10 February, 2010

Open Thread

Posted by Socrates in open threads, Socrates at 1:24 pm | Permanent Link

Post whatever you want…

  • 64 Responses to “Open Thread”

    1. Tim McGreen Says:

      I wonder how much it cost the US taxpayer to free those Christards from that Haitian jail? If the Haitians had any brains at all, they would have eaten those nigglet-abducting holy rollers. The LORD wasn’t with you, Jim Allen, you dickhead, it was ZOG and the anti-White Jewsmedia watching over you.

      Dave, I think the savagery you see in your typical greasy Mestizo is mostly due to its Moorish ancestry, although like you say the usually lazy, docile Indian blood can get heated up easily enough.

    2. Andrei's ghost Says:

      More here on black “parenting”……

      Search is scaled back for 3-month-old negro female thrown in NJ river

      By Andrei Yustschinsky of the Associated Pricks, 2-19-2010

      NEWARK, N.J. (AP) – State police have scaled back a search for a 3-month-old negro female believed to have been thrown off a bridge into a New Jersey river by her daddy.

      State Police Sgt. Julian Castellanos said Friday evening that marine police and state police units will continue looking during their regular patrols, placing emphasis on areas where the young negress may be, but a more widespread effort has been halted.

      Police say that the 21-year-old negro Shamsid-Din Abdur-Raheem of Galloway told them he threw his female offspring, Zara Malani-lin Abdur, off a Garden State Parkway bridge Tuesday.

      Abdur-Raheem has pleaded not guilty to charges including the attempted murder of the young negresses maternal grandma whom police say he smacked upside the head during the alleged abduction.

      The 3-month-old sepia hatchling’s mama had sought a restraining order against him.

      THIS IS A BREAKING NEWS UPDATE. Check back soon for further information. Associated Pricks earlier story is below.

      NEWARK, N.J. (AP) – State police in New Jersey are scaling back the search for a 3-month-old negro female believed to have been thrown off a bridge by her father.

      State police Sgt. Stephen Jones says units that were using side-scanning sonar in the Raritan River are wrapping up. He says the search will continue until dark Friday and then will be reassessed.

      Police say 21-year-old Shamsid-Din Abdur-Raheem, of Galloway, told them he threw his female offspring, Zara Malani-lin Abdur, off a Garden State Parkway bridge on Tuesday.

      Abdur-Raheem has pleaded not guilty to charges including the attempted murder of the kid’s maternal grandma, whom police say he assaulted during the alleged abduction. The female offspring’s mama had sought a restraining order against him.

      Andrei Yustschinsky reporting…..

      Copywrong 2010 Associated Pricks. No rights reserved.
      This material can & will be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

    3. Andrei's ghost Says:

      The Three Stooges and Jewishness

      The Three Stooges were actually pioneers in Jewishness. Here’s why:

      A PLUMBING WE WILL GO (1940) — The Stooges are on the run from the police, they steal a plumber’s truck in a get away, go to a house by mistake that needs plumbing work, the plumbing clients think that Larry, Moe & Curly are real plumbers & in the end the Stooges manage to FUCK-UP the WHOLE constitution of the house by connecting the water pipes to the electrical wire pipes, the gas pipes, etc.,just like what their fellow Jews do to every society they infiltrate. The house that the Stooges fucked-up is the Weimar or U.S. house their fellow Jew “plumbers” have fucked-up.

      ALL THE WORLD’s A STOOGE (1941) — This time “our boys” infiltrate a household as “adolescent refugees” (modern day infantilism?) & at one point Curly has a chest cold so he apply’s an “ointment” on his chest but by “accident” he apply’s a Limburger cheese spread (is there a such thing Schlomo?) from a jar next to the “Vicks Vapor Rub” jar, then he goes to a society party stinking like shit (modern day scat?) & he even sits on some high class broad’s lap stinking & wouldn’t get up until she jabbed him in his ass with a pin. In those days they had to use “Limburger cheese” instead of shit to pass the censors. In 2008 Curly would of just shit his pants without batting an eye instead of “Limburgering” his chest because some little & big babies have not been “poddy trained” yet.. Also let’s not forget the Stooges playing a strip-poker type of game with the male butler (a little homo action?).

      So you see Larry, Moe & Curly had it all way before the “liberated” society of the 1960’s. Were the Stooges aware of this? I don’t know, but i will say their Jew screen writers were aware & they were laughing at the goyim who were not aware. This was “stone age” inside & underground Jew humor. Are the shit parts snuck in these Stooges film shorts actually the shit-scat “goodies” derived from the “holy” Talmud? If so, maybe these Stooges films are actually “religious cinema golden nuggets” in the same category with BEN HUR or THE TEN COMMANDMENTS.

      Andrei’s Ghost………….

    4. che Says:

      Men are the submissive sex

    5. Andrei's ghost Says:

      Subject: How Holocaust Asserters operate

      1. Denial of the fact that there wasn’t any “Master Plan” for extermination of the Jews.

      There isn’t a single Nazi document that expressly enumerates a “master plan” for the annihilation of European Jewry.
      But there are Nazi documents about agreements (e.g. Haavara) with Zionists to ship German Jews to Palestine. There are documents about German luxury liners loaded with German Jews at the expense of the German Nazi government. There is plenty of written and other evidence that the “Master Plan” was to remove any Jewish influence from the German Reich. The final solution should be a souvereign German Nation not controlled by foreign powers.
      Heydrich was murdered by the SOE-trained Czech assassins because he was winning over the Czechs to the German cause [and because he disrupted MI6 communications with the Chief of Abwehr Admiral Kanaris].

      2. Denial of the fact that there were no ‘gas chambers’ used for mass murder at Auschwitz and other camps

      About 300.000 people in total died in German concentration camps until May 1945. This number includes all deaths – not only Jewish. When the Soviet Army approached Auschwitz in 1944, the few German guards offered all inmates to stay and wait for the Russians – but over 80 percent of the inmates insisted to go West with their German guards voluntarily!!!

      3. Holocaust Scholars Rely on the Testimony of Survivors Because There Is No Objective Documentation Proving the Nazi

      This is correct. Many fabrications were made in order to create some sort of proof. But none could withstand correct forensic investigation.

      4. There Was No Net Loss of Jewish Lives Between 1941 and 1945.

      The widely cited “6 million” figure is derived from some Talmudic / Kabbalistic text stating that 6 million Jews must die in a big fire before the state of Israel can be reconstructed.

      5. The Nuremberg trials Were a “Farce of Justice” Staged for the Benefit of the Jews and the victorious Allies.

      The whole tribunal has no legal substance because it was conducted “ex post facto”. Furthermore, torture and intimidation of defendants were common place. Even American/Jewish writers document repeated tortures of Julius Streicher and other defendants.

    6. Tim McGreen Says:

      My Hero of the Month Award goes to Joseph Stack. He certainly got his revenge on ZOG, didn’t he? Hopefully, other White Americans will be inspired by his heroic example and turn against their enemy alien slave-masters.

    7. Andrei's ghost Says:

      Over-sexed drunken negro discovers not so over-sexed horses are actually police officers

      Last Update: 2/19/2010 8:31 am

      By Andrei Yustschinsky, PHD, author of the best selling book (over 700 pages) “Libido: Negroes vs Whites”

      ORLANDO, FL — When the drunken negro Christopher Brown found himself under arrest after he fondled (jacked-off) and felated (sucked-off) a pair of police officer horses named Noble and Peanuts.

      He just thought they were just rather cute and really “big” male horses.

      Mounted patrol officers were trying to clear the street outside an Orlando hip-hop nightclub. They say the drunken Brown, 25, and some drunken negro friends refused to move.

      At one point, according to an astonishing affadavit, Brown fondled the police horse Noble’s penis. He reportedly had also felated the police horse Peanut’s penis (while both police horses were on duty) who was next to Noble while the police watched in disbelief, horror and complete mortifying disgust.

      One giggling teenage negro female (out after curfew) used her camera cell phone to photograph, “on the spot and in the parking lot”, the naughty negro-police horse sex action. 12 year old Latisha Jefferson told WBEA News Radio that: “I justed wanted to make copies of them pictures on my grandma’s HP® All-In-One printer-fax-copier-scanner so i could hang them up in my locker in school and show the other girls, my 4 boyfriends and grandma at the crib them cool motherfucken’ photos”.

      Officers say at one point the drunken wayward negro Brown then made a fist and attempted to shove it up Noble’s rectum.

      He was charged with two counts of sexual battery-rape-sodomy on Peanuts and Noble, one count of disorderly conduct for not stopping the sex acts when the police officers told him to “knock it off” and one count of public intoxication. $17,500 in bail money got him out of jail. Note: Beastiality is not yet illegal in the Sunshine State..

      In an e-mail to the Barnes Hay & Feed Corporation® in Key West, Florida, the former orange juice-queen, singer, Miss Oklahoma and gay rights rights opponent Anita Bryant, now residing in Canada said, “All gays are going to go to hell if they don’t repent and if they continue to live an existence of sodomy, beastiality and moral depravity. It’s bad enough with men doing boys and women doing girls, but a pair of colored boys doing boy horses and while drinking the devil’s juice? I pray to the all mighty lord for the souls of these colored sinners. Please merciful lord, forgive these poor darkies, for they don’t have the same brand of hormones and brains as we do, they just can’t help it, it’s the way the good lord made them, but our heavenly father did put the negroes on Earth for a divine purpose, maybe for their dancing and their heavenly sense of rhythm, though we won’t find out why until we meet the lord in heaven someday. Praise the lord and amen!”

      PHD Andrei Yustschinsky reporting from “on the spot & in the parking lot” of the Barnes Hay & Feed Corporation®, 69 Duval Street, Key West Florida, 33040….

      Copywrong 2010 The Barnes Hay & Feed Corporation®. No rights reserved. This material can & will be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

    8. Jack Barns Says:

      I spoke to a FED today and he confirmed that Mark Koernke is an FBI informant. Beware militia members who follow him. He is the pied piper of the FBI and will lead you right into a prison cell. His Fat wife is also a snitch. BEWARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    9. Andrei's ghost Says:

      94.6 White Valpo quarter of way to goal for non-White Haiti funds

      VALPARAISO: Funds will go to Kids Alive (negro only) efforts

      By Andrei Yustschinsky | Posted: Monday, February 22, 2010 12:05 am

      VALPARAISO, INDIANA | The 94.6 White city of Valparaiso is about a quarter of the way to its goal of raising $100,000 to assist the non-White Kids Alive International in its Haitian relief efforts.

      With $25,000 raised to rescue pickaninnies orphaned by the earthquake Jan. 12 on the Caribbean island, several fundraisers are being planned in the city, including a benefit concert at 3 p.m. March 27 at Calvary Church, 1325 Evans Ave., that will feature the bands Once Ascended, Vindicated, Three Nails Failed and Planetary.

      “We hope the community will come out to support these children,” Valparaiso White Mayor Jon Costas said. “We’re excited about this volunteer-driven effort to raise awareness and funds for the orphans in Haiti.”

      Tickets for the concert will go on sale today, said RG Skadberg, head of TBD, a promotion and “artist” development (scam) business that handles the bands involved in the concert. Skadberg said another band might be added, and there will be other activities in the church at the same time.

      “This is going to be more than just a benefit for Haiti,” he said. “It’s going to be a benefit for “music” lovers. We invite everyone to come out and benefit while benefiting.”

      Skadberg said the members of Once Ascended and Three Nails Failed approached him with the idea of holding the concert fundraiser. He described the all White rapture bunny bands as being negro-gospel hip-hop with a mixture of soul, rap and reggae.

      “I figured there would be a bunch of Haiti things going on, and “I wanted to be sure the money would be used for what we said”. I went to Kids Alive International, and they said they would be happy to be involved.”

      The church seats about 600 (White) people, and Skadberg said the details of the other activities still are being worked out. Kids Alive will have someone there to describe what the organization is doing in Haiti.

      “The number of kids without an adult is staggering,” Skadberg said.

      The concert is expected to last until about 8 p.m. Tickets are $5 for those 18 and older, $3 for those ages 11 to 17 and free to children 10 and younger. The cost for a family is $15. Tickets will be available at City Hall, 166 Lincolnway; Cornucopia Coffee Company, 210 E. Lincolnway.

      Andrei Yustschinsky reporting….

    10. Andrei's ghost Says:


      (Finally a child of a person who’s doing right is some what defending the parent unlike the children of Rockwell, Pierce, Ford, Lindbergh, Von Brun etc. )

      Daughter says pilot in Texas IRS crash was a hero

      The Associated Press
      Monday, February 22, 2010; 8:50 AM

      AUSTIN, Texas — The daughter of a man who crashed his small plane into an Internal Revenue Service building called her father a hero for his anti-government views but said his actions, which killed a tax service employee, were “inappropriate.”

      Joe Stack’s adult daughter, Samantha Bell, spoke to ABC’s “Good Morning America” from her home in Norway. Asked during a phone interview broadcast Monday if she considered her father a hero, she said: “Yes. Because now maybe people will listen.”

      Authorities say Stack, 53, targeted the IRS office building in Austin last week, killing employee Vernon Hunter and himself, after posting a ranting manifesto against the agency and the government. He apparently set fire to his home before flying his plane into the office building.

      Hunter’s son, Ken Hunter, said he’s alarmed by comments that called the pilot a hero.

      “How can you call someone a hero who after he burns down his house, he gets into his plane … and flies it into a building to kill people?” Hunter told ABC.” “My dad Vernon did two tours of duty in Vietnam. My dad’s a hero.”

      Bell said she offered her deepest condolences to Hunter’s family. She said her father’s last actions were wrong.

      “But if nobody comes out and speaks up on behalf of injustice, then nothing will ever be accomplished,” she told ABC. “But I do not agree with his last action with what he did. But I do agree about the government,”

    11. Andrei's Ghost Says:

      Thursday, February 18, 2010

      Political Bed Fellows

      Thursday, February 18, 2010

      Editor, Times-Union:

      Like a bad penny I am back again. Complete with the proverbial punchbowl.

      Don’t you love all these rumble seat love affairs between the politicians and the corporations?

      Example: Go to China Mart to try and get in on the cheap glasses program.

      I say, “I want a pair of those cheap glasses you advertised.

      They say, “Your year limit has run out and you need to spend over 50 bucks for a new eye exam.”

      I say, “But I had one last year.”

      They say, “You are 2 months out of date to use that eye exam result.”

      I say, “I don’t care just give me a pair of glasses, I cant afford an eye exam.”

      They say, “We can’t do that it’s against the law.”

      I say, “What law? Just give me the glasses.”

      They say, “The state law says no.”

      I say, “You mean the optometrist lobby says I can’t have glasses without a 50 dollar exam pay off?”

      I say, “This is not a life-threatening problem just a wallet-threatening problem.”

      They shrug their shoulders and say, “I’m sorry.”

      If you have been around a while you know what “I am sorry” really means. I would tell you but the editor would get upset.

      Your politicians continually screw us all in little ways and big ways. Why don’t you check out your “ha ha” representatives to see which corporations they really represent?

      Let’s start with Cupy Doll Souder, the guy that banned me from his “public” Republican meeting. I even pressed my best bib overalls and had them dry cleaned.

      Tom Metzger

      Warsaw, via e-mail

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    12. Dave Says:

      I was listening to an online broadcast of a Los Angeles radio station and just heard a commercial pleading for us to feed the starving SOUTH FUCKING AFRICANS? Really? God damn!

      Also…this is interesting,and sickening. I found a childrens book on my shelf today,apparently from the neighbors,they gave us a lot of books for our kids. I showed my wife the cover and said look,a jew! he was dressed like fiddler on the roof. I opened it and boom! every page filled with hebrew messages,menorahs,stars of David etc etc. There is even a book on a table in the background that says,”if I were a Rothschild”!

      The one thing this book lacks that all other childrens books include,that I have ever seen,is diversity. Not one non jew is portrayed in this book.funny stuff. My wife said throw it away! I said nooooo way. I’m saving this.

    13. Andrei's ghost Says:

      Like the Israeli Jews trafficking Semitic Palestinian organs, Albanians are in the same busine$$ but with a twist, Aryan Serbian organ trafficking

      Feb 23, 2010
      By Andrei Yustschinsky of the Associated Pricks

      A U.N. human rights expert is urging Albania to fully cooperate with a probe into says Serb civilians were killed in the country for their organs during the 1999 war in Kosovo for mega $$$.

      Philip Alston says the Albanian government has raised a barrier of formal obstacles to the investigation.

      Serbian officials say ethnic Albanian guerrillas (terrorists) sent kidnapped Serb civilians (mostly young men, women and children) to Albania during the war, killed them and sold their organs on the black market.

      Mostly Muslim Kosovo and mostly Muslim Albania, as expected, have strongly lied about the allegations of Serbain organ trafficking which first surfaced in a book by former U.N. war crimes prosecutor Carla Del Ponte.

      Alston, a special rapporteur for the UN Commission on Human Rights, spoke to the Associated Pricks Tuesday after talks with Albanian officials.

      Andrei Yustschinsky reporting from Belgrade, the Republic of Serbia…

      February 23, 2010
      Associated Pricks

    14. Andrei's ghost Says:

      Pilot, IRS worker identified as those killed in Texas crash

      Victim worked in IRS office in building where crash happened, WAAY reports
      Both men died from blunt force injuries, medical examiner’s office says
      Authorities: Andrew Joseph Stack III flew single-engine plane into seven-story building
      Stack set his home on fire before his flight, authorities say
      Austin, Texas (CNN) — A man accused of flying a small plane into an Austin building housing an Internal Revenue Service office last week was one of two people killed in the incident, Texas authorities confirmed Monday.

      The man who authorities say was the pilot, Andrew Joseph “Joe” Stack III of Austin, and Vernon Hunter of Cedar Park have been identified as the two people killed Thursday, according to the Travis County medical examiner’s office.

      Both men died from blunt force injuries, said Sarah Scott, chief administrative officer for the medical examiner.

      Authorities say that on Thursday, Stack flew a single-engine plane into a seven-story building that held offices for nearly 200 IRS workers. Two other people were hospitalized.

      Hunter and his wife, Valerie, worked at the IRS office in the building, his brother Harold L. Jackson told CNN affiliate WAAY. Hunter spent the past 15 years as a collections agent and previously served 22 years in the Army.

      Jackson said Hunter was the youngest of five brothers. Hunter was adopted as an infant and kept his birth name into adulthood.

      “We called ourselves the Jackson Five, the other Jackson Five,” Jackson said.

      Agents were looking into whether the seats of the plane were removed to accommodate a fuel drum in an effort to cause maximum damage, an official familiar with the investigation said Friday.

      The official, who could not speak on the record because of the ongoing investigation, said that the Piper Cherokee PA-28 had several seats removed and that a fuel drum was missing from the airport where authorities say Stack took off.

      The single-engine plane has a fuel tank capacity of 38 gallons and is equipped with four seats, according to the Web site risingup.com.

      Authorities say Stack also torched his $230,000 home in Austin on Thursday morning before embarking on his fatal flight.

      A 3,000-word message on a Web site registered to Stack railed against the government, particularly the IRS.

      Read the apparent suicide note (PDF)



      “I saw it written once that the definition of insanity is repeating the same process over and over and expecting the outcome to suddenly be different,” the online message says. “I am finally ready to stop this insanity. Well, Mr. Big Brother IRS man, let’s try something different; take my pound of flesh and sleep well.”

      Stack’s wife, Sheryl Stack, expressed her “sincere sympathy to the victims and their families” in a statement read by family friend Rayford Walker on Friday.

      Friends and former colleagues have said they had no inkling of the rage apparently building inside Stack.

      “He hid that very well,” said Billy Eli, in whose band Stack played bass until a few years ago. “Obviously, he was in some serious distress and had some real despair. I never saw that.”