6 February, 2010

Isntreal Grooming Germany to Become Next Weapons Sugar-Daddy

Posted by Socrates in Germany, Israel, Israel - the facts, Jewish arrogance, Jewish deceit, military, Socrates, Zionism at 12:29 pm | Permanent Link

There are lots of White countries that can be pressured/guilt-tripped into arming Israel. Why should the Jews limit themselves?


  • One Response to “Isntreal Grooming Germany to Become Next Weapons Sugar-Daddy”

    1. Gerald E. P. Morris Says:

      Let this symptom confirm yet a little more the FACT that the smarter kikes are PLANNING to DUMP their slave-empire in North Amerikwa, or at least they realize that they have sucked this golem they created dry and beyond it. OUR best strategy to assure maximum Aryan survival in North America will be to hasten the collapse of the Jewnited States regime, hopefully BEFORE they try using it to murder millions of Europeans in a war against Russia. Granted, this contingency seemingly contradicts using Germany, but they don’t necessarily plan rationally, as they aren’t so well united themselves, but rather merely pull their factions together when sufficiently threatened, as was the case of the Great German Uprising, 1933-1945…