Genocide: It’s an Old, Jewish Thing, Part 2
Posted by Socrates in 'Young Turks', Armenian genocide, Bolsheviks, genocide, genocide by jew, Socrates, Turkey at 8:14 pm | 
Trivia: many of the Young Turks involved in the Armenian Genocide were actually Jews, e.g., Young Turks founder Emmanuel Carasso, and Nissim Masliyah/Mazliyah. (Further, the infamous Jew, Alexander Helphand, an important figure in the Bolshevik revolution, was an associate of Carasso’s):
More about Jews/the Armenian Genocide: [Here].
7 March, 2010 at 12:33 am
The role of Jews in the Ottoman Empire is not something that is well known in the West. I have suspected that the Jews had a lot of influence over Turkey for some time, seeing as how that country is so backwards, unenlightened and impoverished.
I’ll bet Ahmet Ertegun, the “Turkish American” who founded Atlantic Records, was a Jew. He came from a very privileged “Turkish” family and was a major figure in the recording industry for decades. And his business partner was Jerry Wexler. Amazing how adaptable the Jew is to every kind of society he inhabits, a veritable chameleon. Yet there are always telltale signs of Jewiness which give him away.
7 March, 2010 at 1:41 am
Uber Jew Hillel Halkin writes about Kamal Ataturk’sJewish identity here:
Ataturks Turkey Overturned
I presented evidence for the likelihood of Ataturk’s having had a Jewish — or more precisely, a Doenmeh — father.
The Doenmeh were a heretical Jewish sect formed, after the conversion to Islam in the 17th century of the Turkish-Jewish messianic pretender Sabbetai Zevi, by those of his followers who continued to believe in him.
Conducting themselves outwardly as Muslims in imitation of him, they lived secretly as Jews and continued to exist as a distinct, if shadowy, group well into the 20th century…
Ataturk indeed traveled in the late winter of 1911 to Egypt from Damascus on his way to join the Turkish forces fighting an Italian army in Libya, a route that would have taken him through Jerusalem just when Ben-Avi claimed to have met him there.
Moreover, in 1911 he was indeed a captain, and his fondness of alcohol, which Ben-Avi could not have known about when he wrote his autobiography, is well-documented.
And here’s something else that was turned up by my Turkish e-mail correspondent: Ataturk, who was born and raised in Thessaloniki, [Salonika, Greece] a heavily Jewish city in his day that had a large Doenmeh population, attended a grade school, known as the “Semsi Effendi School,” that was run by a religious leader of the Doenmeh community named Simon Zvi. The email concluded with the sentence: “I now know — know (and I haven’t a shred of doubt) — that Ataturk’s father’s family was indeed of Jewish stock.”
He writes about his Jewish nationalism here:
7 March, 2010 at 1:44 am
There us a free book on the Jewish genocide of the Armenian Christians here:
7 March, 2010 at 11:16 am
Here is WHY the ADL and Foxman have so resisted the US Congress recognizing the Armenian genocide. It is NOT because the Jews do not want to share “genocide” victim status, although that is true. It is that the YOUNG TURKS WERE JEWS. These Young Turks led the Ottoman Caliphate to slaughter about 1.5 million CHRISTIAN Armenians. These crypto JEWS were also known as doenme. Kemal Mustafa Ataturk, attributed as the founder of the modern Turkish nation, was not a Muslim, but was, in FACT, a doenme JEW. Do your own research, you will find the same facts. Also, JEWS led the Communist effort to murder about 66 million in Russia between 1917 and about 1960. Most of this 66 million were Orthodox Christians. I just can not comprehend how ANY true Christian could support the evil Israeli JEWS.
And, by the way, Jesus of Nazareth was NOT a JEW, which is the LIE JEWS tell to gain sympathy from Christians. Jesus was a Judean, but not a JEW.
7 March, 2010 at 1:03 pm
Chapter Nine
Suprised this has not been remove.
Made in 1988 !
John kept his name off of it when it was released.
7 March, 2010 at 3:42 pm
“And, by the way, Jesus of Nazareth was NOT a JEW, which is the LIE JEWS tell to gain sympathy from Christians. Jesus was a Judean, but not a JEW.”
Funny how this non-Jew Jesus claimed he talked to Moses, was the root and branch of David, went to Temple on the Sabbath, debated with the Jewish Pharisees, Saducees and Scribes, often quoted the Old Testament, never associated with Gentiles, had Jewish parents who raised him in the Jewish traditions, was called “rabbi”, observed all the Jewish customs and holidays, lived in the Jewish part of Palestine called Judea, spoke a Semitic offshoot of Hebrew, claimed to be the fulfillment of ancient Jewish prophecies, was called the Lion of Judah, the King of Israel, etc…
William, you’re a nut in denial.
7 March, 2010 at 6:34 pm
Jesus did not exist until the council of Nicae concoted this figure from a composite of various Aryan sages.. Isn’t it quite strange that the very site of that council is in present day Islamic Turkey, not likely to be liberated from those central Asian nomads anytime soon.
Where is the outcry for the Greeks and Armenians “we were here first?” Oh and what about the current rapture bunny theory that Russia is Gog and Magog put together by such fantasizers as Hal Lindsay, when in fact modern day Turkey fits the bill?
7 March, 2010 at 6:39 pm
La Shitty will certainly do all it can, to draw the Turks back into the middle east, and perhaps to reach back into the Balkans. Mark my words if the Shitty does take down Iran in pre-emptive strike, the Turks will move south into Iraq, and Zogs mercenaries will be facing a Dunkirk, and the Turks are no noble Germans, they’ll cut them to pieces.
7 March, 2010 at 6:44 pm
“Why does this bother you Lord (L) awrence, why the desert has drunk up more blood then you could ever spill.” The Bedouin chief Atta in Lawrence of Arabia
7 March, 2010 at 9:58 pm
“And, by the way, Jesus of Nazareth was NOT a JEW, which is the LIE JEWS tell to gain sympathy from Christians. Jesus was a Judean, but not a JEW.”
Funny how this non-Jew Jesus claimed he talked to Moses, was the root and branch of David, went to Temple on the Sabbath, debated with the Jewish Pharisees, Saducees and Scribes, often quoted the Old Testament, never associated with Gentiles, had Jewish parents who raised him in the Jewish traditions, was called “rabbi”, observed all the Jewish customs and holidays, lived in the Jewish part of Palestine called Judea, spoke a Semitic offshoot of Hebrew, claimed to be the fulfillment of ancient Jewish prophecies, was called the Lion of Judah, the King of Israel, etc…
William, you’re a nut in denial.
7 March, 2010 at 9:58 pm
One of Lindstedt’s disciples I expect.
7 March, 2010 at 11:30 pm
By: Kaufmann Kohler, Richard Gottheil
A sect of crypto-Jews, descendants of the followers of Shabbethai ?ebi, living to-day mostly in Salonica, European Turkey: the name (Turkish) signifies “apostates.” The members call themselves “Ma’aminim” (Believers), “?aberim” (Associates), or “Ba’ale Mil?amah” (Warriors); but at Adrianople they are known as “Sazanicos”(Little Carps)—a name derived either from the fish-market, near which their first mosque is supposed to have been situated, or because of a prophecy of Shabbethai that the Jews would be delivered under the zodiacal sign of the fish. The Dönmeh are said to have originated with Jacob ?ebi Querido, who was believed to have been a reincarnation of Shabbethai.
The community is outwardly Mohammedan (following the example set by Shabbethai); but in secret observes certain Jewish rites, though in no way making common cause with the Jews, whom they call “koferim” (infidels). The Dönmeh are evidently descendants of Spanish exiles. Their prayers, as published by Danon, are partly in Hebrew (which few seem to understand) and partly in Ladino. They live in sets of houses which are contiguous, or which are secretly connected; and for each block of houses there is a secret meeting-place or “kal” (“?ahal”), where the “payye?an” reads the prayers. Their houses are lit by green-shaded lamps to render them less conspicuous. The women wear the “yashmak” (veil); the men have two sets of names: a religious one, which they keep secret, and a secular one for purposes of commercial intercourse. They are assiduous in visiting the mosque and in fasting during Ramadhan, and at intervals they even send one of their number on the “?ajj” (pilgrimage) to Mecca. But they do not intermarry with the Turks.
They are all well-to-do, and are prompt to help any unfortunate brother. They smoke openly on the Sabbath day, on which day they serve the other Jews, lighting their fires and cooking their food. They work for the Turks when a religious observance prevents other Jews from doing so, and for the Christians on Sunday. They are expert “katibs” or writers, and are employed as such in the bazaars and in the inferior government positions. They have the monopoly of the barber-shops. The Dönmeh are divided into three subsects, which, according to Bendt, are: the Ismirlis, or direct followers of Shabbethai ?ebi of Smyrna, numbering 2,500; the Ya’?ubis, or followers of Jacob Querido, brother-in-law of Shabbethai, who number 4,000; and the Kuniosos, or followers of Othman Baba, who lived in the middle of the eighteenth century. The lastnamed sect numbers 3,500. Each subsect has its own cemetery. Bendt says that the first shave the chin; the second, the head; but the third allow the hair to grow upon both. Danon calls the first “Tarpushlis,” those who wear a special form of turban; the second, “Cavalieros,” who wear a peculiar pointed shoe; the third, “Honiosos” or “Camus,” who can be distinguished by their flat noses.
The ordinances which govern the Dönmeh, as given by Grätz and Bendt, number sixteen; but as Danon has published them in Ladino, they number eighteen (). These refer to the unity of God, to Shabbethai His Messiah, to abstention from murder, to the reunion on the Sixteenth of Kislew to study the mysteries of the Messiah; they forbid fornication, false testimony, forced conversion, intermarriage with Mohammedans, and covetousness; and enjoin charity, daily reading of the Psalms in secret, observance of the new moon, Mohammedan usages, and circumcision. Danon also gives a list of their twelve festivals, the most sacred of which are the Ninth of Ab, the birthday of Shabbethai; and the Sixteenth of Kislew. The latter is preceded by a fast-day. During their festivals they transact their business as usual. It is only in the evening that, with lighted candles and closed doors, they rejoice. The Dönmeh communities are administered by rabbis appointed by the ab bet din. These rabbis are well versed in Holy Scripture, they know almost by heart the Zohar, and understand Judæo-Spanish, which they regard as a holy language. Children are left in ignorance of their true religion, and are not initiated therein, among the Ismirlis and the Kuniosos, till the age of thirteen, and among the Ya’?ubis at marriage. Neither the Ismirlis nor the Ya’?ubis believe in the death of their respective saints, and they are always awaiting their return. Every Saturday the Ya’?ubis send a woman and her children to the seashore to inquire whether the ship which is to bring Jacob is sighted; and every morning the elders scrutinize the horizon for a similar purpose.
8 March, 2010 at 1:03 am
ZOG, why not just post the link and be done with it? Why did you have to post the whole damn article? Idiot.
8 March, 2010 at 6:32 am
ZOG, a very interesting article. Jews are masters of deception and camouflage, they are also a rather stupid bunch of orientals. Who else would go for that mumbojumbo of spotting Jacob’s ship on the horizon.
The only power they have over us is as peddlers of dreams and ridiculous lies. To be free of them all we have to do is return to our Aryan common sense. Easier said than done!
8 March, 2010 at 6:57 am
No doubt there are “secret” Jews at work inside Turkey, but that article was too far-fetched to be believed. Not even the Jews are that neurotic. Zohar? Shabbatai? The number 16? I think the Jews are a little too busy with their shekel-counting and other nefarious activities to waste any time on such Kabbalistic baloney. But some goyim will believe anything.
Leave it to ZOGtard to dig up only the most obscure, irrelevant and ridiculous articles.
8 March, 2010 at 7:22 am
I’m glad he posted the article.
8 March, 2010 at 9:42 am
makes me want to puke reading about all the jews and other shitmites dietary excretions and pubic hygene. Whites lost the region of Mesopotamia , and the Near East 4,000 years ago, when the s’mites wandered out of the desert looking for the bilk n’honey, much like the mexican invasion. I don’t know why we should lose any sleep over the Armenians, they’ve been in dirty bath water for so long they could be classified as wogs
8 March, 2010 at 10:04 am
ZOG, a very interesting article. Jews are masters of deception and camouflage, they are also a rather stupid bunch of orientals. Who else would go for that mumbojumbo of spotting Jacob’s ship on the horizon.
Right CW! Fecalsteen is all about one degree above Haitian Voodoo, but the Voodoo’s don’t have a Holy land and Holy book.
They go in for more graphic demonstrations and illustrations, maybe they could expand their market with comic books about Voo doo heros
8 March, 2010 at 10:18 am
In dah begginin, the great Chaka zulu created duh one an only original kantuckee fried chikkin, vinger likkin good he said!
Dat be duh first day! Den he creates duh 2nd day of Black history month, and de lights goes out, and he say dis be wunnerful, no mo electics bills and no cops shootin’ dem niggers!
Ons de third day, Chaka makes a plantation growin cotton, and he makes a Crakka to runs the thing.
On de forth day, Chakka he makes ah big big pond, and fills it with carp, and gives ebbery niggah a fishin pole.
On de fifth day, you guessed it , he makes a fifth of Malt likker,
an a likker store owned by Hymie Fecalsteen.
On de sexsties daym, why he creates sex, Lawdy ebbery hole in de earth must be filled
On de sevenmust day he creates a welfare program , and writes hisself a welfare check, and lay back and fuck off.
8 March, 2010 at 2:49 pm
Hey, Parsifal, you jackass. It was Donmeh Jews who carried out the Armenian genocide. The “Young Turks” were Donmeh Jews. I’m not sure why Socrates didn’t mention this in his article.
8 March, 2010 at 2:52 pm
Dönmeh refers to a group of crypto-Jews in the Ottoman Empire and present-day Turkey who openly affiliated with Islam and secretly practiced a form of Judaism called Sabbateanism. The group originated during and soon after the era of Sabbatai Zevi, a 17th-century Jewish kabbalist who claimed to be the Messiah and was eventually forced by the Ottoman Sultan Mehmed IV to become a Muslim. After Zevi’s conversion, a number of Jews followed him into Islam and became the Dönmeh. Since the 20th century, many Dönmeh have intermarried with other groups and most have assimilated into Turkish society. Although some still consider themselves Jews, the Dönmeh are not officially recognized as such by Jewish authorities.[citation needed]
8 March, 2010 at 6:07 pm
ZOGtard, can you post anything that wasn’t cut and pasted from some other source? No, didn’t think so.
8 March, 2010 at 6:14 pm
I guess the Armenian people are as dumb as ZOG is, because I never heard a single Armenian complain about how the Jews massacred them in WWI. But wait, how can anyone be as dumb as ZOG is and still know how to breathe? As far as I know, there is no animosity between those two groups. Besides, it wasn’t really a “genocide” against Armenians, it was more of a harsh wartime relocation of a suspect civilian population.
See, ZOG? I was able to make a good argument against you without having to resort to cut-and-paste laziness like you do!
8 March, 2010 at 7:07 pm
A fool knows more at home than a Wise man at his neighbors-Spanish proverb
Lets look at this Armenian Genocide as an example of what it means to be the minority in a multi-racial empire, such as the present Zog united states, when thing gets rough economically, and you look like easy pickin’s for the pickaninnies and the messicans. Whites are being targetted now in areas where they are a minority, inner cities, Southwestern states, workplaces where messicans dominate ..
8 March, 2010 at 7:14 pm
Oh, so now the Armenian genocide didn’t even happen, according to Tim McGreen/Parsifal/Zarathustra. Interesting.
Just keep it up, Parsifal. You reveal yourself to be a disinformation spreading piece of shit with every post.
8 March, 2010 at 7:51 pm
The Jews, despite the superficial religious difference, seem to have a lot in common with Armenians. Apparently they get along well too. Both are small western Asiatic nations.
But the Jews were well treated by the Turks; with the Armenians it was the opposite. Of course, the Jews didn’t have a country that the Turks had conquered and were trying to hold down. The Jews were helping the Turks in this regard.
8 March, 2010 at 8:21 pm
I really never understood all the boo-hooing in White racist/nationalist circles over the Armenians. I guess it is just because some Whites that consider themselves Christian consider the Armenian Christians as kindred because of the religious connection. Sad to say, but most of the Armenians I have seen aren’t White, and if you read up on race, you will see that they are racially similar to Jews, possibly the same racial stock. The book “Race” by John R. Baker explains it quite well.
I lived in Rhode Island for some time and there is a large Armenian presence there. Just about all the Armenians I knew could have been mistaken for Jews based on readily identifiable Semitic racial characteristics.
8 March, 2010 at 9:15 pm
The Armenians are definitely closer kin to the jews, than the Arabs I’ve seen
9 March, 2010 at 12:27 pm
Sad to say, but most of the Armenians I have seen aren’t White, and if you read up on race, you will see that they are racially similar to Jews, possibly the same racial stock. – Blackshirt
They are not White, and they are racially very similar to Jews. They act like them, too. They have the same shyster behavior and go into the same parasitic professions. I can see why the Turks wanted to remove them from their midst. Of course, the Turks are also a lot like Jews – it’s funny, these near eastern swarthoid types are so similar to one another yet they seem to always hate each other …
9 March, 2010 at 2:19 pm
Tim McGreen Says: “The role of Jews in the Ottoman Empire is not something that is well known in the West. I have suspected that the Jews had a lot of influence over Turkey for some time…”
I agree. Good point. An important aspect of Turkish history of which few Westerners are aware was the tremendous influence of the sultan’s mother, the Sultana Valide. Despite the usually secluded position of women in Islam, the sultan’s mother could be enormously powerful, and in some cases they actually ran the government. There was a 130-year period in Turkish history known as the “Sultanate of Women”, when the sultans were minors or weak or drunkards or feeble-minded or otherwise incompetent, and their mothers functioned as regents — the de facto rulers of the Ottoman Empire. Some of these ambitious mothers purposely conspired to keep their sons weak, or drunk, or distracted with harem girls. The sultan himself had to be a Moslem, but he could marry anyone, and very frequently they married outside Islam. In fact, some of the most powerful sultanas were Jewish women (and thus some of the sultans were part-Jewish although nominally Moslem. But to Jews, the child of a Jewish mother is always a Jew!)
Here is one of the most powerful ones, Nurbanu Sultan:
“I’ll bet Ahmet Ertegun, the “Turkish American” who founded Atlantic Records, was a Jew. He came from a very privileged “Turkish” family and was a major figure in the recording industry for decades. “
That’s a very interesting thought. It wouldn’t be the least surprising, if one checked into his ancestry. Certainly Ertegun was a darling of the media (for whatever reason, I could never imagine). He was huge on the social scene. Apparently, no high society event was complete without the ubitquitous Erteguns present. For years, there was hardly a day that I picked up the newspaper without seeing something about Ahmet and Mica Ertegun, attending a luncheon, or getting into a limousine, or sneezing! They were favorites of the gossip conumnists and their every breath was recorded for posterity. I used to wonder what these people had, besides than a lot of money and a high-powered publicity agent.
Checking his Wiki biog., I see that he went into business with Herb Abramson and Jerry Wexler. He also had a great affinity for blacks. “Ahmet and [brother] Nesuhi staged concerts … often at the Jewish Community Center, which was the only place that would allow a mixed audience and mixed band. They also traveled to New Orleans and to Harlem to listen to music and develop a keen awareness of developing musical tastes.” An odd point, that, because Turks are not especially fond of blacks at all — not in Turkey anyway. In Turkey, you don’t see ANY, and it’s a historical fact that black slaves imported from Africa (the males) were all castrated; and any offspring born to the females were strangled. Thus, there are NO mulattoes today in Turkey, while we have forty million that we don’t know what to do with.
9 March, 2010 at 3:18 pm
I find this a fascinating subject. The Sultana Nurbanu, was the niece of Doña Gracia Mendes, a Spanish/Portuguese Jew (also known as Beatrice de Luna, and various other names).
Doña Gracia was an enormously wealthy woman, one of the richest people in Europe in her time (1500’s), controlling a banking empire and the very lucrative spice trade, lending money and welding influence over kings and popes. She had a hand in everything!
30 March, 2010 at 12:43 am
Honestly, I am of Turkish origin and I must say it is actually the Zionists who are plotting to destroy the Secular System in Turkey. If it weren’t for the Secular System in Turkey, we wouldn’t have the 15th largest economy in the world and we wouldn’t be a military and economic superpower in the region. On the other hand, it was clowns like Erdogan, Menderes, Demirel and so forth who sold Turkey to other powers. People say Kemalists are puppets of the ZOG and the Islamists aren’t, it is the other way around on the contrary.
8 May, 2010 at 10:45 pm
Jews are not ‘Semetic’. Semetic refers to language–not race. Jews have nothing to do with Arabs. Even the words Hebrew and Jew come from Arabic nominations and descriptions of these ‘Iranians’as the first Hebrew and the Jews, Hebrews’ progeny all came from Iran. Eshafar is their city, Eshafar is a place in Iran. ‘Jew’ in Arabic does in fact mean terrorist in today’s language, or something so incorrigible you have to keep it separate from rest of society. Remember, it only takes one to make havoc, while two to make peace.