28 April, 2010

Arizona: Sheriff Has “No Intention” of Complying with New Immigration Law

Posted by Socrates in cops, General Decline, illegal immigration, immigration, immigration bills/laws, Socrates at 5:15 pm | Permanent Link

Trivia: all cops take an oath to uphold the laws. On the bright side, this law really is illuminating for the citizens: it’s bringing out the true colors of all sorts of people:


More: [Here].

  • 43 Responses to “Arizona: Sheriff Has “No Intention” of Complying with New Immigration Law”

    1. th Says:

      I am sure that this idiot promised to enforce the law so he could get elected, but like all political offices it’s important what you promise and not what you actully do. So fire the spick loving bastard. He’s more worried about being sued than enforcing the law. I bet if a bunch of skinheads came driving through he would be all over them. Fuck this guy.

    2. Dagon Says:

      Interesting. Yes indeed, during times such as these people’s true colors do show themselves.

      What I find fascinating, and more than a little maddening, is how people like Dupnic acknowledge a detioriorating situation in the country but then merely affirm the world-view of the status-quo and the leaders and interests who created the detioriorating situation in the first place.

      “I don’t like what’s happening in the country.”

      Well, neither do the people of Arizona Sheriff, that’s why they passed the frigging law, and unlike you they know that the system is broken – the Border Patrol is starved for funds on purpose by a Federal Border agency riddled with open-borders activists.

    3. Dagon Says:

      I am also interested in his contention that Arizona sheriffs officers are caught between the threat of being sued by both sides – the open borders/La Raza nutcases and the anti-immigration side.

      I would agree that may well be the case now with the passing of the law. Yet, I find it interesting that Dupnic doesn’t blame the Feds’ encouragement of open borders and the wider discourse which encourages illegal Hispanic recourse to OUR court system against the upholding of the law of OUR land. No, Dupnic chooses instead to blame this new law, which was only enacted by the majority of the people of Arizona – his own people – who feel they have nowhere else to turn in stemming the tide of invasion. He then follows this up with an anti-white sop to the PC commissars and La Raza hot-heads by describing the law as “racist.”

      What a short-sighted and opportunistic wretch. Take your retirement Sheriff and let someone who is actually interested in enforcing the law succeed you. You and those like you are the people who help perpetuate this venal house of cards that is post-modern, PC, multi-cult, America.

    4. David Baker Says:

      Here’s an example of the liberal’s handiwork. Our news media folks in California are beside themselves with ‘outrage’ that another state’s legislature saw fit to identify illegal aliens as a group who hide behind their U.S. citizen brethren. Of course, if the liberals were made the sole source of funding to underwrite the expenses of illegal aliens in America, you could bet your bottom peso they would scream bloody murder every time one of them swims or climbs across the border, especially with an anchor baby onboard. We know for a fact that the illegal aliens are a major voting block in California. I would imagine Arizona has also determined who actually votes for their liberal candidates. Once and for all, these types of laws should make it clear to the Mexican population that we are sick of their citizens sneaking across our sovereign borders to steal, rape, sell drugs, prostitute, gang bang or otherwise carry on as if they’re still in their benighted country.

    5. Hans Jürgen Says:


      I hate the jew-media term “immigrant.” These illegals are TRESPASSERS. Period. An immigrant is someone who fills
      out the forms and stands in line for consideration to become
      a Citizen. How DARE these jews come here to our country
      and change the meaning of our language.

      Yes, this situation is showing people’s true colours. It shows
      who the real Americans are among us. Without borders, there
      is no nation, just a land mass.

      I hope this all leads to a Race War, nation-wide. It is the ONLY
      thing that will cleanse America from these inferior mud races
      that ruin our land. Does anyone for one moment believe that
      these swarthy aztec savages or all of these niggers are just
      going to “up and leave” some day? Bullshit. I say, bring it on.
      Let’s duke it out. I’m armed. I’m ready. Are you, White Man?

    6. Tim McGreen Says:

      Let me guess…Sheriff Dupnik, the coofy looking little prick, has a squat brown monster for a wife, a Mestiza named Juanita Maria Guadelupe de los Madre de Jesus de Santa Anna Perez-Hilton Hernandez DeSoto Taco Bell Grande. Am I right?

    7. Tim McGreen Says:

      He’s coofy lookin’ and goofy lookin’.

    8. ROBERTCROSS Says:

      If you will not uphold the law in the most expedient way possible,namely by targeting those who are responsible for entering your country illegally,then you have no law.It is the same in England,the police must arrest just as many little old white ladies,as muslims and niggers,although little old white ladies do not plant bombs,rape young women,sell drugs,and shoot people.If only the english people had not let themselves be dis-armed.The reason for all of this hysteria is because a crack has been made in thier cosy multi-cult madness and the dam is threatening to burst,so they become even more repressive.The law must be enforced.

    9. David Baker Says:

      Tim McGreen, Senator Feinstein castigated the business community in California for exploiting illegal aliens, and called for legislation to enforce labor laws, safety rules and other protections. It was found out, shortly after her altruistic tirade, that she and her husband had an illegal alien working as a servant in her house. Liberals are the embodiment of the arrogant, lying hypocrites who have seized our halls of power.

    10. David Baker Says:

      Hans Jurgen,

      I wouldn’t call Mexicans “Mud”, but the illegal aliens who feel they have carte blanche to operate their enterpises, gangs, and other pursuits as if they were U.S. citizens–indeed, PRIVILEGED citizens–with 1st Amendment rights, government protections, and state-funded benefits should be shown the door. We have some outfit in L.A. that actually is working to annex California for Mexico! They feel that they are such a driving force in our political demographic, they can call-up their ‘Homies’ to walk into our state, and take over. Like Hell! Why don’t they just stay there and work to improve their lot, instead of trying to drag the rest of us down to their peon mentality?

    11. ajiarcher Says:

      Hans Jurgen,
      I wouldn’t call them “trespassers”, not with the numbers of the brown shits who are here, “invaders” is a much more accurate term.

    12. Luek Says:

      This ass kissing sheriff just may be right or premature in what he says.
      I never really thought the politicos who passed this law will actually enforce and stand behind it. I predict they will buckle and cave when the screws are applied. Besides it is a bit naive to think we can get out of this cesspool simply by passing a law that has legal problems and loopholes galore. Just as some believe waiting for the next election cycle will repair the damage done by the Obama mob. Get out of the “magic think” mode!

    13. Andrei's Ghost Says:

      Also Dupnik is most likely a Catholic like most mestizoes happen to be. Here’s a link on Father Steve Gibson (actually Mel Gibson’s first cousin) of East Chicago, Indiana on his love for mestizoes.

    14. S.U.N. Says:

      Don’t worry, that jewed “sheriff” will find a way to smuggle de greasy mexis into puerto rico, where they all should be boated to.

    15. Andrei's ghost Says:

      Fuck 96% White Valparaiso, if they “all” want more niggers & spics to move in & have sexual intercourse with their 12 year old racially guilty daughters, then who the hell cares, but then maybe i’m wrong, maybe it’s mostly the assholes who are in the eye of the local media like race traitors Costas & Heckler, what do you folks think?….Andrei

      Valpo announces plan to hold diversity summit

      Mayor, VU president urge greater tolerance, respect

      By Phil Wieland – [email protected], (219) 548-4352 | Posted: Thursday, April 29, 2010 12:05 am |

      VALPARAISO, INDIANA | To promote diversity and improve race relations, the city and Valparaiso University joined Wednesday to call for a summit on those issues, probably in the fall.

      “This is a response to a number of incidents we’ve had lately that have had racial overtones,” Mayor Jon Costas said. “This is a way for us to bring the issues to the forefront and a way to express that Valparaiso is tolerant and respectful of all citizens, and these are values we aspire to and that define our community. We want to have the summit to allow citizens to have input in how we improve the community in this respect.”

      The task force will include members of the city’s Human Relations Council, the VU Diversity Concerns Committee and the Valparaiso Diversity Network Association. They will be involved in planning the summit and when to hold it, and they will be assisted by schools, churches, businesses, nonprofits and other community organizations. Costas said the fall might be the best time because that’s when students return to classes at VU.

      In a joint statement issued by the university on behalf of Costas and VU President Mark Heckler, the two leaders said, “The city and Valparaiso University stand united against acts of racism (except anti-White racism) that continue to occur within our community.

      “We live together in a diverse world and our future success requires that Valparaiso be a community with a culture of inclusivity that embraces the individuals of many and varied faiths, nationalities, races, beliefs and backgrounds, who come here to work, live and learn,” the statement said. “We must speak out when we see intolerance and hate in our community. We must understand that our strength as a community lies in our diversity.

      “We call this summit today to focus attention on the continuing dialogue that our community must engage in regarding diversity and race relations.”

      The announcement came following a series of fights at Valparaiso High School this week that appeared to be race-related. Costas and Heckler expect to make appointments to the task force within the next week.

      Anyone interested in joining the ongoing conversations about diversity and race relations can contact Costas’ executive assistant, Lori Good, at (219) 462-1161 or VU Associate Provost Renu Juneja at (219) 464-6880.

    16. zoomcopter Says:

      This new law is a line drawn in the sand, it will divide people into 2 groups. Those that love America vs. those that actively seek America’s destruction. To paraphrase George W, “you’re either with us, or you’re against us” It’s time to choose which side to be on. A good thing and long overdue.

    17. Tim McGreen Says:

      But you just know some Federal judge is going to rule AZ’s new immigration law as being “unconstitutional”. The next time around, no more Constitutions and no more Federal judges. Let’s be sure to learn from our mistakes.

    18. David Baker Says:

      We shouldn’t be discouraging a foreign person’s desire to become an American. Our nation was built upon the backs of immigrants who labored to construct our railroads, our cities, and yes, our cultural centers. What we SHOULD discourage is this trend toward what I call “Hyphenated Citizenship”. This is a standard liberal tactic to divide populations by whatever ethnic group they choose, and cater to them as if they were victims of another group. Hate Crime Laws are so patently unconstitutional, they literally cry out to be repealed. Our nation has found it necessary to wrap it’s protective mantle around certain groups, just because they are not white, male, or enjoy sexual deviancy. We were not established as a free nation to cherry-pick the provisions of our charter to apply only to ethnic/sexual orientation/gender groups. Our society was forged not from the dictates of government, but from centuries of social interaction, human judgement, human diversity, and personal responsibility. When government dabbles in the affairs of a society in transition, you can bet they are merely trying to grow well beyond their fiduciary boundaries. In the case of liberals, it’s a virtual certainty.

    19. Tim McGreen Says:

      David B., the only non-Whites who helped build this country in any meaningful way were the Chinese immigrants, who constructed much of the railroad system in the western half of the USA in the late 1800s. But that was because the greedy Capitalist swine railroad executives knew they could get away with paying the Chinks less than they would have to pay White railroad workers.

      So we must conclude that this country was built mostly upon the backs of WHITE immigrants and WHITE native-born Americans. Negroes did little more than pick cotton, shine shoes and work as Pullman Railroad Car attendents. The Jews came over here to cause trouble, like they always do wherever they show up. And I don’t know what the Japanese immigrants were up to, but it was probably no good.

    20. Ein Says:

      “the only non-Whites who helped build this country in any meaningful way were the Chinese immigrants, who constructed much of the railroad system in the western half of the USA in the late 1800s. But that was because the greedy Capitalist swine railroad executives knew they could get away with paying the Chinks less.”

      True enough. But I don’t know if they [the Chinese] could even be called “immigrants”.

      My understanding is that they came here to make some money (however little it was, it was vastly more than they could have dreamt of at home), save it up, and then go home with their little fortune. I don’t think they were coming here with any intention to settle and stay. And I don’t think anyone else thought that they were either. They were, in fact, that era’s idea of “Guest Workers”. But as we all know by now, guest workers never go home.

      Also, I don’t know about their work on ALL the railroads of the West. I really can’t comment with certainty. But I’ve always been interested in railroad history, and I’ve never read about their work on anything other than the Central Pacific (over the Sierras). Let’s not give them more credit than they’re due.

      Also, there was a critical shortage of labor in California, and the whites would skip the job on the railroad and go pan for gold.

    21. Ein Says:

      “So we must conclude that this country was built mostly upon the backs of WHITE immigrants and WHITE native-born Americans. Negroes did little more than pick cotton, shine shoes …” Tim

      Of course! But isn’t it sad that we’ve been pushed to this point where it’s even a topic of discussion? … where we have to be defensive about it?

      At one time, it was so obvious and taken for granted that it would have been considerd silly even to discuss it. It would have been like arguing whether the sky is blue or water is wet.

    22. Tim McGreen Says:

      Ein, I wrote that Chinks were used to construct much, not all, of the RRs in the West. And as far as them going back to China after the job was done, I doubt that many of them had any intention of doing so. They didn’t spend all that money and all those months traveling 10,000 miles across the Pacific with the idea of doing it all over again in the opposite direction a few months later! That’s why so many Chinatowns cropped up all over the West, many of which still exist today.

      It took the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 to stop any more Chinks from swarming in here. That was one of the very, very few times where Congress ever passed a law designed to benefit White working people.

    23. Howdy Doody Says:

      The NKVD Rat Bait posters are always posting, but hey a job is a job.

      Some people think and some do not.

    24. Henry Says:

      “The NKVD Rat Bait posters are always posting”


    25. Tim McGreen Says:

      Henry, Doody always likes writing about NKVD agents lurking around. He’s the only one who can spot them, thanks to his 3-D super duper x-ray secret agent glasses!

    26. Henry Says:

      OH! And the tin foil hat?

    27. Sean Gruber Says:

      “My understanding is that they came here to make some money (however little it was, it was vastly more than they could have dreamt of at home)”

      Which means of course that the true source of the money was the White man’s civilization, not the Chink.

      Whites built America. Whites created its wealth. Period.

    28. David Baker Says:

      Dear Tim McGreen,

      In reference to the railroad wages, they weren’t exactly paying the Irish union scale, either, or the blacks. Our media in California keeps harping on the fact that Americans “Just won’t do certain types of work”. That is a fallacy, and certainly a slap in the face to many Americans who worked on our infrastructure during the Great Depression. Americans drove thousands of miles for jobs they weren’t sure they would get–the very same jobs liberals claim our illegal alien population are solely willing to perform. They also ignore the fact that Americans have fought in bloody conflicts around the world, many as drafted soldiers who lost their lives in horrible combat conditions. I am sick to death of these media people characterizing Americans as elitists, lazy, stupid, or unwilling to work hard. You know, only 2% of the illegal alien population actually work as farm laborers. The rest subsist on our Welfare System, in gangs and criminal enterprises, prostitution, drug and human trafficking, and whining. (Lots of whining!) If it’s that bad in our country, just go home and quit sneaking across our border without any legal status.

    29. Sean Gruber Says:

      If a sherriff declares he has no intention of enforcing the laws, then I declare I have no intention of obeying them.

      Isn’t it delicious that the break-up of America is occurring while a coon is president? The perception (and a good deal of the reality) will be: The nigger fucked it up, as usual!

    30. David Baker Says:

      One thing everyone must keep in mind, many divisive legislative measures are enacted to keep us at each other’s throats. While we’re busy fussing over special rights given to blacks, gays, etc, we’re not identifying the TRUE racists, who have so successfuly exploited this country’s wealth, and it’s public offices. If Americans, like the Russians, could come to a consensus among ALL our diverse population that Jews are a destructive, insidious cabal within our government, media, courts, and financial sectors, they (Jews) would be forced to spend an inordinate amount of time vehemently denying the obvious. As our gentile citizens cringe in fear at the spectre of “Anti-Semitism”, they watch with sheep-like apathy as our nation’s culture is devoured by political-correctness, feminism, homosexual depravity, and pernicious greed. After decades of Jewish rule in Russia, even those oppressed, slavish serfs of Jews have finally risen to cast that rabble from their shores. In America, the races/genders/ad nauseum are to antagonistic toward each other to notice the liberal Jewish scourge growing within our borders.

    31. Henry Says:

      “the Chinese immigrants, who constructed much of the railroad system in the western half of the USA in the late 1800s. But that was because the greedy Capitalist swine railroad executives knew they could get away with paying the Chinks less than they would have to pay White railroad workers.
      So we must conclude that this country was built mostly upon the backs of WHITE immigrants and WHITE native-born Americans.”

      You just said that “Chinks” “constructed much of the railroad system in the western half of the USA”. So which is it? Whose side are you on?

      And what’s with this “greedy capitalist swine” stuff?
      I don’t like calling the enterprising Yankees who developed the country (with what little labor was available) “greedy capitalist swine”. They got the country built, didn’t they? Somehow or another they did it. That was the main thing. They got it done, and it was a magnificent achievement. I consider them heroes for their accomplishments, not “capitalist swine” (as you put it). That’s terminology that only a cranky Jewish communist would use! The only word you left out was WASP, but that’s implied.

    32. David Baker Says:

      Tim McGreen,

      I’m American Indian. Any discussion of immigrants along racial lines is pointless. I am not against immigration at all. I am dead set against ILLEGAL Immigration. The exploitation of those people by liberals is unconscionable. Not only are they forced to work and live in squalid conditions, but they are paid dirt wages, and discarded when the contract expires. Jewish political candidates are regularly elected and re-elected (I know two in particular..) by the hoards of illegals, whose votes are openly courted. It is a shadow constituency that keeps the liberal cabal entrenched within our political circles, and constantly hatching more socialist schemes to engender more voters. Jews are doing the same thing in England, South Africa, Canada, and Russia. Wherever they ‘Set-Up Shop’ you can count on their egalitarian agendas to create contentious, government-dependent factions among the population.

    33. Tim McGreen Says:

      Henry, it was the White man’s technology and know-how that got the railroads built. No question about that. My problem is with the greedy RR corporations who decided to use Chinamen for some of the labor in building the RRs. There were millions of White Civil War vets who could have used those good paying RR jobs. But in many cases, those jobs went to the Chinamen instead! That’s my beef.

    34. . Says:

      Mein Kampf Chapter 11 Nation and Race:

      “It is idle to argue which race or races were the original representative of human culture and hence the real founders of all that we sum up under the word ‘humanity.’ It is simpler to raise this question with regard to the present, and here an easy, clear answer results. All the human culture, all the results of art, science, and technology that we see before us today, are almost exclusively the creative product of the Aryan. This very fact admits of the not unfounded inference that he alone was the founder of all higher humanity, therefore representing the prototype of all that we understand by the word ‘man.’ He is the Prometheus of mankind from whose bright forehead the divine spark of genius has sprung at all times, forever kindling anew that fire of knowledge which illumined the night of silent mysteries and thus caused man to climb the path to mastery over the other beings of this earth. Exclude him-and perhaps after a few thousand years darkness will again descend on the earth, human culture will pass, and the world turn to a desert.”

    35. Coup D'Etat Says:

      Arizona sheriff is not the only law enforcer who refuses to do what is right. The Chief of Police in Salt Lake City refuses to enfoce SB81 who will much less refuse to enforce apprehending illegals or Mexicans suspect of being an illegal regardless of any traffic violations.

      The concept of “racial profiling” among the screwballs, including some attorneys, think this carries more legal weight than securing towns, cities, and states from illegal invasions which over 75% of the illegals are Mexicans. The idiots think “racial profiling” suits all Mexicans, which “Mexicans” or “Hispanics,” from which they call themselves, as if “Mexican’ or “Hispanic” is considered a race. Mexicans are not a race Hispanic is, but Mexicans are not Hispanics.

      Incorrect termininology and twisting of names and meanings by these screwballs have been used as a weapon against our laws and our Constitution. “Illegals are humans,” the civil right nut cases have exclaimed as if this carries more legal weight than the U.S. Constitution or the State laws against illegals have stated. In turn, the States give food stamps and free housing to the illegals.

      Where does it say anywhere in the U.S. Constitution or State laws that non-U.S. citizens are citizens and are to be given benefits? Why are these people who are delusional have the freedom to move around, including immigration lawyers, Mexican Defense lawyers, La Raza, ACLU, and all the other delusional, destructive lowlifes who are in favor of illegals are not shut down permanently? Why don’t we have the people who have the law on their side kick these goddamn lowlifes down to the ground and shut them down for good?

      Do we have too many cowards who refuse to fight? Is it going to be up to the regular citizens to physically fight these people in order to get anything done? Maybe that’s what needs to be done to put fear into these lowlifes who are determined to override the basic foundations of this country and destroy what is right.

      Any person in law or anyone in charge of enforcing laws who don’t have the core meaning of the U.S. Constitution and what the States are allowed or not allowed to do, need to get the fuck out of this country. No more screwballs filing lawsuits against a State for enforcing a tougher law than what the Federal law has thus far established and what the Federal agents have failed to enforce.

      It is perfectly legal for a State to enforce a law that is similar or enforce a law of greater degree than the Federal law. It is however, illegal to enforce a lesser law or contradict or propose a softer law than what the Federal law has enforced. I don’t know where the hell some of these lawyers went to school who are suing the states for enforcing stricter laws against illegals, but this is one of the first things they should have been taught in law school; the legality of a State enforcing a tougher law than what the Federal law has originally established.

      It is legal for a State, according to the U.S. Constitution, to enforce a tougher law against illegals than what the Federal law has established, and if the Federal government has failed to secure the nation’s identity against foreigners or the security or safety of a nation and the U.S. has been compromised because of foreigners abroad or within the U.S. by any means, then the States can pass laws and enforce laws that are tougher than the Federal law has already established.

      This does not exclude passing laws to outlaw organizations within the State who compromise the safety and security of a nation, including compromising the social, financial, and economic interest of the U.S. in which certain individuals and organizations directly or indirectly and those with intentions are destroying this country through social, financial, and economic gains that are in great conflict with the U.S.

      And, if need be, the U.S. will revert back to the Republic in which the majority of the citizens will have power over those individuals and organizations who are in conflict with the best interest of this country. There will be no more corporations, or jews, or mexicans, or ACLU scumbags ruining this country.

    36. Ian Says:

      To me, this sherrif shows how police support the power elite, always. The power-holders want multiculturalism, so the sherrif works for them. In the 1950s sherrifs in the South ignored Federal laws on integration, as the longterm power-holders of the South supported segregation. Today sherrifs support multiculturalism because the political and financial power-holders do. If some Republican Party politician passes a law the federal power-holders don’t like, this sherrif will back up the big-politics over the locals.

    37. Ewa Says:

      I think cops and border patrol shod change their uniforms to brown shirts and black pants and boots! Just to get the right feel while working ;).
      PS: love this website ;)

    38. Tim McGreen Says:

      Terms like “Hispanic” and “Latino” are misleading and hard to define. Those vermin flooding across our southern border are Mestizoes, as in”we have a serious problem with Mestizo invaders”. You never see any White Mexicans or Whites from other Latin American countries trying to sneak across the border. The governments of those countries are simply trying to dump their excess Mestizo population on us, permanently making it our problem. And WE are the bad guys for not wanting them?

    39. Ein Says:

      Terms like “Hispanic” and “Latino” are misleading and hard to define. Those vermin flooding across our southern border are Mestizoes

      Tim is right. The media and politicians are very evasive about calling things what they are. They come with all sorts of clever, round-about terms to avoid calling a duck a duck…. and a mestizo a mestizo. Why can’t they ever just be honest?

    40. Jim Says:

      One thing you can say for the chinks is that they are a helluva lot more racially conscious than most Whites. Neither the Asians or the mestizos have any love for the niggers, but all the nonwhites will band together to try to pull down the White Man from his rapdily diminishing position of authority in the jewSA.

    41. Tim McGreen Says:

      It’s funny to see a couple of homies go into an Oriental-run convenience store. The Korean guy behind the counter instinctively reaches for his revolver under the cash register and his hand stays on that gun until the spades leave. Orientals and Arabs have a lot more sense than most White people do when it comes to dealing with Blacks. They will never let themselves get brainwashed by the JewTube, that’s for sure.

    42. Jon Says:

      Hans Jürgen Says:

      29 April, 2010 at 2:35 am


      “I hate the jew-media term “immigrant.”

      Yeah, me too! But that term is used BY DESIGN to convolute and confuse with LEGAL immigration.

      “These illegals are TRESPASSERS. Period. An immigrant is someone who fills out the forms and stands in line for consideration to become a Citizen.”

      You forgot to mention: PAY the filing fees (up to several hundred dollars for each USCIS form*), as well as being subjected to passing a physical exam and criminal background check, among other requirements.

      “How DARE these jews come here to our country and change the meaning of our language”

      Typical Jewish HUBRIS or “chutzpah” as these anti-humans call it. One ugly example of why this pestiferous tribe has been so well ‘liked’ throughout the ages wherever they have settled.



    43. Common Sense Says:

      I have heard far more persons discussing that the law is Unconstitutional under the Supremacy Clause. The Supremacy Clause forbids state and local laws that contradict federal laws in matters exactly where the federal government has authority to act.
      Once again it only applies in situations where the law contradicts the current law. Arizona’s law requires that State/Local authorities hand over suspect illegals to the proper federal authorities. Maybe you have forgetten (since we haven’t enforced these laws) but it is still a crime to enter our country illegally.
      But as long as we are talking about Constitutionality let’s talk about the Commerce Clause in the Constitution (Article I, Section 8). This clause prohibits states and localities from passing laws that burden interstate or foreign commerce by, among other things, creating “discriminations favorable or adverse to commerce with specific foreign nations.”
      Boycotting Arizona is UNCONSTITUTIONAL so knock it off already. Also to the Arizona government, how about we step up and actually file suit against these cities?