18 April, 2010

Arizona: More Good News

Posted by Socrates in illegal immigration, immigration, immigration bills/laws, mestizos, Mexcrement, Mexico, Mexinvasion, Socrates at 4:26 pm | Permanent Link

The cops can soon arrest illegal aliens simply for being illegal? That’s so Nazi-like! What happened to the good old days, when the trespassers roamed freely without worry?


  • 13 Responses to “Arizona: More Good News”

    1. Stan Sikorski Says:

      Arizona gets concealed-carry firearms law

      PHOENIX, April 17 (UPI) — Arizona’s governor says a new law allowing U.S. citizens to carry a concealed firearm in the state without a permit restores constitutional rights.


    2. Tim McGreen Says:

      Chris Newman…Hmmm, let me guess. Is he, um, a J-J-Jew?

    3. ajiarcher Says:

      It’s about time a governor and a legislature grew a pair, this bill should be a template for every other state in the country.

    4. Old Dutch Says:

      We don’t need no stinking concealed carry laws:

    5. Michelle Says:

      Arizona gets concealed-carry firearms law

      PHOENIX, April 17 (UPI) — Arizona’s governor says a new law allowing U.S. citizens to carry a concealed firearm in the state without a permit restores constitutional rights.


    6. Howdy Doody Says:

      Over 100 boatloads of illegals have arrived in the two years since we a ‘elected’ a left leaning socialist Labor Government in Australia. Our Navy catches most of the Boats and takes the passengers to aptly named CHRISTMAS Island in the middle of the Indian Ocean. There are thousands on the Island living in comparative splendor.

      You Americans might consider becoming refugees……….take a LOOK at what Australia does for them!

      But wait……….there’s more, MUCH more!

      The Australian Government does it again…compare the two below:

      Australian Government Refugee Allowances vs.Aust Pensioners Allowances

      It is interesting that the Federal Government provides a Single Refugee with a monthly allowance of $1,890.00 and each can also get an additional $580. 00 in Social Assistance, so a total of $2,470.00 per month.. A Family of 4 can receive $9,880.00 per month or yearly, $118,685.!

      A single Australian pensioner who, after contributing to the growth and development of Australia for 40 to 50 years, receives only a monthly maximum of $1,012.00 in old age pension and Guaranteed
      Income Supplement.

      (Maybe our pensioners should apply as refugees!)

      *Let’s send this to all Australians so we can all be ticked off and maybe we can get the refugees cut back to $1,012.00 and the pensioners up to $2,470.00 and enjoy some of the money we are forced to submit to the
      Government in taxes.

      * KEEP Forwarding to every Australian to expose what our elected politicians are doing to the over-taxed Australians

      Un-quote by Bernie.

    7. Virgil Says:

      My will is done!

    8. Hans Jürgen Says:



    9. nom de guerre Says:

      Whites need more than guns to cripple Zog, like the Chinese Philsopher SunTzu said, “excellence in warfare, is to make the enemy give up without a fight”. Zog needs some its own medicine, I’m talking about blokkade, quarantine the kind of “health care” that makes Zog stand up on its hind legs and whine, the kind of masada effect, that the Roman legions applied to the Chosen, that made them slit each others throats.. We should hope that all the manifestoes, will cause the Zog to react with more than simply overturning the edicts, but actually putting boots on the ground along the border to protect their mud cohorts. Wherever Zog is it needs to bleed financially from a trillion pin pricks.Every metropolitan population center of the Zog needs to be quarantined, the Zog needs to be blockaded, from land air and sea. Lets see if the Zog is really a world once its umbilical cord is severed

    10. nom de guerre Says:

      The metro areas are the lymph nodes full of alien bacteria and pus, the jews constantly feed antibiotics to the host, the White man to keep him from developing the fever and other sympthoms to rid himself of the vermin. We not only have to quarantine the patient, we have to blockade the mud feeding centers, we have to blockade the whole North American continent, from the isthmus of Panama to the Artic, from Pacific to Atlantic, a air, land and sea lanes to be closed until we choke the living daylight out of the Zog.

    11. nom de guerre Says:

      As the jew bitch Madeline Albright said it s worth it.

    12. The Red Skull Says:

      This is indeed good news,and its only what the hell their supposed TO BE doing anyway.I’m sure jews and liberals and mexican groups everywhere are planing on fighting it somehow.Rest assured we will hear the usual cries from the usual suspects of “profiling” and “unfair discrimination”,hey–either that or just start buying pesos as Amerikwa continues to turn (by design) into a third world shithole.The States are starting to take matters and Liberty issues into their own hands more and more from a dysfuntional and unresponsive FedGov.–who could give a shit about us here in “flyover” country as long as they can continue to screw everyone on taxes and the jew heavy Congress can work to screw us out of what little liberty we have left.

      The States are closer to the People and more resposive to the needs of their citizens than the District of Criminals in la-la land.Wall street and the Fed gov look more and more like organized crime everyday-serious financial reform?????Yea right!!Until the Fed Reserve is dismantled,and the treasury starts to print the money like their supposed to,(without the intrest that the Jew Banks charge us)look for more “bubbles” to happen.Oklahoma also passed a very tough anti-pond scum initiative,and it sent the wetters flyin’out of the state.There are several issues that the states are lining up on with their citizenry vs the ZOG.

      The issues of “real ID” and guns/gun rights and pot prohibition/and the 10th amendment resoulutions passed by several States.Unfortunately,even if thats all the cops did all day was harass and arrest and (hopefully) deport beaners,they’d be doing it round the clock.Expect –dear friends for some liberal Fed Judge to block the law on some bullshit grounds.They did it here in Colorado a few years back when the people of this state voted in

      “Amendment 2 ‘No preferential treatment for Faggots” Law.Which was promptly supended by a Zog Fed Judge Minion.So the will of the People even if voted in-they override with some peon,and a jew with a law degree.
      Good luck with that Arizona!!!–as Sponge BoB would say.I guess we’ll see.

    13. nom de guerre Says:

      .Expect –dear friends for some liberal Fed Judge to block the law on some bullshit grounds.They did it here in Colorado a few years back when the people of this state voted in

      Already happening, and they have a bunch of lukewarm Attorney Generals in some the States ready to undermine the anti-illegal bills.
      Oklahomas legislature with good reasons doesn’t trust it’s own Attorney General Drew Edmondson.