11 April, 2010

Clever Phraseology Sells Things

Posted by Socrates in Holocaust, holocaust racket, holocaust survivors, Holocaustianity, Socrates at 3:48 pm | Permanent Link

It’s not the product that counts, it’s how you market it! Ask any rabbi. Anyway, if you’re a “second-generation Holocaust survivor,” in what way did you “survive” it? Unless you can time-travel, you weren’t in Europe during WWII:


  • 18 Responses to “Clever Phraseology Sells Things”

    1. Tim McGreen Says:

      Ugh! What a bunch of repulsive-looking specimens in that article! The physical ugliness of the Jew is a manifestation of his inner ugliness.

    2. Dave Says:

      Open thread, open thread, open thread.

    3. torrence Says:

      Along such lines of thinking, we are all ‘survivors’ of something.

      I’d like to share with everyone my experiences of being a 31st Generation Survivor of the Bubonic Plague that raged across Europe in the 14th Century. It was terrible! I feel so fortunate today that my European ancestors survived these awful times, not knowing when – at any moment – they could meet their end. Many of my lineage were lost, but enough survived to tell all they saw and experienced. This is part of my heritage that I will never – must Never – Forget!

      I honor my ancestors and give testimony to their heroism and will to survive. I have been president for three years now of the local Survivors of the Bubonic Plague Committee and wll participate in the upcoming Remembrance Ceremonies at the National Bubonic Plague Memorial in Washington DC. I continue to work with local educators in ensuring that the Plague is never forgotten to future generations and work everyday toward intolerance of a return of any such infectious pestilinces again.

    4. Jewey Jewstein Says:

      I hope Jews take over the world and white people are obliterated from the historical record.

      Fuck you assholes.

    5. Tim Harris Says:

      Actually, the “2nd Generation” has suffered as much as the first generation. Almost exactly as much.

      Sometimes, the kikenpress reveals a deeper truth despite its intentions.

    6. Andrei's ghost Says:

      This guy is at least starting to learn a little, This is a letter published in a Warsaw, Indiana newspaper.

      Wednesday, April 07, 2010

      Don’t Teach Holocaust

      Wednesday, April 07, 2010

      Editor, Times-Union:

      Why are Warsaw Community High School honors English students studying the Holocaust for a whole unit of time instead of English literature, American heroes, etc.?

      The referenced news article contained the report that “the Jews were discriminated against since the beginning of time.” Whoa, wrong, time did not commence with the Jews. The Jews are reportedly descendants of Judah, a son of Jacob etc., etc. This error calls into question all the information the students are being taught by the representatives of the Jewish Holocaust Museum and Education Center.

      The descendants of Jacob went to Egypt as famine refugees. After creating havoc there and taking the gold and silver, they fled into the desert. As they migrated they murdered all the people of communities such as Jericho, thus practicing genocide. They captured Palestine before warring among themselves. The Jews prevailed. The Jewish leaders preached they were ‘chosen of God.’ Jesus said they were in error. They hated him and arranged his death. They don’t believe in His Resurrection.

      The Jewish leaders yet claim they are the ‘chosen of God.’ This creates strong opposition in other religions especially Islam and Christianity. During the middle ages many European countries tried to force the Jews to be baptized as Christians, emigrate, or die. The last determined effort was by Martin Luther in Germany during the sixteenth century.

      Adolf Hitler was a German patriot who blamed the Jewish-Communists for Germany’s defeat in WWI. His enemies tried to kill him. When he later came to power he retaliated. For years Germany encouraged the Jews to emigrate. Palestine and Madagascar were recommended. Some went there. About half a a million emigrated to Switzerland. Two and a half million emigrated to the USA. Others emigrated to countries around the world. Those that didn’t emigrate were imprisoned and had to labor for their sustenance.

      The Jews have never learned from the horrors of living in concentration camps nor of showing mercy to others. World news sources continue to report that the Jews presently have about 1.5 million Palestinians penned in the concentration camp known as “Gaza’. Need a cause? Work on this.

      Why would anyone want to emulate Jewish leaders? Those leaders have been an abomination to their followers. In addition to not providing worthy leadership to avoid the Holocaust they also made decisions in the past that led to the destruction of Jerusalem on at least three seperate occasions with great loss of Jewish life and ensuing slavery each time. And they are agitating towards a forth.

      When public school students are taught that “the Jews are God’s chosen people.” they have been subjected to Jewish proselytizing efforts, which should cease.

      Buck Young


      Content © 2010
      Software © 1998-2010 1up! Software, All Rights Reserved

    7. Coup D'Etat Says:

      Bumping this up; deserves to be in one of the first of the front-line reading for the day:

      The neo-communits seems to be increasing in Utah. “Oh, let us not forget the Holocaust.” In addition, the governor likes diversity even if the Holocaust is one sided. I wonder if he knows B’nai B’rith is a front for the Mossad?

      Here’s a link if anyone likes to join in on the fun and commment on what really did happen and the senseless massacre of 40 million Germans even after WWII ended. And, maybe throw in the fact about the Bolsheviks and their murder of at least 20 million Whites and why they never receive any recognition for their deaths. It’s time to educate the public. :)


    8. Ainsworpth Says:

      You cant beat these kikes in marketing. Just like we say 3rd generation fighters or cellphones ,these con artists are groomng future generations of shysters to shake down iinnocent victims. There will be new and improved models with extra features guarenteed to milk corporations and countriies for generations to come.

    9. Norsk Says:

      I’m third generation Norwegian and i am the survivor of the great Lutefisk and Lefsa shortage.

    10. Mel Brooks Says:


      You vant braggink rrrightzz? I giff you braggink rrrightzz! I am die lasht livink membairrr of the 1960th Generation of the Great Meteor Collision Hoilicoist of 47,000 B.C. !! Any oil und diomints crreated by the impact izz meine..azz rrrreperationz!

      Take dat, you viciouzz Anti-Meterorite!

      (lame) humor aside, I anticipated this years ago. After all, what’s to become of the racket once the last “survivor” has one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel? And of course the whole ‘inherited holocaust” silliness ties in neatly with whatever fraud the psychiatric profession is palming off on the clucks via the media out(house)lets.

      All I can say after getting half-way through the article is..my breakfast tasted a lot better the first time…urp.

    11. Mel Brooks Says:

      ..there goes my lunch, too. Thanks a lot for the link, Coup (g).

      Another charge to level at the Survivor Set-nearly universal poisoning of their own children with this “anti-non-Jewish-world” hatred and the constant paranoia it produces. I don’t think I ever met a Jew with a healthy relationship with his/her parents. Being around jews I’ve known in the company of their parents was shocking in the uniformity of the (bad) experience from person to person..going from subtle snipes to outright battles. If you excuse yourself from it they all turn on you. Ugh.

      No jew could hate me more than I pity them..

    12. Andrei's ghost Says:

      Rapture bunny pissed-offed at Buck Young’s newspaper letter above…

      Monday, April 12, 2010


      Monday, April 12, 2010

      Editor, Times-Union:

      It was saddening to read an anti-Semitic letter in our paper last week.

      I think that Jews are no different than anyone else in their ability to do wrong, nonetheless, in both Old and New Testaments of the Bible, God claims them as a people specifically chosen by Him for His purposes. Those purposes actually included everyone when He sent His son Jesus, as a Jew, to die so that all the nations of the earth could be blessed.

      I would wish that everybody would choose to experience this blessing God has offered humanity through the Jews, and as to their failings, realize God has not yet completed His purpose in choosing them.

      Karen Scripture

      Content © 2010
      Software © 1998-2010 1up! Software, All Rights Reserved

    13. Jugurtha Says:

      Soon there will be second generation “war criminals” to go along with the second generation “survivors”.

    14. torrence Says:

      Very impressed with Buck Young’s letter from Warsaw, Indiana. Does anyone know of a manner to contact him to share my appreciation for his letter?

    15. Tim McGreen Says:

      “Buck Young” needs to rid himself of that crazy Bible mythology. Then he’ll truly be free of Semitic mind-control.

      And Hitler was an Austrian, not a German.

    16. Henry Says:

      Was that Warsaw, Indiana, or Warsaw, NY?

      aND INCIDENTALLY, Karen claims that:
      “God claims them as a people specifically chosen by Him for His purposes. Those purposes actually included everyone when He sent His son Jesus, as a Jew, to die so that all the nations of the earth could be blessed.”
      …but the Jews themselves would not agree with her on that or appreciate that.

    17. Andrei's ghost Says:

      Tim & Henry: I can’t find Buck Young’s phone #, there’s over 35 Youngs in Warsaw & i don’t know his actual first name & that’s Warsaw, Indiana, not New York or Poland. By the way, Tom Metzger also lives in Warsaw. Also, Buck Young’s letter was in the Warsaw newspaper for about 5 days.

    18. Henry Says:

      Thanks. I checked out Warsaw, Ind. and find that it is “among the fastest growing areas in Indiana.” Amazing. I also find that it is only 70% white, and almost 30% Hispanic!!! (Hardly any blacks.) More amazing. One can see where all that “growth” is coming from. South of the border. I suppose Tom Metzger thought he was getting away from all of that by leaving Mexifornia and moving here. No way! A perfect example of how you can’t run away from them. They will follow you wherever you go.

      I remember passing through Warsaw, years ago, as a kid, on the way to Chicago. We stopped for lunch. I still recall it as a dinky place. According to Wiki, there is a “notable Biblical Garden” there. I think there were a lot of Mennonites/ Amish around the area. Apparently, it’s an Evangelical kind of place too…. explaining Buck Young’s hang-up on “that crazy Bible mythology”. Oh, well. Whatever turns him on.

      Another thing, I remember reading a newspaper article, years ago, about Warsaw. It seems that it became established as a Midwestern center for Jewish traveling salesmen, for whatever reason, with a large Jewish community. Don’t know if it’s still a Jewish center today. Probably not.