9 February, 2010

Speaking of Octopus…

Posted by Socrates in graphics/toons, Israel, Israel - the facts, jewed foreign policy, Socrates, Zionism at 5:11 pm | Permanent Link

…here’s one that only requires American money to get moving…

  • 10 Responses to “Speaking of Octopus…”

    1. Tim McGreen Says:

      I just feel bad about seeing the noble octopus compared with Jews, or the noble chimpanzee compared with groids.

    2. Aealo Says:

      Chimps in the wild aren’t all that noble. Curiously, they roam around jungles in large packs and battle with other monkeys using stones and clubs to kill them. It’s quite brutal . Chimpanzees are also cannibalistic.

    3. Tim McGreen Says:

      I once saw a photo of a chimp munching on a baboon-head. You’d have to be pretty damn hungry to do that. No matter, at least chimps aren’t raping White women or living in the projects on welfare.

    4. Z.O.G. Says:

      No matter, at least chimps aren’t raping White women or living in the projects on welfare.

      They’re not? :-)

    5. AEALO Says:

      It’s probably only a matter of time for that too..

    6. nom de guerre Says:

      Let’s be fair to the chimps, after all they earn their keep, no welfare being doled out to chimp moms, no penal(penis) institutions for chimps costing billions of taxpayers dollars, they’re probably lucky to get a space heater in their zoo cells. No educational costs ( A chimp mind is a terrible thing to waste) and dammit they even invented termite fishing!

    7. nom de guerre Says:

      Lets send some of these jeboo worshipping White women to Africa to bring back chimp toddlers

    8. nom de guerre Says:

      Circumcising a chimp should be a real treat for the mohel

    9. nom de guerre Says:

      I once saw a photo of a chimp munching on a baboon-head. You’d have to be pretty damn hungry to do that. No matter, at least chimps aren’t raping White women or living in the projects on welfare.

      That chimp had good taste buds, wonder if they could distinguish between niggers and babboons, hell Mexishits love to eat Cow heads

    10. Tim McGreen Says:

      Negroes emit a rather disagreeable odor, so chimpanzees would rather starve than eat one of them, I imagine. Mestizoes have real creepy festivals like Dia de los Muertos. What an unwholesome lot.