17 April, 2010

Dr. Strangelove, Made in Israel

Posted by Socrates in Israel, Israel - the facts, jewed foreign policy, Socrates, Zionism, Zionist lobby at 12:07 am | Permanent Link

by Philip Giraldi: [Here].

  • 5 Responses to “Dr. Strangelove, Made in Israel”

    1. Tim McGreen Says:

      Well I’m sure Israel won’t mind if we send them a loyal American and devoutly Catholic shiksa to be THEIR “Senior Special Assistant to the Chief of Staff of the Israeli Air Force General So-and-So”.

      Assholes. Or should I say “Kassholes”?

    2. whodareswings Says:

      Philip Giraldi at Antiwar.com fails to mention the fact that General Schwartz, the head of the U.S. Air Force is a Jew. None of the Web’s professional anti-Semites ever write or podcast the facts about the Judiazation of the military, that the head of the National Guard and the assistant commander of the Marine Corps are also Jewish. Why? Because they”re too busy fretting about Harold Covington.

    3. Tim McGreen Says:

      “None of the Web’s professional anti-Semites ever write or podcast the facts about the Judiazation of the military, that the head of the National Guard and the assistant commander of the Marine Corps are also Jewish. Why? Because they”re too busy fretting about Harold Covington.”

      I remember Dr. Pierce talking about “American” General Wesley Kahn Clark over ten years ago, when Gen. Kahn-Clark was in charge of killing blonde-haired, blue-eyed Serbians during the Balkan War. So you’re right, the Jews have infiltrated the highest echelons of the goyim’s military structure. Anyone remember Dwight David Eisenhower? Even the German Kriegsmarine and Wehrmacht in WWII had a few mischlinge officers in their ranks!

      But as far as Harry Glass-Covington goes, no one here has mentioned him since the mysterious and abrupt departure from this site of his right-hand man “New America”.

      Ah, memories…the Northwest Imperative, a destiny that includes walking among the stars……Tell me, when did it all go wrong?

    4. CW-2 Says:

      Where does all this put the much discussed attack on Iran, a distant possibility or an imminent certainty??

    5. Ein Says:

      But as far as Harry Glass-Covington goes, no one here has mentioned him since the mysterious and abrupt departure from this site of his right-hand man “New America”.

      Yes, I noticed that too. And the “Adam entity” disappeared at just about the same time, as I recall. Odd.

      I’m not implying anything. I have no conclusions to offer. But it’s odd.