20 February, 2010

Dutch Government Splits Up Over War on Israel’s Enemies

Posted by Socrates in 'Middle East', Afghanistan, Israel, Israel - the facts, jewed foreign policy, Socrates, War On Israel's Enemies, Zionism at 6:37 pm | Permanent Link

Oy veh, herding gentiles is sometimes like herding cats…


  • 11 Responses to “Dutch Government Splits Up Over War on Israel’s Enemies”

    1. Curious Says:

      This will open the gates for Geert Wilders.

    2. J.J Says:

      Geert Wilders is a zionist who supports I$rael. He is also half jewish.

    3. Tim McGreen Says:

      There are Dutch troops in Afghanistan? Oh boy, now the Taliban is really in trouble!

    4. Henry Says:

      J.J Says: “Geert Wilders is a zionist who supports I$rael. He is also half jewish.”

      Half Jewish? Very interesting. I always suspected something like that.

      He doesn’t care at all about flooding Holland with Bantus from Africa, black as they come, just so long as they aren’t Muslims. He is obsessed with Muslims — but ONLY Muslims. A VERY fish guy!

      He also seems to be very well funded. And he gets media attention every time he sneezes. (They say any publicity is good publicity.)

    5. zoomcopter Says:

      The world is divided into those that are aware of the Jewish problem and those that are not.

    6. Luke Says:

      I’m wondering what the frag statistics are these days?

      We hear a lot about the troops deciding to commit suicide, and the numbers seem to be growing higher and higher, the longer these wars of Jewish survival drag on. There was quite a bit of fragging
      in Viet Nam, and it stands to reason that sooner or later it’ll start
      happening in the Middle East.

    7. Z.O.G. Says:

      # zoomcopter Says:
      21 February, 2010 at 1:36 am

      The world is divided into those that are aware of the Jewish problem and those that are not.


    8. Tim McGreen Says:

      That’s a very interesting question about possible fragging incidents, Luke. Exactly what is going on with US troops over there in the Near East? Most ‘Kwans don’t know or even care that hundreds of billions of their tax dollars are being used to fight those no-win wars of imperialist aggression. Re-instating the Draft would start making them care in a hurry. But since that won’t happen, ZOG will keep using mercenaries and little soldier girls to fill up the gaps. Death to the Amerikwan Empire.

    9. nom de guerre Says:

      Re-instating the Draft would start making them care in a hurry.
      Zog at present is making use of National Guard and Reserve units, I think the Oklahoma National Guard is on call up for 2011 for Afghanistan, so the week end warriors are part of Zogs war on the cheap for the lil shitty, our security be damned.
      Don’t misjudge the Dutch though, they prefer to live.

    10. Henry Says:

      “Don’t misjudge the Dutch though, they prefer to live.”

      I wonder about that. But I hope you’re right.
      I can’t think of another country so mentally and morally sick. The Jew infection is far advanced, more so than anywhere, and the Dutch are far gone. Worse than the Swedes.

    11. Tim McGreen Says:

      We had an elderly Dutch neigbor, Neitedt or something like that. Nice old chap, very polite and unlike some of the slobs around here, he took very good care of his house and property. He was captured by the Germans (aka, the Good Guys), possibly the SS, in 1940. Never had anything bad to say about the Jerries, though. They treated him very humanely.

      I love the Dutch and German people, I just wish they would stand up and fight back against the Enemy before they are completely replaced by angry, peanut-butter colored swarms of subhumanity.