinctively that equality doesn’t exist.

    3. Kuda Bux Says:

      The world runs on inequality.

      A cemetery runs on equality.

    4. Blackshirt Says:

      Both are from the mind of a Jew.

    5. Karen Says:

      A good book to read on the subject matter about so-called Christianity is prof. Oliver’s “Origins of Christianity” and of course all his other writings on this subject matter.

    6. Tim McGreen Says:

      There were a lot of Blacks and Jews in the Roman Empire, so how could even the most dim-witted White Christian of the time not be racially concious? As far as I know, there was very little effort made on the part of early White Christians to convert non-White heathens. The conversion of non-Whites didn’t begin in earnest until the Reformation, when the Roman Church lost millions of northern Europeans to Protestantism. So to make up for that loss, they began converting the Indian savages. And creating millions of little Mestizoes in the process.

    7. Luke Says:

      Good question, Alex.

      Particularly in light of the easily verifiable, historical fact that one of the basic, fundamental tenets and foundations of Marxist thinking and philosophy involves a virulent and maniacal hatred of White Anglo-Saxon-Celtic peoples, and the Western Civilization that those peoples are exclusively responsible for creating, using the unique and unparalleled talents and ingenuity of White Western Man. Marxist philosophy has always been consumed with resentment and envy, as well pure hatred for the White West – hence, the Marxist strategy for achieving their goals of destroying Western Civilization (and the white race who gave birth to it) has always centered around the importance of using racial minorities as clubs to wage war on the West. This is pure textbook Cultural Marxism, straight out of the literature and writings of the Frankfurt School of Cultural Marxism. To destroy the White West, you first must destroy the White race.
      To do this – Step 1 – is to pathologize any and all expressions of white racial pride and white racial consciousness. Create an environment whereby whites who express feelings of pride in their history and in their people are smeared and demonized as ‘racists’; this intimidates and seeks to neutralize the targeted victim who is scheduled for destruction by the Cultural Marxist ideologues. Step 2 – is to encourage all other ethnic groups to celebrate their race and to view any lack of achievement by their ethnic groups as the fault of the ‘evil white race’, because they are the oppressors. Meanwhile, work to flood every majority white nation with hundreds of millions of non-whites, with the objective of burying the white race numerically, under an avalanche of non-European people – thereby dispossessing whites inside their own native homelands, and subjugating them to being ruled over by non-whites who are hostile to everything that whites hold dearest, such as their precious freedoms and liberties. Hurl vile insults at, and agitate for passage of anti-free speech laws, such as ‘Hate Speech Laws’ – in response to any efforts by the white majority who has been targeted for destruction to speak out, or to organize themselves in order to fight their own ethnic dispossession inside their historical homelands. Step 3 – stifle any and all discussion of racial differences in IQ, aptitude, achievement, behavior and characteristics – and prohibit any forum which attempts
      to address the legitimate ethnic interests of the White majority who has been targeted for destruction. Create and promote the insane notion that whites should and MUST welcome being reduced to a minority inside their own native homelands – and that resisting this fate is evil, immoral, and is equivalent to being a NaziWhoWantsToKillSixMillionMoreJews. White pride = Hate. Non-white pride = Healthy, normal and joyful love of one’s own people.

      And, face it – Christianity and Marxism / Communism agree on the destruction of Anglo-Saxon-Celtic peoples and the deconstruction of White Western civilization.

      And churches wonder why their pews are getting emptier and emptier with each passing year? Minus white stupidity and gullibility – those churches would already be out of business entirely.

    8. Tim McGreen Says:

      The future of the Christian churches will be in the Turd World. Once that happens, Christianity will incorporate all kinds of ooga-booga, voodoo-swamp zombie practices and beliefs. It will no longer be a religion that is recognizable or desirable to Whites. Maybe White people will eventually replace Xianity with some kind of Westernized Buddhism, Zoroastrianism or New Agey, Maharishi stuff like The Beatles experimented with in India? (Assuming there will still be any White people around in the future, that is.)

    9. Old Dutch Says:

      “The conversion of non-Whites didn’t begin in earnest until the Reformation, when the Roman Church lost millions of northern Europeans to Protestantism. So to make up for that loss, they began converting the Indian savages. And creating millions of little Mestizoes in the process.”

      Tim you got that right!

      Diaz who wrote the first account of the conquest of Mexico, said much the same. The Roman Catholic church encouraged, and blessed, the Spanish-Mexican Indian marriages. What’s even more curious is that the Roman Catholic church let already married Spaniards marry Indian women. For the Roman Catholics since it was a New World you could have a new wife. It also looks as if the Roman Catholic church in Mexico permitted Spaniards to marry multiple Mexican Indians. Maybe the Roman Catholics considered it missionary work?

    10. Kuda Bux Says:

      They could screw as many as they wanted, so long as they used the missionary position.


    11. SuperDave Says:

      Marxism. Net Nutzism. What’s the difference?

      Communist: “I believe that Christianity is dangerous.”

      Net Nutzi: “So do I!”

    12. Neptune Says:

      Old Dutch

      You are 100% right. I remember a Dr. William Pierce’s broadcast titled “The Mestizo Menace” in which he described that the Catholic Church encouraged White Spaniards to marry indians in order to expand the influence of the Catholic Church in the New World. Probably those Catholics from Spain forgot that the Catholic Bible forbids race mixing; read Tobit 4:12 and Tobit 4:13.

      “Beware of all whoredom, my son, and chiefly take a wife of the seed of thy fathers, and take not a strange woman to wife, which is not of thy father’s tribe: for we are the children of the prophets, Noe, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob: remember, my son, that our fathers from the beginning, even that they all married wives of their own kindred, and were blessed in their children, and their seed shall inherit the land.” Tobit 4:12

      “Now therefore, my son, love thy brethren, and despise not in thy heart thy brethren, the sons and daughters of thy people, in not taking a wife of them: for in pride is destruction and much trouble, and in lewdness is decay and great want: for lewdness is the mother of famine.” Tobit 4:13

    13. Henry Says:

      “William Pierce’s broadcast titled “The Mestizo Menace” in which he described that the Catholic Church encouraged White Spaniards to marry indians in order to expand the influence of the Catholic Church in the New World.”

      I understand that the Porguguese also did this. And the French. They were ENCOURAGED to do so.

    14. Henry Says:

      “William Pierce’s broadcast titled “The Mestizo Menace” in which he described that the Catholic Church encouraged White Spaniards to marry indians in order to expand the influence of the Catholic Church in the New World.”

      I understand that the Porguguese also did this. And the French. They were ENCOURAGED to do so.

    15. Eddie Says:

      Do Christians really believe everyone is equal? I’m not fond of many Christians because they say they are meant to be tolerant but they’re not. Many of them are willing to jump down your throat saying you’re wrong somehow and will go to hell. Christianity is very bourgeois in quite a few countries. Marxists are usually atheists.

    16. Sgt. Skull Says:

      The differences are in degree and not kind. Spengler once said that Christianity was the grandmother of Bolshevism and events of the last several decades have proven him correct. I’ll say it again for the fiftieth time; contempory Christianity isn’t a bulwark against anything that threatens the survival of white people. Even the Catholic pope has been out shilling for amnesty in America.

      It’s time to junk the whole faith and start anew.

    17. Coup D'Etat Says:

      More nuts:

      “This is like a foreign mission came to us,” says Mary Lou McCaa, a member of Wasatch Presbyterian for 38 years. “To me, it’s like God brought them to our doorstep. We don’t have to go to Africa. Africa came to us.”


    18. Joe 90 Says:

      Although Marxism and Christianity both share eschatological expectations of bliss: Marxism locates this state as an earthly one, once capitalism has been overthrown; while Christianity promises a life eternal beyond death. Both are short on the details of these millennial states, provide no proof to back their claims but nevertheless assure us that these things will come to pass.

    19. Jim Says:

      One big negative of Marxism, aside of its insane equalitarianism, is the wholly materialistic concept of man and the universe. In order to offer ordinary White folks something better than jew christianity we need to formulate a new Aryan religion based on Blood and Soil as well as a valid concept of an afterlife of some sort. The best candidate for a new Aryan philosophy I have seen so far is the “Esoteric Hitlerism” of Miguel Serrano and Savitri Devi.

    20. CW-2 Says:

      I must admit to not having heard of Miguel Serrano, so thanks for bringing this interesting character to our attention. Some of his ideas have a distinctly ‘loony tune’ aspect to them. Stuff like Hitler and the North Pole, have the potential to make WN a laughing stock. However, the movement is in need of a mythic component to balance our sometime excessive rationalism.
      His idea that Cro-Magnon / Aryan man is in combat with Neanderthal and Homo Erectus fits the present world.

    21. Jim Says:

      http://savitridevi.org/M&R_chapter_1.html. Check this out, CW2.

    22. Joe 90 Says:

      Or to put it another way… Hegelianism is Christianity secularised; Marx was a Young Hegelian and Marxism is Hegelianism materialized.