Comparing Bradley Smith to Hunter Thompson and Henry Miller? HA, I say. HA!
“The Man Who Saw His Own Liver”….Interesting title. Could it be based on the possibilty that Smith’s own liver had to be removed because he ruined it with too much booze, a la Mickey Mantle?
26 February, 2010 at 4:44 pm
Comparing Bradley Smith to Hunter Thompson and Henry Miller? HA, I say. HA!
“The Man Who Saw His Own Liver”….Interesting title. Could it be based on the possibilty that Smith’s own liver had to be removed because he ruined it with too much booze, a la Mickey Mantle?
26 February, 2010 at 4:57 pm
Bradley Smith compares favorably with Jack Kerouac. Although, Kerouac did drink himself to death at the age of 47 or so.