2 February, 2010

Defamation (2010)

Posted by Varg in holocaust racket, Israel, jewed culture, Zionism at 8:33 am | Permanent Link

IMDb Description:

Intent on shaking up the ultimate ‘sacred cow’ for Jews, Israeli director Yoav Shamir embarks on a provocative – and at times irreverent – quest to answer the question, “What is anti-Semitism today?” Does it remain a dangerous and immediate threat? Or is it a scare tactic used by right-wing Zionists to discredit their critics? Speaking with an array of people from across the political spectrum (including the head of the Anti-Defamation League and its fiercest critic, author Norman Finkelstein) and traveling to places like Auschwitz (alongside Israeli school kids) and Brooklyn (to explore reports of violence against Jews), Shamir discovers the realities of anti-Semitism today. His findings are shocking, enlightening and – surprisingly – often wryly funny.

Watch on Archive.org

  • 16 Responses to “Defamation (2010)”

    1. amalek Says:

      or watch hereh http://wideeyecinema.com/?p=7208

    2. tbow002 Says:

      You know…If Jews just did the work and family thing and went to synagogue on the weekend few people would have a problem with them. But when they start getting involved in Other people’s lives politically and socially and changing things for their jewish agenda of greed and lust for power along with cultural and ethnic destruction of the host nations people, thats when anti semitism really takes off…

      Are they really that stupid that they are going to risk another Holocaust? They are doing to Americans and our country NOW, what they did to Germany and the German people prior to WW2 and the Holycost…No wonder the Germans wanted them out.

      I have some advice for Jews…CUT THE CRAP ALREADY…That will put a quick end to most anti semitism…Just mind your own fucking business. Renounce the Talmud and treat everyone with respect…

      I doubt they will ever listen because they are anti-goyim fucktards, but its worth a try…

    3. Larson Says:

      Jews will hardly ever accept that anti-semitism is a product of their own actions. They also will never change so defend yourselves against their paranoid warmongering at all costs. Benjamin Franklin was correct– they are VAMPIRES. Have a silver bullet always loaded.


    4. whodareswings Says:

      Benjamin Franklin never wrote the warning about Jews that is attributed to him. The origin of that quote is with William Dudley Pelley who claimed to have found it in the diary of a contemporary of Franklin’s which he never produced. Pelley was a gifted journalist friend of silent screen star Lon Chaney Sr. who went to cover the Russian revolution for the Y.M.C.A. He returned from Russia a staunch anti-Judeo Bolshevik. In the lead up to WWII he was an isolationist who, unlike Charles Lindberg who spoke up for him at his trial, was jailed for sedition. A condition of Pelley’s parole seven years later was that he lay off the Jews. So, he turned to spiritualism and cranked out a loud of crap on subscription that he claimed to be channeling from sages and personages from the past, particularly Nostradamus. The next time you run across the Franklin-on-Jews meme remember it was actually Pelley who composed and launched it.

    5. Larson Says:

      well I’ve also read that George Washington’s quote about how Jews are more dangerous to our libertys than invading foreign armies isn’t true. Many of these quotes are from Jewwatch so if there are inaccurate quotes there I would like to know.

    6. Tim McGreen Says:

      I doubt Washington actually made any such quotes about the Jews. After all, he wrote that famous letter to the Turo Synagogue in Newport, RI extolling the joys of “religious tolerance”. I think the Founding Fathers were in debt up to their eyeballs to the Jews, especially Jefferson. I know that his Jew creditors seized Monticello after his death.

    7. J.J Says:

      From one of the reviews

      ‘Last point, you can tell who controls the media when this movie isn’t even around anymore at ANY movie theatres or to purchase.’

    8. Larson Says:

      Considering Washington and the Founding Fathers were fighting King George and Jewish bankers in England I wouldn’t doubt if they were wary of Jews. Yes I have seen the letter from Washington you mention but he easily could have called for religious tolerance while cautioning against Jews.

    9. bill Says:

      I think it was attributed to a congressman Charles Pinkney.? Could have a memory mixed up, The diary was stolen or burned or something. Could have been real. No way to know.
      Right about GW.
      Supposedly, Old Haym Solomon had almost every one of them in his debt. He loaned all the money the Colonies used to wage war. Jews did the same in England.
      What is for sure though is that they went to Philadelphia to amend/revise the Articles of Confederation. Then they closed the doors and windows and had a secret convention. During this time, they illegally, because they were there to represent their people to alter the Articles not scrap them, decided to completely change the form of government. And doggone if they didn’t go and make it give no guarantees of freedom at all, but did give it a way to be changed. So we got the BoR tagged on to make it palatable to all except the likes of Patrick Henry, who did not borrow money from the jew, and wanted no part of this Constitution. Then we used that jew Alexander Hamilton (Levine) to write lofty and smart sounding propaganda to get the people to go along.

      And almost all of the changes since the BoR have sucked for regular people. ie. income tax, national citizenship and anchor babies and loose niggers, etc.

    10. Ein Says:

      Larson Says: “Considering Washington and the Founding Fathers were fighting King George and Jewish bankers in England I wouldn’t doubt if they were wary of Jews. ”

      I don’t know, of course, but I doubt that they were even aware of Jews, in any significant sense anyway. There were only a few thousand Jews in the entire country, and those kept a low profile and were not conspicuous. They were just thought of as another sect — one among many. Mostly, they weren’t even thought of at all. The Jews would prefer it that way. As for the Jewish bankers behind the scenes in England, I’m dubious that Washington would be much aware of that either, or be aware of its significance. (Remember that Rothschild in Frankfurt had the Hessian ruler in his pocket, renting out German troops to his cousin in England). But were the Founding Fathers aware of all these fine points? I doubt it.

      It was mentioned above that Jefferson’s estate was seized by bankers after his death. True. But I have a biography of Jefferson, in which it describes him, while in Paris, being in financial straights and having to make a journey to Amsterdam to secure a loan from the rapacious “Dutch” bankers. Jefferson regarded those “Dutch” bankers as contemptible and expressed disgust at being forced to deal with them, but (unless it was redacted from the book [?]) he did not give any indication of realizing who or what they were. Nary a word. There was no mention of it. But it’s hardly surprising. Many Americans even today are totally naive about Jews. Quite a few probably think they’ve never even seen a Jew, although they’ve been looking at them on TV and the movie screen all their lives. And probably are even working for them and shopping from them.

      The degree of gentile naivety existing even today is astonishing. It would have been even more so when Jews were so few, back in 1783. Back then, many people could literally say they had never met a Jew, and they’d be right.

    11. N.B. Forrest Says:

      Jefferson had done some reading about the jews, and formed a fairly negative opinion of them (if this quote is genuine):

      “To compare the morals of the Old [Testament], with those of the New Testament, would require an attentive study of the former, a search through all its books for its precepts, and through all its history for its practices, and the principles they prove. As commentaries too on these, the philosophy of the Hebrews must be enquired into, their Mishna, their Gemara, Cabbala, Jezirah, Sohar, Cosri, and their Talmud must be examined and understood, in order to do them full justice.

      Brucker, it should seem, has gone deeply into these repositories of their ethics, and Enfield, his epitomizer, concludes in these words. “Ethics were so little studied among the Jews, that, in their whole compilation called the Talmud, there is only one treatise on moral subjects. Their books of Morals chiefly consisted in a minute enumeration of duties. From the law of Moses were deduced 613 precepts, which were divided into two classes, affirmative and negative, 248 in the former, and 365 in the latter. It may serve to give the reader some idea of the low state of moral philosophy among the Jews in the Middle age, to add, that of the 248 affirmative precepts, only 3 were considered as obligatory upon women; and that, in order to obtain salvation, it was judged sufficient to fulfill any one single law in the hour of death; the observance of the rest being deemed necessary only to increase the felicity of the future life. What a wretched depravity of sentiment and manners must have prevailed before such corrupt maxims could have obtained credit! It is impossible to collect from these writings a consistent series of moral doctrine.’ Enfield, B. 4. chap. 3.”

      This question of the reliability of anti-kike quotes is an important one. Any bastard who fabricates them is disseminating bullshit that can be easily debunked by the yids, making pro-Whites look like fools.

    12. Robert Cardillo Says:

      The Franklin Prophecy, like the Protocols is coming to pass. It does’nt matter whether or not they are genuine. The fact is that everything that was predicted with both writings is that they are becoming a reality.

    13. Larson Says:

      Cardillo makes a very important point here– that these predictions are coming true and this is a good indication of their validity. My friends, the founding fathers were intellectuals who studied democracy in Greek and Roman times and came up with the first genuine Constitution of its kind. Also, notable scholars and leaders for hundreds of years have mentioned the Jew and their disdain of them. Why would Washington, Jefferson and Franklin not know about the Jew? Don’t you think they ever read anything about Cromwell and jews in British history, for example? The Europeans who settled here and created our Constitution were fair men who preached religious tolerance, but they were still Christians and they created the Bill of Rights for WHITES. Surely they knew Jews are Asiatics and different.


    14. Varg Says:

      # amalek Says:
      2 February, 2010 at 8:59 am

      or watch hereh http://wideeyecinema.com/?p=7208

      That is the same exact link. It is just a blog that uses the archive.org embed code. It’s still the video hosted on archive.org

    15. Tim McGreen Says:

      I can’t say for sure just how Jew-wise the Founding Fathers were, but Thomas Paine was definately Jew-wise. I’m surprised the Jews don’t try to villify him. But then again if they did, it would just call attention to what Paine wrote about them.

      I drive right past the Turo Synagogue every morning. I remember not too many years ago when it was crowded in by other old buildings and thus very inconspicous. And that’s exactly how the Jews wanted it,ie, a modest-looking synagogue that wouldn’t attract any Gentile attention. But now those old buildings have been torn down and that synagogue is the most conspicous building in the whole neighborhood, complete with a Loeb Visitiors’ Center and some kind of park where the other historical buildings once stood. Jewish chutzpah has definately started to assert itself in ways that the Jews would never have dreamed of in the past.

    16. Hans Schneider Says:

      Antisemitism is triggered by jewish bad, sick and predatory behaviour, manipulation, domination and shystering. Only jews are responsible for the concept of antisemitism and no one else !