2 February, 2010

Don’t Pollute Your Gene Pool

Posted by Socrates in graphics/toons, race-mixing, Socrates at 1:39 pm | Permanent Link

no mixing

  • 8 Responses to “Don’t Pollute Your Gene Pool”

    1. Blackshirt Says:

      That would be a great sticker. I’d like to know if someone made these into stickers and where I could get some.

    2. Tim McGreen Says:

      I’d like to see a bumper sticker with a Star of David and a red line through it that reads: “Thank you for not whining”, or “No kvetching allowed”.

    3. Truthteller Says:

      “Race Mixing Destroy’s Our People”

      … Another good one !

    4. virgil Says:

      diversity is our weakness!

    5. TD Says:

      The only problem with this sign is the black stick figure looks like he’s a responsible father. It would be more realistic to have the mom alone with the two gray kids and in the background the black stick figure doing something along the lines of screwing another white figure or perhaps drinking booze.

    6. Igor Alexander Says:

      Excellent graphic! I like this one better than the “not equal” one that was posted here a little while back. That one was too ambiguous.

    7. Igor Alexander Says:

      “I’d like to know if someone made these into stickers and where I could get some.”

      That’s a good idea.

      What I want to know is where you can make stickers with an adhesive strong enough that they can’t just be peeled off. The other day someone had stuck a bunch of “native rights” stickers to a bench in the subway and it took me all but 5 seconds to peel them off and throw them in the trash.

    8. J.E.D. Says:

      “No mixing” or “just say no to mixing” now that would make a great bumper sticker or perhaps a magnetized ribbon to show “support” and at the same time get the lemming to scratch its head while preventing it from having a stroke.