8 March, 2010

Alex Linder on Living White

Posted by Socrates in Alex Linder, Socrates, white nationalism, White Nationalists, White philosophy, White solutions, White thought at 6:40 pm | Permanent Link

“If one persuasive man, or one White Congress of leaders, said, ‘This is what White is, and this is how to live White’ – that would be the best starting point. I’m not demanding a super-exclusive, super-tight genetic definition, but a reasonable drawing of lines. And then, yes, handbook level guide to how to live. That’s what people don’t have now. The reason so many people are christians is because they are virtually the only organization giving people answers. So the quality of their answers doesn’t even matter because no one else is offering people any options. TELL people: this is how you live: this is how you run your money, conduct your pesonal relations, play your role in society culturally and via politics. It’s the overt political stuff that is not the place to start, as we’ve seen. Overt White organization(s) go nowhere because they are attacked by the powers that be through the media. So the place to start is with personal stuff, everyday stuff, and that means money and relations with others, and education.”

Yes. The White man has completely lost his way. Like a hostage held captive by terrorists for months or years, he doesn’t know who he is anymore or what it means to “live White”:

[VNN Forum post].

  • 54 Responses to “Alex Linder on Living White”

    1. Andrei's Ghost Says:


      01:54 GMT, Friday, 26 February 2010

      Brazil baby dies ‘as mestizo doctors ‘rock and roll’ over TV talk show hosts’

      By Andrei Yustschinsky of the WORLD NET NIGHTLY

      A mestizo baby girl died following an all-out fight between mestizo doctors in a Brazilian hospital delivery room, reports say, prompting an investigation.

      The mestizo doctors were removed by security staff after clashing over who has the best American TV talk show of all time – Jerry Springer or the late Mort Downey Jr, local media reported.

      Another doctor (non-mestizo), who doesn’t watch talk TV, was eventually able to help the 32-year-old mestizo woman but her baby was born dead, the reports said.

      An official said it was not clear if the fight played a role in the death.

      The incident took place in Ivinhema in Mato Grosso do Sul state.

      The two doctors have since been sacked, the Agencia Estado news agency reported, and an investigation is being carried out by police and medical authorities.

      The pregnant mestizo, Gislaine de Matos Rodrigues, was said to have asked the doctor who had been responsible for her pre-natal care to look after her during the birth.

      But just after medication was given to induce the birth, another doctor arrived and was reported to have insisted that the late Mort Downey Jr makes Jerry Springer look like shit..


      Reports say the two men at first started to argue, and then to fight.

      “It was a big fight. They ended up rockin’ and rolling around on the floor and my wife was screaming for them to stop,” said the woman’s husband, Gilberto Melo Cabreira, quoted by the Folha de Sao Paulo newspaper.

      He said security staff had to be called to remove the doctors who are talk TV fans.

      One of the doctors confirmed to Globo TV that there was a fight in the delivery room, but blamed his colleague.

      “I didn’t get in a fight with him, he got into a fight with me, and yeah, Jerry Springer blows that dead motherfucker Mort Downey away goddamn it ” said Dr Sinomar Ricardo.

      The station said it was unable to interview the second doctor.

      According to Brazilian media, another member of staff was eventually able to help in an emergency caesarean section 90 minutes later, but the baby girl was born dead.

      A death certificate is said to attribute the cause to a lack of oxygen, but a full post-mortem examination has yet to be completed.

      WORLD NET NIGHTLY’s Andrei Yustschinsky reporting from Ivinhema in Mato Grosso do Sul…..

    2. Me Says:

      Its called The Book of Mormon.

    3. Me Says:

      nom de guerre said:

      “It really wasn’t the leadership that sold out, no not entirely, it was more the proles fault.. The proles deserve our utmost contempt…”

      Oh, so now we are not of the people, but above them, and accepting of academia, forgiving even, whilst the “proles” are at fault for the garbage taught their children while they slaved to earn a living and make ends meet?

      You, sir, would benefit from a few years hard labor. I am not implying punishment, I am honestly saying, you should do hard labor with those you fail to appreciate, in order to more clearly understand the conditions of the so-called “proles,” who without no wheels would turn, no stores would be stocked, no streets would be cleared, no garbage picked up, no shipments delivered.

    4. Andrei's ghost Says:

      Maybe that’s what the “White” House super-chimp meant when he said “change”…….

      More Hoosiers on public payrolls than in factories

      Government workers exceed industrial jobs for first time since Civil War

      By Ted Evanoff – The Indianapolis Star | Posted: Monday, March 15, 2010 12:05 am |

      INDIANAPOLIS | For the first time since before the Civil War and perhaps ever, more people in Indiana work in government than in all the factories in the state.

      Rocked by layoffs, imports and automation, workers in Indiana plants numbered 430,800 in January, while government at all levels, including schools and publicly owned hospitals, employed 442,800 workers.

      Factory jobs most likely will exceed government’s again as the economy recovers and more auto production leads to recalls of idled workers.

      But for now, the eclipse of the industrial base marks a remarkable chapter for this Rust Belt state. Indiana remains the state with the largest share of its labor force in manufacturing, although that factory force clearly has shrunk.

      “The fact that you have more workers in government than manufacturing is alarming and really emphasizes the need to develop more jobs in the private sector so the economy can sustain itself for the long haul,” said John Ketzenberger, president of the Indiana Fiscal Policy Institute, a nonpartisan think tank in Indianapolis.

      Government for now is the No. 2 employer in the state, trailing retailers.

      Manufacturing, which accounts for about 16 percent of the work force, is third and considered crucial to underpinning the tax base.

      Factories pay the highest wages of any sector of the Indiana economy, about $71,000 per job. While health care is growing, wages average about $44,400 per year, including doctors, nurses and medical technicians.

      This trend isn’t so much a matter of government employment shooting up as industrial jobs vanishing.

      In the last decade, factories have shed about 240,000 jobs — a third of the industrial base, including 40,000 lost in the last year, according to labor market data in a report released last week by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

      During those same years, government added about 40,000 jobs, partly due to the increase in schools and city services related to the state’s 4.9 percent rise in population in the last decade.

      Experts are not quite sure when government last surpassed manufacturing in employment but suggest it probably happened before the Civil War.

      The war created an industrial boom, and by 1870 the census showed 58,852 manufacturing workers in Indiana. Historians are almost certain this number was greater than the number of government employees at the time.

      Manufacturing jobs then continued to grow and had almost tripled by 1900 after natural gas finds ushered in the state’s heavy industrialization.

      “There’s no way government was bigger than manufacturing in 1900,” said Indiana University historian James Madison. “At all levels, government did very little in 1900 or even before then. When the state capital moved from Corydon to Indianapolis (in 1825), the treasurer could put all of the state’s records in one wagon. Change didn’t come until the early 20th-century progressive era.”

      Government exceeding manufacturing in employment is “a significant development today,” Madison said. “I would push this to say this may be the first time this has ever happened.”