1 March, 2010

Between a Rock and a Hard Place: GOP in Amusing Racial Predicament

Posted by Socrates in conservatism, conservatives, politics, race, racial differences, Republicans, Socrates at 4:46 pm | Permanent Link

If Republicans want to win future elections, they’ll have to pander to non-Whites. But if they do that, they’ll alienate their main support base (i.e., the White, conservative, moneyed middle class). They can’t afford to do that. Furthermore, non-Whites don’t care about Israel, which is a key issue for Republicans. Look for the GOP to eventually split into two or more groups [1], ruining its political effectiveness (and paving the way for pro-White political parties):


[1] in some ways, it is splitting already, e.g., the Tea Party movement

  • 41 Responses to “Between a Rock and a Hard Place: GOP in Amusing Racial Predicament”

    1. tbow002 Says:

      At least white people will be able to get SOME kind of representation for their collective interests if that happens. Cmon, It could happen….lol

    2. nom de guerre Says:

      oh, I am relieved. RIP

    3. A. Says:

      “If Republicans want to win future elections, they’ll have to pander to non-Whites.”

      and yet some how you believe proWhite political parties are going to be effective in some way?

      The consequent doesn’t follow the premise. You have committed a logical error.

    4. A. Says:

      The correct consequent is of course that a WN state is in practise not achievable now through the ballot box. Why don’t you take that and run with it instead of wasting our time? What follows?

    5. SM Says:

      forget about it — the republicans and democrats are the left and arm of the same frankenstein. when the house comes down, this country will be cut up like a boarding house pie. good riddance to big government. nationalism will be rejected. white people will demand local control. it’s time for everybody to mind their own business and live according to what works best in their area.

    6. Maynard Says:

      The political system is corrupt. WE HAVE A ROGUE GOVERNMENT! Political parties do not matter. You can’t vote your way out of this multi-cultural empire shit!

    7. Tim McGreen Says:

      Phooey on the ballot box, it’s time for the ammunition box.

    8. J.J Says:

      The Republican party needs to collapse. It does not represent the interets of whites, but jews and their lackeys.

    9. nom de guerre Says:

      They’re in between two hard place, 2 tombstones

    10. nom de guerre Says:

      What will this mean to all the incumbent Republicans if the “party” really is over? We’ll they all move across the aisle and sit on laps, and suck the paps of the Democrats? I knew they were all joined at the hip.

    11. nom de guerre Says:

      So what have we gotten from the Republican party in the 150 plus years of its existence?
      1. 500,000 dead in the civil war
      2. billions of debt to international banksters, if not trillions to wage war against ourselves and fellow whites.
      3. Present day conflicts in the Middle East for leShitty costing us billions and lives
      4.Millions of mexican and turd world immigrunts legal or illegal, whats the dif?
      5. the first amnesty in our history given to illegal immigrunts by none other than Ronnie Reagan the darling of the kahnservatives.
      7. subservience to le Shitty nation that runs our foreign and domestic policies.
      8. nigger history month, affirmative action,
      9. millions of jobs sent over to Communist China and other turd world nations
      10. imported muds to via special arrangements with big business.

    12. nom de guerre Says:

      The Republican party is one of the most expensive enemies we’ve ever had.

    13. nom de guerre Says:

      The sluts keep comin’ back to the Whites, with the same ole line of bull, that theres some mean ole boogers up in DC that got so much clout they can’t do nothing about it. Hell why don’t they do like that pissed of Guardia Civil did in Spains cortez, go in blastin’ at hip level.

    14. Tim McGreen Says:

      Well, in spite of everything I still like Richard Nixon and Spiro Agnew.

    15. mrcrouton Says:

      Our party is our race!

      One other point. Lets bury the republicans by reminding the Mexicans that republican Dwight Eisenhower was president and ordered operation wetback in 1957 and deported over a million Mexicans.

      Thats’ a fact to share with the world. And lets see if the Republicans can kiss enough Mexican ass to make up for that fact.

    16. th Says:

      When the government such as the one that rules the JewSA finds it necessary to create laws to protect it against its citizens, then its quite clear something is wrong.When we have a government that makes laws with regard to arms and dissent, then there is another problem. If they feel threatened that the people hate them and with good reason, then there is another problem. No party. republican, democrat, independant or any other off shoot as with the tea bag party will ever serve the interests of aryan folk. The only thing that the present criminal goverment promises the aryan man is the gulag. Nothing will change until the current system is purged.

    17. Kuda Bux Says:

      effete corps of impudent snobs

      nattering nabobs of negativity

    18. Krystian Kowalczyk Says:

      Republicans are retarded. For years we’ve advised them to pander to white interests, with such a platform they could win by default without any difficulty. But they refuse to. Instead, we are expected to accept a gaggle of non-whites. Retaining our culture is impossible. Fuck these “conservatives”, these are the same who screwed over Revilo Oliver and paved the way for the Jewish Neocons to take control.

    19. Klassikality Says:

      “Phooey on the ballot box, it’s time for the ammunition box.”

      Amen to that.

      It will be amusing to watch as the Gay Old Party crumbles, and aggressively courts the spics (La Republicans?) and turns their backs on the Whites who have been the bedrock of the party for so long. Then maybe, just maybe, some of the patriotard flaggots will realize they have been had and might wake up.

      I hate conservatives far more than I hate liberals. At least you know the liberals are scum up front, its obvious. These idiotic White kwanservatives keep eating up the same crap they’ve been fed for decades. Rather than spit it out they keep coming back for more. Watch em go nuts and wave the shit-rag flag when the war on Iran begins.

    20. nom de guerre Says:

      Watch em go nuts and wave the shit-rag flag when the war on Iran begins.
      March madness look out! The thieves have never had a real falling out, and they never had a war they didn’t like somebody else to fight

    21. Blackshirt Says:

      Wow, some great comments here! Where are Tom McReen and friends to ask us to take it easy on Republicunts and Conservatards? I’m so glad it seems that more and more White racists are getting out of the political party playpen. White people are finally realizing that their salvation isn’t through the Republican party, but is it already too late?

    22. John Denton Says:

      Krystian can you tell me how Relivo Oliver was screwed over please, I wasn’t aware of that?

    23. .308 Says:

      the gop outing sung

    24. Igor Alexander Says:

      The Occidental Quarterly crowd has been make predictions like this for years. I’m not holding my breath.

      Any political movement that doesn’t name the jew and openly discuss race is going nowhere. The Tea Party movement is being co-opted by jews as I write.

    25. Igor Alexander Says:

      typo: been making

    26. Igor Alexander Says:

      “Krystian can you tell me how Relivo Oliver was screwed over please, I wasn’t aware of that?”

      I believe he’s referring to the John Birch Society, an organization covertly funded by jews whose aim was to sap away the vitality of the 1950’s anti-communist movement.

      More about that in the comments here:

    27. Tim McGreen Says:

      I thought William F. Fuckley founded the National Jew Review as a “respectable” alternative to the Birchers’ kind of conservatism?

    28. nom de guerre Says:

      Wow, some great comments here! Where are Tom McReen and friends to ask us to take it easy on Republicunts and Conservatards? I’m so glad it seems that more and more White racists are getting out of the political party playpen. White people are finally realizing that their salvation isn’t through the Republican party, but is it already too late?

      Bells rung partys over, we’re already in a war up to our armpits in Mexishits. Time to pull the plug on the Republicunt party, anytime they call for contributions tell them to dial up LaRaza, I’m sure they have bi-lingual operator

    29. Z.O.G. Says:

      Any political party that doesn’t explicitly talk about Jews and race is a Jewish false font.

    30. John Denton Says:

      Thanks Igor, you learn something new everyday.

    31. nom de guerre Says:

      Oh Gawd, what is the most important bashing going on up in DC? Jap bashing! These bought and paid for shabbazgoyim and their jew media just can’t take on an issue that is relevant, but have to have some sort of karoke show, kibuki theatre whatever, to obfuscate ,divert from their fukkin shitty performance for the American public except for their le shitreal masters and media pundets they’d be standing up against the wall. Don’t give um a thin red cent of support, the lights need to go out in the District of Corruption FOREVER and And EVER. Die DAMMIT!!

    32. nom de guerre Says:

      Another day, more of same nigger luvin bull shit, a “group” of nigger luvers and niggers picketing the offices of Senator Tom Coburn in Okla. city, because he won’t go along with a giveaway of 40 million to Uganda, at the same time the Damn Demorats hold back 30 million for feeding seniors. Do you get the picture folks, we don’t have one damn reason to believe the system or its media have anything in mind but our complete demise

    33. Andrei's ghost Says:

      Went to a White-Gentile owned t-shirt printing shop yesterday & requested a print on a t-shirt that stated “It’s Not Illegal To Be White….Yet’ & they refused to print it, saying “We won’t print anything racist anymore.” The owner looked like a lesbian & maybe that might of had something to do with it, you know “us minorities stick together.” What if a negro or mestizo came in & requested something pro-their race? “Almost Famous Printing” (business name)
      1309 119th Street, Whiting, Indiana – (219) 473-1501

    34. nom de guerre Says:

      “us minorities stick together.” NOTHING BUT A POWER VACUUM HOLDS THE HYENAS TOGETHER

    35. Tim McGreen Says:

      Andrei, you should’ve called her a bull-dyke. I’ll bet she printed up a lot of Hillary for President T-Shirts in 2008, eh?

    36. Andrei's ghost Says:

      Anti-Gay Lawmaker Reportedly at Gay Leather Bar Before DUI Arrest


      A California state senator who reportedly has voted against every gay rights measure since he took office eight years ago was charged with driving under the influence on Wednesday, reportedly after leaving a gay leather bar in Sacramento.

      State Sen. Roy Ashburn is seen here (photo), dressed in his assless chaps leather outfit booking photo at Sacramento County Jail.

      By Andrei Yustschinsky, Representative for Kiwi® Saddle Soap, a division of U.S. Products

      A California state senator who reportedly has voted against every gay rights measure since he took office eight years ago was charged with driving under the influence on Wednesday, reportedly after leaving a gay leather bar in Sacramento.

      Sen. Roy Ashburn, a Republican from Bakersfield, was spotted driving erratically at about 2 a.m. Wednesday in downtown Sacramento, officials said. He was arrested after taking a sobriety test, and he was taken to Sacramento County Jail, where he was administered a blood-alcohol test prior to being booked and released.

      He was charged with two misdemeanors: driving under the influence and driving with a blood alcohol level of .08 percent or higher.

      Ashburn, a 55-year-old father of four teen boys, all adopted when they were 13, apologized for his actions.

      “I am deeply sorry for my actions and offer no excuse for my poor judgment,” he said in a statement. “I accept complete responsibility for my conduct and am prepared to accept the consequences for what I did. I am also truly sorry for the impact this incident will have on those who support and trust me — my family, my constituents, my friends, and my colleagues in the Senate, and also while i was in that sinful bar, i had no idea that it was a gay-leather bar, i swear on President Ronald Wilson Reagan’s grave.”

      He was arrested after leaving The Bolt, a gay leather bar in midtown Sacramento, according to FUXNews. A male passenger with bleached blonde hair and wearing asless chaps, who was not identified, was also in the car but was not detained and walked home, the TV station reported.

      A spokesman for Ashburn declined to comment to FUXNews.com regarding the nightclub allegations.

      Sen. Roy’s unidentified “car companion” (in assless chaps & all leather outfit) walking home after the Senator’s car was impounded (photo)

      Ashburn, who served in the state Assembly from 1996 to 2002 before he was elected to the Senate, has voted against every gay rights measure since he became a senator, according to Project Vote Smart, a Web site that tracks voting record.

      Andrei Yustschinsky reporting from “on the spot & in the parking lot” of THE BOLT, 2560 Boxwood Street, Sacramento, Ca., 95815 (916) 649-8420

    37. Krystian Kowalczyk Says:

      Krystian can you tell me how Relivo Oliver was screwed over please, I wasn’t aware of that?

      Igor got part of it, also the so-called “conservative movement” railroaded him out of significance in their Beltway circles because he was “anti-semitic” even though he was by far the most intelligent – and Buckley was part of that, the fucking hypocrite agreed with Revilo on matters of race but because he and the “respectables” liked ease and wealth too much and were Christian shabbos goyim they stabbed him in the back.

      There is only more of the same in store for our people trusting modern “cons” and they are even worse.

    38. Ein Says:

      I thought this report had to be a joke. But then I checked further, and it turns out not to be. There are a lot of stories about it.
      Well, I shouldn’t be surprised. Some very big fags in drag have also been in denial all the way through their careers. The infamous Roy Cohn was a notorious queen in denial…And a very vicious one, from what I’ve read.

      Sacramento CA.- New developments in the DUI arrest of California senator after leaving a gay bar. Senator Roy Ashburn’s blood-alcohol level was .14 when he was pulled over.

      The arrest is raising new question about Ashburn — an outspoken opponent of gay rights — who has been spotted frequently at gay bars in Sacramento.

      West Sacramento Mayor Cabaldon, who is gay, says he has seen Ashburn in gay hotspots a number of times. He says while he respects Ashburn’s right to privacy, but not when it involved hypocrisy. “You just can’t live a double life in politics,” said Cabaldon, who posted his frustration on Facebook saying, “It wouldn’t bother me so bad to see Roy Ashburn at Badlands with a boy, if he didn’t have such a bad voting record on gay rights.”

      Cabaldon is speaking up again after learning Ashburn was arrested on suspicion of drunken driving after leaving Faces, a gay nightclub. The owner says he can’t confirm that Ashburn was there because the club was packed with more than 400 patrons for a “Latin Drag Queen Beauty Pageant”.

      Oh, boy!

    39. Tim McGreen Says:

      Wow, a conservative, family values Republican politician who votes against homo-rights legislation and then turns out to be a nancy boy. Why am I not shocked by this?

    40. Irma Grese Says:

      The “White, conservative, moneyed middle class” is a dead duck thanks to the very jew-Randian CONSERVATARD policies the republicans have hawked for DECADES now, JUST LIKE THE DEMOCRATS! Sending jobs overseas while shipping shitskins IN just like the dems, supporting theiving, lying ISREHELL at every turn just like the Dems, paying nothing but LIP SERVICE to traditional morality while harboring faggots and kid-diddlers JUST LIKE THE DEMS – THAT’S the Republican party for you! They’ve even got their very own NIGGER running their shit – Michael Steele! But somehow someway they’re supposed to be DIFFERENT from the Dems, RIGHT??

      I am AMAZED there are STILL white people stupid enough to fall for it! but there they are those TEA BAGGERS screeching “HURR DURR FREE MARKUT FREE MARKUT” so we can all get ASS-RAPED by the corporations some more. FUCK!! 50 gallons of bleach for the white gene pool Dr. Hitler and STEP ON IT!

    41. dguy Says:

      People old enough to vote should have gave up the republiKHAN party in late 1990 when all its jew freaks were squealing for the first war on Iraq and a war on Serbia.

      Any party that does not address race or jews is a fraud or infected with jews and race mixers. Conservative republiKHAN have jews wives and non-whites freaks in their family trees. Stop voting for them.They have tons of money to make race an issue but won’t.

      Start using all the government benefits you can. Take everything you can out of the system. Mock the jews and their supporters who talk about Islam. White soldiers are being murdered by blacks on Americans street so why are they so gung ho about killing Arabs to protect jews?

      The more enemies jews have the less of their resources they can use against whites. If we didn’t invade Iraq in 1991 Iraq would have had nuclear bombs by now and the jews could have lived under a gun forever. You don’t want jews to be confident or feel secure.

      This isn’t about whites fighting all the non-whites it’s about turning all the non-whites against jews and turning everyone against the negroids.

      Stop supporting churches who use the money to help blacks whether here or in Africa.

      Notice that freak Sarah Palin cares about jews in Israel but not white people?

      Jews and blacks are evil. Stop aiding and defending a system that empowers them.